Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 310 Migration

This boat is too big. If Yang Huang hadn't been above the nine heavens, he wouldn't have been able to see its whole picture. Such a big ship is so complicated and unimaginable. If you want to completely sacrifice it successfully, with Yang Huang's current ability, I don't know what year and month it will be.

But it's good to give advice now. It's relatively easy for Yang Huang to concentrate on some important rooms and institutions first!

Anyway, this huge boat is here. Without the totem shuttle in Yang Huang's hand, it is impossible for him to sacrifice. Now Yang Huang is the real captain and master.

"This is the secret room in charge of all the spirit beasts on the ice field. As long as you sacrifice it successfully, you can issue an order to bring back all the spirit beasts before the ice field is completely destroyed!" Shan took Yang Huang to fly along the giant boat to an entrance.

Then explain in detail the role of the mechanism in the entrance, so that Yang Huang can analyze whether to sacrifice first.

The spirit beasts in the icefield, nearly 100 million, are combined together, which is definitely a power that cannot be underestimated. Although most of these beasts are between the yin and yang realm and the cave heaven realm.

But that's because they have always grown naturally. If they can all merge together, their patriarchs will teach them how to practice.

It will take less than three or five years, and all of them will undergo transformation.

Now the evil situation on the ice field, as long as the patriarch of a herd is detached from the cave and transformed into a human form, he will immediately leave the group and enter urban life.

Although they are patriarchs, they only ask for and have no contribution to the ethnic group. But now Yang Huang will reverse this situation and let the patriarch lead their ethnic groups to develop together and develop well with rewards. If the development is not good, he will be disqualified immediately, and Yang Huang will personally send someone to support the new patriarch.

As Shan just said, Yang Huang has always distinguished reality from the world in the three-legged furnace. Although he didn't say it on the surface, Yang Huang has always taken the attitude of absorbing as much as possible for the world in the three-legged furnace.

Continuing development and expansion, I have never thought about using it for a long time.

But now it's different. Yang Huang knows his identity and the significance of the existence of the three-legged round furnace from Shan. For the three-legged round furnace, a little different emotion immediately rose.

Although he did not know what kind of existence he was at the beginning, since he could be persuaded to participate in the construction of the three-legged round furnace, it shows that he had identified with the three-legged round furnace before.

Now, by another coincidence, I got a three-legged round furnace, which shows the far-reaching impact of this plan on him. People who have reached their level can't believe that there will be coincidences in the world.

The three-legged furnace toss and turns and appears in his hands again, indicating that there must be other factors behind it. However, these can only be thought about now, and they can't completely subdue the three-legged furnace. Yang Huang will never know everything hidden behind the three-legged furnace.

It is unknown which era Yang Huang was reincarnated. He only remembers that his last master was a figure in the sixth era.

It's a pity that life and death are lost. However, the three-legged furnace will not be destroyed, but falls into the void and begins to wander endlessly until the next time it is fished out of the void.

The spirit in the three-legged round furnace has ideas. Only when he is familiar will he open the door and let the man enter it.

Otherwise, even if it is forcibly broken, the person is strong enough to destroy the whole three-legged furnace. Otherwise, you can't get the right to control it at all.

But then again, if he completely destroys the world in the three-legged furnace, there is no point in getting this three-legged furnace.

Therefore, no matter who the other party is, the three-legged furnace cannot be taken away by others unless it is re-refined. Even those supreme gods who got a complete set of three-legged furnaces in the last era are impossible.

Under the guidance of kindness, Yang Huang went directly to the secret room. The totem shuttle in his hand rotates and keeps shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, it turned into a grain of dust, which was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. As soon as Yang Huang opened his mouth and sucked it, it was integrated into the body.

With the combination of the totem shuttle and Yang Huang, Yang Huang only felt that the whole person's momentum suddenly rose, and the spiritual weapons in his body were running crazily, and there was a posture that he wanted to break through.

He knows that this is because the energy of the totemsuo is so strong that it is impossible for him to be fully mastered at present. Now the breath of this shuttle has penetrated, which has improved his realm. If it breaks out completely, I don't know how strong it is.

Deeply took a deep breath, the spiritual device in the body operated, dispersing the whole body. After forcibly suppressing the desire to ascend, Yang Huang carefully looked at this secret room.

is almost the same as the secret room they first saw. However, the difference is that in this secret room, those cages have been reduced countless times, about the size of a nail cap.

They are densely gathered together, like a beehive.

"It seems that this is the core of the secret room!" Yang Huang touched his chin and toured the huge beehive like a small mountain in front of him. He knew that this was the core of controlling the huge room. As long as it was not destroyed, the room could always repair itself.

