Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 2* Success

He Jiang couldn't help nodding: "Yes, we and Kong Ying are actually like civil and military officials in the secular world. We are martial arts and literature. Both sides will not deal with it. Usually, she seizes the opportunity everywhere and uses the power of the law to cause great damage to us. Unfortunately, this time she is going to leak!"

"Hmm?" Kui Lao touched his chin: "What do you say?"

"Hum!" He Jiang sneered and said, "How can I not guess what she means? I'm afraid I sent Zhenhao to escort the city owner, which is also in her calculation. What she did was to make me can't help taking action, and then she appeared and grabbed my little braids. In this way, I will be immediately sentenced to death by her. It's a felony to rob and kill her subjects. I'm afraid this is her ultimate resort!"

"But such a good opportunity, do we have to give up?" Xu Liang shook his head repeatedly and made a regretful voice.

"Naturally not!" He Jiang took out a jade charm in his arms: "Don't we have the means to press the bottom of the box?" Don't forget, but there have been two old guys who have wanted to join the gang for a long time. This is an excellent opportunity to kill people with two birds with one stone!"

"Good!" Jiang Yueer nodded: "Both of them are too good cultivation and have always wanted to join us. But because their cultivation is too high to be controlled by us. Once you enter our interior, you will immediately turn against the guest. But this time, we can make good use of it. Don't forget that Kong Ying also has great support behind him. This time, let them beat you to death, and then we will make a profit by side!"

Several people discussed it slightly and immediately made a plan. He Jiang took the lead and led Kong Ying to take action. The rest of the people just wait to watch the play.

The two Taishangjing powers were also contacted by He Jiang, making them lurking aside and waiting for the opportunity to take action.

The higher the cultivation, the more resources are needed. When I arrived at Taishangjing, I was already close to the door. Taixuanjing is within reach, but if you want to reach it, you must be supported by countless resources.

In the sect, there is naturally an offering with the heritage of the sect. But some scattered repairs are miserable. Before the cave, they could also rely on their own means to accumulate materials.

However, the Taishang Realm hits the Taixuan Realm, and the materials needed should be counted in trillions. If they want to get it by themselves, it is more difficult than climbing to the sky. Without the rest, 100,000 years and millions of years may not be enough.

Especially now, the world of cultivation is peaceful and there is almost no war. These Taishangjing have no chance to go to those small sects to make temporary guest appearances. As for the ruins, they have been excavated over and over again, and there is no value of digging at all.

This makes their journey to Taixuan Realm far away and almost hopeless. Those small sects can't afford to support them at all, while the sects disdain them.

Only a bandit city like a jungle town can provide them with a place to rest.

According to reason, cities like jungle towns. If you casually gather five or six masters of Taishangjing, you can calm them out. But that can only get a piece of ruins.

Whether it is a small sect or a jungle town, it seems to be vulnerable. But they all have their own last means to start immediately at the critical moment, blow up all the resources of the sect, and even die with these supreme realms.

These can't be stopped even by those who are too high-bound, so they must be kind to ask the senior officials to enter the jungle town and get a seat in the Presbyterian League.

When they found He Jiang, of course, He Jiang would not agree immediately. Not to mention that the jungle town has not added the seat of elders, and even if there is, it is definitely impossible to let such a person enter. Once they go in, they really become elders. He Jiang no longer has the means to counterbalance them.

In terms of status, they are equal. In terms of cultivation, they are all too good. I'm afraid that the elders have no choice but to unite.

However, He Jiang can't control so much now. Today, Kong Ying's public provocation makes him ashamed in front of everyone. His chest was full of anger. Since the other party had torn his face and was desperate, what did he have to worry about?

Let the two supporters behind Taishangjing and Kong Ying have a fight. At worst, promise some benefits before trying to clean them up.

At this time, in Kong Ying's mansion, the group of people were also silent and did not speak to each other. But anyone can see the anger in each other's eyes.

"This matter can't be finished!" After a while, Kong Ying finally said, "This matter is obviously He Jiang's mastermind, and all of this is linked and well-founded. Everyone now believes that Zhenhao is mine. As long as He Jiang goes to meet Zhenhao later and let Zhenhao insist that he is the master of everything, I will definitely carry this charge.

"What do you want to do?" A gray-haired old woman said, "It's hard for you to..."

"Yes, now I'm going to kill Zhenhao with our hidden power!" Kong Ying smiled confidently: "Since everyone thinks that Zhenhao is my person, it's better for us to continue to play. As long as Zhenhao is killed, I can fabricate a contrumped crime and frame He Jiang. At that time, it was impossible for him to be clever. Everyone would think that Zhenhao was killed by He Jiang's outbreak. I want him to steal chickens and rice!"

While speaking, Kong Ying had already had an extra jade charm in her hand. She pinched it slightly, and immediately emitted a trace of light on the jade charm. Immediately in Kong Ying's mansion, in the underground secret room, the two had already woken up from their deep sleep.

