Sky Robbery

Chapter 159 Lingshan

Lingshan is as beautiful as its name, like a fairyland, with green peaks rising from the ground, overlapping mountains, continuous ups and downs, and thousands of cliffs. The peak is surrounded by clouds and fog, and the mountain path is winding. When the morning glow floats, it is just blocked by the raised highest peak. The blocked morning glow has been wrapped around the top of the green peak and refused to disperse for a long time.

There are mountains outside the mountain, and there are peaks outside the peaks, which is an endless extension, resulting in the depth of Lingshan Mountain and a vast area. In the depths of Lingshan, the green forests swaying together under the strong wind. From afar, he is a green sea.

The mountain path is winding, and when the wind blows, it makes natural strange sounds with the twists and turns of geography.

Outside Lingshan, a wide place at the top of the mountain, a magnificent temple stands on the top of the mountain. In the temple, incense is in full bloom, and countless tourists come here to make wishes to burn incense. On the road at the foot of the mountain, tourists are climbing to the top of the mountain. Tourists looking down can only see some dense dots moving slowly.

On the top of the mountain, under the temple, a man in white walked slowly. His steps were like clouds, light and dust on the ground. This man in white is Zhang Yuan. After going to Lingshan, he will naturally come here to burn incense and make a wish. At the top of the huge mountain, the voices were boiling. Under the temple, an old woman squeezed in with a handful of incense in her hand. Looking at her extremely sincere attitude, Zhang Yuan also felt a little funny. But when he thought that he was not the same, Zhang Yuan didn't think much about it.

In front of the temple, a huge incense burner is placed there, which is several meters wide. Such a large incense burner has been filled with incense. On the side of the incense burner, a man was responsible for managing the incense burner. He saw the incense that had just been inserted and was pulled out by him in less than a few breaths. There was no objection to this behavior. There was nothing he could do to make these incense so prosperous.

Going to a place selling incense, Zhang Yuan paid for a handful of incense and lit it in a special lighting place. After slowly squeezing in behind everyone, Zhang Yuan inserted the incense into the incense burner. He said silently in his heart, "God bless, I hope I can get the Lingzhu and give it to my senior sister. From then on, we will always be together, whether we are poor or rich, to the end of our lives."

"Hey..., are you finished? A big man is so talky. Didn't you see me queuing up behind you? A woman roared impatiently;

Being disturbed, Zhang Yuan turned around unhappily and saw that this woman was about 20 years old and good-looking. The woman seemed to be unhappy when she saw Zhang Yuan. After snorting coldly, she tiptoed and made a look that she was not afraid of you. Zhang Yuan was not in the mood to pester her randomly. After apologetically smiling, he turned around and squeezed out.

Walking on the top of the spacious mountain, Zhang Yuan watched the scenery of Lingshan Mountain all the way. The floating clouds under his feet slowly floated on the mountainside. Many young men and women stood on the edge of the cliff and watched the scene below. The fairy fog on the mountainside, like a rising water, gradually creeped up to the top of the mountain. After being blown by the strong wind, these fairy fogs immediately drifted away and drifted away, but after the strong wind, the fairy fog returned to its original state.

Some men full of ** stood on the edge of the cliff and shouted with their hands open. Their mouths contained the name of their beloved. The shouts spread far into the deep mountains and valleys. After counting his breath, the shouts echoed again. In an all of an hour, the woman's name shouted by the men spread all over the Lingshan. Different voices and different names are intertwined. In the end, I couldn't tell which voice was called.

Tourists who were climbing up at the foot of the mountain, heard the shouts on the mountain and looked up one after another. For a while, many tourists accelerated their pace and quickly ran to the top of the mountain.

After the men shouted for a while, several women stood on the edge of the cliff, shouting their favorite men. However, there are men around these women to protect them from falling into the valley. Dozens of men and women stood together and called each other's names at the same time. Every time after calling a sentence, the women always showed a rhy face, obviously a little shy. And those men put their arms around their waists and began to call me, and I called you again.

Life needs to be full of joy. Influenced by them, Zhang Yuan is also excited and can no longer resist the hot love in his heart. He ran to the edge of the cliff and shouted, "Sister, sister, sister." After shouting several times in a row, Zhang Yuan felt much happier. Before he finished, he shouted Xu Min's name. Unfortunately, there were too many people shouting, and his voice would naturally be drowned out.

A big man stood on the edge of the cliff, opened the pig-killing voice, roared, and then called out a woman's name. Seeing that such a reckless man would also be trapped by love, everyone was puzzled, and countless people looked at him one after another. The man said angrily, "What are you looking at? Can't you like girls if you don't look good? I felt that what he said was also reasonable, so everyone withdrew their eyes one after another. Such a rough reckless man is really not suitable to appear on such an occasion.

The man's voice overshadowed everyone present, and only the name of a little red girl was heard, which stood out in the tide-like voice. Although countless voices sounded, the only name that could be heard clearly was Xiaohong. The man with a small voice looked at the loud reckless man with envy. I felt that the voice of someone's envious footprints was loud, and the reckless man proudly increased his voice a little.

Unfortunately, before Xiaohong's name was shouted a few times, a voice compared it. Only a woman's name was heard, which spread all over Lingshan. The woman's name was Xu Min. Zhang Yuan was unwilling to lag behind. He used his cultivation to expand his voice in the air. Suddenly, the name of senior sister Xu Min suppressed all the voices. As soon as he shouted a few times, countless people looked at him. Many people were very puzzled why this gentle and beautiful man's voice could be so loud?

After shouting happily, Zhang Yuan became in a very good mood. He stepped forward and turned to the back mountain. On the rugged road, you can occasionally see some people. The weathered boulder appears irregularly on the mountain. Where there is a big gap between the peaks and falls, the roads are very difficult to walk. If you are ordinary people, you can't go to many places at all. With the deepening of the back mountains, there are fewer pedestrians. Many tourists only dared to walk back and forth on the edge of the mountain. After walking for an hour, Zhang Yuan could hardly see anyone appear. Even if he occasionally saw a few, most of them were some powerful people who went into the mountains to look for spiritual grass.