bu tian chuan

Chapter 262 Catastrophe

With the details of the second volume, Lin He successfully refined the medicine for the first time. After taking the next hour, the green ** in his body evaporated and disappeared, but the scattered fog really made Lin He painful, and the strong corrosion almost hurt his internal organs. Fortunately, the pulse refining journey in the cave made Lin The river is solid from the inside out, and ordinary blows can no longer cause substantial harm to him.

Originally, Ximenyuan and Qiu Li wanted to stay in Linhe for a few more days and prepared a large number of precious medicinal materials, but they were all rejected by Linhe. He just selected some medicinal herbs that are not precious in the cultivation world and paid enough spiritual stones. For Linhe, whose cultivation has risen again and again, he has been unable to get any help from the spirit contained in the spiritual stone, and the only purpose is to trade and arrange the phalanx.

Speaking of Fazhen Linhe, he has been exposed to some of the second and third volumes of ancient books. Shennong has all kinds of skills in the world, which can be said to be the first person in the past and the present. Fuxi is good at powerful attack methods, sword tips, spells, and powerful arrays. The powerful array laid by the four-way demon master at the beginning came from Fuxi. However, compared with the elixir, the layout of the array is much more complicated and complicated, and the materials needed are also diverse and dazzling. Before the necessary moment, Lin He did not intend to work hard to arrange a strong formation.

After coming out of the Lingyao Pavilion, Lin He noticed that many people's eyes had changed. After a short stay in the Lingyao Pavilion for a few days, the monks finally confirmed Lin He's identity and looked at him with more awe and worship. There are many versions of rumors about Lin He, among which even the worst one describes Lin He as a monk above the out-of-the-go period. In the eyes of the monks, Lin He saw the worship of the first person from ancient times to modern times. It is not easy for such a group of monks who are out of the world to have this kind of vision.

Finally, before several female monks took out the exchanged famous posts, Lin He fled as if he fled. The speed of escape was comparable to Lin He's full escape. The monks only had time to see a flash of white light. The next moment, Lin He had already disappeared from the elixir Pavilion and completely disappeared almost in an instant, which made people sigh at his body. His hands are agile, and at the same time, he was given a nickname "Little White Dragon in the Cloud".

After the beginning of spring, there are more and more people in the sea, but compared with this time in previous years, people's faces still look much more decadent. I don't know when someone began to spread the eschatology, saying that the end of the world is coming and no one can survive. At first, people still sneered at this kind of speech. After all, there had been several similar rumors before, and finally passed through it calmly. But this time, the hearts of the people gradually hung up with the passage of time.

The woodcutter who went into the mountain to cut wood saw the monster and almost lost his life. A huge wild boar was torn into pieces without even holding up for a moment in front of the monster, and the blood of the wild boar splashed everywhere. The woodcutter who entered the mountain was scared and ran back home from the mountain and almost fell to death. The monster seemed to have filled his stomach and was not interested in the rough-skinned woodcutter and did not chase him.

Similar things keep happening all over the world. After changing the parties, the process is very similar. All kinds of strange monsters appear. The era of Ultraman fighting monsters seems to have come, but people only see monsters, but Ultraman has disappeared. It makes people wonder if she was called home for dinner by Otter's mother.

In this special environment, the government's emergency measures began to be activated, and four power teams were dispatched day and night to eliminate all factors that endanger human security. A large number of troops began to gather. Although many low-IQ monsters and monsters are relatively strong, they can only turn into a pool of flesh and blood in front of batches of high-end weapons.

After the emergency measures were launched, the panic in various regions was finally further controlled, and those monsters from the frontier wilderness were also controlled in the periphery and could not enter the bustling city. However, even so, there are still many bloody incidents. Villages and towns began to move to the city one after another. Large-scale population migration once triggered traffic paralysis. Fortunately, at this time, officials from all over the world finally played a rare leading role. Under the "emphasis" repeatedly "emphasis" by the above leaders, they actively participated in the matter. In the middle of the solution, the overall situation has finally been eased.

After the overall situation is eased, what needs to be solved is the local problem. Some monsters and demons floating in the urban area need to be suppressed. If the scale is smaller, or the four groups of people who beat the world can effectively solve it, but this time the chaotic span is too large, and the number is too frequent, and the daily fatigue of the four groups of people still cannot be relieved. But things have to be solved, and no matter how heavy the rain is, there will be a day when it stops.

