Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 320 High Platform competition

"Full pressure!" At this moment, Muji's friend suddenly roared. He turned around and took out a box from his arms and patted it on the table: "100 time crystals, all bet wood season wins!"

"Good!" Muji's friend's righteous indignation and sinking boat in front of the person in charge of registration is bullshit. He doesn't care where your money comes from or what it means to you, just register the correct number.

As the registrar of this bureau, he has seen too many red-eyed gamblers. You can bet on everything, even if you work hard in the end. It's not surprising.

Open the box quickly to count the number of time crystals, write down the receipt of the certificate and give it to Muji's friend. Then he stretched out his hand and said, "Take good hold of you, the next one!"

In this way, Mu Ji's friend was immediately taken away from the front of the registration office, and the ensuing crowd completely drowned him.

He is like a little ant. In this crowd, not even a wave has turned up. Even if he has exhausted all his capital, no one can remember him at all.

Yang Huang incarnated as Mu Ji, standing on the high platform and looking at Mu Ji's friends from afar, but unconsciously scratched a smile at the corners of his mouth.

Adhering to all the memories of Mu Ji, Yang Huang naturally knows that this friend has a very good relationship with Mu Ji, no less than a life-and-death friendship.

It's the same now, as a friend of Mu Ji. Although he was not able to stand up and kill Mu Ji, he also cheered for his friends with all his own family.

It's actually enough for friends to do this. Everyone's definition of a friend is also different. If you expect every friend to give his life to you, you should also ask yourself, can you really do that?

"Oh!" When Yang Huang was thinking nonsense, he only heard a loud bell ringing in his ear. He turned his head and saw the referee waxing to him.

"There is still 30 breaths to prepare, Muji player, please get ready!" The referee made a loud voice to give a hint.

"I know!" Yang Huang nodded faintly and stood in the middle of the high platform. There, the Nanban, who won three battles, was grinning at him.

This southern office is comparable to that of the orchid mother-in-law in a small jungle town in reality, which belongs to the kind of person who can enter the Taishang realm with one foot. Having touched the edge of the upper realm, you can temporarily borrow some rules of the upper realm.

There are very few such people. No wonder he can win three games in a row, if there are no special circumstances. Even all night, it was difficult to find his existence to compete with him.

But now that he meets Yang Huang, it's his bad luck. Yang Huang has no interest in this kind of gambling, and it doesn't matter how many crystals he can get after winning. What he needs is to cause chaos, and the best way to cause chaos is undoubtedly to incite people's emotions.

Seeing Nanban smiling at him, Yang Huang also shrugged his shoulders and replied. Shrugging shoulders is Muji's signature move. In order not to let people see through, Yang Huang has merged with Mu Ji's habits with himself.

In the future, even if someone wants to find the root cause of chaos, they will never find the tricks here. At most, this riot can only be regarded as a temporary sudden event.

Seeing Yang Huang laughing, Nanban suddenly tilted his head: "I'm curious. Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Death?" Yang Huang touched his chin and said, "I think everyone is afraid of death!"

"Since you are afraid of death, where did you have the courage to stand in front of me? Just now, you were laughing. Laughing is the glory of the winner. Do you think you can win? Nanban's face showed surprise and asked seriously.

When Yang Huang heard the words, he knew that this person had gone crazy. I am quite self-confident and narcissistic, and I don't bother to pay attention to him. And looking at the ferocity he just carried, I don't know how many lives he has taken. Even if this person is killed by him later, it is self-inflicted and does not need to be soft-hearted.

Seeing that Yang Huang didn't say anything, Nanban felt good and said to himself, "Yes, just be afraid. Be scared, but don't worry, the pain will pass soon. When you die, you will be completely detached and there will be no fear!"

"Oh!" In the endless chatter of the Southern Office, the duel officially began.

Na Nanban was a little strong and heard the bell at the beginning of the game. Instead, he waved to Yang Huang: "You are too weak. I'll give you three moves. Within three moves, if you can defeat me, that's your luck. If you can't kill me, let your friends collect the body for you!"

The practice of the South Office immediately aroused the cheers of the onlookers, and all of them cheered for the South Office. It seems that even they all feel that the wood season transformed by Yang Huang is too weak.

The three moves are made to make the game more interesting. Otherwise, the Southern Office will directly kill Mu Ji, which is too boring.

Gambling is exciting, and it is even more exciting to see the bloody fight! The two are sandwiched together, which is the most irresistible.

With the high platform, it is like a tsunami. Yang Huang nodded a little dullly: "Well, okay!"

The comparison on the high platform, everything is free. As long as large lethal spells are used without breaking the rules, both of them will fight after the allowed range.

Not to mention that the Nanban let Yang Huang make three moves, even if they agreed to stand there and bombard each other, there is no problem. Of course, the premise is that the two reach an agreement.

