Sky Robbery

Chapter 25 Layout

The deserted land is vast, and the endless grassland is yellow. The vast grassland is swept by the strong wind, like a haze, and countless dead grass rolling. Looking from afar, it is like a surging sea waves.

On the vast land, a peak cliff suddenly emerges. The peak cliff is as high as 1,000 meters, and the vegetation at the peak is withered. Within thousands of miles, there is only this unique mountain. The lonely mountain is like a jade pillar between heaven and earth, setting off ancient legends.

On the peak cliff, there are three people standing in the wind, and they will not move even if the strong wind blows their faces. At the top of the head, the black clouds surge, dark and deep, and the high cliff seemed to border the black clouds.

These three are Boss Shang and others. Looking at the black clouds flowing in the sky and the dead grass rolling under his feet, Boss Shang muttered to himself: "How long, how long has it been? The clan has always been suppressed and even been surrounded many times. After the success of this plan, who can compete with it?"

One behind Boss Shang said, "Since the ancient war, our clan has been depressed. Since then, we have hidden everywhere. In order to survive, we have to hide in the depths of the cold wilderness. After this plan is successful, we will definitely wash away all the grievances, and then kill Tianyuan Shenzhou to fight against the descendants of Henggu Emperor."

Speaking of Yi Tianqiu, Boss Shang suddenly looked very angry. He roared, "Huang Ming, you are not allowed to mention Yi Tianqiu again in the future."

Huang Ming said in a hurry, "Do not be angry, I won't mention it in the future."

Another person said, "The Henggu family is the enemy of our clan. In the ancient war, our clan was almost extinct. These are all thanks to the Henggu Emperor, but why does God's will play tricks on people like this!" Saying this, this man sighed sadly!

Boss Shang said, "What a song! It is at this time that my lord is sad day and night. Every time I see the haggard face of Allah, my heart hurts. If I can relieve my heart disease, even if I want to die a hundred times, I will be willing to. Saying this, all three fell into silence.

At this time, the sky is different from yesterday. Yesterday, the sky was clear and the red sun was cloudless, but today the red sun was dark and cloudy. Black clouds, floating at low altitude, gathering and illusory separation.

Originally, the red glow appeared in the morning, but the rising sky became dark and gloomy. This deep dark cloud, like a harbinger of a storm, seems calm, but in fact there is a hidden crisis.

Boss Shang looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said, "It's almost time. They should be almost there, right?" Huang Ming said, "Such, I have issued an order to them a long time ago, and I guess I'm on my way here."

Looking at the cloudy sky, he said with a gloomy smile, "If the people of the Nine Sword Palace want to save the world, we will complete them and see how many people they can save. Maybe they will even bury their lives."

A few birds suddenly came from the sky. With a few strange calls of birds, more than a dozen strange birds flew through the dark clouds and flew to the three people of Shang bosses. There are three or two people sitting on each strange bird. These people have one thing in common. Their eyes are gray, and everyone exudes the smell of destruction. This smell of destruction has a feeling of death.

"See the three lords," dozens of people saluted respectfully;

Boss Shang said, "Is it all here?"

One of them replied, "It's all here. I waited for 50 people to come and listen to the call of the Lord."

Boss Shang said, "Very good, take your positions and immediately arrange the blood array." Fifty people took the order and began to move and array in an orderly manner. Everyone's pace is the same, and the score is not bad. And everyone has a seal in their hands at the same time. These seals stay in the sky strangely and can't disperse for a long time.

In a short time, an array has been formed. This array is similar to a five-pointed star, with five sharp shuttle angles outside, including the combination of the week. The five spirit blood awn array runs slowly, and the five rays of light shine directly on the clouds. After these rays shot into the sky, they instantly merged with the black clouds. The two are like glue and paint, tightly integrated.

The original dark clouds now seem to be black with a bloody evil spirit emanating around the array. With the fortune, the breath and figure of fifty people have integrated into heaven and earth, as if they can no longer be found between heaven and earth.

The array is like a running star chessboard. As the stars turn faster and faster, the dark clouds in the sky are sucked by this powerful gravity. In an instant, all the land within 10,000 meters was covered with black and red clouds.

Standing in the clouds, he couldn't see his fingers, as if this black and red dark cloud had long been connected with the earth. In the vast sky, the clouds quickly gathered towards the formation, and in the end, the thick dark clouds piled up thousands of meters high.

Boss Shang took out a thing, which was ancient and seemed to be a fierce bone joint. This bone joint is half a foot long, and the bone emits a black fog thicker than a dark cloud. After the black fog emitted from the bone joints melted into the black clouds, countless black clouds automatically disappeared, and the dissipated black clouds quickly spread to every corner of the wilderness.

Before the old black clouds have completely dissipated, the new black clouds have come again, and the black clouds in the sky have dissipated, come and dissipated. Such turnover will never stop.

After the black fog of the bone joints was released, Boss Shang and others took out a strange ghost mask and put it on their faces. After wearing a strange mask, each of the fifty people held an air-dried skull head in their hands. When everything was ready, everyone's lips moved slightly, and a sound of ancient flood sounded. This ancient flood note seems to come from the distant sky and from the bottom of the earth.

With the sound of the ancient flood notes, three big blood-red characters gradually appeared in the sky, "call, control, call" three blood-red characters, each of which exudes a ripple of blood.

The three big characters gathered and disillusioned, which seemed to be lax at any time, and seemed to be as solid as golden soup. The three big characters dyed the clouds in the sky red, and the whole world exuded evil spirits. In the end, the two big blood-red characters "call, control" reflected into the sky, and the word "call" integrated into the earth.

When the last wisp of black fog disappeared, 50 people slowly opened their eyes and looked tired to rest and recuperate. The three bosses of Shang stood up and looked forward to the sky. With the loss of time, the clouds that had dissipated gathered again. Compared with before, the dark clouds at this time look a little strange.

The strange clouds in the distance suddenly shook, as if they were stirred by something. Looking at the swaying blood clouds, the three of Boss Shang finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily. I don't know when countless birds suddenly appeared in the sky.

These birds, with strong green-edge birds, Bi Jiulong, etc., as well as weak barren owls, owls, etc., countless kinds of birds seem to have been summoned and left their nest one after another.

Watching the birds run away, Boss Shang waved to Tianji and said, "Go, go, go and complete your mission." Tide-like birds cover the sky and fly in different directions.