Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 275 Three Princes

Millions of time crystals are a lot of wealth for the whole Guangfang City. Otherwise, they didn't have to bring thousands of troops to protect them, and even dispatched a prince to suppress the array.

The prince's departure is not a joke, indicating that the city's attention to this vein has reached a very high level.

Above the prince, there is only one city owner.

But on weekdays, the owner of the city has to guard the city and rarely go out. Unless it is the gathering of the three city owners, or there is something that the prince can't solve, the city lord will take action.

In addition, almost everything is solved by the prince. In fact, the prince is the law enforcer of Guangfang City, and the owner of Guangfang City is the same existence as his ancestors.

He is only responsible for guarding and will not easily interfere in the affairs of the city.

According to the rules on the ice field, Huangge dedicated the location of this vein to Guangfang City.

You can get about one-tenth of the property of this vein as a reward.

That is to say, according to the agreement, Huangge can get at least 100,000 time crystals.

This may not be a big deal for a city. But for someone, this is an amazing wealth.

No matter whether it is the Yellow Pavilion or the Silver Horn Prince, if you can get these 100,000 crystals, you will immediately turn over the salted fish.

Now the silver-horned prince obviously holds chicken feathers as an arrow. In the name of mining this vein, he actually wants to forcibly eliminate the part belonging to Huangge.

If it were Huang Ge, maybe the silver-horned prince would be coaxed back with a so-called great credit. But today he met Yang Huang and Taoist evil, which can be regarded as memorizing words in his life.

Prince Silver Horn's eyes are uncertain, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

And the soldiers behind him, the weapons in their hands, came out of the sheath one after another. It seemed that as long as the silver-horned prince gave an order, they would immediately flock to crush Yang Huang and the three into pieces.

At this time, Huang Ge was not afraid, and there was quite a tendency to risk it.

You should know that he died in order to find this vein mine. I have been trapped in that nightmare for 30 years and can't be freed, but now I find that I can't get any benefits.

That's worse than killing him.

Especially now that there are Yang Huang and Taoist evil around him, which makes him feel full of anger and quite a posture of wanting to do a big fight.

"What if I have to give it!" Prince Silver Horn finally spoke in a pale and indifferent tone.

100,000 time crystals, ** force is too great.

If given to him, he can immediately climb to the position of the first prince.

What's more, at this time, he has a team of 1,000 people, and he himself is the cultivation of Taishangjing, while Yang Huang and others opposite are just two cave heavens, and one is even a yin and yang realm.

In any way, none of these three people can escape.

This bet is almost a must-win, and the Silver Horn Prince has no possibility to give up anyway.

With the order of the silver-horned prince, the thousand cave soldiers behind him finally moved. I only heard a sound of chattering armor leaves.

The thousand soldiers immediately condensed into a large array in the water and wrapped the three people.

"Interesting!" Dao Xie was not afraid to take a step forward: "Today, let me learn the means of the second prince of Guangfang City!"

While talking, the Taoist evil has already raised his hands. Blood flames rose to the sky and condensed into flame wings behind him, shaking slightly.

The surrounding lake has been directly evaporated, forming a vacuum field behind him.

"It's so strong!" Huang Ge was secretly shocked. He stood next to the Taoist evil and could feel it best. The blood flame wings behind the Taoist evil trembled slightly with the breath of the Taoist evil, shaking every time.

An evil energy spread over his face, and he trembled with oppression, almost an impulse to kneel down.

And he is just infected with this energy. Huang Ge can hardly imagine that if this energy is facing him, will he really kneel down immediately?

Pseudo-god, although not a real god.

But from his title, it can be seen that he has been recognized by the gods. In disguise, it is actually the lowest god.

He is only one step away from God. As long as he can step out, he can immediately become a real god.

So Yang Huang and Dao Xie guess will be fearless, not to mention that there are only 1,000 people on the opposite side, even if 10,000 people come.

If the Taoist evil wants to kill, it is just a matter of a flick. For the Taoist evil, it will only consume more energy.

However, Yang Huang believes that Taoism will inevitably control the degree and will not put him into a situation of forced relegation.

Although Yang Huang also warned the Taoist evil not to burn soul energy at will, this time was not the same time. At that time, the Taoist evil was to show off.

And now it is at the critical moment of life and death. If you don't take it out, I'm afraid there will be no useless opportunity in the future!

Prince Silver Horn naturally sensed that something was wrong. I know that Yang Huang may really have a card.

But in today's situation, either Yang Huang and others were destroyed by themselves, or what they did was publicized by several people. Losing face doesn't count, and you have to completely lose credibility in front of your father.

Before the release of the city, there were not only three princes, but eight.

If you want to ask where the other five have gone now, I'm afraid only God knows.

The owner of the city, the cultivation of Taixuanjing, also holds a large number of time crystals. It is extremely simple for him to want children or to raise heirs.

