bu tian chuan

Chapter 207 Blood Pool at Night

The full moon, this is a phenomenon that no one has noticed, but Linhe noticed, so the blood pool absorbed the ghost mother-in-law, and the advantages of a group of monsters were invisibly offset. Since the full awakening of the bright moon in Lin He's body, Lin He has been waiting for the full moon to see how he will change when the full moon comes. When he was in Tianshan, he waited once, and the full moon made his injury recover 50% in an instant, which he had not been able to do in half a month ago.

Waited with confidence and watched the blood pool absorb so much power, but Lin He still didn't take action. Just because the full moon happens to appear, it obtains powerful power like werewolves. Although it will not become the appearance of werewolves, the power absorbed is hundreds of thousands of times stronger. Each pore stretched to the extreme, feeling the cold subtle touch penetrated into the body along the pores. At this moment, Lin He really found the feeling of being a fairy, which was ethereal.

Lin He's fluttering made the blood pool feel a strange feeling. Just as a demon, he still didn't know the meaning of many feelings. For example, now he is obviously angry with Lin He's performance, and he doesn't know what he should do with this emotion. Fortunately, he should attack Lin He even by instinct at this moment, otherwise what is the difference between the bloodthirsty demon and mortals?

The quietness in the wind was torn into pieces in an instant. Lin He was keenly aware of the short and rapid changes, but he did not choose to avoid it, but called out the flying sword that had been in a quiet state. The flying sword was deeply buried in the soil in several explosions. At this moment, it sensed the call of Lin He. The fierce blue light revealed the thick soil layer and broke out of the earth in an instant. It was almost so fast that there were no remnants left. Finally, it rushed to protect Linhe's chest before the blood pool.

A harsh metal collision sounded, and the blood pool retreated to the position where he had just stood. For this sudden flying sword, he could only find some vague memories of the ghost mother-in-law in his mind, which was very powerful and must not be underestimated. Although I don't know what kind of treasure this is, I think you have the ability to fight with me. The moon is very round tonight. Witness your failure under this full moon. Xuechi spoke very sincerely and without any hypocrisy. Perhaps this is also because he has not learned how to be a demon soon after becoming a demon, otherwise this speech will be more powerful.

Lin He smiled. It was the first time he saw such a pure demon. If it was this demon who survived tonight, he might become as dirty as other demons in a few years, but Lin He believed that he would not give him this opportunity. You should be grateful to God. Even when you die tonight, you will maintain a relatively pure heart, and you will not bring too many sins. Of course, the sins of the guys you devoured are not counted on you.

The two smiling men moved at the same time. At this moment, the magic suddenly changed so insignificant that the two competed with the purest physical strength. One is the body of the bright moon, and the other is the body of the blood pool. They are all the most powerful bodies in the world. Who will be the last to stand?

The moonlight shone on the edge of the pond, showing a pair of frightened eyes. The big yellow dog in the town sensed the sudden danger and quietly crawled by the pond like a dead dog, hanging its head and did not even dare to breathe. It doesn't know who these two men are floating in mid-air, and it doesn't want to know this. It just hopes to sleep as honestly as usual and wakes up to open its eyes to see the sun the next day.

The speed of the blood pool is very fast. Although there are no rich combat skills, he has been comparable to Lin He just by instinct. Why didn't you escape? I feel that you are weaker than me. Even if you try your best to fight with me, you won't be very sure to win. I really want to know the reason why you stayed. During the battle, the blood pool gradually saw a lot of things, the flickering eyes behind the window, and the frightened beast on the other side of the mountain had a strong understanding ability and soon integrated these things together.

His arms protected the key position of the heart of his left chest. Lin He had no time to summon the flying sword to help from the side. Since the beginning of this fight, he has been in the disadvantage of being passively beaten, but this did not discourage him. There are many innocent people here. If I run away, I don't think any of them can see the sun rise tomorrow and the big yellow dog by the pond? It also hopes to see tomorrow's sun, which usually looks bland, and its special significance will not be revealed at the last moment of life. Each of them has the right to live, so I want to protect their rights as much as possible.

The blood pool suddenly laughed, and he didn't know what he was laughing at. With his wisdom, he should not encounter unexplained actions. The only explanation is that the smile comes from his instinct. What do you rely on to protect their rights? Your identity or your conscience? Or some ridiculous responsibilities? Countless voices in my heart are telling me that you monks are the most hypocritical and have always been one thing in the open and the dark.

