bu tian chuan

Chapter 301 The Truth

"At the beginning of the king, there are hundreds of illusions and demons in the dark, or these two people are the same person at all." Huaqing said without changing his face, as if he were talking about a small thing that could not attract attention at all. No one could see what the old man was thinking now, at least Lin He couldn't.

"What!" Lin He's eyes were full of astonishment. Although he had thought that the fantasy demon would approach him in a false identity before, he would never think that the fantasy demon was Wang Benchu, the kind middle-aged man who first guided him to become a disciple of truth, who sacrificed himself to fight against the Western ghosts for Lin He. Wang Benchu!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible. I saw Lao Wang's head die in front of me and buried him with my own hands. How could he be a fantasy demon! If so, he would have taken away the patch stone long ago, and why give me the stone and make it right for me all the way!" Before Huaqing answered Lin He, he said to himself that his face was unbelievable. He didn't believe that Wang Benchu was a fantasy demon, and he didn't believe it when he killed him.

With a smile, Hua Qing seemed to have expected Lin He's reaction, and replied slowly. Karma, the cycle of heavenly principles, everything must have a cause and effect. What do you see is cause or effect? Is it true or false? Since the king was originally a phantom demon, everything he did naturally has his own reasons, and what you see is just what he wants you to see, but it may not be true. Have you ever thought about why it's so coincidental? A person who guides you into the path of cultivation is the person who led you to Minghai University before?

It's really a coincidence, but Lin He has never thought of this level, because in his opinion, knowing Wang Benchu was just an accident when playing games. However, after all, Lin He has grown a lot. After thinking about this level, his firm trust in Wang Benchu also began to waver imperceptiblely.

"A practicing truth with small achievements can realize the "God's will" and "coincidence" that mortals can be convinced, not to mention the powerful ancient immortals and demons? As long as he wants to, there are many ways to convince you. Is it difficult for you to bury him with your own hands and see him die with your own eyes? Many things will be ignored because of the fetters of human nature. It's not your fault. Huaqing is still the appearance of flatt and humiliation, and it is difficult to imagine what kind of thing can change his expression.

"In this case, why did you let him worship under the door of the shadow moon? Why didn't you stand up earlier to expose him? Now the world is shrouded in a haze, and the tricks of the phantom demons are about to succeed. Don't you think it's too late to appear at this time? Lin He still has many questions that need to be answered from Huaqing. Although he may have seen some clues, it is still too far from really understanding the truth.

nodded with satisfaction. Huaqing seemed to feel that Lin He finally asked the point, and his expression, which had not changed much, finally had some rare changes. That's why I'm here today. Everything is to wait for your arrival and growth!" The tone gradually intensified, and a trace of excitement flashed in Huaqing's eyes. The fantasy demons worked hard for the great cause of magic, and Huaqing also had a difficult mission.

Even if some things have been analyzed by what happened around him, it is still unacceptable for a while by Hua Qing to speak out Lin He so bluntly. Wait for me? Even if I have the power of immortals, what can I change by using this power to deal with a second-rate ancient demon who is very difficult? Lin He has too many questions. Today, he threw it to Huaqing. He needs to give himself an answer so that he can move forward firmly in the vague night.

"You should have thought that you are not an ordinary person. You are an ancient immortal who has not yet awakened his power, which is not even thought of by a hundred illusions. He thought you were just an overly pure ordinary person, so his satisfactory calculation was doomed from the beginning." His eyes were full of smiles, and Huaqing's eyes crossed the forest river and the stone wall, as if he had thrown into the distant and unknown dark end.

Listening to Hua Qing's slow, detailed and detailed explanation, Lin He finally understood the context of the whole matter. In any case, he never thought of this situation, which had been quietly laid out thousands of years ago. It turned out that at the end of the fairy and demon war, Nuwa calculated that there was still a disaster in the world after the passage of time, so she quietly left the descendants of the shadow moon, in order to help the person who was robbed awaken his strength and fight against the evil spirits when the disaster came.

I have to admit that Nuwa is the strongest one of the three great sages in divination. She early on calculated that there was a demon who sneaked into the Shadow Moon Gate and inquired about the unblocking of the four-way demons. At the same time, she approached the person who should be robbed with a false identity and completed the lifting of the seal of the four-way demons with his strength. Originally, with the cultivation of hundreds of illusions and demons, even Hua Qing would never find his identity. Unfortunately, Nuwa had already been instructed to stay, and Huaqing recognized his identity at the first sight of Wang Benchu transformed by Baihuan.

