Sky Robbery

Chapter 86 Bone Bird

Zhang Yuan suppressed and narrowed the range of spiritual attack to the limit, and the golden shadow-like sword flew forward endlessly. This trick really worked, and the vines could not fall from the air. Gumu swayed violently and made a strange sound of forgiveness. But it is so deep-rooted that it can't move to attack Zhang Yuan.

After shooting down these rattans, Zhang Yuan quickly flew to the distance. The white fog in front of him was filled with a strong fog, and there was a spicy smell. This is a characteristic of the poisonous fog. Zhang Yuan turned around and avoided the white fog all the way when he passed several ancient trees. These ancient trees suddenly stretched out and wrapped around Zhang Yuan.

Because the tree is too thick, the gap is also wide. Zhang Yuan twists his body and easily breaks out of this gap. After a wave of swing, Zhang Yuan was patted on the head. Zhang Yuan rolled in the air and narrowly avoided this powerful beat. There was a bang, and the rocks on the ground were smashed to pieces. Zhang Yuan said loudly, "If you tree monsters dare to attack me again, be careful of my fire and burn you all."

These tree monsters seemed to understand Zhang Yuan's words. They took back the trees one after another and dared not act rashly.

After getting out of danger, Zhang Yuan did not dare to stay. At this time, it can be said that he was full of grass and trees, and he was scared by this strange death abyss. Every time he passes a tree and sees a rattan, Zhang Yuan will carefully avoid it.

After walking for a long time and seeing that the strange tree did not attack him, Zhang Yuan finally calmed down his nervousness. It is surrounded by deep ditch forests, with ancient trees hanging roots, rattans wrapped around trees, steep rocks and concave, and a huge forest, which looks very primitive.

After wandering in the forest for a long time, Zhang Yuan did not find a way out of here. He sat angrily on a stone and blew the breeze on his face. He felt very bored. Zhang Yuan carved words on the stone with a spiritual sword.

After engraving a line of words, he got up and left. Just a few meters away, Zhang Yuan went back, drew a picture on the boulder, and then added the word Xu Min. Looking at his masterpiece, Zhang Yuan smiled with satisfaction, and then brushed his hand away.

On the boulder behind him, the line of words and the picture still exist quietly. Maybe many years later, the wind and rain will annihilate these characters. Perhaps after countless years, later generations will find his footprints, but in any case, Zhang Yuan will never forget the existence of a person in his heart.

Zhang Yuan never thought that the calligraphy and paintings he carved today were found by a woman who loved him deeply. In order to save him, the woman came to the abyss of death to look for the spiritual spring and accidentally saw everything on the stone.

The green vine danced with the wind. Zhang Yuan walked through the branches of the forest, sometimes flying in the air, sometimes down-to-earth. Suddenly, a bone bird spread its wings and attacked Zhang Yuan.

The evil spirit rushed towards him, and the soul attack came in an instant. Zhang Yuan was shocked and thought of the god, and the powerful divine consciousness directly bombarded the soul attack of the scattered bone bird. Zhang Yuan was puzzled, "Why do all the monsters of this death abyss attack with their souls? Is it because there is something special here?

The bone and bird's wings beat down in the air, and suddenly the wind danced, the gravel and sand, and several thousand-year-old trees were broken on the spot. Zhang Yuan's spiritual sword came out, and Haoran's true spirit rolled up at the bone bird. The bone bird's sharp claws stretched out and grabbed Zhang Yuan's head like lightning.

Zhang Yuan stepped back a few steps to avoid the claws of the bone bird. With a click, a three-foot thick giant tree behind him was smashed by a bone bird.

After a few steps, Zhang Yuan carefully looked at the bone bird and saw that it had no feathers and no flesh. Even the wide wings were all skeletons. With a long mouth, less than a meter. Looking at this ugly thing, Zhang Yuan couldn't understand, "Why can he still live like this?"

After grabbing the empty with one claw, the bone bird swirled and turned sharply. Under Zhang Yuan's beak, a force that was sharper than the sword spirit pierced the space and attacked Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan's sword flew, and the strong sword blocked the attack of the bone bird. With a sharp sound, Zhang Yuan's sword body was pecked out a deep mark. Bone birds incited giant wings, and countless green rays attacked Zhang Yuan like bone arrows.

When the green light comes out, countless black gases arise in the space. Zhang Yuan moved with his sword, and countless golden lights greeted the green light. Golden light and green light stirred up explosions in the air. After these green light flew into the tree, a 100-meter-high ancient tree immediately withered. Seeing that the green light was so poisonous, Zhang Yuan did not want to be entangled with the bone bird. He was really angry, with great spiritual power and implementation in the body of the sword. The spiritual sword suddenly soared, and the sword spirit of several feet long burst into the air.

The bone bird has a big mouth, and a long backbone welcomes the spiritual sword. After a period of violent turmoil, countless cracks emerged in the space. The dead branches and mourning leaves on the ground were involved in the cracks in the space. Zhang Yuan's blood surged, and then fled away with the wind and water. With the powerful counterattack, Zhang Yuan's flight speed increased several times in an instant.

After falling down, the bone bird spread its wings and chased Zhang Yuan. The wind sounded everywhere in my ears, and the sound of bones kept coming behind me. Zhang Yuan took advantage of the many ancient trees and flew in the woods.

The bone bird is huge and has been affected by countless ancient times, which greatly reduces its flight speed. A burst of forgiveness spread its wings, and countless big trees were broken by bone birds. The flying wood chips all over the sky hit Zhang Yuan from time to time. The more Zhang Yuan fled, the more he felt sad. Since he came here, he was like a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouted to beat him.

The bone bird screamed and chased Zhang Yuan, but there were too many obstacles. They wanted to catch up several times, but they were hindered by the ancient wood. It opened its mouth and a thunderball rolled out.

Zhang Yuan hurriedly turned around a big tree. The thunderball attacked the ancient wood, and suddenly the branches and leaves flew, and the remaining strength dispersed.

After flying through this forest, the peaks ahead overlap and the cliffs are full of stones. A wide wall blocked Zhang Yuan's escape. Zhang Yuan hurriedly turned around and wanted to fly into the forest again and deal with the bone bird. As soon as he turned around, he saw the huge wings of the bone bird attacking his waist like a blade.

In a hurry, Zhang Yuan clenched the spiritual sword and flew several meters into the air. Instigated spiritual power, stimulated the sword spirit, and cut down the bones and birds in the air. Zhang Yuan broke out with all his strength. A strong sword shadow burst down and split against the wide back of the bone bird below.

A flash of light and a roar all over the air. The bone bird's body cracked, and several pieces of bones flew down in the air. The bone bird withered, and then the green bone arrows all over the sky attacked Zhang Yuan.

Knowing that the green bone arrow was very powerful, Zhang Yuan did not wait for the bone arrow to fly to the countless straight peaks and cliffs in front of him.

Without the obstacles of the woods, the speed of bone birds has soared extremely. After spreading his wings several times, he caught up with Zhang Yuan.


has written nearly 300,000 words, but there is not only no collection, but even no click. At this time, I feel physically and mentally exhausted, but I will insist on finishing this book,