Sky Robbery

Chapter 21 Ryps

Looking at Bai Xin in trouble, Zhang Yuan was anxious and forgiving. At this time, Qian Li was desperate, and he did not dare to be distracted.

A strong man suddenly flew into the crowd, and his sword spirit swept across. He instantly killed more than a dozen disciples of thousands of families and saved the critical Bai Xin. Shaoran, what do you want to do? Do you dare to disrespect me?" Qian Li shouted:

It is also difficult for Zhang Yuan to understand why this man saved Bai Xin, but after thinking about it, Zhang Yuan finally understood a truth, that is, "the tree fell and everyone pushed it."

Shaoran smiled and said, "If you bully the less and win, I have already taken action. Of course, I want to save people. As for your thousands of families, they are about to perish, who will worry about it."

Qian Li said, "What a despicable villain. Don't forget that you also participated in the killing of the family in those years."

Shaoran smiled and said, "Thousands of families, anyway, you are about to die, so why do you bite people like a mad dog? The Qing Dynasty, I didn't participate in the killing and irrigating operation. I think even if there were participants in the scene, it was also forced by you.

Zhang Yuan hates people like Shaoran the most, but what he needs at this moment is this kind of person. Several other strong people are not willing to lag behind. They have joined the team to kill thousands of families. Anyway, Qian Jianming also died. What else is there to be afraid of? Even if people come from Jiujian Palace, they are at most looking for trouble with Zhang Yuan. Anyway, it's not their turn to take responsibility. Why not do such a good thing?

Seeing countless people falling into the well and being called mad dogs, his face turned red and black. He thought that he had lived for decades and had never been so humiliated. Today, he not only lost his children, but also had no family. Thinking of this, Qianli looked up and was angry. His long sword stabbed out and rushed straight to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan doesn't want to fight with him. As long as he is delayed for half an hour, his potential will dissipate. It's not too late to kill him.

Qian Li suddenly flew to Qian Jianming's side and mentioned that Qian Jianming was going to escape. It turned out that although Qian Jianming was penetrated through the heart by Zhang Yuan's sword spirit, he was not dead at this time.

Zhang Yuan came out of the god, and his consciousness hit Qianli's consciousness. He shouted in pain and then fell to the ground. At this time, his potential was almost exhausted. At the moment when Qianli fell to the ground, Bai Xin hurriedly jumped to his side and killed his heart with a long sword.

Zhang Yuan hurriedly shouted back, but before he called out, he saw Qianli's long sword stabbing out against the white core. Seeing that the other party's sword stabbed her, Bai Xin did not escape or fear. She greeted her with an angry smile. When Qianli's sword penetrated her heart, her sword also entered the other party's heart.

The smile is frozen at this moment. She always maintains her happy face. The hatred of the past 20 years has finally been completed today. Although she gave her life, it is all worth it. It seemed that Bai Xin saw heaven, and the master and the eldest brother were smiling at him. Master, big brother, I'm here to accompany you." After saying this powerlessly, her body quickly fell to the ground.

"Bai Xin..." Zhang Yuan hurriedly ran to her, hugged her and shouted, "Why are you doing this? Why can't you think about it? You could have lived well." Seeing the moment of Bai Xin's death, Zhang Yuan was heartbroken. Although he had only known Bai Xin for a few days and the age gap between the two was very large, Zhang Yuan admired Bai Xin's loyalty very much. He even took Bai Xin as an example and decided to be a person who would repay kindness like her.

"Thank you for avenge my master. It's really painful to live alone. If there is an afterlife, I am willing to be a cow and a horse to repay you?" After saying that, Bai Xin slowly closed her eyes and smiled brightly, which stayed forever. From then on, she would never wake up again.

Putting down Bai Xin's body, Zhang Yuan walked to Qian Jianming and saw that he still had a breath. He raised the sword, and Zhang Yuan wanted to kill him.

Qian Jianming said weakly, "Please don't kill me. I promise that I won't take revenge in the future. Besides, the sect is strict and you can't kill me. If you kill me today, you will definitely be severely punished by the sect."

Shaoran said in a hurry, "Brother Zhang, don't listen to him. That's the matter. Only by killing him will you have no worries. If you are soft-hearted for a moment, I'm afraid that he will find your family in the future and slaughter and vent his anger in the future." Zhang Yuan was cruel, and the golden light sword flashed by. The poor and arrogant Qian Jianming died today.

Several strong men looked at Zhang Yuan flatteringly. They were ready to escape at any time. As long as Zhang Yuan repented, they immediately flew away. Looking at the behavior of several people, Zhang Yuan raised his long sword and pointed at them, and said harshly, "Do you think you can escape?"

Several people hurriedly and respectfully said, "You said you wouldn't pursue it. Don't you keep your word?" Zhang Yuan said, "What I said naturally counts. I can't kill you, but you have to promise me two things?"

Several people said happily, "Don't mention one piece, just a hundred pieces." Nothing is more important than life.

Zhang Yuan said, "First, I want you to make a poisonous oath that you will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. Second, take out half of your family's property and give them all to the poor people in Dali Town."

Although several people are very heartbroken, they have to agree. What's more, thousands of families have been destroyed, and they have benefited more than they have lost. After making a poisonous oath in public, several strong men quickly returned to their families and began to scatter gold and silver to some local poor people. They walked to Bai Xin's body and disappeared in Dali Town with her in their arms.

The incident of Zhang Yuan's killing of Qianhua and Qian Jianming soon spread to the Jiujian Palace, but to Zhang Yuan's surprise, the sect did not send anyone to arrest him. Such an abnormal movement made him feel uneasy.

On Canglong Peak, the first Xuan Tianjian was furious. Qian Jianming was his eldest disciple. Now he has been killed, how can he not be angry? When he came to Tianwei Peak, Xuan Tianjian met Jinghong Fairy and said, "Why did Zhang Yuan make such a big mistake, and you didn't punish him?" He killed my disciples, and I must kill him." After saying that, Xuan Tianjian turned around and flew down the peak of heaven, giving Jinghong no room for defense at all.

Jinghong Fairy instantly caught up with Xuan Tianjian and stood in front of him. Master, what do you mean? Have you forgotten the seven commandments of our sect? Among these seven precepts, Zhang Yuan violated the second and fifth articles, one of which is to kill the children of the same family, and the other is to deal with demons.

Looking at the angry Xuan Tianjian, Jinghong Fairy said, "I'm here to save you. If you kill him, you will definitely die. Even I can't protect you."

After hearing this, Xuan Tianjian was also shocked. Then the two talked for a long time. Finally, they only heard Xuan Tianjian say, "Since I can't kill him, please ask the leader to expel him from the sect to maintain the rules." After looking at the distant sky for a long time, the Jinghong Fairy said, "Sooner or later, he will leave the Nine Sword Palace."