bu tian chuan

Chapter 291 Dry General

This night, when the mysterious man came to find Lin He, there was one more person around him, who was also in a haze that people could not see his appearance. However, compared with the sharpness of the mysterious person, this person was more of a heavy atmosphere, which unconsciously reminded people of the word "Huang Tiantu".

"The day is coming, and people are coming back one after another. Zhu Rong's affair should be finished soon, and he will come back to you in the next few days. The guy around me has just awakened. In order to prevent an accident, he can sneak to you first. It is impossible for the ancient demon side to recognize the ancient immortal who has just awakened. Although the mysterious man wears a bucket hat, it is still difficult to hide his sharpness, and people dare not look directly at him like a sharp sword out of the sheath.

Ancient immortals? Lin He couldn't stand the joy when he heard the mysterious man talking about it. Although there are fewer immortals who have awakened than ancient demons in terms of quantity, it is incomparable in quality. Except for the fantasy demons that have restored their peak strength, other first-class heavenly demons such as blue water and Ming generals do not restore all their strength. It may be the opponents of immortals such as Zhu Rong and Taiyin. The number of immortals in the fairy world is not large, but the top five in terms of combat power are all masters of the four-way demons.

As soon as the mysterious man's words fell, with the sound of stepping on the dead leaves, the fairy beside him came out of the shadow, and a slightly bookish face in the cold moonlight. Compared with Hu Ji's face, his face is a little more dusty, like a young scholar who studied hard in Beijing to take the exam.

"It's you! The escaped zombie!" Lin He pointed to the young man and said excitedly that the two swords of Optimus Prime appeared in his hand in time, staring at each other, as if he would do it as long as there was something wrong. The young man presented in front of Lin He was the zombie who escaped from Lin He that day. Although he had changed into the official uniform of the Qing Dynasty, Lin He believed that he would never mistake it.

"I prefer people to call me Drought, or you call me a general. Zombies? That's different from me. At least I can live like I don't have to suck blood, and I'm not a little more powerful than zombies. At least in ancient times, I was also a fairy class. The general said helplessly that many things that exist in the legends will become more and more ridiculous as time goes by because they can't be witnessed by ordinary people.

"General, general?!" Lin He felt that he must have dreamed. As a novel enthusiast, he may not have a detailed understanding of all kinds of famous characters, but he will more or less know some relevant knowledge. For example, this guy who claims to be a general. If what he said is true, then he does have the capital to be proud. In ancient times The powerful existence of thousands of miles!

"Maybe the general is not the strongest among our immortals, but he must be the most bumpy one he has experienced over the years! After falling asleep, most immortals can wake up for the second time to recover their strength one after another, which is very rare like Zhu Rong. How many times have the general been reincarnated after the war of immortals and demons? There are not ten times and eight times, which is definitely the one with the most reincarnations of immortals. It's really lucky that he can catch up with the decisive battle in time.

The mysterious man has been relatively calm since he first appeared in the sight of Lin He, but when talking about the general's experience over the years, he can't help sighing. It can be seen that the general's experience is indeed very bumpy as the mysterious man said.

"You are ashamed to say that since you have been awake, why don't you use your power to wake me up? Although this life happens to be my real body, which can make it easier for me to recover my strength faster, but if I die early because of an accident before, I don't know when I will wake up in the next life, and the decisive battle will be my share!"

said angrily that he did not respect the mysterious people at all. It can be seen that these immortals are not as unattainable as the legend. The most ferocious drought in the rumored image is also so frank. Can other immortals be terrible? However, it is no wonder that the generals are very angry. The reincarnation of immortals is no better than the reincarnation of mortals. Take the generals themselves as an example. After thousands of years of years, they may sleep for hundreds of years. Indeed, as he said, accidental death can't catch up with the decisive battle.

The mysterious man also seems very helpless. As the general said, he has been awake and is one of the rare immortals who have not fallen asleep for thousands of years. In fact, with his strength, he doesn't have to do this at all, but he knows that the fortune of the world is on everyone's shoulders. Even immortals can't change their lives against the sky. He can only silently wait for another fateful reincarnation. If I wake you up in advance with the help of immortal power, this will break the balance between immortals and demons, and the weight of fate will tilt towards the demon side, and the impact will be far greater than the benefits we get.

