bu tian chuan

Chapter 166 The Danger of Bamboo Forest

He made the flying sword like an axe, regarded the huge stone under his feet as firewood, and he turned into the firewood cutter. With a big opening and ups and downs, those originally strong stubborn stones can no longer stop Linhe's struggle. After the efficiency was greatly improved, Lin He had cleaned up a pile of stones around him, but unfortunately he still couldn't find an eye.

There is no sun and moon in the demon tower, and time passes like a husband. Outside the tower has set off a bloody storm that has not been seen in a thousand years, and the Tanerin River has been a quarry for more than two months. Every time his sword fell, his physical strength was a little stronger, and the scale was not very large, so Lin He did not notice it. Over time, Lin He's physical strength is only one line worse than that of thezhi li master who cultivated the Buddha's invulable body to the ninth level.

On that day, Lingyun Waterfall suffered from the refining body, and Lin He's body grew rapidly, as if he had practiced special skills. Ordinary flying swords, magic weapons and spells hit his body greatly reduced their power, but the refining body was in passive, and Lin He only suffered the strong erosion of the sky water. Now Lin He's physical strength has increased again, which comes from his initiative. The gravel life in the tower for more than two months is comparable to the hard practice of ascetic monks.

The ratio of payment to return is sometimes very close, and sometimes it is ridiculously poor. The ratio of different people is doomed at birth. Fair? That's just a joke. The difference between what you see in front of the stage and the * operation is so big that you can't imagine without witnessing it. Since God chose Lin He as the person to respond to this disaster, the benefits must always be given. Otherwise, at Lin He's current age, even if he has just formed a golden elixir, it deserves the popularity of all sects.

The cultivation of the body has almost reached its peak, the refining heart in the five refining has been completed, and the refining body has reached nine and a half layers. It is only a small line away from the final complete mirror, but this line has become the most difficult gap. Unless you can get a suitable skill, it will be difficult to make up for this last-line gap in a lifetime. This is the sadness of Sanxiu. Even if they are blessed and have endless opportunities, there are few people they can ask for help when they reach the bottleneck. The disciples of the sect are different. Even if the qualification is in the middle and upper reaches, they can finally achieve certain achievements with the help of the teacher.

After two months of accumulation, Linhe finally noticed the change of the body, and the color of the skin quietly transformed into a shiny bronze color, which is a symbol of the greatness of the body, completely transformed from the inside out. If the previous forest river was a calm sea, today's forest river has the strong spirit of magnificent waves.

The benefits brought by the body are gradually reflected. In addition to the rise of resistance to a terrible height, the physical strength has also been greatly improved. Lin He, who was tired enough to go down with dozens of swords at the beginning of entering the tower, rolled his eyes. Now more than 300 swords are still not red and his heart does not beat. Originally, Lin He also wanted to control the flying sword and use its tens of thousands of sword light to destroy these stubborn stones. The efficiency is self-evident. But after trying, Lin He only had a wry smile. These stubborn stones did not eat magic attacks at all, and more than 90% of the damage was offset, and the damage that could be caused was negligible.

Fortunately, Lin He lived a boring life for more than two months silently, otherwise, even if he destroyed this stubborn stone array by other methods, he would not get all the benefits brought by physical success. Hard work pays off. After Lin He's expectation and disappointment again and again, he finally found the array of stubborn stone array, a stone the size of a fist and the color no different from other stubborn stones.

After finding the array, the rest of the work will be much easier, as long as you try to destroy him. Once again, when it was time to test pure power, Lin He came out more than a hundred swords. Although he failed to destroy it, Lin He was not discouraged at all. The amazing resilience brought by his physical strength quickly restored Lin He's abundant physical strength. Finally, when the 276 sword fell, the whole stone array shook, and then the surrounding scenery changed dramatically.

The towering boulder disappeared and was replaced by a green bamboo forest. The refreshing bamboo forest is fragrant and permeated in the fantasy. The purple-red bamboo leaves dance with the wind, as if the elegant prince danced with swords in ancient times. Although it was elegant, it did not lose its elegance. When the wind rises, the purple bamboo is full of loneliness and pride, and when the wind is over, there is still a lingering charm in the forest. If this really exists, it will inevitably become one of the wonderful places that literati and poets must go.

Looking at the completely strange world with a bitter face, Lin He's heart fell to the bottom. The array of purple bamboo is completely different from the array of stubborn stones. The array of stubborn stones competes for the strength and endurance of the breaker, and this array of purple bamboo requires ingenuity to break at a glance. For Lin He, who has no array experience, using brute force is much simpler than using clever force, and the current dilemma can only bravely break through.

