bu tian chuan

Chapter 310 Shennong Awakening

Endless darkness, endless reincarnation, endless silence, endless indifference. The world collapsed and everything that existed fell into pieces. Gradually, there are ears that can't be heard, eyes can't see, and nose can't be heard, as if it has become a mummified corpse that has been sleeping for thousands of years. Only this body proves that it has existed, but there is nothing that can't change anything.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. I'm Lin He! I'm still alive. Why can't I hear? Why can't I see anything? What happened after that, what happened to Nuwa, and what happened to me? No, am I Linhe or Shennong? Lin He, who grabbed his hair like a messy bird's nest and recovered from the practical picture in his mind, roared loudly. His eyes were confused and helpless, like a newborn bird full of confusion about the world.

Fuxi did not expect Lin He to have such a big reaction. He simply opened the sound insulation boundary. Otherwise, even if Lin He's loud roar was not afraid of the sleeping group, he would have to attract Zhu Rong and the generals to come to watch. The ears of these two immortals and the four mythical beasts were very spiritual, at least within a hundred miles. You can feel the movement of the wind and grass.

Seeing that Lin He was going to be enchanted, Fuxi regretted for a long time and suddenly restored Lin He's huge memory of thousands of years ago. It was indeed a little reckless. Fuxi originally thought that even if Lin He's firm mind would react, he could calm down through a period of self-control. However, the facts told Fuxi that he overestimated Lin He. Shennong, one of the three sages of the fairy world, had too strong consciousness. If he violated the way of heaven, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Several silver-white silk threads in Fuxi's hand hit out, locking Lin He's frantic limbs. At the same time, he poured his own fairy power into Lin He's body through the silver thread. A trace of cold air steamed up along Lin He's pores. His fanatical mood did not weaken as a result, but there was a tendency to further strengthen, just Returning to the power of ordinary immortals, Fuxi was forced to deal with it attentively.

"Whether you are Linhe or Shennong, calm down quickly! Everyone's lives are on you. Do you want to see all the people bury you? Even if we don't care about our old friends in the fairyland who have been estranged for thousands of years, what about your parents in this life? What about the forest world that is enchanted for you? Zhuo Xuaner, who is always with you? Or those comrades who entrust their backs to you, don't you want them all!" Fuxi almost roared, and the huge impact almost broke through the sound insulation boundary he laid, which shocked him.

However, Fuxi's efforts have finally gained some results. I don't know if Lin He's manic mood was affected by Fuxi. For a while, the blood in his eyes was greatly reduced, and the range of struggling with his hands was much smaller, but his disheveled hair was still shocking.

While Lin He's mood was under control, Fuxi once again sent his fairy power into Lin He's body. This time, he was also resisted, but the resistance was much smaller, but after a short period of stalemate, he was successfully resolved by Fu Xi and sent the cold fairy power to Lin He's vital brain nerves. Lin He's manic mood dropped to the freezing point in an instant, and the rational color in his eyes was slowly recovering.

Seeing Lin He's gradually improving state, Fu Xi breathed a little relief, and at the same time sighed at the height of heaven. If you want to challenge the limit of heaven, you must make enough psychological preparation. Go back and have a good sleep. I'll tell you the rest slowly when I have a chance. Don't worry, history will not repeat itself. This time we can completely solve those ferocious ancient demons. It seemed that he was worried that Lin He would keep persuading, and Fu Xi added another sentence at the end to add strength to his words.

With a low head, Lin He's image is somewhat similar to the famous character in the fighting game, the Eight God Temple. It is very appropriate to say that the crazy eight when he was crazy. His hands were vertically drooping and almost caught on the ground. His feet were very open, and his straight figure was particularly special in the moonlight, like an unruly head. Lone Wolf.

"Are you all right? Do you need me to help you back?" In fact, Fuxi could completely use his immortal power to send Lin He back, but Fuxi did not want Lin He to feel strange in this state, so he proposed to help Lin He go back to rest. Fuxi had no doubt that Lin He would not hear him in this state, unless he hadn't thought of anything and needed to think quietly in silence, and Fuxi had plenty of time to wait for Lin He's answer.

The silent silence did not last long to usher in Lin He's voice. Perhaps it was the reason for the loud roar just now. Lin He's voice was hoarse and different from the usual bright voice. Tell me what happened after that. The loneliness and sadness of the lone wolf, Lin He gave the best interpretation at this moment. The chill in his eyes made people wonder if this was the young man who was smiling with sunshine not long ago?

