Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 49 The Only Woman of God

Xuanying was really stunned when Yang Huang asked such a question. This question can't be simpler. If the only god really told the Su Nv how to achieve the only god, then why didn't the Su Nv take the place of the only god after the disappearance of the only god, but turned into ashes with the end of that era?

Naturally, it is impossible for Xuanying to know, because this history is not his own memory at all. It's just that the person who made him sealed this legendary story in his mind together with the rest of the memories.

When ordinary people recall something, they will recall many details at that time. Then you can think of other things and form a completed memory, with causes, events and results. But Xuanying didn't. His memory is fixed. Take this vegetarian story as an incident, he knows that the story of a vegetarian woman is just that.

He doesn't know where the vegetarian girl came from and the only god. Unless something else is encountered, it is possible to open a new memory.

After thinking for a moment, there was really no clue. Xuanying could only give up and heard him say helplessly, "Although I can't answer your question, there is one thing you said wrong. Xianghan is a vegetarian woman, and a vegetarian woman is Xianghan. The two of them are not inherited, but reincarnation!" Xuanying said proudly, "Well, do you understand my plan now? Before the memory of the vegetarian girl in Xianghan's body has not awakened, no matter what, take her down first. When she becomes your woman, don't you have to listen to you!"

"I'm afraid your plan has been used badly in the sect for a long time!" Although Xuanying said something chaotic, Yang Huang still understood it. I'm afraid the reason why so many people are attracted to the fragrance is her identity.

"This small jade sword was accidentally obtained by me when I was three years old in the secular world." Xianghan said slowly at this time, "After getting this jade sword, I seem to have an inseparable relationship with this jade sword. No matter how carelessly I lost it, as long as I think of it, it will appear in my hands immediately.

"I'm afraid it's automatic recognition!" Yang Huang came to a conclusion when he heard the words, although he had already learned a general from Xuanying's words. But it's not easy to point out everything directly now, so we have to follow Xiang Han's words first. Moreover, he also wants to know how much Xianghan knows about his identity. Xuanying's memory is extremely ancient. I'm afraid that even if he looks at the whole cultivation world, there are very few people who know, including Xianghan in it, I'm afraid he is in the clouds.

Xiang Han nodded: "Yes, it is indeed an automatic recognition of the Lord. Unfortunately, it was too late when I knew it. The news had spread almost all over the mountain gate, although it was suppressed by my teacher Huang Yuchen. However, in the whole high-level level of the burning cave, it still can't be concealed. Since then, my peaceful life has been completely broken!"

Xiang Han sighed slightly, stood up and looked out of the window: "Actually, you can imagine how difficult I was at that time. A foreign practitioners have just entered the mountain gate to peep at the early stage of the Dharma realm. The talent is average, and the opportunity is limited, but it is also a treasure. It's strange not to be coveted!"

Yang Huang also nodded silently when he heard the words, and his heart was also full of shock. I'm afraid that his body and mind have sunk into hell. Even if it were him, he wouldn't know how to survive.

Everyone around him is coveting, every friend may have ulterior motives, and every task can only go out quietly. I'm trembling all day long, like walking on thin ice, but I'm afraid I don't even dare to relax.

I'm afraid ordinary people can't hold on for a week, but the fragrance in front of them has obviously survived that period.

"Foreign practitioners are better, even if they are jealous. But they know that this inheritance will never fall into their hands, just occasionally say a few words. What's really terrible are those scum-like local practitioners!" Xianghan said here, and his body was murderous, blowing her long skirt and hunting: "Wang, Qiu, Qi and Lu. These four surnames are the oldest in the cave, and they can even get along with the elders of Taishang and deal with others unscrupulously. They dared to rob my jade sword directly without any government rules. However, even if this jade sword is suppressed by them in the most secret place among the sects, as long as I want to, the jade sword will immediately appear in my hands. I heard that even the core elders of Taixuanjing were suppressed at that time, but there was still nothing they could do. In the end, they had to give up temporarily and seize the jade sword in my hand.

Speaking of this, Xiang coldly smiled: "And with the passage of time, the stewer Yunyan will also be aware of this matter. However, they used Huairou's policy to attract me and give me the name of my core disciples. From now on, I will share honor and disgrace with Yunyan. With the care of Yunyanhui, those elders also had to let go, but they did not give up and went from robbing to secret. They sent a group of excellent young children to pursue me and ask me to join their family, which is the situation you see now. Now I am respected everywhere I go, but behind the respect is endless surveillance. With every move, dozens of eyes are watching, and everything will be reported.