The next moment, the space in front of them suddenly cracked a gap, and the two of them stepped into it. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Kong Ying.

"Okay, the breath of the two of you has condensed a lot, and it seems that you have deeply realized the benefits of having fixed resources!" Seeing the two people in front of her, Kong Ying was slightly surprised. When they saw these two people, they had just entered the upper world, and their breath was not completely stable.

Unexpectedly, only two or three years later, the cultivation of the two people has been completely stable, and their strength is twice as strong as before.

The two are fat and thin, with quiet faces, revealing the feeling of being distracted. In their eyes, there is nothing but practice in their hearts.

Even in the face of Kong Ying, a peerless beauty, there is no feeling of heartbeat.

I only heard the fat man say, "Five-six spiritual stones in the realm of yin and yang, and 300,000 spiritual stones in the cave sky. According to different realms, we can choose to fight or escape, and calculate the price separately afterwards!"

Kong Ying smiled faintly and said, "Sure enough, you two are still so unkind. You two are desperate and saved by me. Didn't you say you want to repay me? Now it's just an opportunity!"

"It seems that you have provoked a great person!" The thin man also said, "But we promised you to do one thing for free, and we won't lose our promise. But I'm not looking for death to help you. If the other party is also a character in the early stage of the Taishangjing, we can help you delay it. If it is in the middle or higher situation of the Taishangjing, we will try our best to take you to escape for your life! If you can't escape, you have to sacrifice.

"I understand!" A light flashed in Kong Ying's indifferent eyes: "I don't have so much ability. Let's go. I'll tell you everything on the way! And if this goes well, there will be four vacancies in the quota of our eleven elders. I will let you two be stationed in the position of elders, and we will be equal friends in the future!"

Hearing this, the fat and thin two finally showed a touching look. In the past two years, they have indeed enjoyed a lot of convenience and learned the benefits of a fixed salary. And this is just handed over to them by Kong Ying. If he really became an elder, how rich would it be?

Seeing the two people's expressions, Kong Ying scratched a smile on the corners of her mouth. These two people are simple-minded. It is most suitable to be controlled by him, and they must not be proficient in exercising the rights of elders. It's equivalent to becoming his puppet and thie. As long as you find some way to completely tie them together with yourself, that's the best.

means that half of the elders of the jungle town will be on her side in the future, and even the elders have nothing to do with him. She can even sort out a puppet city owner and completely master the jungle city.

The two groups were pregnant and chased Yang Huang and his party one after another.

At this time, Yang Huang and others did not seem to notice at all. Out of the city gate, he carefully marched into the depths of the jungle according to the requirements of the punishment elders.

Yu Anhua has now lost his cultivation and is tied by a thick iron chain. Less than an hour after walking, I was already out of breath. This is a jungle, full of towering trees, connecting to cover the sky. It makes the whole jungle hot and humid, even dark.

It is obviously the scorching sun, and it is marching in some areas, but it is like night. Coupled with the roar of insects and beasts from everywhere, people couldn't help trembling.

"Daw, such a jungle. If we are left alone, I'm afraid we will die without a whole body, not to mention Yu Anhua, who has no cultivation. If we want to escape, it's simply a dream!" The fat chef couldn't help complaining.

His cultivation was only to open up the realm, although Yang Huang's guidance made the group walk carefully without encountering any obstacles.

But occasionally passing through the territory of some spirit beasts and feeling the breath emitted by those spirit beasts in the yin and yang realm, he still couldn't help trembling.

"Just say less, fat brother!" At this time, the person in the other team interrupted and said, "As the saying goes, wealth is in danger. Now we have followed Elder Kong Ying, and there are people she sent to protect them. What else is there to be afraid of? We should believe in this adult's ability!" While talking, he looked at Yang Huang flatteringly, but found that Yang Huang did not pay attention to him at all, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The fat chef has a fat head and big ears, but has a delicate heart. How could he not know that this man made fun of him? In fact, it was to please Yang Huang and show his loyalty.

Suddenly, he was a little angry. He just wanted to speak, but Yang Huang looked up and said, "Be quiet!"

Seeing this, the fat chef didn't care about bickering and quickly covered his mouth. In this jungle, Yang Huang has not made such a move once or twice. Every time there is an extremely dangerous situation that will happen, but I don't know what kind of spirit beast will appear this time.

At this time, I suddenly saw a smile on the corners of Yang Huang's mouth: "It seems that we have guests!"

Before the words fell, I only heard the birds in the forest shouting and all took off. As soon as the wind passed in my ear, I looked up and saw that there were three more figures on the tree in front of me.

The leader is not someone else, but the punishment elder He Jiang!

"Hmm?" Without Yang Huang's control, Zhenhao also knew what to do at this time. He looked suspicious and asked loudly, "Penal Elder, don't worry about me. Do you want to send someone to spy on me?" But I don't think so. In two hours, we can go to the middle of the jungle and complete your task, so please come back!"

