Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 205 Black Market Rally

Several people have not yet stood still and tried to breathe the fresh air of the world on the ground. I only heard a shrill call like a male duck's voice: "There are distinguished guests!"

Soon, several people only felt a gust of fragrance coming, and then took a look. However, six or seven exposed and beautiful girls poured in from the passages on both sides and came towards them with a smile on their faces.

" boss, the women in this surface world are too enthusiastic!" Several people were stunned, but Cai Hu, with a rough face, was the first to come to his senses and couldn't help saying excitedly, "It seems that Cai Hu, I, can definitely find a daughter-in-law in this earth world, blessed by the real ancestors!"

"Wait!" Yang Huang's head finally passed the bend and quickly waved his hand. He signaled those girls not to approach, but couldn't help but secretly speculate in his heart, "This is too spoof. Look at the transmission array of the Murong family connected to a brothel in the ground world? The taste of this Murong family is too heavy!" Yang Huang knew well the perverted hearts of some people in the Murong family, and it was not surprising that they would build the teleport array in a brothel.

"Stop!" Hearing Yang Huang shouting to stop, the male duck's voice sounded again and stopped the girls. But he squeezed through the crowd and came out and bowed to Yang Huang and others: "A few distinguished guests came to the door, but I don't know what they need. Just open their mouths. This is arranged for you!"

Yang Huang looked at this man, but he was only ten years old, and his eyebrows were low and pleasing to the eyes. The immature face is full of maturity and accidents. Although there is no fluctuation in the body, they are not afraid at all when they see Yang Huang. I think this person should have been specially trained to welcome guests near this transmission array.

Yang Huang was not polite and said with a smile, "We can't talk about distinguished guests. It's also the first time we go out. Please help us talk about the rules here!" Yang Huang also looked puzzled when he saw Xianghan, and it seemed that he had never been here. Although Xianghan said that she had several eyeliners in the black market, I'm afraid it was only the outermost part of the black market.

After all, decent people have their own trading grounds. If there is no special reason, they will definitely not come here. Otherwise, where will you be caught and put down the hat of United Magic Road, there will be endless troubles. If you are in the wind, you can naturally laugh it off. But when you are in trouble, this "big hat" will definitely be the last straw that overwhelms you.

A righteous sect will basically not be besieged. Even if someone is greedy for the wealth of your sect, one or two sects can find a reason to unite to attack you. However, once the hat of the secret magic path is buttoned off, the whole cultivation world can carry the banner of exorcism to attack you. Although this truth is simple, it is a standard for decent work. Therefore, almost all sects will pay attention to this point. As a last resort, they will send two or three trusted peripheral disciples to collect them. Once there is a change in the future, these peripheral disciples will be sent out to die and gagged everyone!

"It's easy to say!" The male duck's voice heard that several people came for the first time, but there was no contempt on his face. Instead, he became more respectful. He immediately reported to his home and told everyone that this was not a fireworks venue, but a special transmission array for the Murong family. These girls are maids who serve the visitors of the Murong family, and he is a member of the Murong family's film department. His task is to wait here, ensure the safe operation of the transmission array, and act as a guide for the people from the Murong family.

The male duck voice told Yang Huang that they could come here through this transmission array with very noble status. So even if they are not from the Murong family, they are definitely highly valued friends of the Murong family. Therefore, if Yang Huang and others need it, the male duck voice is willing to act as a guide during their stay in the black market.

Yang Huang naturally couldn't ask for it and quickly agreed. The male duck's voice immediately entered the role and began to introduce the situation here to Yang Huang.

It turns out that this black market is also called Lingshe Town. Although it has the title of town, it is definitely not measured by secular towns. The town is hundreds of kilometers from east to west and dozens of kilometers wide. From the sky, it looks like a flexible snake, hence the name. At this distance alone, I'm afraid it's bigger than a county. The unnamed city of the Murong family in the underground world is really incomparable to here!

However, the nameless city naturally also has the characteristics of the nameless city. Although Yang Huang did not go to their market for various reasons when he was in the nameless city. However, Bai Xiu said that the market of the nameless city is actually very small, and what can really make the nameless city together with these big black markets is the auction of the nameless city.

The things sold at the auction in the nameless city are so valuable that those who buy and sell them dare not take the treasure to such a black market on the ground to sell, but will choose to put the trading place in the unknown city.

The reason is that there is no fixed channel in the nameless city, and the transmission array is required for traffic. Therefore, as long as there are valuable things that both sellers and buyers like to trade in an unknown city, they will sit in the transmission array and leave directly and disappear without a trace, their safety is greatly guaranteed.

The characteristic of Lingshe Town is naturally that it has a vast territory and a wide range of rivers. As long as you want to sell things and go into the town to pay a certain spiritual stone, you can assign it to a stall. At this booth, it doesn't matter what you want to sell. Even if you carry a stone and say it is a creation artifact. As long as there is a fool willing to buy it, it is your ability. The manager of Lingshe Town will not participate in it.