Feering that the attack of the blood pool was a little fierce, Lin He couldn't help retreating a few steps and supported it with the strength of Haoyue, who swam between his hands. The words are false, and no matter how beautiful the words are, they only stay on the mouth. Aren't you fighting for the lives of this group of people now? It is said that nothing can be changed. In the end, it is up to these hands to decide the winner. Only the winner has the right to judge the right way. I don't think that if one day you get the power, the fall of our monks will not be any better than you now.

smiled incomprehensiblely. The right hand of the blood pool turned into a long knife and inserted it fiercely into Lin He's left shoulder. The splashed blood hit the red clothes of the blood pool, which was not conspicuous at all. You seem to be different from other monks. It's a pity that you and I are different from each other and don't conspire with each other, otherwise you will definitely become good friends. The right hand of the blood pool began to pull, trying to make a fatal scar in Lin He's body.

"Puff" held the two swords of Qingtian in his left hand, and Lin He's sword was sent into the abdomen of the blood pool, and dark red blood flowed out along the sword body. Magic Road is not good at this point. There will never be real friends. There is rage and murderous blood in your body. You can't predict what you will do in the next second. Accompanying you like a tiger is the most appropriate for you. When the long knife of the blood pool was inserted into Lin He's left shoulder, Lin He held the flying sword with strong pain and sent the sword into the body of the blood pool with almost the same action.

I was surprised to take a look at the flying sword that was half gone, and I felt the "pain" for the first time after the blood pool became a demon. Another voice told me that you did what was impossible. The blood pool is basically a vessel containing magic blood, and his body will not change after opening the magic knowledge. Blood is his body, his most deadly weakness, but also his most dependent advantage.

"There are so many voices in your body. It seems that I should pull it out and have a good look." The pain on his left shoulder pulled Lin He's pain nerve, making him feel cold. It was no longer the reason for the cold wind or the true power of Haoyue. Lin He's right foot began to tremble unconsciously. Go to hell!"

The expected blood did not appear. Lin He's flying sword stirred around the body of the blood pool and retreated, but there was no drop of magic blood. Lin He looked at the wound in the lower abdomen of the blood pool and found that the wound there was recovering at an alarming rate.

"My body is a pool of blood. Have you ever heard of the impact of sword cutting on blood? Ha ha, I'm sorry, it's destined for you to fail tonight. The blood pool was not coldly laughed at by his own cold jokes. Instead, he thought that his words could indeed ease the tension of life and death. He quickly integrated into the world and learned all kinds of things, including killing people.

Quickly pulled out the long knife inserted in Linhe's left shoulder, and the blood pool was ready to pierce Linhe's right shoulder again, making Linhe completely lose his combat effectiveness. What he couldn't imagine was that he met the possession of a very rare monster in the world. Humph, what's going on? After a few steps back, the blood pool was surprised to find that his right hand was broken into pieces and immediately transformed into another arm. Unlike the magic practice of the ghost mother-in-law, the blood pool has been pure ancient demon blood since its formation, and its ability is also inclined to the ancient demon clan.

Looking at the frightened blood pool, Lin He suddenly laughed. Little fat man, little fat man, you are indeed my blessing, and the aura given to you with this point has not been in vain. Come on, Blood Pool, it must be you this time.

The little fat man who still exists in the form of tattoos on his right shoulder is watching the war situation with tremblingly. If he is released to fight alone with the blood pool, a hundred little fat men are not enough to pinch the blood pool. However, with Lin He as a shelter, as long as the little fat man does his best to protect Lin He's body, he will help Lin He to the greatest extent.

I don't understand what Lin He was laughing at all. The blood pool looked at the transformed arm with lingering lingering palpit, like a small puddle. It was easy to lift your foot to step over it. Who knew that the puddle suddenly became dozens of times bigger in the middle of the step, making you fall down and struggled in the puddle. For a long time, although you finally find that the water in the puddle only reaches your ankles and can't drown people at all, it will still have a shadow on the puddle.

Lin He's left shoulder, holding the two swords of Optimus Prime, has been stained with blood. With his right hand, Lin He flew out, like a dragon-killing warrior, and rushed to the blood pool without hesitation.

Seeing Lin He's behavior, the blood pool quickly recovered from the shadow, and obvious disdain flashed in his eyes. Don't you understand yet? You can't kill me!"


Today's third update, Singles' Day is approaching. In order for the brothers who are also singles to do more on that day, I decided to explode in 12,000 words that day. Please pay attention to the four updates of the day. Well, do you dare to make today's collection and red votes more powerful? More than 90% of the poor red votes were voted by myself, which is very tragic. The outbreak will continue~