Sky Robbery

Chapter 168 Jiaolong

The roaring dragon seems to have been provoked by someone, so it is powerful to control the other party to death. Zhang Yuan has never seen a real dragon. The fire dragon in his own fire dragon order is just a dragon soul. No matter how powerful the dragon soul is, it is not as powerful as a real dragon with a body.

Curious, Zhang Yuan flew to the peaks in the distance. He wanted to see the real body of the dragon and see who was fighting with the dragon.

Countless pools below were instantly flew over by Zhang Yuan, and a huge lake appeared in the mountains ahead. This lake is bigger than the previous one, but both scenes are the same, with countless green peaks and hills emerging from the water. The green peak here. In addition to countless green peaks emerging on the surface of the water, there are also bamboo stones exposed to the surface of the water. These bamboo stones are all as white as jade. At a glance, the green is the mountain, the green is water, and the white is the stone. Such a scene is really rare in the world and difficult to find in the world.


After a green mountain, this dragon roar came again. When the dragon sang came to the surface of the water, he saw the waves rising and the shore rippled. Inattention, Zhang Yuan was hit by the splash raised below. After a burst of cold, his clothes were completely soaked.

Flying along the place where Longyin came, Zhang Yuan quickly flew over the tall green peak in front of him. At the foot of Qingfeng Mountain, there is a very wide flat land that has not been flooded. On the flat ground, a white dragon hundreds of feet long was hovering and dancing, moving to attack a woman. This dragon is exactly the same as its own fire dragon, and the only difference is the color.

The woman who was attacked by the dragon saw her wearing a cyan shirt and holding a basil ruler fighting with the dragon in the air. This woman in blue is Yuli. I haven't seen her for a long time, and her cultivation seems to have improved again.

When he met Yuli here, Zhang Yuan didn't know whether he was worried or happy. He owed her many times, and she was kind to himself again and again. Zhang Yuan once regarded her as his best friend in the bottom of his heart, but God played tricks on people, and in the end he had to be at peace with her. Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan was extremely sad, and his original vicissitudes face was even more haggard.

In mid-air, Yu Li applied the exhibition field, and the white Xuan ruler in his hand attacked the dragon fiercely. Where the Xuan ruler passed, the sky was white. The dragon turned around and danced for forgiveness. Before the mysterious ruler came out, its powerful dragon claws grabbed Yu Li's head.

Yu Li hurriedly changed his position in the air several times and finally got out of danger. The dragonfly grabbed the air with one paw, and the strong force suddenly shattered a cliff below. With a crash, the cliff immediately turned into a stone.

The wolf ground below extends to invisible places. From these signs, Yuli has also fought with the dragon for a long time. But why did she come here and have to kill the dragon? Zhang Yuan naturally doesn't know about this. Seeing that Yuli was not in danger, Zhang Yuan was not in a hurry to help her. Although he hated Yuli for killing people, Zhang Yuan still hoped that she could live a good life.


After a roar, the dragon's giant tail pulled out, and the powerful giant tail bombarded the rain with the momentum of overwhelming the earth. Such an attack power was simply enough to destroy the world.

Yu Li's spiritual strength encouraged, the white basal has become dozens of feet long, and the basal has a colorful light, brazenly facing the giant tail of the dragon. After the two hit each other, the rain flew 100 meters away from their bodies, and the Xuanzhi also flew out and fell to the ground.

Jiaolong let out a painful roar. Yuli's attack just now hurt its body, and countless blood came out of the huge white dragon tail.

With forgiveness, Jiaolong stretched out its claws and quickly grabbed Yuli. At this time, the rain is 100 meters away from it and has enough time to deal with it.

A yellow gas rose from the ground, and these gases were reluctant to disperse around the rain. They made an arc with their hands. The moon-shaped yellow halo instantly appeared in the air, and the halo flew out towards the dragon and hit the dragon's head fiercely.

Jiaolong opened a big mouth, and a cold air appeared in an instant, but wherever the cold air passed, it would be sealed by ice and snow. Even if it was far away, Zhang Yuan could feel this cold air, which was very cold.

The yellow halo is solidified in an instant under the movement of cold air. The cold air quickly hit Yuli, and Jiaolong seemed to think that the coldness was not enough, so it opened its mouth and spewed out countless cold air in a row. With the increase of gas, the bottom became like a fog valley.

Yu Li stretched out his hand, and Xuan Chi returned to her hand in an instant. He picked up Xuan Chi. Yu Li flew to the lake, and the ruler moved down. Suddenly, a hundred-foot-long column of water instantly attacked the dragon.

After the water column encountered the cold, it was suddenly solidified into a large ice cube. Yu Li wants this effect, so if there is ice in front of her, she will reduce the danger of turning herself into an ice man by the coldness of the dragon. This huge ice blocked the coldness of the dragon.

Jiaolong jumped up, and its body flew higher. Four huge claws patted and danced at the same time, and suddenly more than a hundred heavy claws attacked Yuli.

Yu Li hurriedly controlled the field and used the power of the field to suppress and break these heavy claw shadows. Jiaolong quickly turned down and flew directly into Yuli's field. Under its strong strength, Yuli's field space showed signs of collapse in an instant.

With a shout, Yu Li's mysterious ruler in his hand turned over, and a strange space suddenly appeared on the back. In the depths of the strange space, a few cold lights flew out of the dragon at a high speed. When he was hit by these cold lights, the dragon's body shrank, and then the powerful claws hit Yu Li fiercely.

Yuli, who was shot away, looked very small in front of Jiaolong. After a scream, Yuli's body quickly threw hundreds of meters away, and the indignant dragon followed Yuli's thrown body in an instant.

Seeing that Yu Li was injured, Zhang Yuan was very anxious. He came out of the gods, and the powerful soul attack power directly bombarded into the dragon's consciousness. Attacked by the soul, Jiao's body temporarily stopped. Zhang Yuan flew into the air and hugged Yu Li in an instant. She saw that her whole body was injured and her body was weak and weak.

Seeing that Yu Li was seriously injured and his life was in danger, Zhang Yuan felt the same way, and his love and hate made him bitter and difficult to understand. Yu Li smiled at Zhang Yuan and then fainted. Jiaolong roared and rushed to Zhang Yuan, and the sound of its dragon roar shocked Zhang Yuan's blood rolling. Fearing that it would affect the rain, Zhang Yuan did not dare to fight with Jiaolong,

Besides, he is also self-aknowledge and knows that he is not the opponent of Jiaolong. After a roar of forgiveness, Jiaolong opened his huge mouth again and exhaled cold air. The space was frozen, and even when breathing, the gas turned into ice. In a hurry, Zhang Yuan sent a fire dragon order and called out the fire dragon to deal with the dragon.