Of course, it was found and killed afterwards. As long as it didn't happen in Lingshe Town, even if the gate of Lingshe Town was killed, those managers didn't care.

Hearing this, Yang Huang had some eyebrows and couldn't help rubbing his hands with a smile: "Since someone sells stones as a treasure, naturally someone will sell them as a stone. Maybe we can pick up some cheap today!"

Bai Xiu also grinned and said, "The boss's eyes are like a torch, and he can naturally pick a good baby. Then we will also open our eyes!"

At this time, several people have been led by the male duck's voice and walked out of the place where the transmission array was located and came to the receiving. At first glance, as the male duck's voice said, the road was very wide enough to drive side by side with twenty-two carriages. However, this road is not completely used for walking, and there are many stalls in the open air on both sides of the road.

The conversation between the two just now naturally fell into the ears of these stall owners. Suddenly, a group of hawkers had gathered around.

I only heard one of them say with a smile on his face: "This prince's red face is the master who wants to make a fortune, or the prince will come to my booth to have a look. Maybe the garbage that I don't like is the real treasure of heaven and earth. Isn't it also your blessing to be picked up by you cheaply?

But he heard another peddler laugh and said, "No compensation, your name is loud. But which one of your goods is not going to deal with you later? I dare not say anything else. Now you dare to go to the gate of Lingshe Town and stand for an hour without moving your nest. If you can come back with all your hands and feet, I will give you all that stuff!"

"Bah!" The vendor called Baowubao looked disdainful: "Lubin bamboo shoots, your pair of garbage was given to me for nothing. I'm afraid of getting my storage ring dirty. If you dare to stand at the gate of Lingshe Town, I will give you ten pieces of crystal stone!"

The two quarreled as they spoke, and Yang Huang and others quickly took the opportunity to sneak over. It seems that these hawkers have regarded Yang Huang as Kaizi.

Sure enough, I only heard the male duck's voice explain: "You don't have to be surprised. It's human nature to pick up cheap things. Everyone wandering on the street here is like picking up bargains. Some are just thinking in their hearts, and some are just talking about it. What the prince says is generally a young master who comes out of the big family to practice. This kind of young master, consciously Hongfu Qitian, will definitely be able to pick up a big bargain. Listening to a little praise, it is generally to charter all the things on the stalls. In this way, those small vendors have been working for a year!"

"Do you hear me, my Mr. Yang. You are a rich and oily girl." Xianghan couldn't help but smile and make fun of Yang Huang. Naturally, Xianghan is not here for the first time. Although he is not familiar with this place, he really knows a lot of the rules here. Along the way, he looked at Yang Huang like a country bumpkin into the city. What is new to see and what is fun to touch has attracted many people's ridicule and white eyes. However, she not only did not feel that Yang Huang had lost face, but also felt that Yang Huang was stupid and cute.

In fact, women are nothing more than that. When she likes you, you will be as good as you think. Even the rustic can become cute. But if she annoys you, even if you flatter her, it can only make her more and more annoying.

"Good!" Yang Huang was stunned and immediately heard the joke in Xianghan's tone. He immediately laughed and said, "Good little lady, how dare you flirt with your father-in-law and see if I don't teach you a good lesson!" With that, he was about to rush to Xianghan's body. Xianghan's feet were already a meter away, and then hooked Yang Huang's fingers provocatively. Yang Huang could not let go and immediately shouted strangely to catch up.

On both sides of the road, Yang Huang's eyes suddenly shined. It seems that the person in front of him is not only a Kaizi, but also a pig brother. It's finally time for them to show their skills. Suddenly, Yang Huang's accompanying appearance and entourage were immediately summarized into a message and passed on.

These small vendors usually set up stalls in this city and seem to be alone. But in fact, there is a huge organization behind it. How much can the things sold at their booth be worth? Even if it is swept away by the eldest son, it will only be the transaction volume of one or two spiritual stones. In fact, they have a more important task, that is, to keep an eye on people.

You can tell by looking at their position that they are near the transmission array. The people who came out of the transmission array, as the male duck voice said, are both rich and noble. They leaned in, and it was possible to hear the news that several people inadvertently leaked. For example, if they come to do something, or if these people have any special hobbies, etc., they are all passed on to their upper ears.

When they go home and see that it is profitable, they will immediately send someone to contact them. To facilitate this business. After that, these small vendors can extract promotions according to the size of the business, and even one success is enough to match the amount of transactions they have done for the past ten or two decades.

In their opinion, Yang Huang is obviously a Kaizi. The first time he came to this Lingshe Town, he didn't know anything, but he was curious about everything. What's more, Brother Pig likes women, which simply meets the standards of all those who are slaughtered.

This kind of person doesn't have to deliberately find a superior, just choose a beautiful beauty to send a VIP ticket to the auction house. Then let him eat some tofu and take him to the auction house for a few words. This Kaizi will spend a lot of money for the sake of face and the beauty beside him.

The vendors who passed the news out almost laughed out, and they could definitely share a large number afterwards. God opened his eyes and gave them such a good opportunity!