bu tian chuan

Chapter 312 Eve

Zhu Rong and the generals recovered, and their sealed Yuanshen re-drilled back into their bodies, and their strength finally reached the peak of ancient times. But from another perspective, this is not a good thing. The great perfect bright moon is imminent, and the two immortals were sealed in the last patching stone and released one after another, which also means that the real day of decisive battle is not far away.

Fuxi is still the same. He pretends to be profound when there are people, and reveals his true temperament when he is alone with Lin He. It is really difficult for him to bear heavy responsibilities alone for so many years. To Lin He's surprise, Fuxi told him that Taiyin Xingjun had been mixed in their group, but because he had been sealed by most of the yuan gods in those years, he wanted to restore his memory unless the patching stone that sealed his yuan god was unblocked.

"Isn't that boy Luochuan? I remember you said that Taiyin Xingjun is very cold. Luochuan is a playboy at all. I don't think he looks like him. Is it the magic cultivation of Pang Yuanhua? That chubby image is also quite a big departure from the handsome appearance of Taiyin Xingjun. With the Bahrain River, he guessed the identity of Taiyin Xingjun in this life, and a dialogue with Zhuo Xuaner made him strengthen his belief, less hesitation and confusion.

"It's a black sickle. In the last life, the body of Taiyin was destroyed, and only the yuan god escaped. I don't know if heaven is doing anything. In this life, he has been reincarnated into a spirit, and he still doesn't have a real body. Fuxi frowned and didn't know what he was thinking. At the critical moment of the first battle, it was Taiyin Xingjun who sacrificed his life to protect each other and let the general and Zhu Rong escape. Otherwise, it would be difficult to protect the three of them to be destroyed together.

Lin He was slightly stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that the black sickle was the famous cold-faced moon god. Judging from Fuxi's description, this indifferent-looking guy is actually more righteous than anyone else in his heart. Such things as giving up for righteousness can often be heard in his ears, but few people really dare to do it. I said why I didn't think of it. It turned out that he was reincarnated as an artifact in this life, which was not within my consideration from the beginning. By the way, the fairy in the book said that he and Taiyin Xingjun were good friends in ancient times, so why couldn't he recognize Taiyin Xingjun?

"Taiyin's body was destroyed, leaving only a wisp of yuan god to escape. Later, it was sealed into the patch stone left by Nuwa by the method of sealing, so Taiyin in this life had almost no connection with the previous life. Only after the return of the wisp of yuan god returned to its position will it occur as if it triggered an opportunity and change back. The cold-faced moon god. At the beginning, it was to prevent those ancient demons from mending Tianshi, so they borrowed the seal of Zhu Rong, generals and the Yuanshen left by Taiyin to mend Tianshi. They didn't expect that they still had a way to untie these seals.

In fact, Fuxi sealed the three yuan gods into the patching stone not only to prevent the return of the demon, but also to preserve the vitality of the three immortals. No matter how powerful the immortal is, once the yuan god loses the protection of his body, the yuan god will become weaker and weaker as time goes by, and one day his soul will be scattered. Especially the Taiyin among the three immortals, his body was completely destroyed, and the remaining wisp of primordial spirit has nowhere to go. If he does not seal his primordial spirit into the patch stone, he will completely lose his vitality within a thousand years.

"Isn't the last seal the marble I have? Unexpectedly, a small patch stone sealed the yuan gods of three powerful immortals. The ancient demon side has untied the two-fold seal. As long as the seal of the patch stone I hold is lifted, I can release the four demons to harm the world. The detailed plan is really admirable. Thinking that he embarked on the journey of cultivation that day, Wang Benchu, who was also a teacher and friend, turned into a premeditated fantasy demon, and Lin He couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

"The unblocking of the patching gravel in your hand not only needs your kindness, but also needs to wait until the arrival of the bright moon day. Don't forget that Taiyin Xingjun is the moon god. Only with the help of the great power of the bright moon can the body be reshaped, and his strength can return to the peak state. Therefore, there will be a lot of things that will happen that night, big and small, which will make us overwhelmed. Let's refresh ourselves these days. Fuxi said helplessly that their side was seriously understaffed. The immortals and the four mythical beasts were less than two digits in total. It was impossible for him to summon monks unscrupulously like the ancient demons. Fuxi did not want those monks to participate in the final battle at all. The reason was very simple. Fuxi did not want to see unnecessary casualties.

