Sky Robbery

Chapter 163 Dementor Ghost Method

The demented ghost method is to forcibly absorb the resentment and souls of heaven and earth, and most use these evil forces for themselves. This skill is against natural principles and disturbs the rest of the dead.

With the appearance of the sound, the sky was covered with dark clouds, like tide-like clouds, and a large area of black pressure, and the whole Lingshan was covered by these black clouds. The originally bright space has become like night.


After countless cracks, countless skeletons crawled out of the depths of the earth, and these skeletons leaped towards Jinghong one after another. Another crack sounded, and more and more skeletons appeared. In the depths of the dark clouds, countless undeads also appeared, and hundreds of millions of undeads rushed to Jinghong like rivers.

In the face of countless undead spirits, Jinghong sent out the heavenly sword and integrated with the heavenly throne. At this time, the original ribbon flying clothes have become still. Jinghong's whole body was like climbing a fairy and turning into a feather. She stood there motionless. Gradually, she turned into a stone statue. The still stone statue was like a fairy among a human being, standing on the top of the green peak and looking down at everything in the world. Her solemn manner, she kept stared silently. No matter how many changes there were around her, she kept quiet. The enemy will never change.

Skull undeads surged one after another. Thousands of meters away from Jinghong's body, a rainbow suddenly appeared, and the curved rainbow isolated the endless murder objects from the outside. After many undead and skeletons touched the rainbow, they were annihilated in an instant. The undead in front of him was annihilated, and the rear couldn't wait to follow up. In a short time, I don't know how many undead and skeletons have been annihilated.

The ferocious master saw that he could not suppress Jinghong, so his bone flute blowing sounded a little more. Listening to this sound, it seems that all living beings in the world are roaring and resentful. The endless hatred seems to forgive the injustice of the world and the world. Why do people have life, old age, illness and death, and suffering? Why do we regard the humble creatures as ants when they become detached from reincarnation? Whether it is people or creatures, they all have the instinct to survive. It is because of the unkindness of heaven that there is so much resentment in the world. The endless undead, as if swimming out of the flood and famine, vented all their hatred and resentment on Jinghong.

After the bone flute notes were high, Jinghong's rainbow was broken in an instant. When countless undead approached her, the heavenly sword suddenly turned seven stone swords around Jinghong. The flying stone sword brought thousands of holy lights. The endless spirits suddenly stopped at this moment, and they were all bowing their heads and bowing their ears, as if they were listening to something.

The petrochemical Jinghong has always smiled and stared. From her smile, the dead seemed to feel a pool of spiritual springs and were washing away their past grievances. At this time, the endless hatred also became very indifferent.

The way of heaven is not benevolent, but in fact it is great benevolence. Because of the supreme road, all creatures are treated equally. In the way of heaven, people are neither noble or humble, nor humble. The reason why the way of heaven is not benevolent is for regular operation. If the road is selfish, no matter which side it is biased towards, it will inevitably cause extremes. Therefore, the way of heaven is only for benevolence. All sentient beings are equal and there is no resentment in the world. Everything will have an ultimate, and there is no absolute eternal life in heaven and earth.

Thousands of undead seem to feel the inner world, and their eyes begin to appear struggling. Seeing this situation, the ferocious Lord couldn't help sighing. I only heard him say, "Xinghong Fairy, you are very cheerful about the end of life, but it's a pity that it's hard for you to send these dead out of the sea of suffering."

Jinghong ignored the ferocious Lord's question. From beginning to end, she responded to all changes and always maintained her speechless fairy posture. Seven stone swords still fly around her.

The ferocious master's bone flute sounded again. Under the nine secluded, the blood of the Yin River suddenly appeared out of thin air. As soon as these bloody water appeared, they aroused the resentment of the dead. Countless dead skeletons rushed to Jinghong one after another. The power of seven stone swords turned and killed many dead in an instant.


After a torrent, the blood of the Yin River rushed to Jinghong like the Yangtze River. There are also bone beasts in the blood, but these bone beasts were killed immediately as soon as they were hundreds of meters away.

Looking at the peak duel of the strongest in the world today, Zhang Yuan's excitement is unspeakable. Such an opportunity can never be seen once in a thousand years. Even if they are far apart, Zhang Yuan can also feel those bones and beasts in the blood water, and any of them is stronger than him. But so many bone beasts died before they approached the palace owner. What does this mean? This shows that people like him are not opponents of Da Yuqiang.

Blood water flooded from the bottom of the valley and rose to the top of the mountain. At this time, tens of meters of blood water accumulated tens of meters. Endless turbulent blood is blocked by an invisible boundary. No matter how the blood river rushes, it will never break this boundary. The road is one foot high and the demon is one foot high. The blood water accumulated in the blood river is getting higher and higher. Gradually, the position of the blood river water also rose to a height of 1,000 meters. Around Jinghong's body was submerged. Only within the hundreds of meters she stood, it was not penetrated by blood.

The heavenly boundary is gradually compressed, and the original boundary of hundreds of meters is only dozens of meters in a blink of an eye. In the bloody river outside Jinghong, a black space suddenly appeared beside her, which was boundless. The surging blood suddenly flowed in the black sky.

In an instant, the blood of the Yin River ran out. As the blood disappeared, countless undead and skeletons stopped attacking Jinghong.

"One sand, one world, I didn't expect you to understand this and finally open up a world with your own strength." The ferocious master exclaimed: The petrochemical Jinghong suddenly returned to its original state. She waved her sleeves, thousands of auspicious clouds rolled, and a piece of Danyun appeared at her feet. Then she rose up, thousands of auspicious clouds, and thousands of auspicious clouds gathered with her.

Countless skeletons knelt down one after another, as if asking Jing Hong to turn them out of the sea of suffering. Seeing this situation, the ferocious Lord is angry and forgiving. The bone flute, like a roaring wind, spread to heaven and earth in an instant. After the tide-like black clouds appeared with the sound of bone flute, countless black clouds stirred and changed with each other in the air. Gradually, these black clouds turned into a human-shaped ferocious face, and the whole sky was covered by the human-shaped open brain. This big face has no nose, ears and mouth, and the whole face has only one eye.

Zhang Yuan took a look and immediately lost his consciousness. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. He felt upset and made himself fall into trouble. His consciousness quickly weakened, and in just a few breaths, he became faint. When he was in danger, he suddenly felt a breeze brush his face.