Sky Robbery

Chapter 97 The Gathering of Strengths

In the hall, Fu Long greeted the people of the Loess Sect. This hall is just a temporary hall, less than 100 meters wide. There is nothing else but a few tables and chairs in the hall.

Fu Long smiled and said, "Brother Zhou Tai, when I heard that all the brothers of the Loess Sect arrived, I couldn't wait to come to visit you. In the past, when I was in the sect, I often heard your anecdotes of your brothers. At that time, I wanted to visit Brother Zhou, but I hated the mountains and roads so far away that I could not go to visit. Today, you and I met here in the Rising Sun City. It can be seen that the fate is not shallow.

Zhou Tai smiled and said, "How can I, Zhou Tai, miss Brother Fu so much?"

Fu Long said, "I heard that the supreme power of your Loess Sect is very good. After this catastrophe, I will have a good competition with Brother Zhou, and I hope Brother Zhou will not hesitate to teach me at that time."

Zhou Tai said, "The two words of teaching are not worthy. No matter how powerful the star shift of our sect is, it is not as good as the sea of your religion."

Speaking of this, both of them showed laughter. As their laughter stopped here, several other disciples of the upright sect also came one after another. Fu Long stood up with an open mind and saluted these people one by one. Until this time, there were also hundreds of people in this hall, seven or eight large and small sects, among which the most prominent sects were Nephen and Huangtu Sect.

When Fu Long saw so many people gathered together, he stood up and said loudly, "Gentlemen, brothers, now that we are the right way, we should shoulder this important task. In this battle, please kill the enemy bravely. We must annihilate the ferocious demons in one fell swoop."

Many people echoed; "Brother Fu is right, we should all kill the enemy bravely and annihilate the ferocious demons in one fell swoop." The more people talked, the braver they became, and the voices were boiling. In the end, many people wanted to support Fu Long.

Yi Yun came with Dongyuan Qilan Qier and others. Before he entered the hall, he heard the endless sound of Fu Long and said that the heroes were excited. Nan Wuji walked side by side with Yi Yun. After hearing Fu Long's sound, Nan Wuji laughed and said, "Brother Yi, what do you think of Fu Long?"

Yi Yun said; "Now everyone is in the same boat. Brother Fu is so war-spirited, which is exactly what we need."

Nan Wuji laughed and said, "Brother Yi is really good-minded. No wonder the Nine Sword Palace will send you here. I feel that Fu Long is a little lonely and arrogant, and he is very happy." Yi Yun accelerated his pace and strode towards the hall. Nan Wuji thought for a moment, shook his head and smiled, and then followed Yi Yun.

Dongyuanqi scolded softly; "What kind of dog, what is the Sea God Religion? It's just a sect between good and evil. Why has it become so kind now?"

Lan Qier said softly, "You can't say this kind of thing in the future. Our goal is the same now. As for other things, it depends on how Yi Yun deals with it."

Tong Fei smiled and said, "What are you worried about? With Brother Yi Yun here, what do we have to worry about? In terms of cultivation, no one is the opponent of Brother Yi Yun, not to mention fickle."

Lan Qier whispered a few words to Dongfei and Dong Yuanqi, but saw that the two of them showed their eyes shining, and then said happily, "Really." Lan Qier nodded gently and then strode into the hall. After a burst of excitement, Dong Fei and Dong Yuanqi groaned and stepped into the hall. Looking at Dong Yuanqi laughing mysteriously, Zhang Lu and others showed an incomprehensible look.

After walking into the hall, Yi Yun held his fist and said, "I heard that Brother Zhou is handsome and Shenwu. When I saw him today, he was indeed the dragon among people. When Brother Zhou first arrived here, I couldn't meet him from afar. I hope you won't be surprised."

Zhou Tai said, "Brother Yi is serious. It's Zhou Tai who came too late. I'm here to apologize to everyone."

Fu Long said, "Brother Yi, since you are here, please take a seat." After saying that, Fu Long smiled and asked Yi Yun to sit in the first seat. Yi Yun glanced at the corners of his eyes and saw many people who didn't seem to want to sit in the head seat.

Yi Yun is meticulous, and of course he knows the reason. Thinking of this, Yi Yun said loudly, "Anyone here is more qualified than me. Let's talk about the position of the first seat from a long perspective."

Seeing that Yi Yun refused to sit in the first seat, Fu Long said to Nan Wuji again, "Brother Wuji, as the eldest brother of the Sea God Sect, your cultivation is extremely high, so please sit in the first seat."

When Fu Long said the three words of the eldest brother, he deliberately aggravated his tone a little. Because Yi Yun is not the eldest brother of Jiujian Palace, he has to lower them in terms of qualifications.

Nan Wuji laughed and said, "Although I am the elder brother of Haishen, now all factions have gathered, so let's discuss the first thing again."

Everyone looked at the first position in the main hall and could not make a decision for a while. No matter who sat on it, everyone had to submit to it. Otherwise, no one could do this position.

Yi Yun said loudly, "You are the same, brothers. The reason for the large-scale appearance of birds and beasts is that they are affected by the spiritual blood and light array, so they can go out recklessly. Such a blatant behavior of the ferocious demon family is to restore the clan.

"Brother Yi, why do you assert that the ferocious demon wants to restore the clan?" A disciple of the sect asked;

Yi Yun said, "After our efforts, we found an underground secret road of the ferocious demon clan, in which there are many secrets about the ferocious demon clan. They carved the story of the Fu clan on the stone wall and asked future generations to never forget the Fu clan."

Fu Long smiled and said, "Since Brother Yi has found the underground secret passage of the ferocious demon clan, there must be more than this in the secret passage, right? Brother Yi, please explain it to everyone in detail.

As soon as Fu Long's words came out, many disciples of the sect wanted Yi Yun to tell the details. In fact, they wanted to know the details of the same thing, and the most important thing was to prove the authenticity of Yi Yun's words.

Yi Yun said; "Since it is the underground secret passage of the ferocious demon clan, there are naturally many things in it. In the secret passage, there are fierce beasts guarding the secret room and all kinds of very poisonous poisons." Speaking of this, Yi Yun took out a white bottle containing worms, nine yin worms, earthworms and other poisons.

When these poisons were taken out, everyone believed most of Yi Yun's words. In fact, even if Yi Yun did not take out these poisons, they would believe Yi Yun, but no one was willing to give up the first seat to Yi Yun.

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Yi Yun said again, "Do you know how these nine yin insects are raised?" Several of them said, "I heard that the nine yin worms were raised from a woman's body."

"Yes," Yi Yun suddenly said aggressively; "In that secret room, there were thousands of girls' bodies, all of which were put into crystal coffins. After their death, their faces were lifelike. When I saw thousands of girls being used to raise nine worms, my heart ached. I swear, The ferocious demons will be killed.

Speaking here, Yi Yun's whole momentum has been raised to the extreme with his anger. Feeling Yi Yun's endless murderous intention, many people echoed; "Kill the ferocious demons and kill the ferocious demons." Hearing that thousands of girls died in this kind of life, everyone was very angry. Especially those male disciples, who regretted these thousands of girls.


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