The eighth floor of the Town Demon Tower is composed of countless arrays, which are full of strange arrays from entrance to exit. Some people can reach the exit after breaking two or three arrays, while others are still wandering in the center after breaking more than a dozen arrays. After all, it has returned to the word opportunity. Everyone has his own creation. If you are lucky, what is the exit that appears in front of you the next moment?

Calling out the fire gourd, Lin He decided to set fire to the mountains. Anyway, this is an independent array world, and there is no reason for the Environmental Protection Association to sue him. Carefully step on the bamboo leaves on the ground for fear of falling into the unpredictable array trap. There is a hut in the middle of the purple bamboo forest, which may be the array of the whole purple bamboo array, or it is a fatal danger. However, for Lin He, since there are some clues that may become clues, it is much better to break through than to run around like a headless fly.

Keeping tense nerves at all times, the wind and grass in the bamboo forest seem to be deliberately stimulating the forest river, and the tranquility when there is no wind can always be broken by falling bamboo leaves. With the vigilance maintained by Lin He now, any abnormal movement can attract his attention, and his attention must be taken care of all the way, which makes him a little confused.


A sound of breaking the sky came from all directions. Lin He didn't even have time to see what was coming, so he jumped high. Now his physical conditions make it no problem for him to jump a few meters. But it is this amazing bounce that still can't avoid a large-scale cover attack.

The afterglow of the corners of the eyes noticed that the attack was a very sharp bamboo, which was in all directions. Although Lin He's high leap avoided the first wave of attacks, it put himself in a very embarrassing situation, because according to this downward trend, Lin He will happen to hit the second wave of dense arrow bamboo attacks when he falls. Thinking of being pierced by the sharp arrow bamboo, Lin He couldn't help but be frightened.

Sure enough, Lin He's worry was not superfluous, and the second wave of arrow bamboo came again decisively. And this time, the arrow bamboo was faster, and the arrow bamboos several meters long shot out, as if the "buzz" sound of tearing the air was tightly connected, sweeping away the original elegance of the purple bamboo forest and becoming a horrible killing scroll.

Countless arrow bamboos have blocked Lin He's retreat. If he continues to fall, he will be pierced by these arrow bamboos. Even if he has a strong body, he will never stand the fierce impact of so many arrow bamboos. Quantity change causes qualitative change, which can be seen everywhere.

Seeing that he was about to collide with those fierce arrow bamboo, an idea flashed in Lin He's mind, and then there was no time to be annoyed. He suspended in mid-air to prevent his bad luck of being pierced by Wanzhu. It's so dangerous. I'm really stupid to fly and jump.

In the process of falling, Lin He suddenly remembered that he could fly against the wind. Even if there was no external force to rely on, he could force Zhenyuan to force the wind to escape, and quickly drove Zhenyuan to add a gust of wind to his feet. After all, he did not continue to fall and cause tragedy. However, this stability was too short. After less than ten seconds, Lin He felt that he had lost the support point under his feet and fell heavily to the ground. He wanted to give birth to Fengyuan, but found that Zhenyuan in his body had been completely imprisoned.

Touching the painful buttocks, Lin He grinned and stood up. It seems that magic is not allowed in this time, and you can only avoid these arrows and bamboos with complete physical strength. If Linhe was still active in the stubborn stone array, and Linhe fell into the passive again in the purple bamboo array, he didn't even know what the array was like, so he was subjected to a crazy and fierce attack. It has become the biggest target to save his life without driving Zhenyuan.


There are continuous arrow bamboo attacks, and some even stab directly from the bottom of the earth contrary to common sense. If it hadn't been for the opening of Lin He's knowledge, the perception and sensitivity have been greatly improved. I'm afraid that the feet have been fixed in place by those spurred bamboos, and several times those sharp bamboos have passed by against the skin of the forest river, no After a while, Lin He's body had dozens of large and small blood stains, but it was only a slight skin injury.

Like a huge ape, the forest river keeps jumping in the bamboo forest, and many of the bamboo leaves falling on the ground have been beaten bright red by the blood of the forest river. For a moment, the purple leaves of the bamboo forest seem to turn into the fragrant mountain red leaves, adding a little glamour. Lin He, who kept moving at a high speed and did not dare to stay in the same place for more than two seconds, undoubtedly became the creator of this enchanting picture scroll. The coverage area of clothes has been reduced by two-thirds, and the skin out of ** is without exception covered by gorgeous blood red, like a touch of vermilion on the tip of the brush, and the continuous calligraphy and painting on the picture scroll. .


Second update, violent, that unyielding bloodline! Let's discuss it. It's almost time to sign the contract. How much collection, red tickets and so on? It's not good, and it looks better on the surface. Looking forward to the outbreak after signing the contract~