Sky Robbery

Chapter 174 Divinely Injured

After the heart followed the world, the five elements of vitality appeared again, and the colorful gas entered the nihilistic world without any hinderance and penetrated into Zhang Yuan's body. My heart is unimpeded, and everything is unimpeded. Zhang Yuan said to himself:

Jiannanke looked at all this in astonishment. He manipulated the void and tried to block the entry of the five elements, but the five elements seemed to be beyond the three worlds and was not stopped by him at all.

Jiannanke was spiritually inspired, and his right hand pushed forward. A hundred-foot-long sword light hit Zhang Yuan. Around the sword light, the firelight sparkled and splashed. These splashed Mars were the space friction generated by the sword when flying rapidly in the air. In an instant, Jiannanke's sword light flew into the void and went straight to Zhang Yuan. The land under the sword light was cut into dozens of meters deep pits by the sharpness of the sword spirit.

In the face of such a powerful sword light, Zhang Yuan came out of the gods, and his mind domain was also displayed at the same time. His divine consciousness directly bombarded Jiannanke's consciousness and felt that there was soul power to attack him. Jiannanke hurriedly protected his mind. Under the distraction, the sword light he flew out was also affected. Wherever the idea domain went, the space plane was changed one after another, and the surrounding space was distorted, which seriously hindered Jiannanke's swordmang. After using the realm of the imperial god and consciousness, Zhang Yuan's five-element sword also came out, and the two powerful swords collided in the void. The countless waves produced destroyed Zhou Zhou's objects in an instant, and countless onlookers had already run far away. Naturally, ordinary people dare not watch the battle between the two sides at close range.

Zhang Yuan's mind was turbulent, and his consciousness was severely damaged. His mind buzzed. The moment he collided with Jiannanke's energy, he felt that his soul was like a crisp object and broke one after another. His body slowly fell to the ground. When dealing with the thunder before, he suffered physical damage, and now he suffered divine damage. Yuli hurried over to help Zhang Yuan. She said happily, "Xiaoyuan, we succeeded, we succeeded."

Jian Nanke said, "Little Yun Xiaoqiang can fight three moves with me. You are really amazing, especially your soul attack, which is really rare in the world." Speaking of this, Jiannanke praised again: "Nine Sword Palace is really a place where there are many talents. Previously, there was a Yi Yun, but now there is another you. A hundred years later, I'm afraid that there are two more powerful people in the Nine Swords Palace."

"Thank you for your mercy. If it hadn't been for your intention, I would definitely not have passed three moves." Zhang Yuan said gratefully:

"You are too seriously injured to go out of the city. You'd better recuperate in the city first and then go out of the city after recovery." Jiannanke reminded: After saying that, he looked at Yuli, and then sighed and shook his head. After a sigh, Jiannanke's body quickly disappeared.

Finally, Zhang Yuan also relaxed and suddenly felt severe pain in his head. Zhang Yuan was unconscious and then unconscious. His face is extremely ugly and very pale.

On the peak of the throne, Jinghong sits quietly in the hall. She has been meditating about the past, sometimes locking her eyebrows and sorrows, and sometimes stretching her smile. Daewoo has supreme power, chasing stars and catching the moon, shrinking into an inch, changing positions, and the powerful Daewoo can do everything. Therefore, although Jinghong had just been to Lingshan not long ago, she could also rush back to Tianyi Peak in an instant. There is no one else in the hall except him.

Just as Jinghong was thinking, a female disciple came in and said respectfully, "Try to the lord of the palace, Brother Yi Yun and others are back. After more than a year of this trip, only nine of the 20 disciples who went down the mountain are alive. Brother was afraid to see you, so let me inform you first. After saying that, the female disciple also looked at the palace owner uneasily. Although Jinghong is very kind to the disciples of the sect, her majesty is deeply integrated into the hearts of every disciple, and she is the real strong man.

"Let him in," the palace owner said casually:

At the main hall, Yi Yun stood restlessly under an ancient pine. Ten meters away from the ancient pine, there was a cliff. Under the cliff was the mountainside, that is, the place where ordinary disciples lived. If he wanted to live on the top of the mountain, he had to be at least a strong man.

On the way back, Yi Yun has been afraid of seeing the palace owner. On the surface, he pretended to be nothing in front of everyone's house, but he was very nervous in his heart. Maybe he felt sorry for the trust of the palace lord and the dead brothers, so he didn't dare to see Jinghong. After a short wait, Yi Yun seemed to feel that after thousands of years, the nameless fear was always difficult to subside.

"Brother, the palace lord let you in." The female disciple came out and said: While speaking, she looked at Yi Yun with sympathetically. This is Yi Yun, the second brother of her Tianyi Peak and the hero in the wilderness war. However, everyone has another side. Who knows how he feels at this time when he once fought for the people of the wilderness?

"Sister, is the palace owner in a good mood? Did she say anything? Yi Yun asked worriedly:

"Brother, the palace owner seems to have something on her mind, but she seems to be in a good mood." The female disciple said:

"Thank you for going to inquire for me first," Yi Yun said gratefully: After saying that, he slowly walked up the steps and walked to the hall alone. On the white jade floor, the light can shine, and Yi Yun's figure is reflection on the ground. I don't know how many times he has walked through this passage, but it has never felt as long as today.

In the hall, his footsteps sounded clearly. From far to near, Yi Yun gradually walked to the main hall. Listening to the slight footsteps, the palace owner sighed softly.

After a while, Yi Yun finally walked to the main hall. Above the main hall, the palace owner sat solemnly and sacredly. Behind her was a foreign space. At the entrance of the space, there was a tall stone sword standing there. This stone sword is the heavenly sword of the nine sword palace artifact.

"Disciple Yi Zi visited the master," Yi Yun kowtowed: Yi Yun is different from many disciples of Tianyi Peak. Most of the disciples are peripheral disciples, and only a few people have been accepted by Jinghong. But among Jinghong's personal disciples, Yi Yun was the only one who was taught the sword formula of the throne by her.

Looking at Yi Yun kneeling below, Jinghong said, "I know everything outside. I'm very happy that you have done a good job. Especially the fact that you eventually became the temporary alliance leader of major sects made my reputation spread overseas. Speaking of this, Jinghong showed a rare smile. When she smiled, the space around her became warm, like a blooming spring, bringing endless joy to people.

"Master, I'm sorry for you, and I'm even more sorry for the eleven disciples who died." Yi Yun reproached:

"Alas, there is no reason for no casualties in the race war." Jinghong sighed and said: Seeing that the master did not blame himself, Yi Yun's heart was wide and a suspended heart finally relaxed.