bu tian chuan

Chapter 158 Shu Dao Difficult

The gray sky seems to have an extremely fierce sandstorm at any time, and the forest green space is gradually decreasing. If today's human beings encounter a sandstorm, they will no longer have the natural barrier of green space, and can only bear the anger from nature with their own flesh and blood.

The same is true of the spread of the yin qi. The monks ignore the surrounding environment and open caves at will and dig spiritual objects in order to improve their own cultivation. Over time, the balance between yin and yang has finally been broken. At the time of successive disasters, it can be said to be a great deal of adding insult to injury and adding fuel to the fire.

"What are you going to do now?" Lin He decided not to delay any more and rushed to Shushan to report the strange things that happened along the way. When he dragged down to Shushan like this, the yellow cauliflower was cold. However, although it is important to hurry, Hu Ji can't leave this. After all, without Hu Ji and the dead master Wang Sheng, I'm afraid that the yin qi of the earth can't break the balance of yin and yang so soon.

"When I went back to my hometown and failed to complete any of the guests, I will go back to plead, and then pay the compensation. Although I haven't saved much money in recent years, I'm still young and can always pay off this compensation after working for a few years. Hu Ji continued without thinking about it.

There is a rule that if the corpse driver fails to return the body to its place of origin due to an accident, he will not only not take any money, but also compensate the employer according to the originally proposed remuneration. If the master and apprentice of the corpse driver died on the road, then the employer will not forcibly collect the savings of the master and apprentice before death. He will pay a sum of money to do a legal thing for the dead corpse driver and apprentice, as a thanking the master and apprentice for their best.

Now that Wang Sheng has lost his life, Hu Ji can take his remaining property away from his hometown and never come back. Employers can't work hard to find Huji, and Huji has no legal obligation to compensate. Unexpectedly, he was not prepared to move Wang Sheng's property and planned to work by himself to compensate the employer. I can't see that this young man's heart is so pure. Perhaps only those who live in the mountains and fields for a long time and are closest to nature can maintain a pure heart.

"This corpse transformation is just the beginning, and we don't know what will happen later. Normally, we should send someone to send you back, but now we are also busy with business, and I'm afraid we can't draw people. Why don't you follow us back to Shushan first? Maybe your qualifications are suitable for cultivation and enter the way of long life from now on.

Lin He is still a little worried about letting Hu Ji leave alone. Now the yin qi is spreading everywhere. If it completely breaks through the suppression of yang qi, it will be difficult for even the monks who are good at magic, let alone ordinary mortals. Moreover, with this rare kindness in Hu Ji's heart, Lin He really can't bear to let him take risks all the way.

The initial fear has almost dissipated. Lin He's words made Hu Ji return a grateful smile. The pine stone in the river can be clearly seen, and the smile is as clean as a white cloud in the sky. Thank you for your kindness, but I still have someone to take care of the master's afterthoughts, and I still have a lot of things to do. In this life, I'm afraid that I will follow the old path of my master, be a dedicated corpse driver, and bring people from foreign places back to their hometown, so that they can also feel a strong nostalgia after death.

Sheng He groped in his clothes for a while and felt a yellow spell. This is the charm I refined. It is not very powerful, but it can be protected from these unconsciously fierce things for the time being. I hope you can become a corpse driver like your master. Kunlun can also make charms, but the means are not as diverse as Taoist sects. This spell refined by Shenghe is just a yellow-level middle grade, but it took him several months of painstaking efforts to trade with people in the city, but now he has met the kind Hu Ji. Sheng He doesn't want to hide his private life and uses some things in a more suitable place.

This time, Hu Ji did not refuse. After Xie Shenghe, he took the spell and carefully put it in his arms, as if it was a bundle of explosives that would explode accidentally. Without many benefactors, Hu Ji is afraid that he has been sleeping on the ground at this moment. Please also inform several immortals of their names. Even if they don't have the chance to see each other again in the future, Hu Ji can pray for peace for them.

A kind person, he is kind from head to toe. The swindler turns around and walks away when he gets the benefits. No matter who knows your name, even if he doesn't get any benefits, he will be grateful, as if he has won countless benefits. Hu Ji's body is still a little weak after a shock, but since he recovered, he has no longer lacked the word firmness. Even if he is just an ordinary person, his firmness is not inferior to any successful monk. He wanted to know the name of the benefactor, and from then on, he prayed for peace and good retribution for several benefactors.

"Kunlun Shenghe."

"Shushan Jiang Yuanchen."

"Uh, scatter the forest river."

Shenghe and Jiang Yuanchen reported their names, and Lin He gave up the idea of leaving no name, but also wiped a layer of his identity, which largely confused Shenghe and Jiang Yuanchen. Scattered repair? Lin He is a real disciple of Shushan. From flying swords to his cultivation, he is a teacher of Shushan, which is not comparable to Jiang Yuanchen, the big red man in Shushan at present.