However, there is not much time, and Yang Huang can't feel it slowly. As soon as his mind moved, a sacrificial skill emerged from his mind. It's nothing else, it's about the sacrificial method corresponding to this hive-like core.

It was not until Yang Huang practiced the method once that he felt the mystery. These small rooms, a total of 9,999, represent the extreme number of heaven and earth.

seems to be independent and helpless, but in fact, they are connected according to a mysterious rule. Once you don't know the rules and want to forcibly sacrifice, you will immediately detonate all the rooms.

At that time, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and both sides will be injured. When this core is detonated, it is estimated that the power is almost the same as that of the Wuhua proud weapon. Even the realm of pseudo-god has to fall. Without careful protection, it is not impossible for life and death.

Even if it is a divine realm, although it will not die, injury is inevitable. More importantly, after the explosion, the core will be directly destroyed. The room will soon collapse completely, and all efforts will be in vain.

It will take countless years for anyone, even the supreme god, to crack this extreme number. But at the last moment, I was at a loss. I'm afraid it's difficult to express that depressed mood.

However, Yang Huang is the orthodox successor and has obtained the existence of three-legged round furnace certification. There is no need to think about failure at all.

Holding his breath, Yang Huang swept away all the distractions in his mind. The mental method of sacrificing was completely integrated into his mind. As time passed by minute and seconds, one time box after another was made by Yang Huang one after another.

Directly adjusted the speed of the passage of time to the ratio of reality to one minute a year than in reality, but refused to give up.

Now Yang Huang has completely cared about the loss of time crystals. Things are dead, but people are alive. Yang Huang saved them for a certain moment, and now is undoubtedly the most appropriate time.

After stabilizing the time ratio, Yang Huang began to simulate the calculation in his mind and was familiar with the whole process. This is a very boring process.

Just like a secular master practicing martial arts, every move has to be tempered over and over again. Strive to do it in one go when using it.

The same is true of sacrificing magic weapons. When people sacrifice magic weapons, the whole person will fall into an empty state, unable to pause at all, and cannot be disturbed by anyone. Not to mention intentional destruction, even a kind disturbance cannot be allowed.

With the passage of time, 30 years have passed since Yang Huang was in the time box.

In the past 30 years, Yang Huang sat cross-legged and motioned, as if he had turned into a stone.

But in his sea of knowledge, there are earth-shaking changes every moment. One by one, ideas kept deriving, and then disappeared. Calculate all possible changes in this hive.

It was not until this time that Yang Huang really felt the difficulties. The extreme number of heaven and earth is a change derived to the extreme. Yang Huang has spent 30 years on the map, and has just calculated half of it.

You can imagine how long it will take for those who get the three-legged furnace to explore by themselves.

Fortunately, Yang Huang has begun to master the rules, and there are more and fewer ideas born in his mind and fewer and fewer damage.

Finally, another 30 years passed, and Yang Huang's mind was suddenly generous and bright, and the influence of those chaotic beehives was completely solved.

Seeing this situation, Yang Huang suddenly opened his eyes. The beehive in front of him blew out with a long breath. Yang Huang's breath was so long that it spewed out in one breath, as if a whirlwind blew out in the room.

The seemingly hard beehive collapsed and collapsed in the whirlwind. They separated one by one and were closely connected, like a long snake, and they were reorganized and arranged again according to a brand-new appearance.

This time, those small rooms are no longer piled up in a mess. Instead, it is recombined according to a new law. A moment later, a square square was formed in front of Yang Huang.

The dense outline of the room can still be seen above the square, but the shape shrinks again and becomes the size of an ant.

"Is it so simple?" As soon as I reached out and grabbed it, I grabbed the square in my hand. I felt the breath of flesh and blood from the square, and I couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Although he has deduced in his mind, it is illusory and not real. When it really progresses in reality, there should be more trouble.

But I didn't expect it to be a success. This is more certain. As Shan said, Yang Huang's group of hidden powers were making the three-legged round furnace.

is simply setting everyone as the owner of the three-legged round furnace. Although Yang Huang has lost his previous memory, the setting will not lie.

Yang Huang's soul and breath will not change, and it is reasonable to subdue this secret room so smoothly.

I gently held the square in my hand twice, and the next moment I saw Yang Huang's mind move. The square suddenly rose into the air and flew towards the sky.

Just left the hull, the square rose in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it had become several kilometers long and wide. The rooms expanded one by one, emitting a sound wave-like atmosphere.

Not to mention the faraway, there is a herd of beasts just 10,000 meters away from Yang Huang. The herd fled in panic because of the appearance of the previous boat crossing the world. Now he is curled up under an ice cliff and trembling.

But when the breath of the square passed, the beasts straightened up together. There was a longing in his eyes, and then he rushed towards this square.

It's like a wanderer who has been away from home for many years and suddenly sees his relatives.

