bu tian chuan

Chapter 226 Burning the World

The ominousness wrapped in his heart made Lin He inexplicably afraid. He constantly comforted the accelerating light under his feet, and the surrounding scenery was changing greatly every moment. The instantaneous escape test is the explosive power of the monk, and the long-distance attack requires endurance. Especially in the case of speed, it also forces the monk to bear the space pressure brought by the crazy escape. The surrounding airflow is constantly squeezed, and it can't be carried without a strong mentality.

"Lin He, you asked me to help you treat this boy and I helped you. Why didn't you do me a favor? Stop it quickly. You will die if you run out like this!" The immortal in the book shouted loudly in the space. Jiang Yuanchen's little life was finally temporarily saved under the combing of the immortal in the book, but then the immortal found a terrible phenomenon in the book. Lin He seemed to run away crazily, and Haoyue Dun was used to be the first in history. People.

As if he couldn't hear the words of the immortals in the book at all, Lin He looked in one direction, the direction of Shushan. The escape at all costs made Lin He start to have chest tightness. If it hadn't been for the severe chest tightness, Lin He would not even find the strangeness of his body. The corners of his mouth, ears, nose, and three places began to bleed out. This was the price of not following the law.

The law of law is everywhere, forming the world bit by bit. Even a small pebble is attached to the dense law. The world needs to be calm, so the law has its definition, and any supernatural force will be constrained. If it is beyond the scope of this constraint, it will inevitably suffer serious consequences, commonly known as counterphagy.

Haoyue Dun let Lin He walk through the mountains and forests like ghosts, which is much faster than the blood shadow escape used by Jiang Yuanchen to break the repair. Perceiving the strangeness of his body, the shouts of the immortals in the book poured into his ears one after another, but Lin He did not mean to stop. Jiang Yuanchen can fight for Shushan's cultivation and fight for help. Why can't he do this? His eyes are firm and unshakable. Lin He is not like a human at this moment. He is like a big stone without any thoughts, acting completely on his own instinct.

At this moment, even the cruel law seems to have a trace of movement, restricting all the coldness of the world, and there have been such short changes, but it is only a short to imperceptible moment. The punishment of the next law continues to be imposed on Lin He, but Lin The river still had no reaction. I don't know whether he endured the severe pain or temporarily forgot the pain.

The people in red, a large group of people in red, are estimated to have at least hundreds, the strongest of whom are monks in the out-of-body period. They blocked Lin He's way and looked murderous. It seemed that they had made up for Guello's gap and continued to intercept the monks who came in and out here, and both the quantity and quality had been greatly improved.

"Friends passing by, Yin Luozong is doing business, please take a convenient detour." The monk in the out-of-body period did not move and quietly waited for Lin He's response. The speaker was a monk in the later stage of Yuanying, who was stronger than Guilo. If it hadn't been for the powerful aura on Lin He, these people in red would not have talked nonsense with him. He would have chopped into mud for a long time. Of course, if Lin He's body is outstanding enough, the monks of Yin Luozong do not mind refining him into a powerful puppet after defeating Lin He.

Lin He didn't say anything. He disdained to talk nonsense with these ant-like monks. He silently said those three words, Yin Luozong, waiting for him to destroy this sect in one fell swoop. Before the battle with the general, if Lin He met the monk of the Yuanying period, maybe he would be more conservative, but after that battle, Lin He realized a lot of things, making him no longer cautious and arrogant like a galloping dragon.


The monk in the later period of Yuanying did not react at all and was burned to ashes by a blue flame. Even Yuanying did not stay, and his soul flew away. The out-of-body monk was shocked. Obviously, he did not expect that Lin He could kill a monk in the later stage of Yuanying in one fell swoop. Such strength was comparable to that of the patriarch of the Yinluo Sect. However, what surprised this out-of-age monk is yet to come. A blue flame swept by, and less than one-tenth of the disciples of the Yinluo Sect survived.

Withstuffocating the sulking breath in his chest, the blood in Lin He's heart was forcibly suppressed back by him, which was like the last breath before death. As long as he didn't swallow it, his weak body could hold on. Lin He spit out this blood, and he will no longer be able to maintain such a strong physical strength as he is now. He has to use this state to save people, so he suppressed the blood regardless of the consequences, his eyes were red, and almost spewing fire.

The monk of Yinluozong did not dare to stop Lin He. He believed that Lin He had enough strength to kill him. Who would have experienced countless storms and rains to cultivate until the out-of-body period? Who would make fun of his life? If the Yin Luozong finally fails and the tree falls and scatters, he naturally doesn't have to worry about the anger of the ghost. Even if it finally falls into the hands of the dove, it is not a dead end. It's better than dying in the hands of unknown monks now.

