Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 312 Integration of Four Cities

Long Qitian and Yu Haoran couldn't help smiling bitterly when they saw this scene. When they built Hengjiang City, the plan was to build Hengjiang City into a city full of faith.

The only object that needs to be respected and worshipped by the citizens in the city is Yang Huang. As for the city owners, for them, it is just a management agency and department, and it is enough for them to live according to the law in the city.

However, even these laws have a small and pitiful effect. Because they are all from the sect. In the sect, the rules of the sect are stricter than these laws.

Some people even slander the city owner in their hearts, thinking that the law of the city owner is simply a child's family, which is not perfect at all, not as generous as the family.

Now, although Yang Huang looks at it on the surface, he is only their master. In fact, it is already the true God in their minds and the existence that gives them everything.

Everyone's heart is full of love and respect for Yang Huang, and even a little simple. The worship of Yang Huang has reached an incredible crazy stage.

Even if Yang Huang asked them to die, they would never frown, but felt that it was glory.

The signs of this belief almost broke out at one time, affecting the whole city. Fortunately, he was found by Long Qitian and others in time, reported Yang Huang and then strangled him in the cradle.

This belief is too crazy, and now it is just the beginning. Everything revolves around Yang Huang as the core. Once it comes to the later stage and accidentally loses control, it will immediately lead to unexpected killing.

In the secular world, people are bewitched by some false Taoist priests, and it is very calm to kill their children and sacrifice their daughters. As for killing infidels, it is like killing melons and cutting vegetables.

Sometimes the killing, even the fake Taoist priest who lit the flame feels fear.

What's more, among the secular world, not to mention that the lowest believers nowadays are the cultivation of yin and yang. If they go crazy and want to clean up the infidels, the destruction will be earth-shaking.

Faith has reached the extreme, lost itself, and only the ridiculous belief can be seen in the heart, driven by belief. At that time, even Yang Huang will not be able to stop it peacefully. Either destroy them or watch them destroy others.

Yang Huang is not a madman. Naturally, he doesn't want his men to be crazy. Now this belief has long been reversed. They regard Yang Huang as their parents and teachers.

is a wise sage, not a real god and Buddha, who needs them to constantly develop believers and worship everything.

However, although the way of faith has been reversed, their faith has also become more firm, like a steel barrier. No one can change their faith in this life.

"Okay, don't complain anymore!" Yu Haoran smiled and said, "Since everyone has begun to prepare for migration, it will start tomorrow according to our plan. As for you, go to Guangfang City now and stabilize everything!"

"That's right!" Long Qitian nodded: "If Wang Fengyue could still give advice, but now she has been taken away by the boss. It's up to me. I'll get ready and wait for your arrival!"

After Long Qitian finished speaking, his body moved, slightly burned the power of his soul, and once again turned into a 10,000-meter-long golden five-clawed dragon and flew towards the city of light.

At this time, Guangfang City has already turned into a pot of porridge, and a series of earthquakes have occurred. Although it did not cause any damage to the city, it made them feel fear.

All the people of Guangfang City evolved from spirit beasts. There is no human insight into natural disasters.

After a disaster, the first idea for human beings is to hide and then consider how to survive. But the beast is not. Their first thought is to run.

No matter where you go, running is the most important thing.

But now, they have turned into human figures. Moreover, it has been attached to Guangfang City. Now that the lord of Guangfang City and the eldest prince of Guangfang City have not appeared, and they really dare not move.

Otherwise, there will be no chance to live. In particular, although the frequency of this earthquake is extremely high, it happens almost every half an hour. But the damage is pitiful, standing on the ground with little attention, and it is impossible to fall down.

Every time an earthquake comes, people stand on the ground, just like standing on cotton, trembling, and then there are no sequelae.

So now, they are just out of instinctive fear. It has no practical impact on itself. And then again, how can an earthquake affect them?

At this time, most of the city people gathered on the streets. His head was high, looking at the high platform erected in the center of the city. At this time, Suna, the only remaining minister in the high platform, became the number one manager of the city after the people left.

Now she is trying her best to persuade and appease everyone's anxiety.

"Don't worry, the city owner and the eldest prince just went to the two cities of Xuan'ao and Hanguang to negotiate whether the alliance is still fighting. They don't abandon our city, and don't have any other ideas. Otherwise, they will be deceived and lose their lives, but they will admit their bad luck!" Although it was persuasion, Suna still said that it was murderous and gave no room for refutation.

"We're fine!" At this time, a person very close to the high platform said, "But now the people of our tribe keep sending us messages asking for help, but we can't ignore it!"

