Sky Robbery

Chapter 110 Heavenly Field

Nine beams of light appeared out of thin air, and the sound of the silent ghost spread all over the night sky. The realm of heaven is gradually suppressed by nine pillars of light. A beam of light bombarded Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai's face was pale. Looking at the pillar of light bombard him, he was powerless.

Looking at Zhou Tai's fate, the disciples of the Loess Sect suddenly shouted in despair. Zhou Tai is their leader and their eldest brother. If Zhou Tai dies, the consequences will be unimaginable.


The light of Jiuyin is unimpeded, like a falling meteor, as if to destroy all those who are enemies of him. Fu Long's clothes were broken. Seeing that Zhou Tai was in danger, he gritted his teeth and flew with a sword. The light of the spiritual sword soared and brazenly hit the Jiuyin light that attacked Zhou Tai. But as soon as Fu Long took action, three dark lights appeared beside him.

Yi Yun's figure is very elegant. At the most dangerous moment, he appeared in the demon red space. Xuanqing's secret, Yi Yun turned his hands, and an infinite pattern immediately appeared. In the pattern, there were mountains and hills, cliffs. Wuji Wu is running crazily, and Jiu Fulong and Zhou Tai were sucked in by the rotating infinite map.

The light of nine shadows hit the earth, and suddenly a 100-meter-deep pit appeared on the ground. There was a burst of turmoil in the demon red space, and a blood river appeared beside Yi Yun. The water in the blood river rushed to Yi Yun crazily.

Even hundreds of meters apart, Zhang Yuan and others can clearly feel how horrible the boundless evil spirit in the blood river is. In the blood river, several bone birds suddenly appeared. Bone birds fly to the bleeding river, and their giant wings stretch. Bone birds and blood rivers attack Yi Yun at the same time.

Yi Yun waved his right sleeve, and Fu Long returned to the tower from the pattern. Facing the attack of the blood river bone bird, Yi Yun did not move, and the backlight sword turned into three dozens of feet long giant swords around him. Every time the three swords rotate, the position of the blood river will fall down.

The giant wings of the bone and bird flapped down, and thousands of ancient swords were densely killed Yi Yun. The three long swords suddenly did not move and stayed in the air. With the stay of the long sword, the ancient sword also stopped moving forward. Time and space seem to have stopped at this moment.

Boss Shang was shocked and said, "Heavenly position is fixed. You have not only practiced the field of heavenly position, but also realized the heavenly position fixed?" Yi Yun smiled and said, "It's not that I realized it, but that I have been able to use it for a long time. Previously, my cultivation was Yunxiao level. I dare not use the heavenly position easily. Now in the spiritual period, we dare to use it."

Seeing that Yi Yun was not only strong, but also very horrible, Fu Long and Nan Wuji both smiled bitterly. At this time, they knew that the gap between them and Yi Yun was getting bigger and bigger.

Zhang Lu suddenly said Dongyuanqi and Dongfei, "No wonder after Sister Qi'er whispered to you that day, you two were happy for a long time. It turned out that you already knew that Brother was a strong man?"

Tunfei said, "We didn't know before. It was Qi'er who told us quietly later that we didn't know." Zhang Lu said angrily, "You didn't tell us such a big thing, and you almost regarded us as outsiders."

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that our brother is powerful now." Watching Yi Yun become a strong man, Zhang Yuan was also happy. Yi Yun had saved himself several times and had long wanted to repay his kindness.

At the edge of the sky, the ferocious master looked at the battlefield and said, "I didn't expect Yi Yun of Jiujian Palace to break through the strength of heaven. This man is really a talent." When the ferocious Lord spoke, he seemed to be talking to himself and to Yi Tianqiu.

Yi Tianqiu said; "In addition to Yi Yun, there is another genius in Jiujian Palace, and this person's talent is not below Yi Yun."

"Oh, I don't know who this person is?" The ferocious Lord said;

Yi Tianqiu shook his head and said, "I still don't say it well." The two hostile people actually talked to each other at this time. If outsiders saw it, they would think that they were good friends.

Yi Tianqiu took a look at the ferocious Lord, and then turned his head. His look was a little more vicissitudes. The ferocious Lord looked at the negative hatred and sighed, "For millions of years, your Henggu family has always been the biggest obstacle to my ferocious demon clan."

He didn't say anything. He sighed and then closed his eyes. He didn't seem to want to see the ferocious Lord. The ferocious Lord said, "It is for this reason that you live so painfully, I know..."

"Don't say that, I don't want to mention that." Yi Tianqiu suddenly said;

The ferocious Lord said, "You don't want to mention it, but I still want to ask you, how is she now?"

Yi Tianqiu's body trembled, and then trembled again. After shaking several times, Yi Tianqiu said sadly, "What else can I do? It's not that you don't know her character."

The ferocious Lord sighed and said, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have pushed her into the fire for the sake of the clan, which not only hurt her, but also you." Speaking of this, the ferocious master's breath fluctuated. His body is still covered with black fog, and the black fog has been covering his face.

Relying on Tianqiu, he said, "God's will, God's will." After saying a few heavenly wishes in a row, the Heavenly hatred muttered and had no intention to watch the battle in the distance.

The ferocious master suddenly laughed and said, "God's will, God's will, God's will." Every time you say a word of God's will, the ferocious body will withdraw a few steps back and try to calm down the inner fluctuations. After the ferocious demon said, "I'm sorry for her. Please tell her that I regret the decision of that year. At the same time, please complete her lifelong dream. Please treat her kindly for me in the relationship with her."

Yi Tianqiu has never spoken. He is very confused. In the face of the ferocious Lord, he doesn't know what to say. One is the pillar of the human race, and the other is the master of the ferocious demon clan, two men with life-and-death hatred, but this person is sad.

After a long silence, Yi Tianqiu said, "Over the years, she has lived a very hard life, and I have also lived a very hard life. In order to fulfill her dream, I have been working hard, but there is nothing I can do in the vast sea of people."

The ferocious Lord said, "I know that you have been criticized by people all over the world in order to protect her. Thank you for your protection and tolerance for her for many years."

Hearing the ferocious Lord thanking himself, Yi Tianqiu shook his head with a wry smile. After sighing several times, he began to meditate again, "Don't deal with my descendants, or I won't fall in love with you." Yi Tianqiu said in a low voice;

The ferocious Lord smiled and said, "You are still you. Even if your people betray you, you will not live up to them." Yi Tianqiu said, "Don't forget the ancestral teachings. As a human race, I naturally have to protect my people. Aren't you the same? He actually sent her to a dead end for her own ferocious demon clan.

"Enough, don't say anything," the ferocious Lord said angrily, "You have always thought that I'm sorry for her, but you are also sorry for her. If she hadn't really touched you, how could she have fallen to this point?"