Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 43 Start of the conference

The worship of his father by the blood sky has reached the point of being possessed. Since the ancestor of the blood river said that in a hundred years, the cultivation world will encounter a catastrophe. Then the blood sky believes that this catastrophe will definitely come.

What kind of blood demon hall and what kind of burning heavenly cave will all turn into ashes at that time, and there is no possibility to continue to exist. Only those powerful people in the mysterious realm can be proudly detached from this plane with the help of the power of introduction.

What a terrible catastrophe this is. The blood sky trembles and flashes when I think about it. Fortunately, now he has a hundred years to walk the road his father arranged for him before he ascended.

Thinking of this, the blood sky thought moved slightly and began to try to sense the position of the bloodthirsty demon bracelet. But then he found that no matter how much he called, there was no response.

This shocked him. The bloodthirsty demon bracelet is different from the general magic weapon he wears. The bloodthirsty demon bracelet is a magic weapon specially condensed by the ancestors of the Blood River. Long before the blood sky was born, the bloodthirsty demon bracelet was already a spiritual weapon, but its spiritual knowledge was directly erased by the blood river ancestors. It was not until the bloodthirsty demon bracelet that the bloodthirsty demon bracelet was really born.

In other words, the bloodthirsty demon bracelet is bloodthirsty. There is no difference between the blood-blooded brother of the sky. It is absolutely impossible to be subdued by others. If someone wants to forcibly subdue bloodthirsty, the final result will trigger a ban in the bloodthirsty body and then die together.

And although I can't feel the position of bloodthirsty, the blood sky can feel that bloodthirsty has never disappeared, but it has been sealed!

"It seems that we can only take one step at a time?" After thinking for a while, the blood sky restrained his breath and flew in the direction of the burning sky cave: "The mouse took away my bloodthirsty demon bracelet within the protection of the burning sky cave. It is very likely that the man is a disciple of the burning sky cave. Since he can seal bloodthirsty, he can naturally take out the elixir stored in my bloodthirsty demon bracelet. I don't know those things, but I remember them all, as long as I sneak into the Burning Sky Cave. Then pay attention to whether anyone is peeping at the miscellaneous fish in the realm of the law, take out my things and use them, and naturally you can trace the mouse!"

Yang Huang naturally doesn't know that a danger is approaching him. His condensation has just begun, and he can't feel whether the master of Taixuanjing has the smell of condensation on his body. At this time, he and Xuan Ying were drooling in the space of the bloodthirsty demon bracelet.

"This is a good thing!" Only Xuanying shouted, "This set of magic weapons is just right for you to use. There are a total of 9981, which can directly swallow all the flesh and blood on the opponent's body." Xuanying stretched out her hand a little and flew out of a golden kit from the mountain of magic weapons and fell into Lu Lang's hands.

"And this devouring Jinfeng doesn't need to be controlled at all. Just open this kit when facing the enemy!" Xuanying introduced it with great efforts.

"Good!" Yang Huang gently took the kit in his hand and said, "But in my current capacity, if I take out such a set of things, I'm afraid I will immediately be arrested and tortured in the torture chamber of the entry-level faction and ask about the source!" After saying that, Yang Huang threw the kit into the pile of magic weapons: "Is there any elixir that I asked you to sort out for me yesterday that is suitable for me to eat now?"

"It has been sorted out for a long time!" I only heard Xuanying's cheerful answer. With Xuanying's free cooldown, Yang Huang can naturally save a lot of things. After discovering these elixir yesterday, Yang Huang simply woke up Xuanying directly. Then he hid aside to practice and asked Xuanying to help him find out if there was any elixir he could use now.

Xuanying said and waved her small hand and saw three suddenly flying out of the twenty-four seven-grade elixir gourds: "These three elixirs are foundation elixir, quenching elixir and Dahui elixir." Xuanying stretched out her hand and patted it, and immediately flew one elixir from the three gourds and fell into Yang Huang's hands.

As soon as these three elixir fell into Yang Huang's hands, Yang Huang suddenly felt that his hand sank, as if he was holding three shot balls. But looking at the three pills in front of him, it is obviously only the size of a longan, and the color is dark and dull, and there is no fragrance of elixir. At first glance, it is not even as good as the raw muscle elixir given to him by Xianghan.

Seeing Yang Huang's strange eyes, Xuan Ying explained, "Isn't the seven-pin elixir as simple as you think? It's a delusion to take it directly with your current strength. And this is not the body of the elixir. The dark layer outside is a shell made of lead and mercury to seal the medicine to avoid loss!" Xuanying touched his chin and said, "I remember that a group of secular half-baked monks ran to Xiuzhen Mountain Gate to steal teachers. As a result, they saw the practitioners refining with lead and mercury, thinking that the magical elixir of those practitioners was extracted from lead mercury. So he ran to the secular world to establish a sect, claiming to be able to refine elixir. As a result, they were all poisoned by the gas of lead and mercury, and no elixir was practiced, which was really ridiculous.

