Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 293 Orchid Mother-in-law

Zhenhao immediately turned his eyes to Yang Huang. This matter was not on a whim of Kong Ying, but that they had discussed before.

After Kong Ying goes back, she will gather the forces around her and subdue Yang Huang one by one when she is unprepared.

Now everyone in the city thinks that Zhenhao is her person. Zhenhao went to find Kong Ying and would not make people have any doubts. Even the forces around Kong Ying will not have any doubts.

In this way, Yang Huang can approach them unconsciously with Zhenhao.

Yang Huang probably already knows, whether it is Kong Ying or He Jiang. Their power is not stable, and it can only be regarded as a temporary group.

Because of mutual interests, such a small group was born. But the group is wary of each other, lest the other take the opportunity to encroach on their own interests.

So every time an important meeting is held, the three of them must enter the secret room. This secret room is made of special materials, and even the upper realm is broken from the outside.

The method of opening the door of the secret room is divided into three parts. It was controlled by Kong Ying and the three of them, and the three of them cast spells at the same time to open the door.

That is to say, if someone cheats and persecute others. Then he will be locked in this secret room and can't get out all his life. Unless there is a mysterious world that braves to fly up to save him, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.

The three of them think that no one has so much face, and no one can know the existence of Taixuanjing, so this secret room is a wake-up call for them and the foundation of maintaining this strange group.

But now it's different. Yang Huang's replicator can directly solve this problem. If the three of them enter the secret room, it is equivalent to being caught by Yang Huang's urn. Kong Ying can't do anything. The two of them can't run away even if they want to. They can only accept their fate.

"Good!" Zhenhao received Yang Huang's hint and nodded quickly. Turning around and waved to a running man, he said, "Go and call the fat man. Today's trial elder is invited. We won't open it!" After saying that, he asked the guard to go back to recover his life first, and they said nine times later.

Send the bodyguard away, and Zhenhao and the fat chef went inside to change into clean clothes, and then hurried to Kong Ying's residence.

Taking advantage of Zhenhao's change of clothes, Yang Huang had already drilled into the three-legged round furnace, transformed the three-legged round furnace into a grain of dust attached to Zhenhao, and followed Zhenhao to Kong Ying's mansion.

Now, the five emperors in the three-legged round furnace are full of divine power to an amazing extent. Even the ice field that did not invade the divine power of the five emperors before, and now the divine power of the five emperors is very rich.

As long as the Taoist evil awakens completely, you can immediately take a group of brothers to forcibly conquer the other two cities.

And with the increase of the divine power of the five emperors, Yang Huang's control of the three-legged round furnace has become more and more profied. The previous three-legged furnace was just a door connecting another world in his hand. But now, it has begun to gradually change to a magic weapon.

Yang Huang has been able to borrow a three-legged round furnace to launch a good attack. Although he has not really tried it, according to Yang Huang's estimation, it is absolutely as powerful as the top-grade treasure, and may even be close to the next-grade Tianqi.

Because of the restrictions of the rules, there are very few heavenly weapons in the whole world of cultivation. Many sects do exist, but they are also hidden in the treasure house of the sects and can't be taken out at all.

For example, on the second floor of the treasure house of Burning Heaven Cave, there is absolutely a heavenly weapon. Unfortunately, no one can open the second floor. Taixuanjing can be opened, but Taixuanjing can only shrink and suppress the luck of the sect, otherwise it will be led to the upper world as soon as it takes action. In the words of Changyun, this is simply a dead knot.

It's just a dead knot in Changyun's view, but in Yang Huang's opinion, there may not be no solution. However, now he is just a cave and has not taken over the position of leader. He doesn't think too much about this matter. Especially the so-called two-story treasure house of the Burning Sky Cave is absolutely bullshit for Yang Huang.

There are countless treasures of stolen gods behind him, and how can he see these rags in the Burning Heavenly Cave. The reason why there is an open idea is nothing more than curiosity.

You should know that the second floor of the treasure house of the Burning Tiandong Mansion, like the second floor of the treasure house of many other sects, has existed since the beginning of the establishment of the sect. But after that, no one could open it.

The first master of each sect is adhering to the will of the upper world to directly reverse the way of heaven and break the rules. No one knows what they have brought from the upper world.

These things were brought by them, but they could not be taken away by them again. They could only stay here. Rooted by their inference, these things are likely to be in the second floor of the treasure house. There are not only heavenly weapons and treasures, but also information from the upper world.

This information is undoubtedly the most important for Changyun, and their cultivation is that they will rise at any time. Their understanding of the upper world is nothing but rumors and has never really witnessed it.

A person, especially those whose cultivation has reached their stage. What I fear most is not the difficulties and obstacles, but the uncertainty about the future. They are not even sure what the upper bound is like now. The heart is full of confusion, which directly affects their cultivation and Taoism.

This matter can be big or small. If you meet someone who likes to drill into the horns or doesn't trust the main sect of the upper world, you may even go crazy.

Even Changyun is struggling. I want to get a glimmer of light before I fly.

