Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 202 has a good heart

I sent Xuanying away, and there were only Yang Huang and Xianghan left in the empty room. At this time, Xianghan's face was sometimes happy and worried, and she didn't know what had happened to her consciousness and whether she could survive this deadly doom.

Looking back on the vegetarian girl who had just been taken away by the brothers, Yang Huang has basically cleared his head. This plain girl and Li Weiyi, the only god at that time, should have come from the same sect since childhood, just like him and Xianghan. When the two were young, they confirmed their relationship. Li Wei had great luck and was the proud son of heaven in that era and attracted a lot of attention. At a young age, he already had the appearance of an emperor, and heroes from all walks of life defected to him one after another.

In the days to come, Li Weiyi made great progress all the way, and his cultivation was thousands of miles a day. He hardly suffered any disasters and gained a very high status. On the contrary, she has a strong nature, but she is not as lucky as Li Weiyi. Almost ten steps, hitting the wall everywhere.

In the past, the two had just stepped into the world of cultivation, and they chased me and did not give in to each other. At that time, both of them were called geniuses and were sought after by people. But gradually, with the refinement of cultivation, the gap between the two gradually began to widen.

So that in the later period, Li Weiyi became the king of the gods, and her name was almost forgotten. Even if you mention her, you will only say that she is the only woman of Li and the only woman of God.

How can this make the arrogant plain girl endure the emptiness and loneliness after becoming a god over time. The Su girl's mood began to distort. She attributed the reason for the gap between the two to the death-threatening disaster that Li Weiyi helped her through when she was young. So far, Li Weiyi has left a projection in her heart. No matter what mistake Li Weiyi has made, as long as she asks, the plain girl will involuntarily agree to forgive.

Especially after Li Weiyi became the only god, countless goddesses threw himself into his arms. Even if Li Weiyi refused, countless ** things inevitably reached the plain girl's ears. Because of that projection, Su Nv can't think about other men in her life. She hoped that Li Weiyi could be the same as her. Unexpectedly, there were more and more rumors about those **, so that in the end, they directly said the name and sect of the woman who had an affair with Li.

How can the vegetarian girl bear it? She immediately came to the door and destroyed one sect after another. At that time, the only god was equivalent to the emperor of the divine world, maintaining the order of the whole divine world. Those who were inexplicably destroyed by the sect naturally have to ask the only god for an explanation.

Li Weiyi went to the vegetarian woman's theory, hoping that she would restrain herself. And this event eventually became the only god that disappeared*. Some people say that the only god was killed by the vegetarian girl, and some people say that the only god can't stand the vegetarian girl and shuttles back to the secular world to live an ordinary life...

But no matter what, Li Weiyi did disappear and never appeared again. Without Li's sole control, the plain girl's ambition swelled more and more, and her heart was distorted to an incredible extent. As the people said at that time, the plain girl entered the devil's way with her divine heart. But the vegetarian girl did not die, but her skills were progressing. The universe is so big that no one can subdue her.

One hundred and eight planets, one hundred and eight departments. Everyone should listen to her order. She vowed to establish an era of women's respect and demote all men to mortals. Such a move naturally caused a fast and lasting war. Although Su Nv failed to realize her dream in the end, the 108 planetary disciplines were also greatly damaged by her, and finally they could not recover when the era was destroyed.

At the time of the great destruction, they were robbed of their wealth and skills by a mysterious power and built an immortal seed.

After thinking about everything, Yang Huang couldn't help but have a headache. The origin of this vegetarian woman is too big, and the power that built the immortal seed may not be destroyed. It should be lurking in a dark place, waiting for the beginning of this era of chaos.

Xuanying once inferred that there would be another 10,000 years. This era will start the prelude of turbulence and welcome the arrival of great destruction. The great destruction is not an in the blink of an eye, but a slow process. From the periphery to the middle, it will last for hundreds of years before the whole universe will completely fall into darkness.

What's more terrible is that the number of heaven is nine is the ultimate. Logically, after nine epochs, the universe will enter a new era, a completely different era from the past. But in fact, after the ninth era, there was another tenth era. Therefore, even God can't predict what kind of evolution will happen after the great destruction of this era.

Before the nine eras, as long as God doesn't want to be completely destroyed. Then you can spread your thoughts in the inheritance. When the new era comes, as long as someone opens the inheritance and prays for them. They can recover gradually. Although it is not simple, it is absolutely not complicated. Therefore, in each era, at least one-third of the 9,999 divine thrones have passed two or more eras, which is unfathomable.

But when this era is coming to an end, they are suddenly uncertain about the future. The long river of fate was directly blocked by the sudden tenth era. The tenth era, born from the extreme, no one knows the true meaning of its existence.

So all the gods are waiting on the official website. Waiting for the great destruction to come, the moment that is about to end must also be the most vigorous moment. If they have no way to live to the next era, they will all wait for that moment to come!

Won! Just as Yang Huang was thinking about it, Xiang Han in front of him suddenly trembled and almost collapsed to the ground. Fortunately, Yang shook his hands quickly and held her in his arms.