"Hu Ji remembered that he hoped that the three benefactors would be rewarded and seek the way of long life in the future. Hu Ji said goodbye." When Wang Sheng was alive, he liked to read some ancient books, and he spoke and did things with some ancient demeanor. Hu Ji lived beside Wang Sheng all year round and was more or less influenced by him. Now although Wang Sheng is gone, Hu Ji is still inevitable to leave life when he speaks.

"You take care, too." The three people held their fists in unison. These days, whether monks or mortals, the real ancient Tao is warm-hearted and pure-minded people are rare. It is rare to see a person. They also hope that this person can live a good life. After all, this world is still the world of human beings. If there are many good people, the world's luck will also be on the good side. Transformation.

"Well, this journey has been delayed for a long time, and we are now rushing to Shushan. Yuanchen, Sheng He and I ride a sword together. You walk alone. If you can avoid the miscellaneous things you encounter on the road, you can avoid them. Strange things can't be delayed. It's not that Lin He oppresses Jiang Yuanchen with his cultivation, but it's a special moment. If no one comes out to make an idea, I'm afraid I don't know how much trouble there will be along the way.

"Yuan Chen has no objection." Jiang Yuanchen is also a talented person with an active mind and a general view of the overall situation. How can he not hear Lin He's words? Moreover, after getting along with Lin He for a long time, he gradually got to know this young senior, who is easy to fight and have good judgment. He is not as pretentious and hypocritical as other high-ranking monks. He is all based on his belief. This kind of person is the kind of comrade-in-arms who deliberately handed over to his back.

"Well, let's go to Shushan now!" Lin He shouted softly, as if he was cheering himself up and summoning a flying sword. Qingtian's two swords suddenly made a blue light and turned into a huge sword again. The fierce swords dispersed, and the gray sky was also broken through a corner, a little more angry.

The difficulty of Shu Road, sad to go to the blue sky, and look sideways to the west to consult. The difficulty of Shu Road has been famous since ancient times. I don't know how many people are buried on this difficult mountain road. Knowing that the mountain road is rugged, but I yearn for it. Maybe it is not understood by the world, but it is a unique temperament.

The sharp cold wind cut on the surface, and the slightly delicate skin can't stand the cold wind. The endless cold wind blew on the rugged Shu Road, which added a lot of difficulty to the Shu Road. Because of these days, there were few travelers, and even the woodcutter who went into the mountain to cut firewood also rested and gave himself a few days of rare holidays.

A group of indistinguishable shadow flashed over the Shu Road very quickly, leaving no remnant shadow. Even if it was prepared earlier, it was difficult to see what this group of shadow was, a person or several people? Or some other mountain spirit? However, there are countless legends in Shudao, and these three strange things are nothing. The most famous one is the legendary flying sword faction, Shushan.

There is a moon at night, no clouds and clear sky, and sometimes there is a cool breeze, which is always the warmth of spring. Lin He, Jiang Yuanchen and Sheng He finally arrived at Shushan before completely entering the night. Although for monks, they usually live day and night, Lin He still doesn't want to wait for the dead of night to disturb him.

"What kind of person!"

On the way, even Jiang Yuanchen, a disciple of Shushan, forgot that there was a curfew at night, especially recently, the execution of this curfew must be stricter. Jiang Yuanchen stood up and took out his token and handed it to the middle-aged man who led the five people who blocked the way.

After carefully identifying and confirming the authenticity of the token, the middle-aged man returned the token to Jiang Yuanchen. Not all the great disciples of Shushan have met, and it is inevitable that they are estranged from each other. In particular, this night affected the eyesight of the monks, and not everyone was as sensitive as Lin He, so the monk who patrolled the mountain could not recognize the new red man Jiang Yuanchen at once.

"Jiang's nephew, who are these two behind you? Recently, there have been many turbulences in the world of cultivation, and the leaders have ordered to strengthen mountain patrols. The burden is on my shoulders. Please forgive Jiang's nephew and the two guests. In fact, after seeing the token, the Taoist priest patrolling the mountain already knew the identity of Jiang Yuanchen, but the head had an order to strengthen the patrol of the mountain. Even if the Taoist priest knew Jiang Yuanchen's identity, he still had to ask questions.

"In Kunlun Shenghe." From the flying sword of Lin He, Sheng He's face was a little pale under the fierce wind. Lin He's sword was extremely fast, which was really difficult for him, a foundation-building monk.

"Repair the forest river." Lin He also signed up for a name like Sheng He. He thought that he could let it go if he walked down at will, but he didn't want to hit a nail as soon as he spoke.

"Repair? Sorry, there are many veins and miscellaneous cultivation. Let me ask for instructions. The middle-aged monk hesitated a little, and finally persisted. The identity of Sanxiu was too difficult to verify, and it was inevitable that there would be a mixture of evil spirits. As for Sheng He, since he dares to report the Kunlun name in front of Jiang Yuanchen, it will naturally not be false.

"Ky! Since you're here, come with me!"

Jiang Yuanchen was about to defend Lin He, a noble guest, when he saw a blue shadow flashing quickly. Jiang Yuanchen, who was attracted by this remnant shadow, could no longer find Lin He's figure the next moment.


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