Sky Robbery

Chapter 154 Lingshan City

The little girl took Zhang Yuan to the village. When she passed by the group of children, she stared disdainfully. From her eyes, you can see how deep her hatred for these people is.

"Hi" Why did the wound on your face heal so quickly? A man jumped out and asked loudly: The little guy was too lazy to answer, so he turned around and walked away with a cold hum. Several little boys looked at Zhang Yuan behind her and said, "Don't think we are afraid of you if you find a big man. I tell you, I also have a brother at home, who is much taller than him."

Listening to these little guys' words, Zhang Yuan shook his head with a wry smile. It's really a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers. Walking all the way to the village, the adults looked at Zhang Yuan with curious eyes, and some young women couldn't help looking at him a few more times.

"Xiao Xue, is this your relative?" A woman in her 20s asked gently:

After another cold hum, the little guy directly ignored it. From her expression, she must have been bullied much by these people at ordinary times. From time to time, there were several coughs in a humble house. Walking to the door made of several boards, Xiaoxue pushed the door directly, and then she said, "Brother, come in quickly."

"Xiao Xue, who is your brother?" An old woman asked: Mother, it's the brother I just met. Xiaoxue said: After walking into the room, a smell of firewood came to her face. She saw that the walls were blackened by firewood smoke. A **, an old man in his fifties sat on it. He was in poor spirits and looked tired, as if he would fall down at any time. It seems. An old woman is cleaning up countless grains. Seeing Zhang Yuan coming in, both of them got up in a hurry and moved a chair to ask Zhang Yuan to sit down.

Looking at their old faces and working expressions, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "If they live according to their strong condition, I'm afraid they will die in less than ten years. Isn't Xiaoxue left unattended at that time? Why don't I eliminate their years of fatigue with true spirit, so that the two of them can live at least ten more years.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan made up a panic and said, "I studied medicine everywhere in my early years, so I have extremely high medical skills. Now that the two old people are not in good health, I would like to treat you two for free to ensure that your years of accumulated hard work will be eliminated in an instant."

After hearing the news, both of them were skeptical, but after thinking that they didn't spend it anyway, they planned to try. Zhang Yuan was really encouraged, and the aura around him gathered towards the house one after another. The aura like the sea wrapped the two old men tightly. Zhang Yuan stretched out his palms and his palms were facing the top of their heads. After Zhang Yuan's guidance, the abundant aura slowly swam the two bones.

After a long time, Zhang Yuan withdrew his hands, and the gathered aura also retreated one after another. Looking at it, the people in front of them are simply different from before. They are not only strong, but also the wrinkles on their faces have disappeared a lot. In just a column of incense, they are less than ten years younger. Feeling their own changes, the two were so excited that they kowtowed their gratitude.

After supporting the two, Zhang Yuan asked them to pay attention to rest in the future. Otherwise, who would take care of Xiaoxue in the future, they nodded repeatedly to comply. Before leaving, Zhang Yuan gave them countless jade coins. The two of them dared not accept it, but under Zhang Yuan's kind persuasion, the two received them with gratitude.

"Brother, can you stop leaving so early? I haven't taken you around yet." Xiaoxue begged:

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Xiao Xue, I will come to see you again when I have time. You are so strong that you have never shed a tear when you are bullied. Do you know? Brother, I also picked it up.

Speaking of this, Zhang Yuan recalled the past. When he was in Chaoyang Town, Tianyuan Shenzhou, he was also looked down upon by many people because he was a child he picked up. At this moment, only he can realize how lonely and helpless Xiaoxue's young heart is. But he can only help Xiaoxue with this. In the future, Xiaoxue will have to go on bravely.

After leaving this village, Zhang Yuan planned to enter Lingcheng to rest. After walking through countless villages, he saw a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Although there were occasional unsatisfactory things, there was nothing perfect in the world. Compared with the wilderness, this place is ten million times better.

It is getting closer and closer to Lingshan City, and a city with large-scale ancient buildings appeared in Zhang Yuan's sight. The floating clouds floating above Lingshan cover those ancient buildings. From afar, you can only see the bottom of the ancient buildings, and the upper part is all covered in the clouds. Countless ancient buildings, like thousands of sharp swords, cut off the past clouds. Seeing this spectacle, Zhang Yuan remembered the palace at the top of the peak, which was also such a spectacle.

The road outside the city is very spacious, and even if more than 100 people walk side by side, they will not feel congested. On both sides of the truth, rows of green willow trees are planted.

Under the rows of willow trees, several couples walked hand in hand. A man was holding a fan and chatting with a beautiful woman. The woman squeezed her lips and smiled from time to time, and the other couples were almost the same. Looking at the men and women walking hand in hand, Zhang Yuan saw that he was in love. If he could be like his senior sister one day, even if he exchanged his life for it, he would not hesitate.

After sighing secretly, Zhang Yuan walked towards the city. At the entrance of the gate, there were more than a dozen guards. These guards are all strong in the return period, and everyone who enters the city must go through the inspection of the guards. There are hundreds of people waiting in line.

Anyway, there was nothing urgent, so Zhang Yuan stood behind everyone and queued up. Just as he stood, a guard pointed to him and said, "You don't have to wait in line, just come here." It's a good thing not to queue up. Zhang Yuan is happy to walk over.

People who had been in line for a long time seemed very dissatisfied at this time. A big man asked unhappily, "Why do we have to queue up to get in, and he can enter directly as soon as he comes?"

Looking at the angry man, a guard said disdainfully, "What is your identity, and what is his identity?" Don't you see other people's clothes? That's the sign of the Nine Sword Palace.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was mute, and the indignant man also lowered his head and lined up in a dejected line. These guards are really not simple. As soon as you look at my clothes, you will know that I am from Jiujian Palace. It seems that they usually spend a lot of time on this. Zhang Yuan thought to himself:

When I walked to the front and back of the guard, I saw several tables leaning on the entrance of the city, and several guards were sitting there, registering people entering the city one by one. Seeing this situation, Zhang Yuan secretly sighed that the management here was really strict.

"Who are you in the Nine Sword Palace? Anyone who enters the city must give your real address and address." A guard with a good attitude asked: Zhang Yuan didn't want to give his real name, so he hesitated.

The guard said, "Please rest assured that we are absolutely confidential. You must know our city owner Jiannanke." Jiannanke, who used to be a Ranger of the God's Continent, was a very bold person. Later, after coming to Lingshan City, he chose to live here. Zhang Yuan has also heard many legends of Jiannanke.

After reporting the name of his sect, the guard said, "If you want to live here for a long time, you have to apply for relevant documents. If you live for a short time, you don't have to be so troublesome."

Naturally, Zhang Yuan will not live here for a long time. Countless people in line watched Zhang Yuan walk in, and they all showed envy. This is the gap between people.