Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 271 Black Fish King

Seeing that Yang Huang did not answer, Taoist evil continued: "The power of the origin is the beginning of the era. The remaining energy when niing heaven and earth. It represents the birth and end of everything. And most importantly, its quantity is constant, and what it consumes can never be recovered, so its value can only be described as huge!"

"Can it still be used for trading?" Yang Huang heard some way that if something can't be traded, it won't be valuable. As long as it has value, it can be traded.

"That's natural!" Dao Xie smiled and said, "There are gold and silver in the world, and there are spiritual stones in the world of cultivation. Naturally, there are also divine coins in the divine world. Divine coins are condensed with the power of the source, and each one is of great value. Transactions in the divine world must be paid with divine coins. For God, the spirit stone is no different from ordinary stones.

As he said, he looked at the sky above his head: "Although I can't have divine coins, I have been lucky to see them. According to my estimate. The original power contained in a divine coin is enough to fill the world in your three-legged furnace!"

After listening, Yang Huang was not shocked. Although the three-legged round furnace is precious, it is equivalent to the treasure for Yang Huang.

But don't forget the divine coin, but what even God wants to have.

In this way, the value of the two is actually interoperable.

As for the speculation of Taoism, it is not impossible that a divine coin can fill the whole three-legged round furnace space.

You should know that the divine power of the five emperors given by Luo Liang at the beginning can keep the space of Hengjiang City within 30 miles for 100 years. The value of that real divine coin can be imagined.

Although Luo Liang is a star owner, he is still not a god or even a pseudo-god. At most, it is just beyond ordinary people and infinitely close to God.

For God, the value of something he doesn't even care about is pitiful.

"Wang!" The two were talking, but they only heard the sudden movement of the ice lake below. With a violent sound of breaking ice, the dark shadows under the water suddenly surged up.

At this time, the water seemed to be dumpling, and there were rolling figures everywhere. I don't know what happened in the water.

"Look at those big birds!" Taoist evil pointed to the sky and saw the big birds that had lined up in the sky and trembled excitedly.

The formation also sometimes gathers and sometimes separates, as if they are looking for something!

"Guess if they are looking for the king in these shadows?" Yang Huang suddenly thought of a possibility and immediately said it to discuss with Taoism and evil.

Dao Xie also nodded: "It looks like it, but I really don't understand what the monster on the ice field is thinking. There is always something strange that can't be said!"

"Wait and see!" Yang Huang also calmed down, but he had already fought with the Taoist evil and was ready to go. If the big birds in the sky really wanted to find the king in these shadows. Instead, he can save a lot of things. He just needs to suddenly grab the fruits of their victory at the critical moment.

The water continues to roll, and the shadows swim faster and faster. It seems that something is really happening in the water.

And the big birds in the sky were getting more and more excited, and several of them even swung across the ice at a very fast speed.

The claws have penetrated into the water, and a shadow did not react in a hurry and was immediately scratched by the big bird.

Scarlet blood immediately spread on the water and dyed a large area of water.

"It's really preying!" Daoxie swallowed excitedly: "But it seems that it's just the beginning, and it's all small shrimps making a fus. The real Lord hasn't appeared yet!"

"That's right!" Yang Huang pointed to the peaks in the distance, and the black spots were dense like ants: "That should be their regular army. I have calculated that there are probably tens of thousands of them. Even if we are entangled by them, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape!"

"It's okay, I can use the blood flame!" Taoist evil said carelessly, "How much to come, how much to kill!"

"How many times can you use it?" Yang Huang looked at the evil angrily: "The people of the demon slaughter team don't know. I still don't know your bloodflame. It's draining your soul. I said you don't want to die?"

The Taoist evil made Yang Huang teach him, and he couldn't help shrinking his neck and stop talking.

Half a sound, when he saw that Yang Huang did not continue to rebuke him, he whispered, "As long as I want to recover my body, the power of the soul can be replenished at any time. And the situation at that time, if I were all entangled by the big bird, it would definitely affect morale. I have no choice but to do it!"

"What about now?" The bloody flame of Taoism is like cheating at all. His soul power is the soul power of the false god. If it is all stimulated, I'm afraid nothing can stop him in this three-legged furnace.

But in the same way, cheating comes at a price.

Now that they have no ontology, their strength can never return to the pseudo-god stage. If they can't recover from the pseudo-god stage, then the soul power consumed by their cheating cannot be recovered.

The result will make their soul power weaker and weaker, and maybe even the body will be downgraded. It's not easy to recover in the future.

That's why Yang Huang said that evil did not want to die at all.

"Okay, okay!" Dao Xie waved his hand repeatedly: " boss, why are you getting more and more wordy? You are good at everything, but you are too cautious. How can you beware of the road of practice? If you don't take advantage of it at the right time, it's hard to get ahead!" The evil is naturally full of crooked reason.

