Sky Robbery

Chapter 11 He is dead

The big man smiled and said, "Let's not mention the past. Now I have changed my mind and decided to change my past. When I came here today, I wanted to ask where the Nie family's old house is and if they still have distant relatives? I heard the big man's question.

A Niu threw down the stick in his hand, and then hurriedly ran home and closed the door. The big man rushed up in a hurry and patted the door repeatedly, opened his voice and shouted loudly. At this time, it is time for him to perform, and he will naturally do his best. But let him shoot again, Lao Niu just won't open the door. The big man said politely, "If you don't open the door again, I will kill you tonight." He felt that the old cow was too faceless to give himself face in front of his idol.

I only heard the pleading voice of Lao Niu in the room and said, "Just let me go. I have old and young. I'm not like you. I'm alone. You don't have to worry so much."

The big man was about to get angry when he heard Zhang Yuan say, "Forget it, don't embarras him. Even if he is not afraid of death, he has to think about his family."

The big man came to Zhang Yuan with a flattering appearance and only heard him scold: "These cowards are really brainless. They don't want to think about how glorious it is to work for the immortal. However, these cowards are not as good as my axe, and they can see the power of immortals.

It's really 50 steps to laugh. The big man completely forgot that he was also this timid before. Hearing that the big man called himself a big axe, Zhang Yuan said, "Your name is really interesting."

The big axe said proudly, "My big name came out. I think I'm big and have a thunderous temperament. I fight like a fast axe. I'm brave to go forward and be invincible, so the people of Shanmu Town call me a big axe." Speaking of this, the big axe said servilely, "Of course, I dare not call myself a big axe in front of Shangxian. It can only be regarded as a grass."

"You must not steal money again in the future, otherwise I will eliminate harm for the people." Zhang Yuan said: The big axe sweated coldly, and his regretful expression repeatedly guaranteed that the name of the big axe would disappear forever in the future.

The two walked in the village pile. They walked slowly. Zhang Yuan opened his mind and found that more than 200 village houses were uninhabited. He himself did not know which of the more than ten old houses was Brother Nie's hometown.

A door opened gently, and a middle-aged woman stretched out her head and looked left and right. After seeing that there was no one on Thursday, he waved to Zhang Yuan and motioned them to enter the room quickly. Seeing this, Zhang Yuan certainly knew that the woman must have something to say to himself. Speaking of the big axe, his body flashed, and Zhang Yuan silently entered the home of a middle-aged woman. Seeing Zhang Yuan so magical, the middle-aged woman was also overjoyed.

"Aunuch, do you have something to say to me?" Zhang Yuan asked:

The woman said, "You answer my question first. Why did you ask the Nie family? Who are you?"

From the other party's words, Zhang Yuan felt that this woman was not an ordinary person, at least he had seen some big worlds, and Zhang Yuan vaguely felt that this woman's cultivation should be a strong person. My name is Zhang Yuan, and I was entrusted to deal with some things. Zhang Yuan said:

The woman said, "Who entrusted you, just tell me the real purpose of your coming here. Maybe I can tell you something." The woman's words contained a little fear, as if she had the courage to talk to Zhang Yuan.

Fee her fear, Zhang Yuan immediately said bluntly, "Six months ago, I was asked by my brother Nie Kai to come here to avenge him. He asked me to kill someone for him. This person's name is Jin Huo. Before killing Jin Huo, I have to understand everything, otherwise I can't kill people inexplicably like this.

After hearing Zhang Yuan's words, the woman looked excited, as if she had been waiting for this day for a long time. She was looking forward to today. Tears slipped down one by one. The woman's trembling voice asked, "Where are the others? Why didn't I see him?"

With a sigh, Zhang Yuan said painfully, "He died. Half a year ago, the strong man of the human race launched a fierce battle with demons outside the wilderness. Brother Nie unfortunately died in this battle. Before he died, he asked me to avenge him." Speaking of this, Zhang Yuan looked sad. He seemed to see the scene again. Nie Kai fell from the sky, and his body was weakly fallen into a pool of blood. At that moment, Zhang Yuan hurriedly ran to him. Nie Kai entrusted his deep hatred to himself when he knew that he would die, and said, "Join the sect, racial war, although there is no regrets."

After hearing Nie Kai's death, the woman cried bitterly. She howled, "Young master, why did you leave so early? He entered the nine springs every day. How can I explain to the master that now that you are dead, I have no love to live in the world. I hope that when I get to the underworld, the master can forgive the slave family." The sound of her crying in pain spread all over the village piles, which had been covered before, but now she had no scruples.

When Zhang Yuan heard that the woman was called Master Nie Kai and claimed to be a slave, Zhang Yuan was a little confused, "Nie Kai is just a child of a civilian family. How can he be called a young master?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan asked, "Brother Nie is just a civilian child. How can he be a young master?"

Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, the woman said, "It's a long story. Please allow me to talk about it carefully." After a period of memories, the woman's painful voice began to say, "My original name is Bai Xin. Before I was 21 years old, I was 16 years old and my brother was 18 years old. In that year, we suffered natural disasters. The whole village was landslides and the village piles were up and down. Only our brothers and sisters were spared. We, who had no property, begged to nine swords along the way. Dali Town, which is under the jurisdiction of the palace, in those days in Dali Town, our brother and sister suffered hunger every day and were bullied by the locals.

My brother had no choice but to go to a restaurant as a handyman, but accidentally broke an altar of 100-year-old wine. That jar of wine is worth thousands of dollars. The master wants his brother to taste it, but how can my brother afford it? Later, the master knew that there was a brother and a sister, and then found our residence. Seeing that I was a little beautiful, the master was evil-hearted and planned to be mean to me, and said that as long as I came from him, I would not have to pay for that jar of wine.

The elder brother didn't agree to say anything, but the master was determined to be mean to me. In a hurry, the elder brother took out a knife to scare the master, but accidentally killed him by the wrong person. After the incident, the local manager grabbed my brother and me and wanted to kill us to avenge our family.

When we thought we were dying, a rich man in Dali felt sorry for the misfortune of our brother and sister and spent a lot of gold and silver to save our lives. This lifesaver is Guan Lian and Nie Kai's father. Nie Kai's real name is Guan Qing, but he doesn't know it.