So these three princes seem to have infinite scenery, but they are also like walking on thin ice behind their backs. They should not only complete the tasks assigned by the city owner, but also be careful about the safety of local brothers.

As long as you are a little careless and make a big mistake, you will have to die immediately.

This matter has developed so far, and there is no room for easing at all. Only by killing Yang Huang and others can we achieve a happy ending.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The silver-horned prince waved his hand, and a whole thousand black armored soldiers took three steps forward. Each step was a killing word, completely shrinking the encirclement without leaving a gap.

Today, Yang Huang and others seem to be wrapped in a sealed black ball.

There are people everywhere, and there is murderous gas blowing on them everywhere.

"Fight with them!" Huang Ge has always been the boss of Yang Huang and Taoist evil, and he feels that he can't weaken his momentum at this time. With an angry shout, the two huge wings trembled.

Suddenly, the feathers on the body shot out quickly, and each feather contained the wisdom of the cave. Small holes condensed and burst on it, emitting powerful energy.

This feather flying knife is several times stronger than the last time he attacked Yang Huang and Dao Xie. It seems that as he said, he is really desperate now.

Seeing Huang Ge's feather blade attack, those black armored soldiers actually avoided it. Huangge's flying knife seemed fierce, but as soon as it reached the range of three feet in front of them, it immediately fell into the void and disappeared without a trace.

"It's not good!" Seeing this, Huang Ge exclaimed, "They seem to be arranging an array to link everyone's caves and sky together to form a country.

If we are pulled into it, it will be troublesome!

"Hahaha!" The silver-horned prince laughed and said, "Huang Ge, it seems that you are not stupid. Yes, this is my silver kingdom. As long as you enter it, you will be at my mercy.

"This matter is very important. Do you really think I won't be on guard? To tell you the truth, these thousand soldiers are all my most powerful cronies. Even if you obediently give up the reward of 100,000 time crystals, I will not let you go.

Your people have completely died together with the black fish clan. I think you'd better die obediently and reunite with your people!"

"The country of silver, close up!" The prince of Silver Horn is extremely arrogant. Once the kingdom of silver is unfolded, even the people at the peak of the world can't escape at all, and they can only die obediently.

Now in his opinion, Yang Huang and the three are already meat on the cutting board, and they are cut or cut as he is happy!

With the arrogant anger of Prince Silver Horn, Yang Huang and others only felt a flash of silver light in front of them and opened their eyes again, which had appeared in a huge arena.

This arena is extremely huge, and the diameter is probably tens of thousands of meters, which is round.

The ground made of stone slabs is stained with blood. Even many of the seats on the high platform on both sides were damaged by huge forces.

However, these seats are basically empty, and only the largest of them sits on the silver-horned prince. At this time, there was wine and delicious food in front of him, and he looked at Yang Huang and others in the arena with a ferocious smile on the corners of his mouth.

seems to be ready to watch a good show.

Then, I only heard the sound of a burst of machine expansion.

But the iron fence under the high platform slowly opened, and a pair of eyes the size of lanterns lit up from the depths of the channel.

"Oh, it's in its original shape!" Dao Xie said indifferently, took a step forward and protected Yang Huang behind him: " boss, do you want to fight quickly, or do you also want to see a good play?"

Yang Huang couldn't help shaking his head with a smile. This evil seemed to be asking him, but in fact, he had already made a choice.

If the Taoist evil wants to fight quickly, how can it be easily involved in this hole?

Looking at his posture, he was obviously ready to tease them.

The beasts coming out from behind the iron fence around the arena are nothing else. It is the 1,000 soldiers who have just restored their prototype. A thousand beasts, each of which looks different, now comes out from behind the fence in turn, really feels like visiting the zoo.

However, although he knew that the evil wanted to play, Yang Huang still reminded him. When it's time to take action, you must be fast, otherwise they will be really passive if they hit the little one to attract the old.

"Don't worry!" Dao Xie broke his fingers and made a crackling sound, and the blood flame wings behind him became brighter.

At this time, the beast behind the iron fence had come out, and they all looked at the three people in the field with red eyes.

"Kill them!" The silver-horned prince in the high platform suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly the army of beasts collectively roared and rushed to Yang Huang and the three of them.

"Blood Flame Boundary!"

"Blade of Blood Flame!"

For a while, the Taoist evil cast two spells in a row, and the first flame boundary directly summoned a flame mask to cover Yang Huang and Huangge.

And the blade of blood flame is a flame knife that is more than three meters long and more than a foot wide in the hands of Taoism.

When you dance slightly, the air will be distorted, and the power is amazing.

You know, there is no way to use magic weapons here. This flame sword is completely condensed with energy. At this time, it is as powerful as the best heavenly weapon.

"Dead!" Between the lightning sparks, the beast at the front of the charge has hit the Dao Xie fiercely.

This beast is like a wild boar, but its fangs are longer than ivory, and there is a sharp black horn on its forehead.