"I think I understand a little!" Yang Huang nodded: "I'm afraid that the kings in the cave, Qiu, Qi and Lu, are also fighting with each other in secret. If you can't forcibly take away your jade sword inheritance, pull you into their camp first. In this way, all the inherited treasures can be swallowed alone. As for the Yunyan Club, this should also be the plan. You are now a core member, and it is impossible not to give some soup to the members of the Yunyan Club to drink in the future. As for those core members, the president and stewer, you should make them full. Otherwise, why do they protect you? There is no free lunch in the world.

"It seems that you have a lot of experience in these power struggles!" Xianghan squeezed his lips and smiled: "And there is one thing I don't need to hide from you. In the past, this jade sword was an ornament for me. But since I stepped into the virtual world, I have been able to communicate with this jade sword. Now it is calling me to take me to a place!"

"That's why I appeared!" Yang Huang finally understood why Xianghan was so troublesome when he heard this, just because there were too many eyes and surveillance hanging on her body. It's like a cocoon that wraps her layer by layer.

not only the four families of local practitioners, but also Yunyan will be a shackle that binds her. As her cultivation becomes higher and higher, the possibility of awakening inheritance is greater. These people's surveillance of her can only be ten times more rigorous than before, and it is impossible to relax at all.

"Yes, this is also one-third of all my plans. Your existence is to take one-third of my attention!" Xianghan did not beat around the bush and said directly, "I will still have arrangements for the rest of the follow-up until I find the most suitable time to start the inheritance."

Hearing this, Yang Huang basically understood that not only those elders, including Xianghan himself, had little understanding of the inheritance of vegetarian girls, and thought it was just an ordinary inheritance. It is also because of this that the so-called surveillance around Xianghan are just some small roles, which makes Xianghan have the possibility of resistance.

Otherwise, if the real value of Xianghan is known to everyone, I'm afraid that even the power of the higher plane will come down and grab it. The higher the existence of the value of the only god, the more you know the value. It's like you sprinkled a gold-value gem in the beggar's bowl, and he will only throw it away as a joke. On the contrary, if you give him little money, he will be grateful.

Now the elders of the Tiandong Mansion are like beggars and have never seen the world. The highest inheritance they can imagine is nothing more than some good magic weapons. If there are one or two heavenly weapons in the magic weapon, it is undoubtedly the most perfect thing for them!

"Should I tell her about this?" For a while, Yang Huang was a little embarrassed if he told Xiang Han's identity. That's equivalent to Yang Huang grabbing a handle of Xianghan invisibly. In front of this handle, the little thing that Xiang Han knew about Yang Huang is not a matter at all. That is to say, Yang Huang can even hold Xianghan in his hands and then climb up faster.

However, Yang Huang naturally disdains to do this kind of thing. Besides, his cultivation is too low now. He holds Xianghan in his hands and is undoubtedly in a no man's land in the desert, carrying a box of gold. Maybe he will be crushed to death by this gold without waiting for him to play its value.

Looking at Xianghan standing in front of him with a smile, Yang Huang suddenly felt a trace of regret in his heart. According to Xuan Ying, if the vegetarian girl awakens, it will replace Xianghan's spiritual knowledge. And the soul of Xianghan will turn into a memory of a vegetarian girl, buried in the depths of the soul and will never appear again.

If the soul of Xianghan appears on another body. Even if there is no chance for a vegetarian woman, her future achievements will not be low. At least it is not impossible to be the head of the burning sky cave. But now, it's all about making dowries for others.

But now, Yang Huang himself is insurable. It's ridiculous to say something sympathetic to others. After thinking for a moment, Yang Huang finally buried this secret in his heart. Even if he wanted to say it, it was by no means now.

If he and Xianghan can really cooperate sincerely, he will naturally find a suitable opportunity to explain everything to Xianghan, even for Xianghan, and see if there is a way to seal the soul of the vegetarian girl and devour everything in turn. But if Xianghan cheats, then her soul will be swallowed up by the vegetarian girl, which is also very popular with Yang Huang.