bu tian chuan

Chapter 298 Night Detective

The night is as cool as water, and only at this time in the hot month of August will there be some cool feeling. A few students and teachers in Minghai University have fallen asleep early at this moment. Now it is the prime time to sleep. Even if there are still awake night owls nestling in the dormitory and fighting on the Internet, there is no one in the whole campus, which is a little scary.

The moonlight fell, and the mottled tree shadows swayed in the breeze. Fortunately, the teaching building beside it gave people a lot of courage. After all, this is the downtown area, and the ghost legend has basically come to an end here. Several patrol security guards are looking around with flashlights. They can work in Minghai University, a famous university, and even the security guards are much higher than those in other places. Diligious patrols and do not let go of any suspicious places.

But even if you do your best, the manpower is still limited. How can several security guards protect such a large Minghai University? The two shadows easily escaped the patrol security guards and entered Minghai University. The speed has already exceeded the limits of human beings. Even if they pass in front of those security guards, they will be mistaken for a gust of wind.

Hidden under an old dragon bell tree, the general looked left and right, and the completely unreliable scene slowly reorganized in his mind. The special memory method made the general reappear the original appearance of Minghai University for thousands of years. Yes, it was here that the mysterious power suddenly penetrated into my body, and my consciousness had a moment of trance, but then gained unparalleled power!"

Minghai University is very large, and what is the source of that power? You can only find it little by yourself. Lin He is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. There is not much time left for him. At dawn, Zhu Rong will find that he and the generals are gone, and then he will really reveal the truth. Yes, let's go to Su Zihui, the strangest person in this school. Even if he is difficult to deal with you, there should be no big problem.

"It's impolite to speak ill of people behind their backs." A ghost-like figure floated out from behind the tree. The old face was still ferocious, and he couldn't help shuddering when he saw it in broad daylight. Su Zi would stare at Lin He indifferently for a while and then turned his eyes to the general, but obviously he was more interested in Lin He, and just hurriedly glanced at the general and then turned his eyes to Lin He.

"You are really... Huh? Are you not a human?" In ancient times, he was qualified to call most people juniors, and even in ancient times, his generation was one of the best in the fairyland. After looking up and down at Su Zihui for a while, the general exclaimed curiously. It will never be normal to surprise an ancient drought.

Not a human? Lin He was stunned by these three words. Will Su Zihui not be a human? And I didn't see it all the time. No, he doesn't have a strong demonic spirit. What if he is not a human? Lin He is extremely puzzled, and with his divine knowledge, only a few ancient demons can now avoid his exploration. General, what is he not a human being? The general did not let Lin He call him an adult, and he couldn't help intimidating Lin He again and again, so he had to call his name.

To be honest, it is very rare for a person to laugh than to cry, but Su Zi will be one of them. The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, as if smiling, touching the thick wrinkles on his face, and a pair of eyes narrowed almost disappeared, making people's hair stand up. General? No wonder I saw through my identity at a glance. Brother once said that there would be two people when he came. I've been thinking about who would be besides Lin He. I didn't expect him to be a powerful figure in ancient times.

A person suddenly appeared behind him in the middle of the night, and it seemed that he had been ambushed for a long time. His face was relatively melancholy, and anyone would be very vigilant, but the general did not mean it. You have no murderous spirit, hostility, and all unfavorable emotions for both of us. Even if you are not a friend, you will not be an enemy. Tell me, who are you?

Lin He was confused by the conversation between the two. The only thing he can be sure of is that Su Zihui should not be hostile, otherwise he would have taken action long ago, and he would not have been talking nonsense until now. One of you two is talking to me. Am I not the protagonist? Why was the role of a passer-by suddenly installed!" Lin He said depressedly, and at the same time, he didn't dare to make too much noise for fear of attracting nearby security guards, and the hurried sound insulation boundary had not been used yet.

When Lin He did this, he turned around and stared at him dissatisfiedly. You stay honest, you can't even see him with your eyes, and ask a P. Leave it to me. I don't think he has been waiting for us here for a day or two. It's never just boring to feed mosquitoes. Is it for another purpose? The body of the puppet.