At this time, the two fangs on the wild boar's mouth echoed the black horns on its head, forming a magic array,

As the wild boar ran, the magic array trembled endlessly, and bursts of energy brewed away, as if with a bomb. Seeing that this situation actually had the idea of end with Taoism and evil.

But it obviously underestimated the ability of evil and watched the wild boar come first.

The blade of the blood flame in the evil hand casually danced a knife flower and gently picked it up when the wild boar jumped high. Suddenly, the wild boar wailed, and this time it was all two.

The body was scattered on both sides, burning blood-red flames.

A mass of flesh and blood atrophy disappeared and turned into a pile of burnt ash in the blink of an eye.

The practitioner above the realm of yin and yang has realized the way of life and death of time. It can scatter the soul into the flesh and blood of the whole body at the time of frequent death.

As long as there is a trace of flesh and blood to escape, you can rise again and recover.

But the wild boar was completely extinct by the Taoist evil, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

At the same time, the beast attacking from the other side finally killed the blood flame boundary of Taoism. Obviously, I want to break this boundary first by taking advantage of the entanglement of Taoism.

Kill Yang Huang and Huang Ge among them. After all, the combat effectiveness of Taoist evil is obvious to all, and it is impossible to win for a while.

So the beasts have made up their minds to kill Yang Huang and Huang Ge first, and then slowly grind the evil way to death.

But the next moment they will know that they are wrong and outrageous.

The blood flame boundary in front of us is not only a defense boundary, but also an attack boundary.

Just as the beasts approached the blood flame boundary and had time to attack in the future, a blood-red flame aura suddenly popped up, directly covering the surrounding area of more than ten meters, and seven or eight beasts were immediately hit.

All the beasts swept by the blood-red light were not only immediately cut in two, but also ignited blood-red flames.

The beast behind them this time reacted quickly and immediately chose to rescue.

But something frightening happened. As soon as the rescued beast touched the blood flame, they were immediately invaded by the blood flame.

At first, the flame was only a small point, but as long as you don't handle it properly, it will immediately form a prairie fire.

Even if they are already at the peak of the cave, they must use all their energy to suppress them before they can be suppressed.

But in this way, they have lost the possibility of fighting and have to hide behind the team under the cover of their companions to heal their wounds.

Face to face, the first batch of more than a dozen spirit beasts rushed up were all damaged. The silver-horned prince on the high platform couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Because both sides know that this is just the beginning. Both sides are the most shallow temptations, but even so.

Prince Silver Horn actually damaged ten of his men, which made him feel pain for a while.

All of his men are good at fighting. It was the force that he had secretly operated for many years as his prince.

is a killer existence. This time, it is not that the mineral vein here involves a huge amount of time crystals, and he will not take them with him.

but I didn't expect that such a group of people would be so vulnerable in front of Taoism.

"Fighting!" The silver-horned prince shouted angrily and was no longer calm, and he himself jumped up from the high platform and stood in front of everyone.

He can't afford such sacrifice, so he decided to subdue the Taoist evil himself.

At this time, everyone is fighting fiercely in the Kingdom of Silver, but they don't know it. Just where they just stood, another group of people were quietly coming through the transmission array.

There are only 200 people in this batch, and their clothes are also very casual. Unlike the silver-horned prince's men just now, they are neat and uniform, and training is strictly prohibited.

The leader among them was a elegant nobleman, holding a paper fan in his hand and shaking gently. Although he stood in the water, the water could not get close to him at all within three feet and was gently pushed back by a force.

A middle-aged man with a goatee stood beside him, dressed in a Taoist robe and a fairy bone.

"Three princes, according to my calculation. They should be in front of us, but they seem to have entered the field and are fighting!" The middle-aged man smiled and said, "This time, he will be caught by us. Let him be full of mouths, and this time he will be severely punished!"

"Not bad!" It is the young man who is known as the third prince.

I saw him close the folding fan, but his eyes revealed a little heavy: "But Mr. Wang, you'd better break through this silver country quickly. Otherwise, the Huangge will kill his soul by him, and we will inevitably lose a key evidence. I'm afraid we can't bring him down at once!"

"Good!" The Taoist answered and waved to the 200 people behind him, and the group immediately gathered around.

Wang Daoren almost greeted some people and put a few marks on the space: "This time, the silver horn has brought a thousand confidants, and the field of silver displayed must be unbreakable. And these three points are his only flaws. Later, listen to my arrangement and attack these three places together, trying to open a short space channel for us to go in and talk about it!"

"Mr. Wang, don't worry!" These people patted their chests and promised, "We are all working for the third prince. How dare we not work hard? I just hate to be able to enter this silver country and fight with Mr. Wang and the third prince. If we can't even do it for another hour, we will really have no face to see the third prince!"

The third prince couldn't help laughing and rolling his sleeves: "What are the brothers waiting for? Let's start!"