Although it has been said that quantitative change may cause qualitative change, the realm of monks has advanced rapidly in the past year, and the overall strength of the cultivation world has made a qualitative leap, but it is still a little unrealistic to use them to deal with ancient demons. The best example is the battle of Zhaoling Mountain. The monks in Manshan were defeated in front of a relatively powerful demon general, which may also be related to the scattered emotions, but Fuxi can't be so fierce if he wants such a group of people to participate in the final battle.

"Where's Nuwa? Why hasn't she appeared yet?" After a while of silence, Lin He suddenly asked a question that made the atmosphere fall below the freezing point. The question without warning not only stunned Fuxi, but also made Lin He himself a little depressed. These days, he has been deliberately avoiding this topic, but today, when he heard Fuxi tell that the dragons and snakes were mixed on the day of the decisive battle, Lin He couldn't help worrying about the weak woman. Whether he was Shennong in the previous life or Lin He in this world, there are enough reasons to maintain a concern or respect for Nuwa. Heavy.

Lin He's silence was exchanged for the same silence of Fuxi. Xingluo has not moved for a long time, and every time Fuxi tries to figure out clues about Nuwa, he will be disturbed by a powerful force. There is not much power in the world that can interfere with Fuxi. Jiuyou may have that qualification, but he can't calculate when and where Fuxi will divine, and naturally it is impossible to obstruct Fuxi all the time. That is to say, the whereabouts of Nuwa is likely to be covered by heaven again and will not be exposed.

"Is it the way of heaven again? There is fog everywhere. What on earth does it want to do just to see a farce? Lin He is trying to control his emotions. Unfortunately, once the topic involves heaven, it is difficult for him to endure it any longer. The illusory and specious thing dominates the fate of the world. Everyone can't get rid of their fate. Everyone is a pawn in its hands. It builds a world with Chess game, it wants to see a result that it will not know in advance, so it pulls everyone into this game.

Some people play the most ordinary roles. No matter how hard they try, they can't change anything, and some people's roles are infinitely close to the way of heaven. They are extremely powerful and stand at the peak of the human world. Lin He, Fuxi and the ancient demons in the seal belong to the latter.

"I'm also worried that something happened to Nuwa before the decisive battle, or she couldn't be there for some other reasons, but she was calmer than me. She left you a book of heaven under the complete dissipation of aura, as if she had expected everything early, or she has woken up now. Just waiting for the right time to appear and give the most deadly blow to the ancient devil. Fuxi comforted that he was also unable to understand Tiandao as one of the three sages. Is Tiandao a person, or a simple yuan god and consciousness? No one can figure it out.

"I have always been very puzzled about a character in my memory, which may be the reason why Shennong's consciousness has not been fully restored. Why did Moro fall in love with Nuwa? As far as I know, Gu Mo is ruthless in one direction and will not show mercy to his peers. If they are also affectionate, they will stay at most in the aspects of killing, bloodthirsty and manic. Sacrificing his life for Nuwa, this Moro has gone beyond my understanding of Gu Mo. What's more, he is still a demon.

There is no jealousy in Lin He's words, only puzzled. Lin He is not going to be jealous of the relationship with Shennong and Nuwa. However, he really couldn't figure out why there was such an alien in the ancient demons. If he had not been given the title of demon before, Lin He even thought that he would be a famous general in the fairy world.

"You ask me who I'll ask about this kind of thing. Although the three of us are known as the three great sages in the fairyland, this only stays on the basis of judging strength. In terms of wisdom Nuwa and you, you will be better than me. You'd better think about the powerful relationship carefully by yourself. I haven't thought about it for thousands of years. The problem, don't embarrass me now. In ancient times, Fuxi was famous on the battlefield. His sharp and strong style won him the reputation of the emperor, but most of the coordination and management of the fairy world still fell on Nuwa and a wise general.

frowning, Lin He's mind is full of thoughts, spinning like a roller coaster, constantly flashing strangeness in Lin He's mind, and at the same time with a picture of acquaintance. Most of the pictures present the figure of Moluo. The beautiful face, the cold look, the thin but not weak posture, and the low-key but equally magnificent momentum made Lin He see another person's figure in his illusion.

"Moluo is dead, but he will also participate in this decisive battle as a reincarnation, right?" Lin He suddenly grabbed Fuxi's shoulder and asked solemnly.

When I was about to break free from the review, I saw Lin He's serious face, so I didn't break free immediately, but thought about it and answered rigorously. It should be. Heaven will not favor our fairyland, which was the case in ancient times. What, do you have any clues?"

"Is it him?" Lin He kept asking himself, and an already distant face gradually emerged in his mind.


Second update, haha, today some people call me a tragic big boy. Those guys used to target me as much older, at least a middle-aged man at the level of Amu. I'm about to graduate. Have you finally seen my young heart? Hahahaha.