Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 328 Crazy Absorption

Yang Huang doesn't know how much time he has spent in the real world.

But what he can be sure of is that the area absorbed by him in front of him at this time is only tens of thousands of square meters.

At first glance, tens of thousands of square meters are very large, but don't forget that the whole planet is composed of the power of laws. At the current speed, Yang Huang wants to absorb it completely, but I'm afraid it's impossible until the era is destroyed.

The power of time here is infinitely extended, but it does not mean that time in reality will also stop passing.

Like a three-legged furnace, the two worlds have completely different laws of time. However, Yang Huang is now outside the "three-legged round furnace". In the real world, it is equivalent to a three-legged round furnace.

Yang Huang can't feel the passage of time here, but there must be earth-shaking changes outside at this time.

However, Yang Huang is unable to intervene now. Now he has just achieved the cultivation of Taishangjing, and his strength is rising steadily, revealing a trace of invincibility in both his body and mind.

These are not Yang Huang's own momentum, but because he absorbed the laws of the planet, which caused the spiritual power in his body to mutate.

Once the realm was improved, Yang Huang immediately had a new understanding of the planet.

These laws are not just simple laws. A lot of memory information is mixed in it. However, these messages were so weak that Yang Huang did not notice them when he first absorbed them. Not to mention looking at it from the outside, it is impossible to find anything.

Until now, Yang Huang absorbed tens of thousands of square meters of land and produced a trace of variation. What I got was just some simple messages.

And these messages have almost no effect, but only a series of tests. It seems that this person is the real body of Yang Huang.

And Yang Huang naturally passed this temptation easily.

This planet is more closely related to Yang Huang, and Yang Huang even has an illusion.

He felt that the planet was a mother and he was a baby.

At this time, the planet's mother not only fed Yang Huang with her own milk, but also made him thrive. He whispered in Yang Huang's ear and taught Yang Huang many truths.

Needless to say, Yang Huang complained about the slow progress of his cultivation in the past. They can't compare with Taoist evil and Long Qitian.

has also been secretly measured. Why are they all great reincarnations? Their cultivation is so easy, but his cultivation is so difficult?

But now he doesn't want to say it, because at this time, he is also feeling the leaping development he once dreamed of.

Half-step Taishang realm directly enters the Taishang realm. In reality, I don't know how many years old it can be achieved, but now it is easy to do it here.

And this is not the end, or even, it's just the beginning.

Because after Yang Huang was in the upper realm, his strength doubled several times, and the speed of absorbing these laws was more than a hundred times faster than just now.

"Wait for me to change!" Entering the Taishang realm, Yang Huang's mind. The skills left by Xuanying at the beginning suddenly turned around.

He found two articles in a few breaths. These two Taoisms are not into the road and can only be regarded as the last works. One is the separation of the soul, and the second is the devouring of evil ways.

In the past, even if such a skill was obtained, it would inevitably be sneered and not reused. But for Yang Huang now, it is really like a tiger adding wings and is very useful.

Yang Huang shouted angrily and moved his mind, and the next moment his whole body began to tremble violently, as if he was enduring great pain.

However, the expression on Yang Huang's face is very indifferent and there is no change. Now the pain in the flesh has little meaning for him.

I only saw Yang Huang's heart start to operate according to the content described by the skills. The next moment, he only felt a violent shock and looked down again. His soul has suddenly left his body and floated high in the air.

The soul is separated from the body, which is very simple. Almost people who have just stepped into the world of cultivation or in the secular world can achieve it after getting a certain opportunity.

However, Yang Huang's current three-dimensional is not just a simple separation, but carrying all his own forces.

That's what Yang Huang said before that this skill was a masterpiece. Because in reality, it is almost meaningless.

Because Yang Huang's current state is exactly the same as that of Long Qitian and Taoism. Although the soul has power, it is a great loss to really fight against the healthy person.

On weekdays, this kind of soul thinks day and night about getting a suitable body. Who will be stupid enough to take the initiative to abandon the body and independent soul?

However, it is not unreasonable that it can be listed among the supreme skills. Because it is separated from the body, the soul can expand and change wirelessly without worrying about the limitations of the body.

What's more, Yang Huang's roots are not fighting with people, but absorbing energy. In this way, this skill is simply tailored for him.

