Sky Robbery

Chapter 144 Heart to Lingshan

Ten meters ahead, a stone rock several feet high blocked the road. Zhang Yuan walked up first, then stretched out his hand and pulled the teacher to climb up. In the quiet hills, on the weedy path, the two walked happily. Along the way, Zhang Yuan often laughed, and Xu Min often praised him.

Looking at the sweat dripping and seemed to be a little tired, Zhang Yuan looked for a clean stone and asked her to take a break first and fetch some water and find some wild fruits by herself.

After sitting down and resting, Xu Min wiped the sweat off her forehead, and then said delicately, "You have to come back early, otherwise the senior sister will be afraid alone."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Please rest assured, I won't go far." After saying that, Zhang Yuan turned around and walked into the forest. He cut a bamboo tube to hold water. After walking to the stream, Zhang Yuan first drank a few mouthfuls of stream water, and then filled the bamboo tube with water. As soon as the water in the tube was full, Zhang Yuan poured it out again, and then took the empty bamboo tube and went to the depths of the hills to find wild fruits.

Although the area of this hill is not large, countless undulating hills border each other and become boundless. In the hills, towering trees stood above the sky, and the branches stretched freely covered the bright sky.

A big tree was wrapped with many green branches and leaves. In the green branches and leaves, a string of white wild grapes were exposed. Zhang Yuan happily walked to the big tree and picked the bunch of wild grapes on the branches and found the wild fruits. After finding the wild fruit, he quickly returned to the stream and filled the stream and returned to the place where Xu Min was waiting for him.

When he walked back, Zhang Yuan shouted on the spot and then threw down all the things in his hand. There was no senior sister Xu Min on that stone.

After shouting, Zhang Yuan flew into the air and looked around, but countless dense branches and leaves blocked his sight. Ling Nian Yucheng emanated in an instant. Within ten thousand meters, everything was in his perception, and even the bird leaping in the forest could not escape his perception.

But in the quiet forest, he did not find Xu Min. Thinking of what happened to his senior sister, Zhang Yuan was confused and his whole body was cold. At this moment, he is anxious and murderous.

"Ah, who is it? Who took my senior sister?" After shouting indignation, Zhang Yuanyu flew away, trying to continue to pursue the whereabouts of his senior sister. If Xu Min really has something good or bad, not only is he in pain, I'm afraid that even the Nine Sword Palace will not tolerate him from now on. After all, the descendants of Emperor Yu, the Nine Sword Palace attaches great importance to it.

"Xiaoyuan, I'm here." Thousands of meters away, a long-lost sound sounded. After hearing this sound, Zhang Yuan thought it was an illusion.

"Little brother, come back quickly, sister, I'm here." The sound sounded again. After making sure that it was not an illusion, Zhang Yuan suddenly smiled happily. Suddenly, he found how inseparable he was without her.

"Sister, why did you leave alone? It scared me." After seeing Xu Min, Zhang Yuan said happily: Unconsciously, he held Xu Min's hand tightly, and his excitement seemed to recover.

After opening Zhang Yuan's hand, Xu Min said guiltily, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to test you. If I disappeared, what would you react?" After apologizing, Xu Min was like a child who had done something wrong, waiting for the punishment of the adults.

Zhang Yuan said happily, "Sister, you don't have to say anything sorry to me. As long as you are fine, it's more important than anything else. If you really have a good or evil, I would like to exchange my life for it. There is no doubt that Zhang Yuan's words are sincere.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was not angry, Xu Min smiled and said, "If I really have a good or wrong, you must not exchange it for your life, because your life is much more precious than me."

"Sister, I just used the field of consciousness, why didn't I find you?" Zhang Yuan asked curiously:

Xu Min said, "As Queen Yu, I will naturally have many stunts, so it's normal that you can't find me."

Taking the senior sister to the previous stone slab, Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Because I was too anxious, I threw the water and wild fruits on the ground. Sister, wait for me a little longer. I will go to find wild fruits and fetch water again."

Bend down, Xu Min picked up the wild fruit on the ground and said, "Just fg water, but you don't have to look for wild fruit."

He shook his head and walked to the stream. Zhang Yuan filled the water in the bamboo tube again. Thinking of the shocking scene just now, he was secretly afraid. After walking back to the stone, Xu Min was sitting there, slowly eating wild fruits.

"Thank you for your hard work, come and have a rest." Xu Min waved to Zhang Yuan and said: Walking to her sister, Zhang Yuan handed her the water. After taking the water, Xu Min rinsed a few mouthfuls of water, and then drank the water in the bamboo tube. Looking at the senior sister's attention to drinking water, Zhang Yuan thought to himself: He is worthy of being a child of a famous family, and even drinking water is so advanced. If it were Zhang Lu, he would pour water directly into his stomach like a whale swallowing rivers.

After picking off a wild grape and wiping the surface with his hand, Xu Min handed it to Zhang Yuan and said, "This one is for you to eat." After taking over the grapes, Zhang Yuan swallowed them directly without spitting out the skin.

"Why don't you spit out the skin when you eat grapes?" Xu Min is obviously a little angry or difficult to understand.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "How dare I spit out what my senior sister gave me?" Hearing Zhang Yuan's answer, Xu Min smiled and almost dropped all the grapes in her mouth. Hearing you say that, it seems that I am very fierce." Xu Min smiled and said: After saying that, she picked another grape for Zhang Yuan to eat, and asked not to eat even the skin as before.

After receiving the grapes, Zhang Yuan finally spit out the grape skin according to Xu Min's requirements. The two of them rested for a long time, and the sky gradually became gloomy. If they rested in the deep mountains, I'm afraid it would not be peaceful. Looking at the gradually dark sky, Zhang Yuan said, "Sister, let's not rest, otherwise it will be dangerous if it's dark." Standing up, Xu Min patted her clothes before accompanying Zhang Yuan to leave.

After walking out of the hills, there is a very vast flat land in front of which stands several peaks in the sky. The top of Qingfeng Mountain is surrounded by mist and flowing clouds. Under the green peak, the green grass is quiet and the mountains are forested. From afar, the green peak seems to emerge from the blue sea.

Seeing the sudden scenery, Zhang Yuan's spirit rose sharply. Although the mountains and rivers of the Jiujian Palace are magnificent, the beauty of each mountain and river has a different charm.

The two faced Qingfeng and stood in the deep grass, like a beautiful fairyland in the depths. Xu Min was also very happy to see this beautiful mountain and river. After enjoying the scenery, Xu Min said worriedly, "Can we find Brother Yi Yun if we go on like this?"

Zhang Yuan said, "Don't worry, we will find them, and then we will go back to the sect together." After getting Zhang Yuan's affirmation, Xu Min nodded at ease. No matter how smart a woman is, no man has his opinion. Especially in a strange place, most women will seek men's opinions.