"Are you awake?" As Yang Huang called, a wisp of spirit had entered Xianghan's body and began to check her situation. As soon as Shen Nian looked around Xianghan's body, Yang Huang frowned. To be honest, Xianghan's situation is not optimistic. His body seems to have been violently bombarded by some kind of energy, showing decay and decay.

"Don't worry!" Xianghan opened his eyes and saw Yang Huang's worried face. He couldn't help comforting him, "Although he was injured, at least he succeeded. As long as I recover for a few days, there will be no problem!" Saying that, Xiang Han stood up slightly.

Yang Huang was relieved to hear that Xiang Han said that he had succeeded in the disaster. If so, then the weakness in Xianghan's body is not a big deal now. It is a broken and backward scene. In a few days, Xianghan can go further than before, smoothly step into the realm of light and be reborn!

Yang Huang is also concerned and confused. If it were someone else, he would definitely see it at a glance. Xiang Han stood and glanced around slightly, with a hesitant look in his eyes. Although the battle just now was not fierce, it was also damaged by the attack of the vegetarian girl, especially the sword river of the vegetarian girl. Where it passed, the sword was full of sword spirit, and the ground was all rolled back, like some kind of giant beast crawling through here, which was very horrible.

"This is the thing!" Yang Huang didn't think about concealing it, so he pulled Xianghan to sit aside and told all the causes and consequences of what had just happened. Then he spread his hands and said, "That's what happened just now. I was unconsciously trapped by her, and it was too late to find out. You have to completely tear her face apart, then seal her up and make a decision when you wake up!"

Xianghan's beautiful eyes kept flashing with Yang Huang's story. It was not until Yang Huang finished speaking that Xianghan smiled: "You have helped me a lot. It seems that we have had a good heart!"

"What?" Yang Huang was stunned and looked at Xianghan in disbelief: "So, you have already wanted to do something to that plain girl, but you don't have a chance?"

"Indeed!" Xianghan nodded: "Actually, I already realized that something was wrong when she lied me into the urn and aroused my death. After thinking about it for a moment, I thought of all kinds of possibilities. Among them, I have also calculated that you will project divine thoughts into my heart. But I'm not worried. I'm different from her, although I like power. But he knows that he is not insatiable and greedy. So it doesn't matter if you put in her trap and cast your mark on my heart!"

Xiang Han said and took Yang Huang's hand: "What's more, you and I really love each other. I can't have empathy with others anymore. Why are you afraid of your divine surveillance?"

Yang Huang was moved again when he heard the words, but he suddenly thought of the influence of Murong Yuer when he questioned him, and the influence of Murong Yuer appeared in his head. He couldn't help blushing, as if he had secretly done bad things!

For good, Xianghan didn't notice it and still said to himself, "My previous plan was that if you really project it into my heart. We can just communicate with each other without telling the plain girl. In this way, you and I will secretly work together to make a plan, and it will be possible to expel her in the future. But I didn't expect that your ability has reached such a point that you can directly imprison the vegetarian girl, so I said that you have helped me a lot!"

"So that's it!" Yang Huang nodded and heard that a big stone in his heart also fell to the ground.

Xianghan is so smart, although the vegetarian girl hides everything about the last era and tries her best to create a weak and kind elder sister in front of Xianghan.

But I have to say that she really doesn't pretend to be pitiful for a high-ranking person like a vegetarian girl. Xianghan had doubts in his mind a long time ago. It's just that it hinders the relationship between the two and has never been broken. After all, the vegetarian girl lives in Xianghan's body. If she suddenly reverses the water, Xianghan has no possibility of resisting at all.

So Xiang Han and Wei and Wei snake, struggling to find and accumulate opportunities. But the vegetarian girl is in her body, and the vegetarian girl will know what Xianghan has done. Xianghan has no chance to start at all. Until today, it was inexplicably solved by Yang Huang.

In fact, Yang Huang also has a deep understanding of this. This is one of the reasons why Yang Huang immediately drove them out of his body without mercy when he had the opportunity to expel Xuanying and Yang Mai. With the two of them in his own body, Yang Huang is naturally much more convenient.

But the same sequelae are not small. Yang Huang's all growth and adventures are in their eyes. They all know Yang Huang's weaknesses and cards. It's okay to maintain a relationship of peaceful coexistence and mutual help, but once there are differences and conflicts, Yang Huang must be the first to be unlucky.

"Then do you want to see her?" Yang Huang suddenly thought that the vegetarian girl had not been suppressed now, and several brothers were still waiting for Xiang Han's reply, so he quickly asked.

Xiang Han blinked his eyes and said mischievously, "So you are inviting me?" Xianghan already knew that Yang Huang had a treasure on his body, which became a world of his own. My heart is also curious, and naturally there is no intention to refuse at all!

"Do you need to say that?" Yang Huang smiled and hugged his soft waist without saying a word. His big mouth had kissed the pink lips fiercely. The next moment, I saw a golden light flashing over the two people. When I opened my eyes, it was already over Hengjiang City in the three-legged round furnace!