"Don't do this, Lin He, there are some things that are not suitable to know in your current state. Go back and have a good night's rest first. Tomorrow, I will tell you everything you want to know. Let Fuxi, one of the three sages of the fairy world, persuade him with a smile. Such a privilege is not common. At least few people in the world can get such special treatment. In ancient times, Fuxi would rather have had a fight with Shennong, but Fuxi knew that he could not do it now.

"Tell me! I can bear it! I can't even protect my woman. Don't I have the right to know the truth? I won't be impulsive to trouble the ancient devil, but at this moment, it's here, and I want to know everything. If you don't tell me, I will go to the old devil's nest to find them out! Don't doubt it, I know that their old nest is on an isolated island in the East China Sea!" Lin He is roaring. A lonely wolf may have a big difference in strength when facing a tiger, but it will not retreat and will not admit defeat until the blood in its body flows out.

Looking at Lin He's firm and unshakable eyes, Fuxi opened his mouth several times to speak, but in the end he did not say anything. He didn't know how Lin He knew where the ancient devil's nest was, but he knew that if he didn't say it now, Lin He would definitely do what he said. Nuwa filled the lost spirituality of the blue sky with her own spirituality, and with the assistance of the patching stone turned into by Moluo, finally prevented the invasion of the evil wind outside and the outside demon.

"The blood demon attacked me and dispersed the most powerful fairyland war. The rest of the ancient demons saw the blood demon as if they had seen the main bone. Suddenly, their morale increased and completely dispersed our formation. If I don't expect, the blood demon will take this opportunity to kill many immortals. After that, you dragged your seriously injured body over and rushed to meet me. You sensed the dissipation of Nuwa. Under the anger, you launched the taboo power. The immortal broke and seriously injured the three demons, and I also took this opportunity to launch the fairy power on the Eastern Emperor's bell, and finally sealed all the roaring demons.

Fuxi didn't even dare to look into Lin He's eyes when he spoke. In fact, he didn't do anything wrong or was ashamed of Lin He. However, when he watched Shennong launch taboo power, that scene left a great impact on Fu Xi's heart. Shennong is not the only one who can launch the immortality. Although the final power is different because of their different immortal power, the resolute expression on Shennong's face when launching the immortality taboo still caused a huge impact on Fuxi.

"Why did my memory fall into darkness when it reached Nuwa Butian, and the consciousness of the past fell into endless silence. What on earth happened?" Lin He's voice is still hoarse. He is a lost child, looking for the way home. At the same time, he is also a person who is willing to jigsaw puzzles, constantly picking up fragments of memory and putting together the incomplete life. At this moment, he is calm and terrible, unprecedentedly terrible.

Looking at Lin He's questioning, Fuxi had nothing but a bitter smile. The price of immortality is too high. The best proof is that you almost got enchanted just now. Unlike other immortals, the difficulties you will encounter in the process of awakening are a hundred times or thousands of times more difficult than theirs. It only takes some time to restore their immortal power and find a yuan god left in the world, so that they can restore their power to ancient times. But you must walk up step by step like an ordinary person and walk up this endless ladder.

Who would like to let you take risks if possible? Zhenyao Tower, Yinshan Ghost Land, Zhaoling Mountain, which time is not a nine-death life? But this is the price of immortality. Tiandao is like a pawnshop's shopkeeper. When you use Xianjuan, you treat yourself as it. Today, we want to help you recover in advance with external forces. This is a challenge to Tiandao. But even so, the heavenly way will still recognize you, and all the punishment will fall on you.

"That is to say, if you didn't have to calculate my identity through Xingluo, I am still muddled in the world, and I won't be different from an ordinary person? And even Nuwa, who also died in ancient times, will return to its heyday in the shortest time after awakening her power, right?

Lin He asked coldly that the state he presented was not to blame Fuxi, but to think about the way of heaven. It's almost impossible for ordinary people to get to this point, right? Can heaven really count everything? So when I felt the fall of Nuwa and I launched the power of immortality, my memory seemed to fall into the endless abyss. If I hadn't been told by others, I would not remember it at all, right?

Lin He smiled, and tears scratched a faint tear mark on his face. He suddenly found that he, a big man, really liked to cry. When the fantasy incarnation Wang Ben died, Lin He cried loudly. When Nie Yun died, Lin He also cried loudly. Today, he cried again and laughed and cried at the same time.

"The way of heaven? I will definitely not let you down."


First update, I haven't tried this feeling for a long time. I released an update at eight o'clock and rushed out the manuscript at 7:30. The days when I didn't save the manuscript also made me feel nervous and exciting. Ho ho, Lin He is Shennong. Have you guessed? (--Don't shoot bricks, it feels very Many people should have guessed it.)