Sky Robbery

Chapter 77 Wasteland

Zhang Yuan asked curiously: "Where does the upper bound mean? Who made you come to save me?

The desolate god said, "Where does the upper world mean? I can't tell you. I don't know who ordered me to save you. My soul has been sleeping, drifting around with the endless chaotic airflow. In thousands of years, my soul will dissipate. After hearing a sound in the haze, I woke up from my deep sleep. When I woke up, I was conscious of the order to come to save you.

Although there are many doubts, Zhang Yuan knows that even if he asks the other party, he will not say, or the other party does not know much. After all, a soul who has been sleeping for countless years can know anything.

Knowing that there is nothing about the upper world, Zhang Yuan asked, "What does the waste gate do to capture the soul?" Also, how can I get out and find those souls?

The desolate god said, "Although the owner of the barren sect has done a lot of evil, at least I am also the founder, which is related to my secret of the barren gate, so I can't tell you."

Zhang Yuan was a little disappointed,

said, "Although I can't tell you, I can send you where you want to go, and I will help you relieve the formation there. After you get out of here, it's life or death. Whether you can save them depends on your own creation."

Zhang Yuan thanked; "Thank you so much. As long as you help me relieve all the formations, I can save those souls. At that time, I will leave immediately."

Zhang Yuan naturally believes that the wilderness god does not dare to deliberately deceive himself in order to be reborn. Who dares to joke about his life?

The god laughed and said, "You don't have to thank me. I only helped you once for the sake of my life."

"Close your eyes," said the wild god; Zhang Yuan closed his eyes and only felt a turbulence, and then he came to another place. Here is a large cave. In the cave, there were countless fireflies, each of which represented a soul. When these fireflies saw Zhang Yuan coming, they all dodged and made way.

Zhang Yuan felt that among countless fireflies, each of them had a strange power. If he was attacked by so many fireflies at the same time, the end would definitely be full of holes and death.

In front of the cave, there are 49 stone pillars. Each of these 49 stone pillars is written with a barren character, and one of the stone pillars is written with a source word.

49 stone columns are arranged in a circle with each other. The two ends of the stone pillars connect to the top of the cave and down into the earth. Zhang Yuan felt that the lower end of the stone pillar should be deeply connected to tens of thousands of meters underground. In the depths of the earth, a source force flowed continuously. As soon as this source force gushed out, it was absorbed by 49 stone pillars. .

Every time Zhang Yuan takes a step, there will be countless invisible airflows around his body, which Zhang Yuan has never seen. But he can feel that these airflows contain terrible power. If these airflows kill him, he will definitely die. Walking in the airflow is like walking in the ocean, and everything around the body is submerged.

The closer to the stone pillar, the more difficult it is for Zhang Yuan to move forward. These 49 stone pillars suddenly released a powerful me to attack Zhang Yuan. Such pressure is several times stronger than the void power of the blood bat. When the pressure is a few meters away from Zhang Yuan, it suddenly stops. Zhang Yuan knew that this must have relieved the situation of the wilderness god.

The voice of the desolation god said, "The fireflies you see are not ordinary things. Each firefly contains the power of five elements, eight poles and ten sources. If you are attacked by so many fireflies at the same time, even the powerful Daewoo must retreat.

The airflow you see is called infernal gas. Once this airflow breaks out, even the weak will die. In addition to your surface, there are more horrible formations. If I hadn't helped you relieve the formation, you would have died thousands of times.

Zhang Yuan said in shock, "Senior, why don't you just do a good thing to the end and let the souls of my Nine Sword Palace and those righteous disciples come out."

The wilderness god laughed and said, "I didn't expect that I, as the ancestor of the desert gate, helped outsiders to deal with my sect." Alas! Well, let me do a good thing before I leave.

After saying that, the wild god stretched out his hand and pointed, and the 49 stone pillars immediately made a roaring sound. The originally simple and rough stone pillars suddenly became bright and transparent. With the transparency of the stone pillars, Zhang Yuan clearly saw them. Each stone pillar has an independent space inside. These spaces also have stars and the sun and moon. Looking at this scene in front of him, Zhang Yuan paid more and more attention to the identification of the wilderness.

I only heard the wild god say: "Your Nine Sword Palace has a more horrible array than this. Do you know why the Nine Sword Palace is called the first one? And for countless years, no sect can surpass it.

Zhang Yuan said, "Because the Nine Swords Palace has an artifact heavenly sword, and there are countless secret heavenly sword secrets."

The wild god shook his head and said, "These are only superficial. In fact, the real power of your nine sword palaces is the heavenly peak."

Zhang Yuan wondered, "The Tianyi Peak is just a mountain, if it is powerful?"

said the wild god, "In the depths of the heavenly peak, there is a method called a mixed source. When this array is not in use, it will independently gather the aura of heaven and earth to provide the people of the Nine Sword Palace to practice. When the array is started, thousands of miles of land will be chaotic, as if time has reversed and returned to the beginning of heaven and earth. Wherever it is covered by chaos, how many strong people below the Daewoo level have died, but this array is too murderous, and after using it once, the whole Nine Swords Palace will face the hardship of migration. Therefore, unless it is really used as a last resort. Otherwise, even if many disciples are killed or injured in Jiujian Palace, they will not open this array.

Zhang Yuan said, "How did you know this?"

The wild god said, "Such a powerful formation naturally can't be hidden from the world."

While the two were talking, they saw 49 stone pillars flashing ancient lines. After these ancient lines stopped, more than a dozen souls appeared in front of Zhang Yuan. Xiaolang," Zhang Yuan asked in surprise, "how did you get caught?"

When Lang saw Zhang Yuan, he also looked surprised and said, "Zhang Yuan, why have you been caught?"

Zhang Yuan scolded angrily; "Stupid, I'm here to save you," when he learned that Zhang Yuan came to rescue them, more than a dozen souls happily surrounded Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuan called. Among these souls, there are five in the Nine Sword Palace, three in the Lingyin Valley, one from the Sea God Religion, and the rest are from other righteous sects.

Xiaolang looked at Zhang Yuan and smiled uneasily. He was a little at peace with Zhang Yuan and was afraid that Zhang Yuan would secretly deal with him. Zhang Yuan was thinking about Xiaolang, so he said, "Don't worry, I, Zhang Yuan, am not that kind of person."

Xiaolang smiled with a relaxed look, "From now on, my Xiaolang's life is yours. If you have anything to do, just tell me and I will immediately work for you." Zhang Yuan didn't want to talk nonsense with them. After putting away these souls, Zhang Yuan said respectfully to the desolation god, "Please send me out of here."

The wilderness god said, "I can only send you to the passage where you came. As for whether you can get out of the siege outside, it depends on your ability. I have also completed my task. At this time, I feel that the body of my upper world began to condense," the wilderness god laughed;

Zhang Yuan said, "Congratulations to the seniors."

The god laughed and said, "You practice hard and try to come to the upper world earlier." After saying that, the god waved his hand, and Zhang Yuan returned to the stone wall passage.