Thinking about it, Yang Huang clung to Zhenhao and had come to Kong Ying's door. Where, two rows of bodyguards stood with knives, revealing a clear look in their eyes, many times stronger than the guards in front of the city's mansion.

It can be seen that the 200 years of Yu Anhua's reign have really hit the jungle town hard. This time, he was dragged to trial, and I'm afraid it was the only union of the 11 elders in recent years.

"Who is it!" Seeing Zhenhao, the guards Qiqi shouted coldly all their lives, and their voices were like thunder. Zhenhao's neck shrank in horror, which was indescribably obscene.

However, thinking that Yang Huang is now watching, and he represents Yang Huang's existence, naturally he can't weaken his momentum. He immediately gritted his teeth and raised his neck and said, "Yes, it's the elder who let me come. My name is Zhenhao. Please inform me!"

Although Zhenhao wants to learn from Yang Huang, he shows a graceful and calm feeling. However, his confidence was really insufficient, and the words he said were as if they were squeezed out of his throat. Unspeakably sharp and harsh, the guards couldn't help frowning.

However, after hearing his name, the leader of the bodyguard immediately laughed and said, "It turned out to be Brother Zhenhao. We all heard your speech at the trial meeting that day clearly. Looking at He Jiang's stinging appearance, it's really happy. You don't have to report it. The elder of the trial has told you what you are going to come. Come in with me!"

Zhenhao quickly nodded and said that he would go in with the fat chef and followed the chief bodyguard. Kong Ying's mansion is not luxuriously decorated. Like those official residences in the secular world, there is no sense of flexibility, which always makes people feel that something is missing.

However, Yang Huang knew that all this was related to the secret room under Kong Ying's mansion. That secret room isolated all the spiritual power, so that outsiders could not peep at it at all. It was a good magic weapon, and I don't know where Kong Ying's group got it from.

However, Kong Ying, the magic weapon, could not be subdued at all. She could only join hands with three people to simply open and close the magic weapon. Therefore, the magic weapon was placed on the ground and expelled all the spiritual weapons within a radius of the mansion, making the whole mansion dead.

Fortunately, these people's cultivation is not weak. Although the practice is more difficult than before, the impact is not too great.

Under the leadership of the bodyguard, Zhenhao and the fat chef quickly walked to a tall house in the depths of the mansion. This room is three feet tall just by walls. If the room doesn't have windows and doors, and red tiles as a roof, it really looks like a pagoda at first glance.

Yang Huang saw at a glance that the dense array above the walls of this room were all isolated breath. The land around the house is dry and cracked, and the nearby plants are dying. I think it should be the location of the secret room.

The aura here is the most seriously rejected, and even the open light realm is difficult to absorb the aura here.

"Wait a minute, two, I'll report it!" The bodyguard arranged for Zhenhao to rest and knocked on the door and walked in.

When did Zhenhao and the fat chef enjoy such treatment? They were usually shouted by the bodyguards. Now even the chief bodyguard is polite to them, and he can't help but float a little for a while.

Now Zhenhao even feels that he is really driven by Yang Huang. In fact, it is not a big deal, at least let him enjoy the feeling that he has never enjoyed before.

For a moment, the bodyguard came out again and told Zhenhao that two other elders were waiting inside. If Zhenhao wants to go alone, the fat man can eat some snacks in the pavilion next to him and wait for a while.

When the two heard that they were treated so preferentially, they naturally agreed happily. In fact, even if the two of them stand inside and outside to answer, they will not have any complaints. This servility has penetrated into their bone marrow and will not be expelled for a while.

One of them entered the house happily, and one of them, under the arrangement of the bodyguard, found several maidservants to serve him enjoy exquisite snacks in the pavilion, which was indescribably comfortable.

However, Yang Huang naturally had no time to worry about the thoughts in their hearts. At this time, he had followed Zhenhao to the house. The room is empty, and there is only a huge throne chair with three palms in the direction of the door.

This is Kong Ying's room, and Kong Ying sits in the middle seat. On her left hand side is a cringy old woman with a wrinkled face.

Zhenhao immediately recognized that the old woman's name was Mother Orchid, and she was an elder in the city who was responsible for guiding the hearts of the people. The location of the orchid mother-in-law is an extremely dark existence.

Similar to the secular Dongchang, it specially sent people to sneak into the caravan, and then entered the jungle town to get information from the citizens here.

When you hear that some citizens have accidentally revealed some secrets in the city, or hear someone secretly complaining about their dissatisfaction with the elders. That night, the law enforcement team under the orchid mother-in-law immediately took the man away and made him disappear.

If the people in the city are afraid of the punishment elders, they are afraid of the orchid mother-in-law.

As for sitting on the other side, she is a young woman with the same appearance as Kong Ying. She is gorgeously dressed, full of spring breeze, and her bones are charming.

Zhenhao just took a quiet look, and his breathing immediately became much heavier. It turned out to be a sign of spring and full of love. This woman is not simple. She is an elder who specializes in the news in the city. Her name is Su Mei. She is responsible for the brothel casino and several teahouses in the city.