"That's right!" Another person also said quickly, "If it was before, it would be fine, but the first order issued to us since the dragon city lord ascended the throne is that we must treat our tribe well and not make them die on a large scale again!"

"If the earthquake expands later, there will be casualties for our people. Please ask Minister Suna to prove for us that this is a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster!" Someone revealed their worries!

"Don't worry!" Just as Su Nan was about to speak, he only heard a sound of thunder from nine days ago. Then, a huge dragon head leaned down from the sky, and then the golden light flashed, and the dragon head disappeared, but Long Qitian had stood beside Suna.

"I've seen the city lord!" Everyone saw that it was the arrival of the city lord, including Suna, who knelt down.

Long Qitian nodded and was majestic for a moment: "I've heard your worries. But don't worry, your doorman, my brother Yang Huang, has already made all the arrangements!"

As soon as Long Qitian's words came out, everyone suddenly showed a relieved look.

They actually don't have any feelings for their tribe, and now they are relieved not because they know that the tribe will be preserved, but because they know that no matter what happens in the future, they can't find themselves.

Seeing this situation, Long Qitian is also a little helpless. Their concept has penetrated into the bone marrow. In the human world, this concept is to be stabbed at the spine and scolded for forgetting his ancestors, ruthlessly. But in this country of spiritual beasts, it is very normal.

If a spirit beast has turned into a humanoid, it will be scolded if it has to mix with other spirit beasts. He said that he has no bones, is already a human, and he still wants to mix with beasts.

This time, it is not Long Qitian's death order, stipulating that they must protect their own race, otherwise, they don't want to worry about it.

Long Qitian naturally knew this and couldn't help shaking his head. These people have no concept of honor. You should know that although their dragon clan is noble, they are not detached from the beast.

In essence, it is the same as these spirit beasts. However, they are a mythical beast, and their blood is much noble. Otherwise, these spirit beasts will not tremble and instinctively feel fear as soon as they see him.

But it is also a spirit beast, but the race concept of the dragon clan is terrible. In their clan, every life of the same kind is particularly important.

Although there is no lack of killing among the same kind, once the same kind is injured by outsiders, all the dragon clans immediately do their best to retaliate.

Even if the two dragons have the hatred of killing their relatives and their wives, once they encounter foreign enemies, they will inevitably unite to defeat foreign enemies first. This is also the reason why the dragon clan stands at the peak of the universe and exceeds the blood of other mythical beasts.

There are many kinds of spirit beasts, which are hard to count. However, there are also many mythical beasts. Spirit beasts that can have a precedent of becoming gods can be collectively referred to as mythical beasts. For example, orcs such as Phoenix, Xuanwu and White Tiger, which are as famous as the dragon clan, also exist.

But under the baptism of time, these races have long fallen apart. The remaining individuals are either captured as mounts, guarding the mountain gates, or wandering around looking for "good wood"

In a word, I have disovinced the glory of the beginning and will end miserably.

Seeing this, Long Qitian coughed and continued to say, "Your fellow race has been taken back from the boat of crossing the world by major means by the Lord Yang. Not only your peers, including you, will all migrate with me later and enter the boat of crossing the world!"

"What?" Although Suna is familiar with etiquette, she knows that she should not interrupt the city owner's instruction. However, he was still surprised and asked, "Is it possible that we are going to abandon the city before the war has begun?"

As soon as Suna asked, she knew that she had talked too much. She was so scared that she knelt on the ground with a bang: "My lord, please punish me!"

"Get up!" Long Qitian shook his head: "You are a minister and have the right to see. It's understandable to ask questions on behalf of the people of the city. What's the crime?"

While talking, Long Qitian turned his eyes to everyone: "You don't have to think too much, and you don't have to worry about it. The two cities of Xuanao and Hanguang have completely defected to us. In the future, the three major cities will gather together, and this time we will all move to the boat of crossing the world.

"What!" Suna trembled with excitement: "Have we subdued the other two cities? Will they be our slaves in the future?

"Not a slave!" Long Qitian shook his head: "In the future, the three cities will be completely integrated. Together, we have enemies, but the enemy is not from the inside, but from the outside. And I can reveal to you in advance that the strength of the enemy is not at all that we can imagine. Among them, the cultivation of the Taishang Realm is everywhere, even the Taixuan Realm and the creations you have never touched, and the pseudo-divine realm exist in it!"

Wang, this time the city people who had crawled on the ground were completely un calm. Although it is vaguely known these days, it turns out that there is still a realm above the mysterious realm.

But after all, this is just a legend. Now it has been proved by the city owner himself that it is false to say that they are not shocked. Especially when they know that there are many such existences among the unknown enemies, they are even more serious.