Lin He, a disciple of the Yinluo Sect who was submissively hiding and watching, had no time to take care of it at all, and the out-of-law monk did not seem to have the intention to do it, which saved Lin He a lot of things. He is confident to kill the other party in the shortest time, but Lin He can't guarantee that he can suppress the blood in his heart during this period. He must rush back to save people in the shortest time. If he goes late, it is meaningless to clean up the gatekeepers of the Yinluo Sect.

The life-threatening and soul-threatening blue flame left, leaving more than 200 corpses. Among them, the strongest Yuanying in the later period and the weakest period of exercise, only the dead in this place can be compared with some powerful medium sects, and these people died after only met Lin He. No one even saw Lin He take action, only the blue flame.

Fast and faster! Similar words kept ringing in Linhe's ears. After the serious damage of Zhenyuan, Linhe's escape speed did not slow down at all. Instead, it became faster and faster. Those who passed the branches formed a huge resistance. The inertia brought by the high speed made the wind without entities hit Linhe a huge force, not to mention that It has substantial branches and branches. Lin He began to hate these lush branches for the first time, and now these big trees have become roadblocks with teeth and claws in his eyes.


Along the way, there was a loud bursting sound all the way. From afar, I saw a blue place full of nothingness. Those thick trees turned into ashes at the moment of contact with the forest river. The blue flame is the forest river, and the forest river is a fire that burns the world!

Looking at the gradually familiar scenery, Lin He was overjoyed. Finally, it's coming! Lin He, who burned blue flames all over his body, accelerated again. Of course, he was also severely punished by the law of contempt. The huge pressure almost made him spit blood, but he still forced himself to bear it. Ninety-nine worshiped, and Lin He will never fall off the chain at the critical jux point of the last shiver. .

"Dove, kill!" Wearing a Rasha crown, wearing a red blood suit, holding a hundred ghost swords, and stepping on ghosts. This is the big dove of the Ghost Sect, the famous demon master. The hundred ghost sword in his hand passed through Nie Yun's thin body, and the black iron sword was as cold as death, which chilled the hearts of everyone present.

"Master!" At this moment, even the law that restricts all living things in heaven and earth can no longer restrain Linhe, and the punishment of the law that was added to Linhe in an instant turned into shatter. A huge force that disturbed the world tightly wrapped the forest river, which was dozens of times larger than the ghost mother-in-law sucking the nearby Zhenyuan nearby. At the same time, today's energy broke out. Countless trees are dying, countless beasts fell into sleep, and Linhe, which fell into endless anger, had not yet taken action. , which has already messed up one side.

But all this is not enough to stop Nie Yunyi's death. The final sword skill of the dove ghost "dove, kill" is too vicious. The moment he passed through Nie Yunyi's body, his death has been pronounced. Even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, he can't save his life. Kill, destroy everything, and kill the world. This sword kills not only Nie Yunyi's life, but also his soul and Yuan Ying at the same time.

"Protect Shushan for me." At the moment when he saw the appearance of Lin He, Nie Yun knew that Shushan had passed the most difficult stage. This magical boy can always bring hope and personal vision for the future. At the last moment of his life, Nie Yunyi did not choose to say too much, but left six words, and he did six words for a lifetime.

The hundred ghost sword of the dove was pulled away from Nie Yunyi's body, and Nie Yun's face was pale like a floating cloud in the sky. Life came to an end at this moment. Before the old man's consciousness dissipated, familiar and some pictures came to his mind. When he first saw Lin He, his panic, Lin He's persistence next to Lingyun Waterfall, the unforgettable moments that watched him change from child to strong, and those unforgettable moments that were imprinted in his heart like imprints.

Nie Yun smiled and weighed on his shoulders for a lifetime. He finally handed it over to his apprentice. Although many times he did not admit that Lin He was his apprentice, who would not be proud to have a talented good apprentice? With a peaceful smile on the corners of his mouth, Nie Yunyi's eyelids were unprecedentedly heavy. Since you are tired, just have a good sleep. Nie Yunyi took a long vacation for the first time, which was also the only time in his life.

"You, die!" His mind was blank. Lin He could no longer find too many words, and his eyes were fixed on the ghost. Lin He spit out two words like a three-year-old child.


With the falling words, endless anger burned the forest river, and the blue flame exploded. The dazzling light made everyone unable to open their eyes. The huge sound blew up the thick land. The substantive gaze penetrated the ghost and covered his whole body coldly.


The second update, in my heart, Nie Yunyi is like a wine and sword fairy. Although I try to portray it, it is not as good as his own. I am ashamed.