Yang Huang couldn't help laughing and couldn't help but look evil: "People should take advantage of it at the right time, but it's not to burn the power of the soul in order to save face. Cause immortal scars to yourself!"

Without waiting for the evil answer, Yang Huang suddenly changed his words: "Well, if you like to blog, you have this opportunity in front of you. With that, he pointed to the endless ice lake below and said, "The big bird fought with this black fish, involving tens of thousands of beasts. We can't intervene at all. Now I have a plan for us to go straight to the bottom of the ice lake. Chance, maybe you can find the Black Fish King!"

"How can that be!" Taoist immediately retorted, "Even if there is really a king in this group of black jade, it is absolutely the same as the rest of the black fish. How can we tell the difference!"

"The appearance will be the same, but the heart will be different. So when the battle is over, there must be a black fish in the core position and controlling the overall situation. Our opportunity is fleeting, depending on whether we can grasp it or not, otherwise we have to go to other beast territories to find a way! Unless you want to, I have no problem with the tens of thousands of big birds alone!"

After saying that, Yang Huang patted the evil shoulder and fell first to the ice lake. Their position is actually a peak piled up with nowhere to be ice.

At this time, the black jade and the big bird provoked each other, and no one noticed the two small black spots. It has directly broken the ice surface and slipped into the ice lake.

Just looking at the surface of the ice lake, the whole ice lake is like a huge ice mirror. I didn't feel anything special. It was not until the two of them dived into the water that they felt the breadth of the lake as if they had entered the ocean.

I'm afraid that only such a lake can raise 100 meters of large fish on the lake. If it were a smaller lake, I'm afraid they can't live there.

At this time, Yang Huang and Dao Xie had already convergated the spiritual power fluctuations on their bodies, but only two arrays were added to the surface of the body to shield their breath and resist the cold.

Then they swam in the direction of the fluctuation of the water, just as they thought. Except for the huge black fish, no other creatures can be seen in this water.

The appearance of Yang Huang and Taoist evil is undoubtedly abrupt in this water. As long as any black fish stops and looks down, you can immediately find them.

Unfortunately, these black fish were attracted by the big bird and rushed into the upper water. Yang Huang and Dao Xie walked along the bottom of the lake and were not found.

"This is so exciting!" The two entered the lake and sent them out. These black fish were no less than the big birds, and there were tens of thousands of them.

With the deepening of Yang Huang and Taoist evil, there are more and more dark shadows above his head, sometimes even a piece of black pressure, passing by, stirring up circles of waves in the water, which is powerful.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yang Huang couldn't help reminding evil words: "We are in the water now, and everything is low-key. I don't want to be found by other fish before I find the fish king. Then we might as well be a big bird in the sky, at least we don't have to freeze here!"

Even if Yang Huang and Dao Xie's cultivation is already a yin and yang realm, the other is already a cave realm. Now it is not easy in this water, especially when the two have restrained their spiritual power, which is particularly fragile.

Sometimes when the fish pass by, the two make the waves stirred up by the fish, and even feel like they want to suffocate.

However, their sacrifices are not ineffective, and Yang Huang's choice is also correct. At least the two are now infinitely close to the main fish.

At this time, the two found out. Those who jump on the surface of the water are just the vanguard of the fish. The real main force is suspended in the middle waters, closing his eyes and recuperating, as if preparing for the war.

"God!" Daoxie gestured to Yang Huang: "These fish are going to become refined, but they have no wisdom in their heads, but they know how to arrange troops!"

Yang Huang also nodded, if the black fish and the big bird were regarded as two armies. You will find that their approach is almost the same as what the two armies did at war in the human world.

The vanguards called each other and provoked each other. The real main force is to do the final rest.

Immediately, Yang Huang and Dao Xie's eyes suddenly fell on a black fish suspended alone among the black jade. Every time the black fish that provoke on the water wanders around the water, they will meet him.

But it has never moved, which is quite a general style!

"That's him!" Yang Huang and Dao Xie were happy and knew that they had finally found the right fish. I couldn't help but be excited, and the evil was a little more under my feet, eager to rush to the black fish king.

The frightened Yang Huang quickly held him down and scolded in a low voice, "You don't want to die. There are tens of thousands of black fish in front of you. Can you guarantee that you will be killed with one blow?" If not, he will run away. How can you find him from this group of fish with exactly the same appearance and strength?

"What do you think the boss should do? The black fish king is right in front of you. Should we miss such a good opportunity? Taoism can't help but be a little anxious.

"Wait!" Yang Huang touched his chin: "Since this black fish king is a general, when the battle begins. He will definitely not attack, but command the overall situation. And in the past, when they fought, those big birds did not dare to kill into the water at all, so I concluded that there would never be any other fish protection around the Black Fish King later. Even if there were, it would be pitiful!"

"Oh, all right!" Taoist evil rubbed his hands and looked at the black fish unwillingly, for fear that he would accidentally let the black jade king slip away.

