Sky Robbery

Chapter 69 jian huang men

Looking at the Ghost Cry Cliff Canyon from afar, but in fact, Zhang Yuan flew for another day and did not come to the border of the Ghost Cry Cliff. When standing on the bald peak, you can still see the basic situation of the ghost crying cliff, but after flying down the peak, you can only see the dense fog in front of you, and you can't see anything else.

Affected by the thick fog in the canyon, Zhang Yuan's flying jungle seemed to be separated by a layer of tulle. The scenery dozens of meters away looks gray.

Zhang Yuan flew carefully in this forest, and he was alwaysware of all accidents that had not happened. The nameless spiritual sword has never been sheathed. The scene in this forest is a little strange. Many big trees and a good tree look strange. This kind of big tree gives people the feeling that it is horizontal and long. Because they extend many times longer than the height of the upright.

Some big trees grow straight, and there are no branches on the whole main branch, which seems to have been artificially trimmed. Many trees have different branches and leaves. Some trees are red leaves, some are white leaves, some are green leaves, and some are black leaves. In the densely branched forest, there is a dazzling feeling.

However, no matter how strange this forest is, it is better than the lack of vitality. In the past few days of flying in the cold and famine, Zhang Yuan has never seen village piles and pedestrians, but he has seen a lot of fierce birds and beasts. Looking at this Yaya forest, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "If senior sister Xu Min was here at this time, how good it would be. Such a strange forest is really rare. I think senior sister will like it."

Just as Zhang Yuan missed his sister, a strong wind suddenly appeared in front of him. The speed of the wind can make Zhang Yuan stunned. Those strange trees were uprooted by the strong wind.

This wind can blow down three mountains and five mountains and overturn five lakes and seas. But wherever the wind passed, all the trees fell and the trees were broken, and the stones and mud flew away. Zhang Yuan hurriedly lay in a deep pit on the ground, and he didn't even dare to raise his head. When the muscles on my body were blown by the wind, I felt a hot pain. Around him, the wind roared like a mountain and river, shaking his ears.

In the deep pit where Zhang Yuan lay, the deep pit was filled with countless earth and rocks soon. Zhang Yuan secretly cried bitterly in his heart; "It seems that this wind wants to bury me alive, okay, I'll wait for you to stop before going out. I don't believe you to blow for a lifetime."

After a long time, the wind gradually calmed down. Feeling that the wind was not strong at this time, Zhang Yuan planned to climb out of the deep pit. Just as we were about to climb out, we suddenly heard a few voices and say, "What the hell is the weather? It's windy, which made us unprepared for a moment and let a few souls escape."

Another said; "It's not the time to complain. Let's go and get them back, otherwise it will be troublesome to let them go away." After hearing these sounds, Zhang Yuan was alert and restrained his breath.

A few rapid footsteps came towards his deep pit and felt that the other party was walking towards him. Zhang Yuan gently held the spiritual sword. As long as the other party found himself, he would do it first.

The rapid footsteps are getting closer and closer, and even at this time, Zhang Yuan can clearly hear their breathing. I felt that my body was squeezed. It turned out that someone walked through the deep pit, so I stepped on Zhang Yuan buried in the deep pit. Zhang Yuan complained for a while: "Futa, how dare you step on me. After I go out, I will step on your face." I wanted to break out of the pit, then give a roar, and then bombard him indiscriminately, which made him look bad. But Zhang Yuan finally planned to swallow his anger and not startle the snake.

Listening to the footsteps getting farther and farther away, Zhang Yuan carefully used his ideas. Within hundreds of meters, there was nothing but falling leaves. Seeing his safety, Zhang Yuan climbed out of the deep pit of the soil and saw those tall trees crooked, falling down and broken. At a glance, few trees were intact.

Looking at these fallen trees, Zhang Yuan suddenly understood; "I know that those trees originally grew upright, but because they were blown down by the wind, the ancient trees needed a lot of water to nourish their survival. Therefore, those original branches gradually changed into roots. After such repeated repetition, It has become such a strange tree."

Before he had time to think about the principles of these trees, Zhang Yuan flew forward to the place where several people disappeared. All the way, he walked forward carefully and tried to cover his figure with trees and vines.

When he passes by some places where there is nothing to hide, he rolls over carefully. Although it is so damaging to the image, it is better than being discovered.

After a kilometer walk in one direction, Zhang Yuan saw a man in black, chasing a soul. Judging from the signs of this man in black taking action, he was just a strong man in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. If he wanted to kill such a person, he could easily take his life. But Zhang Yuan did not intend to take action. He wanted to follow the melons.

Zhang Yuan only looks at it with the naked eye. He dares not easily look at others with his mind. If he is unlucky and meets a person with strong consciousness, his whereabouts will be exposed.

The strong man chased his soul and said loudly, "You don't have to waste your strength. No matter how you escape, you are just struggling to the death. No soul that falls into the hands of my desertion can escape."

After hearing the three words "Jianhuangmen", Zhang Yuan suddenly remembered that the two people in black were also Jianhuangmen. There were rumors in the world that "Jianhuangmen is also good and evil, and there is no principle in doing things." In view of good and evil, Lingyin Valley rarely intervenes in major events in the world, but no matter what, Lingyin Valley has never done anything evil.

Looking at the disciples of Jianhuang sect who were chasing their souls, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "It seems that Jianhuang sect will be listed as an evil sect from today."

The soul figure floated strangely, and he was about to catch it every time he saw it, but in an instant, he floated forward a few meters. Although the disciples of Jianhuangmen captured the sky several times, he still did not look anxious at all. He seemed to be confident, and his soul could not escape from his palm at all.

After the soul loses its body, the energy will dissipate quickly. Therefore, after the soul drifts away for a while, the speed gradually slows down. The disciple of Jianhuangmen saw that the soul was slowing down, so he took out an ancient bronze mirror in his hand.

After countless ancient charms on the ancient mirror started, the soul figure was gradually sucked into the mirror. This ancient mirror is the same as the ancient mirror used by Gui Yuanqiang to deal with Zhang Yuan.

The soul struggled unwillingly to be sucked into the country, and the strong man Guiyuan said expressionlessly, "You have become a soul, and your body has long been gone. Just accept your fate."

The soul pleaded, "If you let me go, I can give you a lot of purple jade coins."

As soon as the spiritual power of the strong Guiyuan moved, the ancient mirror rune rose sharply, and the soul was inhaled in an instant. Outside the ancient mirror, there was still a bitter cry of the soul.