With a few punches and feet, Yang Huang felt that his body was much easier than just now, and there was almost nothing change. Energy handling is also quite convenient, and I know that I have succeeded.

After looking at the body cross-legged, Yang Huang immediately pulled himself up and flew into the top of the sky again.

"It's starting!" Yang Huang shouted loudly, and his soul suddenly rose and spread endlessly. After a few breaths, Yang Huang's body turned into a big flat fish. This big fish is not an ordinary big fish, but the legendary mythical beast Kunpeng.

The Kunpeng transformed by Yang Huang is nearly 10,000 meters in size, with a large mouth, which is two or three hundred meters wide.

This is the power of the soul, unrestricted and free illusion. It's just that it's not unlimited, but it depends on the strength of the soul.

Now Yang Huang can only transform into a 10,000-meter-sized Kunpeng, once he absorbs enough responsibility. There is no problem in swallowing the whole planet into the stomach.

Seeing the success of illusion, Yang Huang couldn't help laughing. The second skill, immediate luck. This skill used to be a chicken rib.

The idea is to be able to absorb a large amount of energy in the face of emptiness. However, the energy he absorbs is also very limited. The energy in front of you must be pure energy and cannot have any resistance.

As for the advantage, it is hundreds of times faster than ordinary skills.

This skill has no effect in reality. The evil spirit sucks other people's skills. I'm afraid that no fool in the world will take the initiative to stand there and let people absorb it.

As for finding an energy source to suck, it is even more delusional. The value of pure energy sources is not much lower than that of time crystals. If there are a large number of pure energy sources to absorb and improve the existence of cultivation, it is better to talk directly into time crystals and cultivate yourself.

But now, it's perfect to give it to Yang Huang. Yang Huang was slightly lucky and opened a big mouth. Suddenly, the whole cloud around him surged and poured into his mouth one after another.

These clouds are also composed of the power of rules, and they are much more pure than the laws of earth plants on the ground.

Yang Huang also roughly explored the laws on this planet step by step. In fact, it is also very simple, that is, the deeper the ground, the stronger the power of the law.

In the cave heaven, Yang Huang can only absorb the law above 100 meters above the ground. Even now, it is only above the above the top ten meters. No matter how deep the law is, Yang Huang can't absorb it. It is only possible when he can rise to a higher level of cultivation!

However, even if only these can be absorbed at present, it is still a great challenge for Yang Huang. Today's Yang Huang is like a mouse falling into the rice barn, and the huge rice barn is allowed to toss around, but how much can he toss?

Fortunately, as long as Yang Huang can make progress, he can continue to expand his body, and the speed of absorption continues to rise. Now it's just that the beginning is more difficult, and Yang Huang has also experienced a more difficult situation. At this time, there is no worry at all.

In a blink of an eye, all the surrounding clouds have been sucked into Yang Huang's abdomen. Yang Huang's body also expanded by hundreds of meters again.

Feed the change in his body, Yang Huang was overjoyed. The next moment, once again, the soil, trees and rocks on the ground were immediately crushed and turned into laws, forming the torrent of laws, which were sucked into Yang Huang's abdomen.

With the assistance of these two Taoisms, Yang Huang does not need to rest at all. The strength is constantly increasing, and the shape is also constantly expanding and increasing.

10,000 meters, 20,000 meters, 100,000 meters, millions of meters. Laws poured into Yang Huang's abdomen, and Yang Huang's body became larger and bigger, and the faster the absorption speed became.

I don't know how long it took, a five-million-meter pit has appeared on the whole ground. This pit is thousands of meters deep, and at first glance, it looks like the whole planet has been dug up.

After absorbing all the laws above five million square meters, Yang Huang's figure finally changed again. Golden textures emanated from the depths of Yang Huang's soul.

On the surface of Kunpeng's body, golden runes were formed, making Yang Huang's whole body seem to have undergone a complete transformation.

And Yang Huang's current body has already expanded to 100,000 meters. From afar, it looks like a thick cloud, covering the sky and hanging high in the sky.

The power of countless laws was sucked up by Yang Huang, and the huge suction actually formed a golden tornado tens of thousands of meters wide on the ground. Where the tornado passed, everything above 1,000 meters on the ground was directly sucked into Yang Huang's abdomen, and the scene was really amazing.