The past of time is different from the anxiety of Taoism, but Yang Huang is particularly calm at this time. Today, together with Taoism, he curled up in the shadow of a large rock at the bottom of the lake.

With this time, he actually began to practice leisurely cross-legged meditation. As for the Taoist evil, he took the initiative to act as a lookout without Yang Huang's request.

A pair of eyes can't wait to be nailed to the Black Fish King, for fear of losing him for carelessness.

It seems that the time with the demon-killing team is really terrible. Now he can't wait to have a big war right away, which is happy.

However, the Black Fish King is quite a general. From beginning to end, he suspended there and gave his orders to the black fish that came and went one by one.

The passing day by day, Yang Huang and Taoist evil spirits. Unexpectedly, after waiting for three days, the Taoist evil was almost desperate, wondering if the black fish and the big bird had already found the two of them.

Then he put on this situation to play with the two of them. After a while, the black fish and the big bird will greet them together.

Just as the Taoist was about to tell Yang Huang this idea, let Yang Huang listen to his advice, and the two simply rushed out to fight together. I really can't catch the black fish king and think of other ways.

It's always time spent here, not to mention wasting time, and it makes people feel depressed.

But at this time, Taoism suddenly found out. The tens of thousands of black fish suspended in the middle waters opened their eyes. It seemed to receive some kind of call and command. The next moment, the tail patted, and the whole lake was completely boiling.

All the black fish rushed to the surface of the water.

The evil eyes never left the black fish king, just as Yang Huang calculated. The black fish king really didn't move, but swam to the deep water area. It seems that this battle has nothing to do with it.

"Good opportunity!" Dao Xie was just about to call Yang Huang, but found that he had already woken up from the meditation, and the restrained spiritual power on his body was gradually released.

"Let's go!" Yang Huang patted the evil shoulder and chased directly after the black fish king.

Seeing this situation, the Taoist evil almost vomited blood depressingly. But after thinking about it, he didn't know why he was depressed. He sighed directly, shook his head, and followed Yang Huang's footsteps.

If at ordinary times, the black fish king swims in the water and mixes with the rest of the black fish, Yang Huang and Dao Xie are afraid that it will take a long time to lose them.

But now, the huge waters are empty, and all the black fish have rushed to the surface to fight against the big birds. Instead, the black fish king ran back to the deep water alone.

His figure is so huge, even in this lake. There is no possibility of losing it at all!

Yang Huang and Taoist evil pursued with all their strength, and the spiritual power of the body was born to the extreme. The black fish king, who was also cultivated in the yin and yang realm, immediately found that he was stunned first.

Immediately turned his head and ran away!

Seeing this situation, the two were happy and even high-fiveed each other. There is a door! The memory of this Black Fish King is absolutely complete, recording a large number of facts that Yang Huang wants to know. Because since Yang Huang and others entered the ice field, the Black Fish King is still the first beast to know how to escape.

The beasts in the past didn't know what they were afraid of. The harder you kill, the more fierce they will attack.

The Black Fish King was good and found that the cultivation of the two was not what it could deal with. Unexpectedly, he turned around and ran, twice as fast as before.

Now, Yang Huang and Dao Xie naturally have nothing to hide. They immediately stimulated their strength and caught up with them at a faster speed.

In particular, Taoism is now a cave. Between swimming, the cave sky went straight towards the black fish package. With almost no power to blow ashes, he pulled the black fish king into his hole.

Yang Huang also followed in rudely and entered the cave of Taoism. Yang Huang found that this was actually a desolate desert, and the Black Fish King was struggling in the rolling yellow sand at this time.

"This is really yours!" When he came to Dao Xie, Yang Huang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. He has also seen the field of Taoism before, but it is by no means like this. It seems that this evil is painstaking for the black fish king.

Dao Xie smiled and said, "That's natural. I ran in the water for three days. Just to wait for him, naturally let him stand on the ground with me for three days. But boss, I don't think we should talk nonsense. Hurry up and check his memory and find that person.

"That's right!" Yang Huang naturally knew the priorities of the matter, but at this time, the black fish king entered the realm of Taoism, which was equivalent to the meat on the cutting board and could not run away.

Yang Huang summoned the magic power of the five emperors in no hurry, but he was familiar with the road and went straight into the body of the black fish king. Suddenly, the Black Fish King trembled, and his body immediately began to decompose. In the blink of an eye, he had turned into a pure soul.

Yang Huang stretched out his hand, and suddenly everything in his soul began to appear.

"Sure enough, the memory of this black fish king is much more complete than that of ordinary beasts. It is a manifestation of the beginning of the birth of intelligence, and it seems to go deeper into it. You can really find the spirit beast!" As soon as Yang Huang came into contact with this memory, he immediately found the difference.

"Let me have a look!" Dao Xie also became interested when he heard it: "Is there any news about that person? The city we inferred exists or not!"

"Yes!" Yang Huang showed a mysterious smile on the corners of his mouth: "And more than one, now they can't run away!"