Specially seduces the core members of the caravan, attracts them, and explores the reality of the caravan. If an ordinary person comes to ask you when the next caravan will come, these businessmen may immediately raise their vigilance.

But if your "beauty confidant" asks you with a resentful face, when can I see you next time? I'm afraid that nine out of ten people will tell the truth.

Then these women will summarize the information, find out the common points, and report it to Su Mei. Then Su Mei will summarize the information from the rest of the channels and let all the elders analyze it together, from which everyone will choose the object to do.

In the whole jungle town, each elder has a special area responsible for. When unified, it is a complete chain, which is indispensable.

This is also the reason why Yang Huang will choose to subdue one by one, which is time-consuming and laborious, otherwise it will be the right way to pull them together and pat them all to death after the Taoist evils wake up, and then change into his own talents.

"You are Zhenhao!" Zhenhao finished the ceremony for the three of them, and the orchid mother-in-law took the lead in saying.

"It's right!" Zhenhao said quickly.

"I heard that you have solid evidence that He Jiang is dead?" The orchid mother-in-law slightly owed her body, like an old lady of a large family, like an ancestor, and her body revealed a sense of decay. However, Yang Huang, who was attached to Zhenhao, clearly felt that this orchid mother-in-law was absolutely not simple, but the highest among the three.

Entering the Taishang realm is just a matter of stepping on the door. In this realm, she can make full use of secret methods to make herself forcibly break through and enter the upper realm. Although there will be sequelae, if it is used to save lives, its power must not be underestimated.

"That's right!" After this period of exercise, Zhenhao was also much bolder. Yang Huang recited what he taught him before. The idea is that he was hunted down by He Jiang on his way to escort Yu Anhua today. Fortunately, Elder Kong Ying appeared in time and luckily saved his life. Now he has an irreconvinent hatred for He Jiang, and he must revenge to relieve his hatred.

Sure enough, the orchid mother-in-law's eyes flashed with a light. However, he hid it again and asked in a low voice, "If what you said is true." That can indeed prove He Jiang to death, so who can guarantee that what you said is true?

"This is easy to do!" Zhenhao's neck was blocked and he looked righteous: "Please ask a few elders to directly extract my soul memory. Memory will not lie, which everyone knows. I have completely fell out with Elder He Jiang now, and there is no possibility of survival. I just want to find a way to live for my brothers. Elder Kong Ying has already promised me that as long as I am willing to sacrifice, I can let my friends rise to the top!"

"Oh?" Even Su Mei was a little surprised and couldn't help looking at Zhenhao: "You are really willing to do this and extract your soul memory, and you will die. Even if you don't die, you will lose all your memory and become a living dead person. Life is better than death!"

"I know!" Zhenhao has been in this jungle town for hundreds of years and has been familiar with acting. He said with a sad expression, "Today, I was going to die at the hands of Elder He Jiang. Elder Kong Ying saved me. I knew at that moment that I had no chance of living at all. On the floor today, I was fascinated and bumped into him. But my brothers are innocent. As long as you can protect my brothers, my death is valuable!"

After saying that, Zhenhao saluted very cooperatively, "So please do it directly now!"

Seeing this situation, Kong Ying immediately exchanged eyes with Lanhua's mother-in-law and Su Mei, and both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

It really takes no time. It turns out that Zhenhao is really a thorn. Today, I bumped into He Jiang and turned out to be happy for a while. Now after being hunted down by He Jiang, he actually turned his head and sacrificed himself and wanted to bite He Jiang.

However, this is in line with the wishes of several people. As an elder, chasing and killing citizens is simply a heinous crime. Coupled with Zhenhao's willingness to sacrifice himself to achieve solid evidence, He Jiang is bound to die this time!

"Good!" Kong Ying nodded: "I promise you, I will definitely do it. Go on your way with peace!" While talking, he should directly reach out to grab Zhenhao's head and extract his soul memory.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took action, he was immediately stopped by the orchid mother-in-law: "This matter is of great importance. We must make sure that there is no mistake and take him into the secret room!"

"That's right!" Su Mei also nodded: " Zhenhao is a cultivation of yin and yang. Even if he cooperates with our extraction, it is also a very labor-consuming thing. We must enter the secret room to ensure that no one disturbs us!"

This is Kong Ying's purpose, and she is naturally happy to push the boat along the water. The three of them fought together, and the ground suddenly trembled, and an entrance two or three meters wide appeared in front of Zhen Hao.

"Don't be afraid!" Su Mei looked at Zhenhao's pale face and couldn't help smiling: "Before extracting your memory, I will give you a holy medicine to make your whole spirit detached without any pain!"

"Thank you, Elder Su Mei!" Su Mei thought that Zhenhao's face was pale because she was going to die in a while. But he didn't know that Zhenhao was afraid that they would not pull themselves into the secret room at all. In that case, the plan would almost fail. It's hard to say what will happen to him.