The referee raised his hand: "In order to increase the fun of the game, the Nanban players are willing to let Muji take three moves first. Muji has taken action, and the agreement takes effect!"

As soon as the referee's words fell, everyone immediately showed an excited look.

The referee, judge everything. He announced that the agreement had entered into force, so it was impossible to change it. Now the Southern Office must resist Yang Huang's three records, otherwise it will be punished by the referee even if it violates the rules.

Nanban couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and he thought that Muji's wife was also bad. If others heard his words, they would be furious and had a big deal with him.

Who knows that Mu Ji did not hesitate to accept it directly, but what can he do if he punches three times? At that time, he can only continue to humiliate Hanguang City.

Nanban thought so, but Yang Huang came to him in no hurry. First, he reached out and gently drew a circle on the position on his chest and set the position.

Then he raised his hand and patted it. The palm was not very strong, and even a little light. Even if it is converted, it only feels like yin and yang, and it looks like it is being tested.

"Bang!" With a palm falling, Nanban didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Is this scene actually a fool? That palm slapped on the body, and he didn't even penetrate his protective strength.

Is this boy not want to take advantage of me, so he deliberately uses this method to kill these three opportunities?

You can't think too much about it, bang! The second palm was also printed. It is still light, as if there is no strength to deliberately release water.

"Shh!" The stage suddenly booed, especially those gold owners who chose to buy unpopular ones. They couldn't wait to tear the * in their hands into pieces and smash them on Mu Ji's face.

Originally, they thought that they would cherish the opportunity of these three moves, and at least hurt Nanban, so that the gap between the two could be narrowed, so that there might be a chance to win. Who knows, let him waste three chances like this!

Some people even shouted below that this Muji was invited by the person who set up this bureau to cheat money!

Unfortunately, his voice was quickly submerged, because after all, most people still chose to win in the south office. The weaker Mu Ji is, the more stable their money will win.

"The third punch!" The referee also frowned and raised his voice to remind him. Tell Yang Huang that this is his last chance.

But Yang Huang still didn't seem to hear it. He continued to slap him, and he was still soft and had almost no power!

"Good!" The referee saw a lot of strange things, and it was not surprising. He waved his hand: "The game officially begins, and the two sides can attack each other!"

However, after his voice fell, there was no movement from both sides. Yang Huang stood down and did not attack or let go. And Nanban's face was distorted, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

"Hmm?" The referee frowned and was a little angry. He didn't know what the two were playing. Just as I wanted to ask, I saw a sudden click from Nanban's body, like a crackling sound of a rock.

Immediately, a horrible scene appeared. The leg bone of Nanban suddenly cracked, and his whole body fell straight to the ground. Not only that, just as soon as his body hit the ground, it suddenly fell apart like glass and could not see a complete piece of meat.

The whole open space immediately fell into a strange silence. No one expected, even the referee, and he didn't know how Nanban died.

I just saw him mocking Mu Ji, but now he is so suddenly torn apart! Is it made by Muji? But that Muji didn't do anything at all, just with his soft three palms?

I'm afraid anyone in the field dares to take those three palms! Therefore, the cause of Nanban's death will definitely be due to those three palms. Since it is not, Nanban's death is so miserable that someone must have secretly took action!

For a while, rumors were everywhere. The whole venue fell into a state of panic. I'm afraid that the next one is to be attacked.

The same is true of the referee. After a brief panic, he still looked up at Yang Huang. Then he took Yang Huang's hand and raised it high: "The winner of this game is Mu Ji. Those who win, go and receive the prize quickly. Those who lose, * are invalid!"

The referee's words finally attracted everyone's attention back to the game. Those people looked at Yang Huang with a doubtful face, and then looked at the * in their hands. Suddenly, there was a nameless fire in my heart.

So it is, so it is. Those who put all the money on the Central South Office seemed to understand something in an instant. Seeing that the aura in your hand is gradually disappearing, it means that this * is useless.

Suddenly, their eyes turned red, gasping for breath, and they were extremely angry. I'm afraid that more than 10,000 people in this game have bought Nanban to win, but now Nanban has died inexplicably. They all have to lose money. How can they believe that this is not the people who set up this bureau?

"I'm not convinced!" At this time, a man close to the high platform roared, and his feet were already rising in the air and fell directly to the high platform.

"I'm not convinced. Nanban is my good friend. I know his strength best. Now he died an unknown tragic death on your high platform. I will definitely ask for an explanation for him!" The man roared loudly, as if he were extremely angry.

"Agging for an explanation?" The referee snorted coldly: "I don't know what you want to say. It doesn't matter whether you live or die on the high platform. Why don't you want to explain when Nanban beats others to death?

