Sky Robbery

Chapter 75 Phantom

Zhang Yuan walked slowly along the stone wall. Every step he took, he would gently knock on the stone wall to test whether the stone wall was empty. For a long time, he also walked far, and there was still no empty place in the stone wall.

Zhang Yuan pondered in his heart, "If you want to find the place where the soul is, I'm afraid you have to start from these red gases." Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan followed the red gas, and he would carefully explore all the rich red gas.

In a source of green light, red gas keeps slowly drifting out. This source of green light seems to be very deep. At the end of the deep passage, it seems to be a starry sky. In the quiet starry sky, the stars are dotted and the moonlight is cold.

Zhang Yuan stood on the other side of the starry sky. He felt that it seemed to be blocked by something. Obviously, there was no object, but he could not walk there. The boundary, I must be blocked by the boundary, and the soul must be below.

Just as Zhang Yuan was thinking, his figure was suddenly sucked in. He felt dizzy for a while, and when he woke up, he was also on a cliff.

In the middle of the cliff, the green fog is drifting. In the land of the cliff, the waves are surging. If you look carefully, this cliff is thousands of feet high and extremely dangerous. On both sides of the cliff, there are waterfalls of water, and the sound of rumbling water flow is deafening.

The drifting green fog, like water flow, actually produces waves. If it hadn't been for the sound of running water, Zhang Yuan would have mistaken it for the long river. The green fog was drifting higher and higher. It was still halfway up the cliff before. At this time, it was also about to rush to the top of the cliff.

Zhang Yuan looked up and found that the stars, sun, moon and Milky Way in the sky were all green. The whole world is covered by green fog, and there is an inexplicable fear in the green fog. Where is this? Why are there sun, moon and stars?

"Is this another illusion?" Zhang Yuan thought about it; he exerted his mind, and everything clearly told him that this was not an illusion, but a real existence. Zhang Yuan was unwilling. He showed his god, but the result was the same. Strangely, it's not an illusion, it's true." Zhang Yuan was shocked;

The green fog under the cliff is getting higher and higher. At this time, Zhang Yuan was surrounded by green fog, and he felt very uncomfortable. Zhang Yuan turned around and left. Just a few steps out of a huge

The object flew up from under the cliff, with flat wings, roaring, and a green lightning flashed!

Zhang Yuan didn't have time to avoid it, and his mind was swept away, and his heart was full of awe. In a hurry, Zhang Yuan's spiritual force rushed to dance, shouted loudly, held the sword in both hands, tried his best, and turned around to sweep.


The green lightning hit the spiritual sword, and the emerald light suddenly exploded, and the vast waves rolled over and danced. A cold green light flashed like a snake with the spiritual sword and instantly rushed into Zhang Yuan's wrist.

Zhang Yuan's eyes darkened and spit out a mouthful of blood. The joint of the arm made a sound, and I only felt that from the wrist bone to the shoulder blade, the collarbone arm bone seemed to be squeezed in an instant, and the internal organs were suddenly squeezed, painful to the bone marrow.

A trace of ice gas shot into his heart and lungs like a rapid electricity, and the whole body was frozen, stiff and paraly, and the teeth collided randomly. In an instant, there was a thick layer of frost on Zhou's body, and even the spiritual sword was frozen.

Zhang Yuan condensed his luck and suddenly forced the cold qi out of his body. He was horrify and stared at it. The monster roared in mid-air, his whole body was red, like a huge blood bat; its huge wings were stretched, and its teeth were several feet long. A pair of green giant eyes are as ferocious as demons.

Looking at this horrible bat, Zhang Yuan was shocked and said, "Is this red bat the legendary blood bat? It is said that thousands of years ago, a blood bat appeared in a panic. Countless innocent lives were buried under the blood bat. Later, the owner of the barren family subdued it to avoid a disaster." Of course, the master of the barren family subdues blood bats not to save the people, but to be selfish.

After the blood bat defeated Zhang Yuan, it spread its huge bat wings, like Zhang Yuan. With a huge wing, the wind danced furiously, and the furious wind was even bigger than the previous wind.

Zhang Yuan, like a dead leaf, was rolled by the strong wind and beaten, which immediately made Zhang Yuan's injury more serious. The blood bat did not give Zhang Yuan a chance to breathe. It opened its huge mouth and a thunderous lightning struck Zhang Yuan.

As soon as thunder and lightning came out, the green fog around it retreated one after another. Even the stars of heaven and earth seemed to disappear at any time under the lightning. The power of thunder and lightning made Zhang Yuan feel desperate.

Zhang Yuan gritted his teeth and stood up. His spiritual power surged all over his body, and the surging golden light shone on the whole earth. The thunderous lightning of the blood bat quickly hit Zhang Yuan. The surrounding space was broken layer by layer, and the devouring force swallowed all Zhang Yuan's golden light. Where the thunder and lightning passed, the earth roared, the mountains and rivers trembled, and everything bowed.

Every time lightning passes through, it will absorb all the original forces around. The more power you ingest, the stronger the attack will be. Zhang Yuan's heart was big. This blood bat is a fierce beast in the nihilistic world. Only by appraving this murderer can he subdue this murderer with the power of Daewoo. The fierce battle with it is undoubtedly ridiculous to shake the tree.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan rose in the air and came out of the god. The spiritual sword was like a meteor in the night sky, cutting through the space and hitting the blood bat. The blood bat does not dodge and let the spirit sword attack it.

The lightning pressed down on Zhang Yuan with no power. Zhang Yuan felt a burst of pain all over his body, and an inch of skin immediately showed a trace of blood.


Zhang Yuan shouted in pain and used Fengshengshui to help the other party's attack to float out hundreds of meters. Fengshengshuiqi is a secret method of the Nine Sword Palace. The stronger the opponent's attack, the greater the power of his assistance. But this strength is limited. If the gap is not very large, you can still help as you like. If the gap is too big, it cannot be used cleverly.

The blood bat is a murderous object and has no one's thinking, so it can't see Zhang Yuan's intention. The spiritual sword returned and flew back to Zhang Yuan's hands. Zhang Yuan grabbed the spiritual sword and hurriedly fled to the distance.

How could the blood bat escape? As soon as its giant wings spread, it caught up with Zhang Yuan. Under the nihilized force in the air, Zhang Yuan only felt that he was in the void and could not move forward at all.

His whole body was overwhelmed by this nihilistic force, and his face was close to the earth. Get up, get up, the blood bat screamed and opened its mouth again, and a green light shot at Zhang Yuan. As soon as the green light came out, the green fog between heaven and earth immediately combined with it. The two combine to form a hundred feet long and several feet thick light. The power shown by this green light is not a simple attack that must not fall down." Zhang Yuan tried his best to climb up, but the overwhelming power of Mount Tai made him unable to shake it at all, and his breathing became more and more rapid. Under such a powerful pressure, Zhang Yuan even had difficulty breathing.

hit, but represents a void.