Sky Robbery

Chapter 89 Infatuated Flower

The man said to Zhang Yuan, "This flower is bright and red on the surface, but extremely poisonous inside. It is called the infatuated flower. The infatuated flower can confuse people's hearts and arouse people's seven emotions and six desires, so that the moment you see it, you will have the idea of approaching. I don't know how many people have died under its poison."

When the man spoke, he looked vicissitudes, and his tone was a little sad. Even if they were far apart, Zhang Yuan could feel the negative atmosphere in his body.

After learning that the flower was extremely poisonous, Zhang Yuan was glad that he did not approach. Seeing the man looking at the distance thoughtfully, Zhang Yuan couldn't bear to disturb his meditation for a moment. The still man, like a stone statue, stood still for millions of years and remained still. After a long time, the man sighed softly and then looked at Zhang Yuan casually.

Being casually swept by his eyes, Zhang Yuan suddenly felt like he was in a cold pool, completely cold, and the strength gap between the two was wide. Feeling the cold breath, Zhang Yuan retreated slightly. In this ghost crying cliff, he had to be careful about everything. If the other party temporarily became evil, he could deal with it in advance.

The man saw all the subtle movements of Zhang Yuan, but he didn't think so.

Seeing the man wake up from meditation, Zhang Yuan said respectfully, "Thank you for your previous reminder, otherwise I will die in infatuation. May I ask your name, and he will be rewarded by the younger generation."

The man said, "I am Tianyuan Shenzhou, Tenglong Empire, descendants of Henggu Emperor, relying on the heavenly hatred."

After hearing these words, Zhang Yuan trembled violently like a thunderbolt. He once heard that millions of years ago, the ferocious demon family was rampant and killed the human race. After more than ten years, the prosperous human race was almost extinct. At this moment, a young man with genius appeared in the sky. This young man was the Henggu Emperor.

The emperor led the extinct human race and launched an unprecedented decisive battle with the ferocious demon clan in the cold wilderness. In this battle, the emperor killed the top ten ferocious demons with absolute strength. Later, he connected with many masters of the human race, locked the air array, and suppressed the ferocious demon mythical beasts.

The Henggu Emperor once had a legacy, and all the masters of our people have to take the responsibility of protecting the people. All his descendants have to live and kill the ferocious demons. For the sake of ancestral teachings, the descendants of Henggu have always been responsible for this huge responsibility for millions of years.

Zhang Yuan never thought that the descendants of Henggu, whom he admired very much, would appear in front of him. Excited, Zhang Yuan said more respectfully, "Xin Zhang Yuan, meet the senior."

Yi Tianqiu said, "Don't be polite. Which school are you from? Why did it appear in the ghost crying cliff and the abyss?

Zhang Yuan's previous little vigilance also dissipated at this time. He said respectfully, "The younger generation was also from Tianyuan Shenzhou, but by chance, he worshipped the Nine Sword Palace in the mainland of the Divine Emperor. I came to save the people outside the wilderness with many brothers. In an accident, I walked into the Black Pine Ridge. Coincidentally, I learned that the souls of many righteous people were arrested and entered the Hall of Life.

In order to save many souls of the same path, I sneaked into the Hall of Life. Unexpectedly, I was injured by the young master holding the seal and the five masters. When the younger generation was incompetent and couldn't sing alone, I jumped off the ghost crying cliff and escaped for my life. Zhang Yuan roughly told him how he came here.

After hearing this, Yi Tianqiu said, "You can actually escape your life with one enemy and seal. From this, Jiujian Palace has spent a lot of effort on you."

Zhang Yuan laughed and said, "With the great kindness of the palace owner, it is cultivated by the sect. Therefore, only the younger generation have today's achievements.

Yi Tianqiu said with a rare smile: "You are fine if you don't forget your original ambition and remember your kindness."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Although I am not a saint, I also know the truth of drinking water and thinking about the source. Relying on my predecessors, you said that this is Liu Chongyuan. How many places are there like death spiritual abyss and Liu Chongyuan on the ghost crying cliff?"

Yi Tianqiu said; "There are 180 abyss on the ghost crying cliff, of which four abyss are the most dangerous. These four abyss are ranked as not crossing mountains, evil abyss, flowing abyss, and death abyss."

After hearing this, Zhang Yuan asked puzzledly: "The abyss is ranked above the abyss of death, but I feel that the abyss of death is more dangerous than here."

Yi Tianqiu said; "The real danger is invisible," after saying that, Yi Tianqiu suddenly took action against Zhang, and the powerful cosmic light surrounded Zhang Yuan.

When Zhang Yuan was about to resist, he suddenly saw that outside the light mask, countless flowers and trees turned into powder and disappeared. These disappeared flowers and plants seem to have disappeared out of thin air. Under the shock, Zhang Yuan explored and found an invisible and silent hurricane, which blew all these flowers and plants into powder. If it hadn't been for the help of others, he would have been disabled if he didn't die.

After the hurricane, he took back the light of the universe. He smiled and said to Zhang Yuan, "How about it? The real danger is invisible.

Zhang Yuan said gratefully, "Just as we met, I relied on my predecessor to save me for the second time. With such a great kindness, it is really difficult for the younger generation to repay."

Yi Tianqiu said, "No one has spoken with me for more than ten years, and I haven't tasted the fireworks in the world for more than ten years. If you really want to repay me, go find some dead wood, raise a fire, burn some food, and then we drink a few glasses of wine."

Hearing that the life of leaning on Qianru was so lonely and dim, Zhang Yuan's heart suddenly felt very sore. Zhang Yuan said, "Please wait a moment. The younger generation is going to rise the fire to roast fish, but... The younger generation has no space to quit. In the mountains and mountains, they can't find good wine."

Yi Tianqiu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. No matter where I go, I will take a hundred jars of good wine with me."

Zhang Yuan said happily, "It's so good. I'll come as soon as I sit down." After saying that, Zhang Yuan turned around and walked into the forest and quickly found a pile of dry wood. Then he ran to a pool on the edge of Sansheng Stone and caught more than a dozen big fish.

Carrying a fresh fish, Zhang Yuan ran happily all the way and can drink wine with hundreds of millions of people in the world, which is impossible for many people in their lives. If today's event spreads, he can also boast about it. Although Zhang Yuan is not a vain person, he is also eager to make friends with great people.

Yi Tianqiu still stood there like a stone statue. From beginning to end, he did not move half a step, but only heard him whisper to himself; "Once love, ten years will be miserable."

Hearing the sad poems of Yi Tianqiu, Zhang Yuan thought alone; "Did the predecessor come to Liuyuan to see Sansheng Stone?"

Barbecue is Zhang Yuan's specialty. When he was in Tianyuan Shenzhou, the stingy godfather always let him go deep into the mountains to cut firewood. Since then, he has learned a good barbecue skill.

After the fire rose, Zhang Yuan carefully roasted the fish yellow, and a smell of oil spread all over. Zhang Yuan looked for some herbs and smashed them on the surface of the fish skin. The oily fish suddenly added a fragrant smell.