Just as they were three kilometers away from the square, the square immediately projected a golden light. Shining on the herd, then the golden light was withdrawn, and the herd disappeared strangely.

Yang Huang felt something in his heart and knew that the herd had been received back by the cubes. Before the golden light completely disappeared, the next moment, another herd also rushed over from a nearby place and was led in. Return to his own herd.

After several times, more and more herds began to appear, and the whole world was shrouded in golden light, which was spectacular.

At this time, Shan also came over and came to Yang Huang and said, "This is called the Beast Pavilion. It is the true face of the hive. Now that the Wan Beast Pavilion has been launched, it doesn't make much sense for us here. Why don't I take the prince to the next secret room to continue the sacrifice?

"Good!" Yang Huang nodded and followed Shan to another secret room. It must be extraordinary to be called a machine by good people.

For example, this Ten Thousand Beast Pavilion seems to control the core of the entire ice field race. Without this huge ship, even if it is taken out. It's all a great thing.

You should know that when the collection is completed, there will be hundreds of millions of yin and yang. And it won't be long before these yin and yang realms will soar into cave heaven again.

Hundreds of millions of caves, no matter where they are placed, is a frightening number.

What kind of burning cave, it is definitely the existence that one person can drown with a mouthful of saliva. When Yang Huang was in the burning sky cave, there were only more than 30,000 people in the burning sky cave. More than half of them still have a glimpse of the realm of the Dharma. The virtual realm has just over 10,000. As for the opening of the realm of light, it is the existence of becoming a direct disciple. The realm of yin and yang is at the level of elders.

Dongtianjing enjoys all resources in the sect, but now, Yang Huang alone can convert hundreds of millions of Dongtianjing in a ten thousand beast pavilion. It is hard to imagine when he integrates the other two fields. What kind of scene is it after completely refining this boat over the world?

But he can't be happy too early. After all, Yang Huang can't switch between reality. These spirit beasts and people in other fields, including Long Qitian, are all the same.

are all soul states, although dealing with some sects with cross-strength, you can directly crush them by the number of people. However, if you take such a lineup to beat Luo Liang, and even those great practitioners in the first world, it will be a little overpowerful!

All these souls sent by Yang Huang will be reduced to their profits, but they should let the other party's power increase greatly.

The cultivation has reached a certain level and has been above everyone, and the number of people can't make up for it at all. It's like letting 10,000 newborn wolves deal with a lame dog. Although the crippled dog looks very weak, those wolf cubs don't even have teeth and can't cause any harm to the crippled dog at all.

Thinking about it, the scenery in front of me changed again. Yang Huang looked around and found that he appeared in a room full of machines.

This room is similar to the machines Yang Huang saw when he saw Murong Yu in the Murong family. But the only difference is that the machines in front of us have been magnified thousands of times.

Every machine is like a steel giant, thousands of kilometers high, placed there with bursts of roaring.

Each machine looks different, and at first glance, there is a division of labor. Unfortunately, Yang Huang doesn't know anything about it and doesn't know what these are for.

"Ha ha!" Seeing the machine in front of him, Shan laughed: "Son, you only need to understand it carefully to know the role of these machines. You don't need old guidance at all!"

I don't understand why Shan is mysterious at this time, but Yang Huang still closes his eyes. I carefully feel everything here. The power of space is normal, the spiritual power fluctuates normally, and there is no reaction of life. The possibility was ruled out in Yang Huang's mind.

Finally, when Yang Huang's eyes fell on the most likely speculation, he couldn't help but be shocked. Opening his eyes, he looked at Shan incredulously and asked, "Is this the workshop for making time crystals?"

"That's right!" Shan laughed and said, "Among the three-legged round furnace, although our field is the weakest. But almost all the core equipment is stored here.

This is also a kind of contract, if a person falls into a three-legged furnace that needs others. Then he must also be the weakest, and may even lose all his cultivation.

If the core facilities are placed in the two areas of evil or ugly at this time, you want to take them out. That's even harder than climbing to the sky. In turn, these equipment are used by evil and ugliness, which may in turn kill the heirs.

This is a situation that no one can't see in any case. Therefore, all these core equipment are placed in our good domain. If I succeed in assessing you and make sure that you are really the heir, I will give you everything, and even I will become your servant and dedicate all my strength to you!"

"Don't worry!" Hearing this, Yang Huang took a look: "You are pure-hearted, the embodiment of kindness, and you don't have any bad thoughts on people. I won't use you as a slave. Instead, I want you to become the core elders here, teach everyone and guide them to good!"

After listening, his eyes lit up and immediately did not hide his joy: "Then thank you, prince! The old man is here to protect the law for the prince. The prince can just accept these machines at ease!"