The general looked at the mysterious man in the shadow with a bitter smile on his face. At that time, the spirit became mature and steady today. The general knew that he must have experienced many unknown stories, and complaining was just his usual personality. Well, I don't blame you. Don't you have something important to do tonight? If you don't start, the moon will be covered by dark clouds. Looking at a thick dark cloud that I don't know when it started, I quickly reminded him.

Looking at the general's serious face, Lin He couldn't help asking curiously. Is there anything special tonight? I thought I would open my consciousness to receive the nourishment of Haoyue's true power as usual.

He looked at Lin He with a smile and said quietly with the long snow-white knife that I don't know when it was in his hand. Today, there are two tasks, one is to help you break through the period of silence, and at least you have to restore the qualification of immortals first. The second task is tricky, recovering part of your own strength. His left hand touched his clean chin, and the general's eyes were full of fun.

"My own strength? Is there any power stronger than the power of Taiyin Xingjun's bright moon? Lin He asked puzzledly that he originally thought he was just the reincarnation of an insignificant fairy in the ancient fairy world, but according to the performance of generals and mysterious people, it seemed that this identity was not enough to achieve this weight. Am I also a high-powerful immortal? Lin He couldn't help thinking about it.

"Don't think about it, hurry up. Today's dark clouds are very strange, and I'm afraid of change!" It could be heard that the mysterious man's tone was a little heavy. It seemed that he noticed something strange and quickly began to arrange the array and hand over the peripheral protection task to the general.

Lin He originally thought that he would be the fastest person to arrange the array in the world, not because he was arrogant, but because of the all-encompassing heavenly book in his hand. The types of arrays recorded in it were not only very detailed, but also described the details very clearly. It is a huge help for the cultivation world where the array is gradually declining. But Lin He didn't know what a little witch was when he saw the means of a mysterious man.

I can't see how the mysterious man did it at all. The dead branches scattered on the ground were neatly collected together and placed as a huge gossip pattern beside Linhe. Then there was a faint fragrance in the air, some like the fragrance of flowers and some similar to the freshness of grass. In short, it was very comfortable to suck into the body, and the right coldness completely disappeared the sleepiness of the night.

Some white crystals seen with the naked eye floated beside Lin He, beating actively like a life elf, which makes people can't help but reach out to grab it. The same is true of Lin He. Unfortunately, the speed of those white crystals is extremely fast. No matter how agile Lin He is, there is no one. It was caught.

Suddenly, the wind around was tight, and the white crystals floating in the air suddenly stuck to Lin He's body, and the tingling brought by the cold stimulated Lin He's pain nerves all the time. Haoyue Zhenli was suddenly provoked by the cold forces of the outside, and immediately launched a counterattack along the veins of Linhe.

Two extremely cold forces collided with Lin He's body. Lin He's face was frozen like pig liver, and his whole body kept trembling. Zhenyuanli was so embarrassed by the cold force. Lin He's face was indeed a little unbearable, but what he couldn't stand was the cold force that kept hitting his body.

I don't know when the dark clouds turned, and it seemed to find the movement of the Linhe River, which was flying towards the Linhe River at a very fast speed. A large dark cloud flew away quickly, which was an extremely strange scene. The general who was playing with the long knife in his hand was seriously on his face. Go on, and leave the soft-footed shrimp over there to me. With a wave of the long knife, a white air flashed and disappeared from the original place. The next second, a faint touch of silver rushed into the sky and went away against the galloping dark clouds.

"Mys, will the general be the opponent of the coming?" Feeling that the power of Haoyue in his body was being consumed bit by bit, Lin He said that there was no fear at all, but his trust in the mysterious man made him completely hand over to the other party. In order to make this process of dispersal work not too boring, Lin He took the initiative to find a topic.

"The power of the general has not fully recovered, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary roles. Even if the fantasy demons appear with all their strength, you can retreat completely if you can't defeat them. You can rest assured. Lin He's trembling shoulders and inhaling cold air fell into the eyes of the mysterious man. He couldn't bear to turn his head and put it in the past, what he hated most was to host such a formation.

"What kind of knife is that in his hand? It looks very good." Noticing that the mysterious man was a little abnormal, Lin He knew that the other party was worried about him, and he couldn't help but feel warm.

"Qiyun Xuanyu Knife, Fairy."


First update, there is no manuscript, and the graduation design is imminent, so I have to stay up late and work overtime...