"Bianshi! It must have something to do with the patch stone. In his early years, he left the patch stone to me, hoping to use something on me to achieve his goal. If I guess correctly, the other two broken patch stones must also be in his hands! Only a complete tonic stone can exert its greatest strength!" Unusual, Lin He was not bound by emotions this time. He quickly recovered from his sadness and used his keen insight to capture the key points of Huaqing dialect.

With a sincere smile at the corners of his mouth, Huaqing was happy to see the literary and military talents of the people who should be robbed, which means that the weight of victory has been strengthened. You are very smart. You really need to use the complete tonic stone to unblock the four demons. However, the life-supplement stone is injected with the power of Nuwa Niang, so it automatically forms a powerful sealing force. It takes several conditions to lift this seal and replenish the original power of the Tianshi, and you are the key part of this condition!"

On that day, Mo Li held the Tianshi in his hand and resisted the whole world of righteous cultivation. As a result, the Tianshi broke into three pieces because it could not carry huge power. If you want to reintegrate these three pieces, you must use three things. One is the pure power of Lin He, which has been brought around for a long time to nourish them, and one day he will be able to open the sealing power above. It is also an emotionless and ruthless force. We must find a person who has destroyed all emotions and open the seal with the help of his ruthless nature. The last one is anger, an extreme force of anger.

These three forces are simple to say, but when they are really implemented, you will find that they are very difficult. In this era, the world is down, and people are not ancient. It is not difficult to find a pure and kind person among hundreds of millions of people, just like looking for a needle in a haystack. This purity does not mean how much money has been donated and how many good deeds have been done, but it is determined by the tangible and intangible heart in the body. Coincidentally, Lin He is just such a person.

Besides, the ruthless and righteous person, even if it is a stone, there will be a soft time when the water drips through the stone, not to mention the emotional complex human beings? Compared with the other two conditions, ruthlessness is much more harsh. Relentless and unjust, even a little affection can't have, indifferent like a glacier that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, desolate like an endless desert, silent like the remnant sun on a distant mountain, plain like a blue stone in a gurgling river. In other words, there is no such person in the world, and so does the immortals and demons whose power has risen to extremes.

The last condition, which seems to be the simplest, must not be easy for two people to fall in love, but there are too many ways to make one person hate the other. The people who hate Lin He alone can't count with one hand. Some people are dead and some are still alive.

"He didn't know that I was an ancient immortal. Coincidentally, I had a pure heart. He wanted to use my heart to unlock the seal on the patching stone, so that the four demons would respect the earth. I have always been strange. Obviously, there is a way for you to make it once and for all, and you never have to worry about the resurrection of the Demon Lord. Why don't you choose it? Lin He asked solemnly that the story had developed here. He had roughly seen the context of the whole matter, and he had already figured out the key points, but the whole situation was too huge, and he still had some things that he couldn't figure out.

Huaqing's face changed slightly. He obviously didn't expect Lin He to suddenly ask this. With his wisdom, he naturally understood the deep meaning of Lin He's words and didn't know how to answer for a moment. Are you saying that killing you and letting the fantasy demon lose this particularly critical condition will lead to the failure of his plan to resurrect the Four Demon Lord? This topic is difficult to answer. In short, we will not allow you to pay for your death. On the contrary, I hope to see you gradually become stronger until you can fight against the demons!"

Actually, what can happen even if you kill Lin He? Baihuan takes more time to find a replacement. In this situation, Baihuan has at least two other patching stones and qualified people in his hands. However, these are not the most critical reasons. Huaqing can't tell Lin He his true identity yet, and Lin He's identity is the top priority of everything.

"It is impossible to calculate all kinds of illusions and wisdom, and it is impossible to calculate that you are the reincarnation of an ancient immortal, and it is impossible to calculate that I have already recognized his tricks. No matter how passive the current situation is, on the one hand, at least we have taken the lead, and a little slight error in the decisive battle is enough to lead to the overturn of one side. Destroy!"


The first update, breaking through the 300-chapter mark is gratifying. Although the results are not satisfactory, although it seems that I am still working hard silently, I still have the impulse to update. Unfortunately, I have not saved the manuscript. Recently, I have been very busy, alas, the moon in the water, the flowers in the mirror.