Sky Robbery

Chapter 28 Suspended Tribe

Yu Li took Zhang Yuan's hand and looked carefully at the life tattoo of his palm. Looking at Yu Li, who was moody and sometimes good and bad, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "If she can change to the other side, she is really a rare good girl."

After watching for a while, Yu Li finally opened his mouth to speak. She only said a few words, which made Mr. Xiangshu angry and spit blood.

Yu Li said, "Your beautiful line is like a swamp river, clear, five elements of lifeline, unimped rivers, eight poles of numerology, converging from beginning to end."

Hearing Yu Li's nonsense, Mr. Xiangshu said angrily, "Are you counting that fate? I have been engaged in phase surgery for decades, and I have not heard of any handsome lines. Whether a person is good-looking or not is determined by innate genetic and acquired factors. How can it be seen from the fate?

Yu Li said, "This is what I learned from the prophecy of Zhou Tianshu. The prediction of Zhou Tianshu is extensive, all-encompassing, and integrates thousands of phases."

Mr. Xiangshu can't laugh and cry, "Little girl, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Be careful of making big taboos. With such nonsense, you not only lose your face, but even our reputation will make you ashamed." Mr. Xiangshu spoke bitterly, but Yuli didn't agree at all.

Yu Li said in a defense; "There are tens of thousands of sentient beings, and there are thousands of mutual skills. If you don't know it, it doesn't mean that there is no. An old man like you who is shallow in learning a meteorite naturally doesn't know this broad and profound skill."

"What did you say? Do you say that I prefer a meteorite and learn a little about vegetables? Mr. Xiangshu said furiously; Yuli despised him so much and wiped his dignity away, which was more serious than killing him.

Yu Li said, "In a word, I'm better than you. If you want to prove which of us is better than who, it's very simple."

Mr. Xiangshu said, "How to prove it?" At this time, Mr. Xiangshu is trying to compete with Yuli and regain his dignity, so that Yuli can be ashamed.

Yu Li said, "I have calculated a gossip for you before, and now I will calculate a gossip for you. Let's compare with each other and see who is accurate." After saying that, Yuli began to calculate for Mr. Xiangshu again.

Mr. Xiangshu said disdainfully; "If you don't show a little talent today, you really look down on me, or let you, an unknown person, know how powerful I am." After saying that, Mr. Xiangshu looked at Yuli.

Zhang Yuan looked at the two fighting with a smile. He vaguely felt that Mr. Xiangshu was afraid that he would be fooled. There must be a reason why Yuli teased him so much.

Sure enough, it was when Mr. Xiangshu looked at Yuli. Yuli suddenly smiled and said, "You lost."

Mr. Xiangshu asked puzzledly, "How did I lose?"

Yu Li pointed to his bamboo flag, and Mr. Xiangshu immediately realized: "I didn't expect that I would be fooled by you as a girl today!" Ha ha... I lost unjustly." After saying that, Mr. Xiangshu left with a smile.

Dong Yuanqi and others fled from the birds and quickly walked all the way to the hanging tribe. After flying over the yellow grass, there is another desert below. The boundless desert has no vitality, dead yellow sand and sultry air make people feel depressed. Fortunately, there was no bird attack again.

"Brother, is the ferocious demon family very powerful? Is there a strong sect in our clan?" Huang Menglu and Yue Ting asked curiously;

When Yi Yun was sure that the main brain behind the scenes was a ferocious demon family, he immediately told Dong Yuanqi and others about this disappearance.

Dong Yuanqi said, "The people of the ferocious demon family are very powerful, but you don't have to be afraid. If you have a brother here, you will protect you."

I don't like Dong Yuanqi's appearance, Huiyan said, "If you really see the ferocious people, you will definitely run faster than anyone else."

When he was boasting about his thunder, he was poured cold water. Of course, Dong Yuanqi was not convinced. He said angrily, "Am I that kind of person? You simply underestimate me and tell you that I, Dong Yuanqi, are the most important of friendship.

Tan Fei said, "From you, we can't see half friendship."

After flying for a long time, everyone finally came to the hanging tribe. On the periphery of the hanging tribe, a tall earth wall was built. Inside the wall, the road traffic is spacious, the ancient trees are sparse, and the private houses are simple. Most of the houses are built with mud and sand, and some houses are more simple and cold. A few trees and a few oilcloths are built into a private house. The roof is covered with thick dead grass, and some houses are seriously skewed and difficult to withstand wind and rain.

From the outside to the inside, the closer it is to the center, the more majestic the house will be. Thousands of private houses surround a majestic palace, which is magnificent and spacious, and the whole palace is made of green bricks and yellow tiles. Judging from the construction and order of these private houses, the suspended tribes are a hierarchical place.

Everyone was high in the sky and carefully observed the hanging tribe for a long time. Naturally, everyone would not enter the tribe as soon as they came. Looking at this quiet tribe, Zhao Chenyan said doubtfully, "No, it's really strange."

Tongfei asked impatiently, "What's wrong with you? I only hear you all day, shouting that something is wrong.

Wasn't it strange that there is no one on the street in such a large tribe?"

Looking at the quiet tribe, everyone had an ominous feeling. Just as everyone was wondering, several straw houses burst into flames. The fire was instantane, and the time of a cup of tea turned the hanging tribe into a sea of fire.

The fire reflects the sky and the black smoke covers the sun. These dry grasslands are easy to catch fire. At this time, no one can put out the fire, and the fire is getting more and more fierce. A few miles away, everyone could feel the hot air wave coming.

In the black smoke, there was a smell of burning corpses, and Dong Fei said, "It seems that the people of the hanging tribe are more or less auspicious."

Dong Yuanqi said, "Let's go down and have a look. Everyone be careful and pay attention to safety."

Everyone landed directly on the street, surrounded by the sea of fire and the diffuse darkness, which made people very uncomfortable and difficult to move. Especially the smell of burnt corpses makes people want to vomit.

Huang Monroe and Yue Ting couldn't stand it anymore, "Wow, I vomited."

Seeing the situation of the two, Dong Yuanqi said, "If you two can't insist, go outside and wait." Huang Menglu, Yueting said, "Brother, don't worry. We'll be fine. Just get used to it."

Shortly after stopping, Zhao Chenyan said anxiously, "Let's look for it separately to see if there are any survivors."

Ziyan suddenly screamed, and everyone hurriedly looked at it. It turned out to be a two-foot-long python, with a fire burning all over its body. The python twisted its body in pain and bumped around. The python's long tail almost hit Ziyan's body.

Tang Fei hit out and hit the python dozens of meters away. Then, several fierce beasts ran out of the sea of fire, and some fierce beasts still had corpses in their mouths. More and more fierce beasts ran out, and hundreds of fierce beasts ran out of the fire sea houses in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the fire was so strong that the fierce beasts could not afford to attack everyone and fled the sea of fire one after another. Everyone was too lazy to deal with the fierce beasts. Everyone only wanted to search for survivors, so the people separated and looked for survivors separately.

Knowing that the hope is small, everyone still tried their best. On the ground, some small reptiles were burned to death due to their slow speed.

In a private room, Huiyan was deeply moved by the scene in front of her. She saw a young mother clutching a python with both hands. Behind his mother, a baby the size of several months lay quietly there. In order to protect her child, she tried her best to save it, but unfortunately, even if she gave her life, she could not save the baby's life.