"That's different!" The man stared at Yang Huang fiercely: "Nanban won three games in a row, which was made by one punch and one foot, and all of us saw it clearly. But now this boy named Mu Ji obviously has no strength, but silently killed Nanban. Who will believe it!"

"What do you want?" The referee snorted coldly. Although he also felt strange, he didn't pay attention to it. If they win, they will win. What's more, because of the victory of Muji this time, they can be said to have made a lot of money. How can they let this person mess around here!

"If you don't want to do anything, let me do a few tricks. The Southern Office is three levels higher than my power. If this person can't beat me, the result just now must be fraudulent. If I can fight, I have nothing to say!" The man spoke and reached out and grabbed Yang Huang.

Yang Huang seemed to be shocked and quickly shrank behind the referee. The referee was also very angry. This bet has been set up for more than half a year, and no one has dared to be so provocative.

On the high platform, he is the person who presides over everything. Naturally, he can't allow people to fool around here. Immediately, he had a murderous intention. As soon as his mind moved, he wanted to kill this person directly and set an opportunity to kill him. Otherwise, in the future, if everyone will follow the example and feel unfair, they will come up to provoke, and then this gamble will not be played.

Suddenly, I saw the referee, dressed in a robe without wind. Put your hands in a circle and make a noise to form a space and go directly towards the person.

"What are you doing!" The man was also anxious and didn't expect the referee to take action. He immediately withdrew his strength and said, "The referee, I don't want to embarrass you. How about we have a good relationship with you?"

"Do you also deserve it?" The referee sneered and sneered. Not only was he not prepared to close the situation, but he increased his efforts. Under the circumstances, the man was immediately wrapped in it.

The next moment, I only listen to the space, and the sound of clicks keeps waiting for everything to dissipate. The person who came up to provoke was thrown out of the space again.

After coming out, the man struggled to point to the referee: "Sure enough, you did it..." But before the voice fell, his body suddenly cracked, which was exactly the same as Nanban's way of death.

The whole site turned into silence again. But this time, everyone's eyes turned to the referee. What does it mean that the death of two people is the same?

Sure enough, the Southern Office was not killed by Mu Ji at all, but was secretly killed by the referee. Everyone understood and was angry.

The next moment roared repeatedly. Especially those who have suppressed all their own things. Suddenly, there was a complete outbreak, a complete riot and movement.

Everyone rushed to the referee on the high platform to tear the referee to pieces. The referee was also stupid. Originally, he was in the space and just taught the man a lesson. How could he die like this after he still came out of the space? And it's exactly the same way to die.

It's just that he can't think too much. The first wave of people has rushed over.

This referee is the cultivation of Taishangjing, and the person who rushed up is just writing about the cave heaven. In panic, the referee instinctively returned his hand and waved his big sleeves. Suddenly, all the first people were swept out and had not yet landed, and they had turned into pieces again.

Well, the group was furious, and everyone took action. First, they besieged the referee, and between the attacks, the people of the two cities met each other and accidentally injured each other.

It suddenly turned into a fight between many people. Further, this 10,000 people were completely confused. One hundred camp after another appeared, formed groups, and began to attack people in other cities.

Naturally, the other party is unwilling to show weakness and form a group. The group is getting bigger and bigger, and the killing sound is shocking. In less than a single incense, it has evolved into a battle of tens of thousands of people.

Everyone's eyes are red-eyed, and organizations without leaders are fighting separately. But this is also the case, causing great losses.

Some people could not beat it, fought and retreated, and fled to the city. Those who did not participate in the war immediately came up to help when they saw that the people in their city were hunted down by people in other cities.

The two fought one, immediately pulled back the battle, and in turn chased the man. The man in turn fled to his own city and met people in his city to help him from time. Over and over again, more and more people gathered, and most of the cities would fall into war.

Even Daoxie and Wang Fengyue, who stayed in the room to rest, were awakened by the noise and had not yet recovered. I only felt a sound above my head. The next moment, I only heard a bang. A man was knocked down directly from the sky and fell off the roof.

Without waiting for Dao Xie and Wang Fengyue to come to their senses, two people immediately chased in. I didn't look at the evil. First, I rushed to the guy who fell down with a hammer.

Then he looked up at Daoxie and Wang Fengyue with a comfortable face and said with a smile, "Oh, who are you two? I slept happily. I don't know if the urban war has started now. Since you are the citizens of my Xuan'ao City, you should..."

The man is complacent and seems to want to show his vision and heroism in front of Wang Fengyue, a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by Dao Xie and threw it out along the big hole on the roof.

I only heard two screams outside the door, and I don't know where it hit. Immediately, there was another messy sound, which seemed to be found by others and fought.

"It seems that the door owner's plan is more successful than expected!" Wang Fengyue squeezed her lips and smiled: "This is a good show!"