At this time, He Jiang suddenly laughed: "Zhihao, Zhenhao, what do you want me to say about you? You are just a small leader, like an ant, so why do you have to fight with our elders?

Zhenhao's face changed: "Pension elder, I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm just a little bandit, nothing*, I think you misunderstood!"

"Don't be busy refusing first!" The elder of punishment snorted coldly: "Now I'm willing to talk to you, just to give you a chance. If you can abandon the secret and correct Kong Ying's explanation that you framed me. How about not only can I not blame the past, but also give you a large amount of wealth?

Zhenhao shook his head innocently: "Penal Elder, I'm afraid you really misunderstood. There is no agreement between me and Elder Kong Ying. How can a small role like me get into the eyes of your elders? At today's conference, I was just so excited that I dared to play the role of contradicting you. I hope you don't care about villains and forgive me this time!"

He Jiang's face finally became gloomy, knowing that Zhenhao did not shed tears without seeing the coffin. It's not that he didn't want to come up and kill Zhenhao, and then directly took his soul.

Because once he does this, this matter will definitely be attacked by Kong Ying's Yu Party. This is like a bee philosopher, killing one thousand enemies and losing 800. You should know that even if the elder kills the people of the city at will, it is a felony. Even if he has a reason, he will fall into a light situation at most, and it is impossible to avoid responsibility.

This is also what He Jiang doesn't want to see, but since Zhenhao is unwilling to cooperate, he can't be blamed.

"The treasure mirror is lightless, and the sky is chaotic!" At this time, He Jiang grabbed his hands in the void, and the three mirrors that monitored Zhenhao and his party immediately fell to the ground. The above lost its luster, and it seems that it has been blocked by He Jiang by some means.

In this way, no one will know what he has done here.

"If you don't go to the right side of heaven, there is no way to hell!" The next moment, He Jiang shouted angrily and was about to jump on Zhenhao. No, he had just set off, but he was put on his shoulder by the helper he brought, and the condensed momentum immediately disappeared.

Without waiting for He Jiang to ask, he only heard the man who suppressed him say lightly, "Don't worry, it's time to invite our friends out!"

As soon as the man's voice fell, the space beside him suddenly twisted twice. Then Kong Ying appeared on a big tree not far from Zhenhao with a fat and a thin man.

"He Jiang, He Jiang, people say that they make a full set of dramas. Today, I saw that it was true. Zhenhao is actually your person. You let him frame me and make everyone feel that Zhenhao is actually my person, and then you let him weave lies to frame me. He thinks he is seamless, but he doesn't know that others have already seen through your plan!"

When He Jiang heard this, he couldn't help frowning. He vaguely felt something wrong. In fact, Zhenhao was not Kong Ying's person, and he had this idea before.

But it was immediately rejected by him, because it was too fantastic. Is it true that a thief leader, who has no support from anyone, is really bold to provoke himself?

As the saying goes, it's not early without profit. It's impossible for Zhenhao to get any benefits by provoking him. What is the purpose of doing this? Are you tired of living?

However, Kong Ying obviously didn't want to give him any time to consider. Before He Jiang could speak, Kong Ying waved his hands: "Kill that boy!"

The fat and thin two people nodded and immediately rushed to Zhenhao.

"Help, help!" In panic, Zhenhao quickly wanted to ask Yang Huang for help. Suddenly, he found that his body could not move again. He was too familiar with this feeling. This is because he was controlled by Yang Huang again.

How did everyone know about the changes? Looking at Zhenhao, they didn't move and thought he was scared. Yang Huang naturally had Yang Huang's calculations. He didn't think that He Jiang's group would sit idly by and watch Zhen Hao being killed.

No matter which side Zhenhao is from, both sides have a common goal. That is, you absolutely can't let Zhenhao fall into the other party's hands. Even if you kill him, you can only kill him with your own hands.

Sure enough, when the two fat and thin people were about to kill Zhenhao in the palm of their hands, they only saw two figures forming a human wall, which were already in front of Zhenhao.

"Bang!" The four palms intersect, which immediately stimulates violent energy fluctuations. The space crack was created in an instant at the place where the four of them were at each other. The four looked at each other and immediately jumped into the crack in the space and began a real contest.

This is the rule of the world of cultivation. People above the cave must enter the void or the cave sky. Otherwise, the four Taishangjing will take action, which is powerful enough to tear the jungle into pieces.

"Hmm!" Kong Ying's sudden action made He Jiang unable to care so much. Just think that Kong Ying wants to kill people and then blame him. Immediately, he moved and rushed directly at Kong Ying: "Today, let me try your good move to judge the elder!"

"I can't ask for it!" Kong Ying also showed no weakness, and the bullets flew away one by one. It turned out to be a magic weapon like ribbons. All of them are top-grade treasures, forming a set, and its power is almost comparable to that of the lower-grade heavenly weapons!