The body of Su Zihui, who said "the puppet", was obviously shocked, but his face did not show too much emotion, and he still looked half-dead. Puppet, you won't tell me that my body has long been an ordinary body. Ha ha, this salvation plan has paid a lot of price, everyone who sacrificed for it.

"Salvation Plan?" The general frowned faintly. He didn't expect that the problem had suddenly risen to such a high level. If Su Zi hadn't lied, the problem would indeed be very serious. Let's talk about your identity first. I can't believe you after listening to your words. I don't think you will even talk about your identity after waiting for us for so long.

"I know! You are the inheritor of Nuwa! Shadow Moon Gate! It must be so. I once saw in the Taigu scroll that Nuwa left a mysterious power. Although it is not powerful, its role is very critical!" Lin He said confidently. While the general and Su Zi could talk, he quickly collected useful information and contacted the hints of Nuwa in the first volume of the ancient scroll. Lin He suddenly understood.

"Taiko Roll? You even got such a thing. It seems that you are not wrong! Hahaha, the old man, I have been waiting for so many years to survive in the world as a puppet, but I finally waited for him. Come on, kid, let me tell you something as a beacon to guide your way in life!" Su Zihui hasn't been so excited for a long time. Since he destroyed his body for this latent plan and lived as a puppet, his mood has been depressed and depressed as if he had fallen into the abyss.

The general did not stop Lin He from moving forward, because in his eyes, even if Su Zi, who has a puppet, does have some skills, but against Lin He, who has entered the fairy level, the probability of Su Zi winning is still limited, and can only be between one to 20% at most. And he believes that even if an emergency occurs, it can be saved in time at the speed of his god of the earth.

One step away, thousands of miles away, just when Lin He was one step away from coming to Su Zihui, two strong winds hit the back of Lin He's head and the back of the general. One is a fairy who has just entered the fairyland, and the other is an ancient immortal drought. Ordinary sneak attacks can't hurt the two at all. However, when they felt the strong wind, Lin He and the generals coincidentally flashed aside, because they realized that this power was very strong!

The two shadows fled in two directions and fled immediately without one blow. This decisive spirit is also rare. Lin He and the generals didn't want to chase each other. They would appear at Minghai University at this point, and such a planned ambush could not be just a coincidence! If you catch them, you are likely to be able to find some valuable information. This night's visit to Minghai University is worthwhile!

Su Zi would be about to make a sound to stop him, but he found that he could only open his mouth but could not make any sound, as if he had been banned by someone with magic. Watching Lin He and the general disappear from sight, Su Zi will obviously be controlled by a mysterious force. He should have been frightened, but a contemptuous smile appeared on his face. This is fate. Even if he is a puppet, there is no way to avoid his exploration?

A man wrapped in a black robe slowly came out of the darkness and suddenly stopped a few steps away from Su Zihui. It's really hard for you to lie in ambush here for so long. What if he abandoned his body and replaced himself with a puppet? Didn't I find out about your existence? However, I admire your courage, at least much better than those hypocrites who can only say that they can't do it.

The low voice, the wise light, the fantasy demon took off his black robe, revealing his true face. He didn't care that he was seen what he really looked like, because these people would definitely die in his hands! In fact, no matter how much you do, you can't change anything. You are just a chess piece in the hands of fate. Killing you today is not to worry that you will destroy my plan, but that I don't have the patience to lay out and waste my time. It's only a matter of time to respect the earth, and no one can stop it!"

Su Zihui suddenly found that he could speak. Looking at the ancient demon with a slightly different face and a great change, Su Zihui's contemptuous smile at the corners of his mouth became even more. I'm a chess piece in Destiny's hand, so what are you? Chess player? That's just that you are deceiving yourself. Evil is better than righteousness. After all, this world is the world of the right path. The way of heaven is based on the right path, and you are just a young person, a clown!"

The fantasy demon was not angry, but waited for Su Zi to finish his words before he was ready to take action. It's useless to say more. When you die, open your eyes and watch. Who is the final winner will be proved by time. Goodbye, my dear second brother.

With an obvious shock, Su Zihui's eyes showed incredible. He opened his mouth and was about to say something. The darkness had shrouded him.


The second update, often tomorrow's chapter will not be finished until tonight. It may be normal for others, but it's too exciting for me, a man who is used to saving manuscripts. I don't want to break up.