Spirit beasts have a murderous nature in their bones, and they are not afraid of fighting. But I'm afraid no one will want to die meaninglessly.

The last performance of Taoist and scholar is still fresh in their memory. Nine ministers, eight street bullies, all of whom are the cultivation of heaven.

As a result, nine were blown to death in one breath, and eight were melted by the ethereal red smoke.

Such a way of death makes you creepy when you think about it. Not to mention let him twist and face it directly. You know, they are just a cave, which is 18,000 miles away from Taishang. At that time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave even the scum, and it is impossible to be reincarnated.

"Okay!" Long Qitian waved his hand: "Don't be afraid. Do you think I don't know your strength underground? Let you merge together to prevent you from being attacked and then killed directly. In the boat of crossing the world, we will give you new skills to improve yourself. And your clans will be your soldiers and charge for you. That's why I want you to have a good relationship with your tribes. Now you know the importance?

These city residents were stunned by what Long Qitian said. In the past, they fought by themselves. If they died, they would die. But now it's different. Each of them is equivalent to a captain, leading their own ethnic group to fight, so that the probability of death will be greatly reduced.

It is not even possible to get benefits in the fight.

After thinking about everything, everyone shouted in unison that the city lord was wise and they were willing to follow it to the death. However, Long Qitian sneered secretly.

I don't know how many times they said these words to Wang Guangfang at the beginning, but Wang Guangfang ran away. He immediately defected to Long Qitian, and he also vowed to show loyalty, which made people want to feel sick.

"You don't have to thank me!" Long Qitian shook his head: "Among us, the biggest is not the city owner. But the doorkeeper, you will also add your loyalty to me to the doorkeeper Yang Huang in the future. This time you can live by him, and he is the one who protects you and your tribe!"

"Yes!" Although these spirit beasts are stupid in some aspects, the exhaust horses are flowing, which are more powerful than some human beings.

In fact, they didn't see how Yang Huang saved them, and they didn't know what the so-called doorman was for. But now that Long Qitian has opened his mouth, they just follow Long Qitian's consciousness to do it.

Arranged everything, Long Qitian immediately waved his hand and let everyone go home to clean up everything and prepare to move.

The three cities of Guangguang, Hanguang and Xuanao are different from Hengjiang City. Hengjiang City is built by the hard work of the city people. As the saying goes, their hometown is hard to leave, and they have different emotions for this city.

So when moving, Yang Huang also gave special consideration to allowing them to move the city together. Although this project is huge, it is nothing for their cultivation.

In Long Qitian's words, it is enough to have a scholar.

As for these three ice cities, they are all made of hard ice and are simple to construct. There is no need to save it at all. What's more, these people immediately have to enter the Wanshou Pavilion mentioned by Yang Huang and live with their own tribe.

So their relocation is as long as they pack up and fly away. Although they are given not much time, it is enough for this group of people. It's just enough to stuff time crystals and some treasures into your cave.

An hour later, these spirit beasts all followed the dragons and flew into the sky. I only saw a huge dark cloud suddenly flying in the distance.

When the dark clouds approached some more, they found that there was a huge piece of land.

"Beware of enemy attacks!" Suna was shocked and quickly reminded: "City lord, do you think it's an enemy attack? Damn it! How did they come so fast!"

After saying that, he was about to lead a group of spirit beasts to rush out, but he was held down by the dragon Qitian beside him: "Don't be impatient. It's your own!"

As soon as Long Qitian's words came out, it immediately attracted everyone's exclamation. Born in the ice field since childhood, their concept of land is almost zero. It was only recently that I learned about this situation in the book brought by Xuanying.

Now that they see it with their own eyes, they can't stand shouting and expressing their shock.

"If you want to see it, go and see it!" Long Qitian has already discussed this matter with his brothers. Sooner or later, human beings and spirit beasts will live together. Under the rule of Yang Huang, there is no one superior to any other.

So it's not a bad thing to expose them now.

"But remember, the people here. They all entered the sect earlier than you. They are your brothers and elders. You must respect them and not have anything beyond courtesy. Long Qitian then warned: "Even if you are bullied, you can't resist immediately. Go to a place called the government, tell your grievances, and naturally someone will take you to revenge!"

"Yes!" Seeing the land, this group of spirit beasts was already cheering. Immediately answered Long Qitian loudly and got your consent from Long Qitian, then shouted and flew towards Hengjiang City.

But not all of them flew away. There are 300,000 people in this city alone. Although Hengjiang City is big, it will inevitably have a bad impact if you enter so many strangers at one time.

So under the command of Suna, the number of people entering the city is only about 10,000. Each group of people can only stay for half an hour and feel it. The rest can only study what's going on with those soil and trees within 30 miles of the city.