Hearing Xuanying's story, Yang Huang smiled and said: "Since ancient times, secular people have coveted immortality, and since ancient times, I don't know how many people have died on the way to seek immortals. However, just like us practitioners, we are not on the road to eternal immortality, but also ants. What's so funny? Maybe now in the high plane, someone is laughing at our self-esteem and delusion!"

Xuanying shrugged her shoulders: "Your argument is exactly the same as those old antiques who have seen through the world. I think you might as well turn to Buddha as soon as possible!" Needless to say, you can take this foundation elixir directly, but you have to wait until you enter the realm of the Dharma and take it in one fell swoop to stabilize your cultivation. With this elixir alone, when you step into the realm of Peek, you can be equivalent to five masters of the same level.

"Is it so amazing?" Yang Huang held the elixir with the three words foundation elixir written on the lead shell in his hand, and a burst of excitement flashed in his heart. It is equivalent to five masters of the same level, which is equivalent to Yang Huang being able to burst out five times the power to peep into the Dharma realm between one blows, which even many heavenly proud sons can't do.

"As for this quenching elixir, you can't take it directly. But it doesn't matter. You can find several herbs to neutralize them and soak them in hot water according to my instructions, which will be of great benefit to your condensation. Xuanying said and pointed to the last elixir: "As for this great elixir, it is used to save lives. As long as you don't break your heart and twist your head, you can recover. But it's a pity that this elixir is very difficult to refine. There is only one here. You can warm it in your Dantian first, and you can save your life at the critical moment!"

"Is it so amazing?" Yang Huang knew that he really made a lot of money this time. He didn't expect that the seven elixirs in the district could have such a magical effect. Isn't the eight-grade and nine-grade elixirs all against the sky? Yang Huang thought, but his consciousness had returned to the body. He reached out and pinched it gently. He immediately crushed the lead shell of Dahui Dan, and then a strong fragrance spread away. Looking at the big return elixir, at this time, it has suddenly turned into a glazed Danwan. The Danwan emits milky light, and it keeps shaking, as if he knows that he is about to be eaten by Yang Huang and trembling.

"Why don't you swallow it and wait for the fragrance of the medicine to dissipate? Don't attract the wolf!" Xuanying saw that Yang Huang was in a daze and quickly shouted. This medicine, which is still condensed and does not dissipate, turns into a silky white fog and glow, flowing slowly in Qingzhuzhai. Once it flows out and is seen by people with intentions, it can be immediately estimated that there is a seven-pin elixir here. At that time, it will be a simple disaster!

Yang Huang quickly woke up from his meditation and raised his hand to swallow Dahong Dan into his stomach. Suddenly, a warm breath permeated Yang Huang's body, and Yang Huang's whole body seemed to be immersed in hot water, wonderful and unspeakable.

"Gun, thump, thump!" Just as Yang Huang was about to calm down and carefully understand the beauty of these seven elixirs, a loud voice echoed over the residence of the disciples of the outer gate.

"It's the gathering of the disciples of the outer door!" Yang Huang was stunned and immediately understood: "I didn't expect to waste three days cleaning up the treasure in this bloodthirsty demon bracelet!"

Thinking of this, Yang Huang no longer hesitated. He reached out and grabbed the medicine that filled the whole room with his mind, and then stepped to the dojo where the disciples gathered.

The disciples of the Gaimen of the Burning Heaven Cave can only see their tutors every other month. Communicate the troubles and feelings encountered in your practice with the tutor and be practiced by the tutor. I want to see my tutor for the rest of the time, unless I use the contribution of the sect to exchange it.

After completing the tasks assigned by the sect, each disciple can get the contribution of the sect. For the last time Yang Huang completed the task with Fengxiang, he received ten contributions. It is not easy to see the tutor of the outer disciples, which requires a hundred contributions.

However, at the beginning of practice, being able to meet with the practice tutor in private is simply beneficial to your own path of practice, no less than getting a panacea.

In addition, the contribution of the sect can also be exchanged for many resources in the sect. Even the treasure can be exchanged, but when the required contribution can be saved enough, I'm afraid that the cultivation has reached the point where you can find the treasure by yourself, but you will not exchange it. Therefore, in Yang Huang's view, the so-called ability to exchange treasures is just a cover for encouragement.

When Yang Huang rushed to the venue, the whole venue was already surrounded by water. Each mentor was surrounded by thousands of disciples, each of whom looked eager to try and seemed to have a lot of questions to ask.

In the early stage of practice, there are probably hundreds of problems accumulated in a month. It is not easy for everyone to ask a question in such a short time. Therefore, if you really want to dispel doubts, you still need to exchange contributions for a separate meeting. I'm afraid this is also the original intention of the sect to set such a rule.

"Here you are!" Just as Yang Huang just stood, a fiery red figure had already come into sight.