Sky Robbery

Chapter 18 Battle

People who have participated in the killing of Guanfu intend to remain neutral when they hear Zhang Yuan say that they will never investigate. After all, even if they kill Zhang Yuan today, the strong men on the peak will seek revenge in the future.

Qian Jianming suddenly smiled and said, "Zhang Yuan, you also underestimate our thousands of families. If you want to kill you, why bother everyone to take action?"

Walking down from the stone steps, thousands of swords pulled out their spiritual swords, and the white cold light shone on the surrounding area for thousands of meters. Whenever the cold light came, the sand and dust rolled on the ground. Some people with low cultivation around him withdrew thousands of meters away. The person in charge of Dali Town originally wanted to persuade him, but it could be seen that both of them pulled their swords against each other, and he knew that persuasion was useless.

Zhang Wujian's light sword was pulled out, and the shining golden light competed with the white light of Qian Jianming.

Seeing the golden sword in Zhang Yuan's hand, Qian Jianming showed a little jealousy, thinking that as the eldest brother of Canglongfeng, he had never had such a good sword. It's a pity that if you are not from the Nine Swords Palace, the Golden Light Sword will belong to me after killing you. Qian Jianming sighed: Even if he kills Zhang Yuan, the golden light sword will have to be returned to the sect and will be severely punished.

Seeing Qian Jianming sighed, Zhang Yuan said disdainfully, "You also want to kill me in your ability. It's simply a dream. Although you are strong, you are just a very ordinary early stage of the spirit."

Looking at Zhang Yuan in front of him, Qian Jianming remembered, "The teenager three years ago, Zhang Yuan could only be slaughtered by him at that time, but who would have thought that in just three years, Zhang Yuan rose rapidly and had the strength to compete with himself." Thinking of this, Qianjian only hated that he did not kill Zhang Yuan decisively at the beginning. Three years ago, because Yi Yun stopped me, I couldn't kill you. Today, I see who else will come to save you. Qian Jianming said viciously:

Zhang Yuan didn't think so. He smiled and said, "I've been thinking, how will the sect punish me if I kill you?" Alas! If it hadn't been entrusted by Brother Nie on his deathbed, I really couldn't bear to kill you. After all, it's not easy for you to practice.

Qian Jianming's breath floated, and under indignation, his field unfolded, and the overwhelming field was empty, instantly drowning Zhang Yuan in it. In the field, thousands of swords can be as he wants, thousands of meters of space, and he wants to come. Wherever it is covered by his domain, as long as he has one idea, he can appear in any direction. In the field of others, Zhang Yuan felt that he was floating in the sea, and the water around him was floating, giving him a feeling that floating water would be thrown up at any time.


The thousand swords made waves of swords, and the sharp sound of swords came to everyone's ears. Before he took action, he took the whole audience with the sound of the sword. Zhang Yuan, I want to let you know that there are mountains outside the mountain. After a shout of forgiveness, Qian Jianming slowly stretched out his arms. As he looked at the extension of his arms, a long spirit emitting white light also stretched out into the air.

The sharp qi was introduced into the field through the space, and felt that the other party was not an idle person. Zhang Yuanzhen encouraged, and the spiritual power stimulated the sword, the golden light of the bright eyes, and the golden light flashed into the clouds like a golden belt.

Qian Jianming held the spiritual sword, and the body of the sword rotated gently. Then a white light flashed away, and the flying light came to Zhang Yuan at a high speed.

Zhang Yuan was about to take action, so he suddenly felt a turbulence in the space around his body, and then the tide-like spiritual power was like Mount Tai pressing on him. The true qi soared, and Zhang Yuan broke the law with his strength and forcibly dispersed the spiritual power that rolled down. After a strong fluctuation, the spiritual power within ten meters in the field was lax.

I felt a burst of relaxation and comfort in my body. Zhang Yuan's electric light danced, and the golden sword light suddenly appeared. At the moment when the thousand swords sounded and the white light approached, the golden sword light passed through the air and smashed the opponent's attack.

The two fought briefly, then gathered together and looked at each other, and no one would take action first.

"Two, in my opinion, you'd better stop talking. As for the killing of the family, it has been nearly 20 years. It's better to let thousands of families admit their mistakes in front of everyone in Dali Town, and then disperse some money to help the local poor to make up for the previous right and wrong." Taiyong Tiankou, the head of Dali Town, said: As the head of a town, he naturally wants to maintain local peace. If thousands of families are killed in front of him, he will not be blamed, and the rest of the strong men in Yunxiao also nodded to agree with Taiyong's intention.

Qianli didn't seem to be in a hurry. He kept looking at Zhang Yuan's two fights, because Qianli was full of confidence in his son Qian Jianming. Bai Xin stood anxiously in the distance and watched the two fight. She felt guilty that she was unable to help Zhang Yuan. As a loyal deceased master, nothing was more painful than this. Obviously, the enemy was in front of you, but you could only watch the enemy get away.

Hearing that Tai Chung let the family change by mistake in public and distributed some gold and silver to the local poor, Qian Jianming said disdainfully, "I think about how glorious my Qian family is. How can I repent in front of a group of ordinary people."

Seeing that Qian Jianming decisively refused his suggestion, Tai Yong was powerless to say anything more. Although he was the person in charge of this room, he was not as good as the two people in front of him in the Nine Swords Palace.

Zhang Yuan took the lead in taking action. He didn't want to delay Qian Jianming, because it was not conducive to him. If the sect was banned at this moment, Zhang Yuan would not dare to disobey the order of the palace owner.

With a loud shout, Zhang Wujian's spirit was like a rainbow, and the golden light flashed. He jumped and immediately rose to the ground. The magnificent sword spirit made a thunder and lightning dance.

A thousand swords hit the tip of the sword, and the field suddenly changed. The original kilometer-wide field quickly shrank, and the silk spiritual power was like a shackle and a green vine.

The sound of "sneer" sounded densely, as if thousands of spiritual snakes were swimming. Zhang Yuan could even see the spiritual lines with his naked eye, which were wrapped around him like countless canes. These spiritual lines are different from real rattans. Even if you try to cut them off, they will recover quickly.

The space is getting smaller and smaller, and Zhang Yuan's binding force is getting bigger and bigger. Thousands of swords hit the sky, and the white sword light quickly crossed the space and went straight to Zhang Yuan's body. Obviously, the method of breaking by force can't shake off these spiritual constraints. In a hurry, he was angry and rushed to the spring. Suddenly, he jumped 100 meters high in the air and stood in the void.

After the failure of Qian Jianming, he couldn't imagine how Zhang Yuan left his field to suppress it.

Zhang Yuan looked at Qian Jianming at a high altitude and said, "Although the field is suppressed, it can control Fang's body, but it can't suppress the Yongquan acupoint under other people's feet, because the Yongquan air follows the ground and can absorb endless ground gas."

Qian Jianming waved his right hand, and the spiritual power surged in his body. After a river-like "buzzing" sound, Zhang Yuan was covered in his field again. The reason why Zhang Yuan was repeatedly shrouded in the field was that he wanted to fight with the other party and could not leave the other party too much. Far away, otherwise your attack power will be easily resolved, but if it is close, it will be shrouded in the other party's territory. This is the disadvantage of fighting between Yun Xiaoqiang and Tianlingqiang.