Sky Robbery

Chapter 81 Skull

Seeing that it was actually a skeleton that attacked him, which made Zhang Yuan take a deep breath. Such a strange thing was completely out of his knowledge.

The skeleton's feet are very elastic. It screams and runs to Zhang Yuan. At every step, the bones's feet will pop out for several meters.

Zhang Yuan grabbed the spiritual sword and flew away in the air. The powerful air sword came out, and the rainbow air sword ran through the skeleton body. With a scream, the whole body suddenly fell apart, and the bones fell from it. The torn skeleton lay on the ground and struggled. The original scattered bone joints gradually gathered and gathered.

Seeing that the monster actually had this magical power, Zhang Yuan's air sword came out again, and his powerful spirit immediately annihilated many bone joints of the skeleton. Without the main bone, the skeleton can't regain its body.

Feeling a cloudy wind blowing on the back of his head, Zhang Yuan hurriedly looked back and saw the original white fog automatically dispersed.

After the white fog dispersed, a cave appeared kilometers away. In the gloomy cave, countless skeletons rushed out. At a glance, there are at least thousands of these skeletons. Most skeletons hold rusty weapons in their hands, and skeletons without weapons take the opportunity to grab the stones and wooden branches next to them.

Countless skeleton monsters ran to Zhang Yuan, and they ran like monkeys and kangaroos. These skeletons are all neat and un disorderly.

Seeing so many monsters running out, Zhang Yuan said coldly, "It seems that they broke into their nest, but I didn't expect to get out of the wolf's nest and meet the tiger again."

As soon as countless skeletons appeared, they immediately launched a soul attack on Zhang Yuan. More than a thousand soul attacks suddenly came like Skynet, overwhelmingly and impenetrable.

As soon as more than a thousand souls came out, Zhang Yuan immediately felt like he was in the vast sea, and his small self was slapped by the waves. More than a thousand souls have not yet approached themselves, and Zhang Yuan is like dead leaves in the cold wind, which are about to wither.

Fee that this power is too powerful. Zhang Yuan's body is vertical, and the god and spiritual power are shared. The golden light around him rotated in a circle, and then all the lights merged into one. The invisible golden light was integrated into the spiritual sword. After the light sound of the spiritual sword, the human sword was united, and the sword spirit several feet long rushed up.

The powerful sword spirit, extremely powerful and sharpness are enough to pierce the sky. After a violent vibration in the space, Zhang Yuan's sword spirit pierced the soul that he laid down like a net.

After repelling these energies, from the remnants floating in the air. Zhang Yuan clearly felt that this attack was not a soul attack. The real soul attack had the origin of the human body, and this attack had no breath of origin at all.

More than a thousand soul attacks rolled to Zhang Yuan again, and countless strange sounds were made in the impenetrable soul attack. As soon as Zhang Yuan raised his arm, he saw more than a thousand skeletons falling to the ground and dying. It seemed that there was no need to take action at all. They were the ultimate.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "The sculpture bug trick, such a simple illusion, wants to confuse me." After saying that, as soon as Zhang Yuan's imperial god came out, countless stones on the ground were rolled up one after another, and the rolled up stones were combined into a long sword with the imperial god.

The stone sword flew up to the sky and attacked more than a thousand souls. After a period of turmoil, the stone sword scattered and turned back into thousands of small stones before. Small stones like raindrops flew to countless skeletons, after a storm. Countless skeletons are crooked.

Seeing Zhang Yuan so strong, more than a thousand skeletons suddenly knelt down to Zhang Yuan at the same time. They kept kowtowing and chatted. They didn't know what to say.

Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "Are they begging for mercy and asking me not to kill them?" Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan shouted, "Get up. Although you are not human, I am not an extravagant person. For the sake of your inability to get out of the ghost crying cliff, I will never kill you."

These skeletons don't seem to understand Zhang Yuan's words. They still kneel on their feet and keep kowtowing, making strange sounds in their mouths.

Seeing that the skeletons still didn't get up, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "Don't they understand what I said and mistakenly think that I won't let them go? Even so, why don't I turn around and leave? As long as I go far away, they will be at ease. Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan carefully withdrew a few steps, and then turned around and left.

When several skeletons saw that Zhang Yuan was about to leave, they hurriedly stood up and ran to Zhang Yuan.

Seeing these skeletons chasing him, Zhang Yuan turned around and the spiritual sword pointed straight to several skeletons.

Feel Zhang Yuan's anger, and several skeletons knelt down in a hurry, with an urgent voice in their mouths. From the rhythm of their words, Zhang Yuan could feel that they seemed to be afraid to leave.

Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "If I insist on leaving, I'm afraid that it will intensify my conflict with them. At that time, there will be a fierce battle. It's better to take advantage of the opportunity to fight with them to secretly restore my spiritual power." Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan stood in place carefully, neither advancing nor retreating.

After the skeletons saw Zhang Yuan stay, the anxious voice gradually calmed down.

A tall skeleton came out of the skeletons. It pointed at Zhang Yuan for a while, and then bent down to make a gesture of asking Zhang Yuan to move.

Seeing this action, Zhang Yuan wondered, "What do they want me to do in front of me?" Is there anything I can do for you? I still want to ask you to be their leader. Zhang Yuan is naturally very disgusted with the thought of being their leader.

After the skeleton invited Zhang Yuan, all the skeletons looked at him, as if all the skeletons were waiting for Zhang Yuan's reply.

After a few breaths, Zhang Yuan walked in the direction pointed by the skeleton. Zhang Yuan himself was also curious and wanted to know what was in front of him. With the wisdom of skeletons, naturally there is no conspiracy to harm yourself.

After seeing Zhang Yuan walking forward, countless skeletons stood up and followed respectfully behind. Along the way, Zhang Yuan even doubted whether there were any stunts left by ancient master in front of him, waiting for him to pick them up. Thinking of the relics left by the ancients, Zhang Yuan secretly scolded himself for being too whimsical. Looking back, he saw countless skeletons following him.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yuan shook his head and smiled; unexpectedly, I would lead a skeleton regiment and run wildly. Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help showing a funny smile.

When countless skeletons saw Zhang Yuan smiling, they also seemed to smile. After walking the gravel paved road, they came to several cliffs. These cliffs are all cliffs. On the high and wide cliff, there is no small tree, and there are countless endless rocks.

On the ground, there are countless messy cliff stones. These cliff stones were originally stones on the cliff, only because of the long years and weathering. Therefore, countless cliffs fell from the cliffs 10,000 meters or even tens of millions of meters high.

Because of the cliffs and rocks in the way, the road was very difficult to walk. Zhang Yuan was always on guard against the sudden sneak attack of these monsters. In his mind, he repeatedly guessed what was in front of him.