The disciples of various cultivation sects entered the city, and a large number of monks added that this overstretched situation were once again eased, and the strength of the Xuan Group was unprecedentedly strong. What everyone did not expect was that the Tian Group also exerted enough strength. The Tian Group, which had been keeping the veil of mystery, finally couldn't sit still this time. Officially, due to several powerful blows by the Heaven Group, the city near Minghai was not attacked by monsters for the time being.

At the beginning of this frenzy, the government also tried to control the spread of the news and did not want to cause public panic, but no one expected that this incident would be so strong, far beyond everyone's expectations. So some news was properly released, but some dead orders were added to the channels for spreading news such as TV, newspapers or the Internet, narrowing the truth to 10%.

In peaceful times, anything will be infinitely magnified, because people are really idle and have nothing to do, even if they come home after a day of work, turn on the computer after eating and taking a shower, browse information on the Internet, and then comment on what those people care about. Any disaster will be questioned by the public as soon as the data is reported. They think that the data is false, regardless of the basis, just to join in the fun, say a few words with righteous indignation, and then fall asleep.

Once you fall into panic, the credibility of words in the media will rise rapidly like a rocket. The people hoped that the disaster would pass early and the cannibalising monsters would disappear quickly, so they placed their expectations everywhere in the source. On TV, it was said that the artillery regiment, under the wise command of a certain general, successfully destroyed two monsters on the hill, and then made a speech. At this time, the people no longer questioned that even if they wondered how the two mountain monsters could stay together so honestly to die, but they hoped that the news was true, so they were happy to deceive themselves.

It can be said that the authorities are doing something more correctly. At least they control the source of the panic. If the people continue to panic, I'm afraid that they will believe more in eschatology. After losing hope for the future, the chaos will spread more quickly, and by then What needs to be dealt with is not only the monsters on the outside, but also the ordinary people living in the city.

Even in the sunny weather, the warm sunshine on people is extremely comfortable, and Lin He still does not find any smiling face from the bottom of his heart. Originally, innocent children no longer go to class under the care of their parents, and most of the elderly huddled at home, worrying about their safety while taking care of the children who dropped out of school. The age group that can be seen in the streets and alleys of the city is basically between 20 and 45 years old. Whether it is young people in their early 20s or middle-aged people who have entered a steady period, their faces are similar, and they are shrouded in a sad cloud over the city and unwilling to disperse for a long time.

In the face of life in danger and unknown panic, most people are left with a negative and decadent attitude. They are just ordinary people. When they can't control their lives, the fear from the bottom of their hearts makes them panic. This performance is understandable, but it is extremely contagious. Even people who are born optimistic will be assimilated and begin to be infinitely decadent.

Lin He tried to take a taxi to the restaurant in the suburbs. Because the influx of urban residents made the city crowded, it was almost impossible for Lin He to rush to the ground without being found strange under this population density. But the taxi drivers seemed to be in a daze, looking blankly ahead and didn't know what they were thinking. Lin He really doesn't know how many traffic accidents will occur every day when driving in such a dense city.

However, life always has to continue. Since he can't find a taxi, Lin He has to rely on his feet to go to the suburbs as quickly as possible. Linhe was by no means conspicuous in the crowded crowd. His slightly faster pace saved him a lot of time, but also avoided the danger of being discovered. In this extraordinary period, everyone's nerves are very **, and a slight touch will cause an excessive reaction. Lin He doesn't want to cause chaos in this crowded place.

Lunch time has just passed, and the temperature at this time is just right for spring. Walking from the city to the suburbs is enough for many professional athletes to lie down, but for Lin He, this is not even the most basic warm-up. Unconsciously, Lin He is approaching the peak of the world.

"Shan, prepare some food for me. I'm starving. I just received a call from Uncle Nan, and there was chaos in another place. I'm about to go there for dinner."

Lin He heard the burning sound of Luochuan when he was still at the door. I'm afraid no one can come down at this time, right? The meteor walked into the restaurant and said in Luochuan's surprised eyes. I said, how dare you instruct my girlfriend like that?"


Second update, remember that when watching Zichuan, the atmosphere of the story has always been very relaxed, even when the demon clan is about to break the city, old pig, one of my idols.