Sky Robbery

Chapter 57 Trembling

Looking at the white clouds floating around, everyone seemed to be in a very smooth mood, especially the girls, who laughed and shouted one by one. Gu Jin said to Zhang Yuan, "Why don't you tell us about the thrills under the blue sky and white clouds?"

Other people agreed; "We also want to know; just talk about it. Now that Xiao Wu is unconscious, we can't ask our brother, can we? So, we have to ask you."

Zhang Yuanqing said in a clear voice; "If you want to hear what I said, please raise your hand and agree." As soon as he said this, everyone except Lan Qier and Yi Yun raised their right hand, especially Zhang Lu, who was the most exaggerated. She not only raised her hand, but also raised her hands high.

Gu Jin laughed and said, "You are like surrendering. Don't be careful to fall down."

Zhang Lu looked at him angrily, "Then said to Zhang Yuan; don't you waste our expressions? If you want to say it, say it quickly."

Zhang Yuan shook his spirit and then exaggeratedly described the situation in the cave. Baizhang water python was said to be hundreds of feet long, and he also said that his brother became more and more brave in battle. With the strength of one person, he beat the water python seriously and fled.

He said that the thousands of meters long iron chain bridge was more than ten feet long, and when the chain suddenly broke, the brother showed his magic power and saved their lives. When everyone asked how Xiao Wu was injured and in a coma, Zhang Yuan played a big drum and said that the three were trapped by the array. The array was not only full of illusions, but also sharp swords like raindrops came out one after another. The cold and extremely poisonous nine yin insects are everywhere. Xiao Wu unfortunately fell into a fantasy and then fell into a coma. Just when he thought he was going to die, his brother's invincible heavenly sword finally appeared that day. As soon as the heavenly sword comes out, all methods retreat, the illusion disappears, the sword rain fails, and the nine yin insects disappear.

When Zhang Yuan said, he deliberately increased Yi Yun's strength around Lan Qi, praised Yi Yun's magical power, and marveled at Yi Yun's think tank. At the same time, Lan Qier was shocked, and a smile appeared on her face.

Yi Yun was secretly grateful for Zhang Yuan's praise, and he thought to himself, "You are really good at doing things." What a beautiful and glorious thing it is for others to praise themselves in front of their beloved women.

Seeing that everyone was frightened and whined in unison, Zhang Yuan increasingly admired his ability to say panic. At this time, he even doubted whether he had become more eloquent. Thinking that his ability to lie was getting higher and higher, Zhang Yuan showed a proud look.

When Zhang Yuan smiled proudly, "Zhang said in a loud voice; don't believe him. He boasted that he lied to you."

Gu Jin said unhappily, "Zhang Lu, what do you mean by this? Do you doubt your brother's ability? Several other people also glared at Zhang Lu, as if Zhang Lu had said something they shouldn't have said, which made them very unhappy. Some people even touched the long sword in their hands and behaved rudely.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Lu consciously took a step back, and then shook her hands and said, "Of course I'm not doubting my brother's ability. I'm doubting Zhang Yuan's ability. Think about it. If it's really so dangerous, Zhang Yuan's three-legged cat has been finished long ago. How can you wait for your brother to show off again and again?

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded slightly and seemed to believe Zhang Lu's words.

Zhang Yuan said with a frozen smile, "Zhang Lu, do you doubt my ability?"

Zhang Lu said disdainfully, "I don't doubt your ability at all, because you have nothing but boasting."


Several people laughed and pleased Zhang Yuan. After laughing for several breaths, everyone thought of the countless girls who fed the nine yin insects, so the original laughing mood fell to the bottom again.

Shortly after Zhang Yuan and the others left, a group of people flew in the direction of the hole of the pool.

There are dozens of people in this group, at least. The breath emitted by each of them is very different from that of the human race. Among these dozens of people, the leader was Boss Shang, who took dozens of people to control birds and flew to the mouth of the pool cave.

Huang Wu said to Boss Shang, "Since we summoned countless birds and beasts, those so-called righteous people have been very busy."

Boss Shang laughed and said, "They are not only very busy, but also will soon die with the people in the Rising Sun City. This plan is imperative. Although the risk is too great, we have nothing else to do."

Jiuqu said, "The nine yin insects we feed should have grown up, and the earth spirits are estimated to converge soon."

Boss Shang said in an excellent mood, "After going today, no matter how the progress is, we will take away the nine yin insects and the earth spirit."

While talking, dozens of people came to the pool and found that the pool had dried up, and the gloomy hole at the bottom of the pool was exposed. Seeing this scene, Boss Shang was dizzy and almost fell to the ground. Huang Ming and Jiuqu hurriedly supported him.

Boss Shang said confusedly, "How could this happen? How could this happen? How can such a hidden place be found?

Huang Wu said anxiously, "Let's go down and have a look. Maybe the intruder has been killed by all kinds of fantasy beasts inside."

Boss Shang was the first to jump down the hole, and people followed him one after another. On the secret road, Boss Shang ran all the way. He prayed in his heart that nothing would happen. He had been fantasizing that "the invaders had been killed by all kinds of dangers in the hole."

When passing through the stone statue, it was found that the fantasy was not only broken, but also destroyed. Seeing this, his restless heart became a little more anxious. Regardless of everything, he ran all the way and finally came to the place of the earth.

I saw that all 50 stone boxes were opened, and the underground of the stone boxes had been pulled out. Seeing this scene, Boss Shang exuded a strong murderous intent. Endless murder spread throughout the mountain, and the people behind him were scared to make a sound.

Mr. Shang's slender body trembled and slowly walked to the mouth. At every step, his body would shake. It seems that he is suffering from severe pain at this time.

"How can I explain to the Lord? How can I deal with my people?" Boss Shang said in a painful voice: In just a few feet, he has been walking for a long time. Every step he takes, his sense of murder and powerlessness will increase by one point.

Boss Shang kept looking ahead, and his trembling body slowly walked towards the position, showing his fear. He was afraid to go to the front and see the bad scene, but he had to go again. At this time, his heart was very painful and contradictory.

Finally, he came to the mouth and looked at the ground mouth under his feet. He suddenly burst into joy. With his laughter, dozens of people behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Boss Shang was laughing with joy, a man ran over and said in panic and said, "Lord, all the nine yin insects have been destroyed, and our previous achievements have been abandoned."

Boss Shang was in a very good mood. He waved his right hand and said, "A few small insects, just destroy them, don't worry about it."