Sky Robbery

Chapter 33 Escape

Zhang Yuan knew at a glance that this was not a dark cloud, but that thousands of birds were flying towards him. He had seen a lot of such a scene outside the wilderness, so he saw through it at a glance today.

Thousands of fierce birds floating like floating clouds came like tide. Zhang Yuan hurriedly accelerated his speed and ran from the single-wood bridge to the land.

While running, he was looking for a place to hide. If he stood in the open field like this, his life would be in no doubt. On the mainland, mountains and rivers stand high and ancient trees are lush, but most of these big trees, regardless of the branches and leaves, are black.

The uneven ground is also very uneven. Running on this uneven ground, Zhang Yuan's body appeared from time to time, high and low.


On the top of the head, there was the sound of fierce birds spreading their wings, and countless small soft feathers fell from the air.

Looking up, I saw that the territory below me had already been covered by birds in the sky, and an unpleasant smell of birds also spread to my breath in an instant.

A few huge fierce birds spread their wings and stretched out their claws to dive down. When these birds prey, they generally like to catch their prey to the sky and then throw them down, thus saving them a lot of unnecessary trouble.

If they are very powerful birds, when they catch their prey, they will tear them directly and then slowly swallow them.

Several fierce birds swooped down and struggled to catch Zhang Yuan. They were not willing to lag behind, lest their prey would be captured by othertong leis.

Looking at the fierce birds that rushed to him, Zhang Yuan secretly scolded: "It's true that the dragon was played by shrimp in shallow water, and the tiger fell to the plain and was bullied by dogs." Thinking about the heroes of the past, there is also a desperate time today.

The god came out, and the powerful divine consciousness directly bombarded these fierce birds into the sea of knowledge. After shaking violently, several fierce birds fell down like autumn leaves in the wind and rain.

As soon as these fierce birds fell to the ground, more than a dozen fierce birds rushed down one after another. It really stopped and rose again. Zhang Yuan was so busy that he scolded, "The hateful fierce bird, if I hadn't had the divine consciousness to attack the royal god, I would have been buried here today."

The overwhelming attack of the imperial god was used in an instant, and the sky above his head suddenly appeared distorted. Several fierce birds were twisted and affected by the empty bend and were immediately strangled into powder. Crazy fierce birds are not afraid of life and death. No matter how powerful Zhang Yuan's god is, they will not retreat half a foot.

A bird bypassed the twisted space and turned straight down. Its hooked claws grabbed Zhang Yuan's shoulder unexpectedly in an instant, and then flew up with Zhang Yuan.

There was a pain in his shoulder, and blood came out of the deep hole. Zhang Yuan picked up the golden light sword and stabbed the abdomen of the fierce bird. The golden light sword is indeed an extraordinary spiritual sword. Even without the blessing of true spirit, it can easily penetrate the body of the fierce bird. A sword was pierced, and the blood of the fierce bird immediately splashed on Zhang Yuan's face. The fishy smell was so bad that it made people want to vomit.

However, Zhang Yuan can't control so much. At this time, his life is important, and the rest can be ignored. The golden light sword pulled in the air, and the pierced ferocious bird was immediately thrown several meters. Several fierce birds either bypass the distorted space or directly break through the space to attack Zhang Yuan.

The larger the range of the royal god attack, the smaller the power. Without the cooperation of true spiritual power, the royal god is easily damaged.

See several fierce birds attacking themselves at the same time. Zhang Yuanling's sword went out and used some basic swordsmanships in Jiujian Palace to deal with the danger. Naturally, these basic swordsmanships can be used without true spiritual power, but the power is very unsatisfactory.

Holding a sword in one hand, Zhang Yuan fought against the fierce bird. In his attack, there was no full-color spiritual power, no colorful light, and some bloody battles. The sharp sword drew one sword arc after another in the air, and wounds also appeared on the fierce bird.

Because the fierce bird is too fierce and is in a high place, it didn't take long for Zhang Yuan to support it, and even his hand holding the sword was sour and numb. A fierce bird's giant wings flapped down, and its thick wings just slapped Zhang Yuan's back.

Under the strong patting force, Zhang Yuan was slapped several meters and his body fell on a bamboo shoot stone. The bamboo stone was broken by Zhang Yuan's thrown body and fell into several gravel piles. Zhang Yuan secretly complained. If he throws another half a meter, he will be greeted by the soft grass, not the hard stone.

Before standing up, a fierce bird stretched out its claws and grabbed his head. If his head was caught, the consequences were self-evident. Zhang Yuan hurriedly picked up the golden light sword and split it with all his strength. The sharp spiritual sword cut on the claws of the fierce bird, and immediately turned away in pain. As soon as they relaxed, hundreds of birds rushed down like lightning, and the wind suddenly rose everywhere.

It turned out that the space of the previous distorted consciousness returned to normal. These fierce birds were killed in an instant. Hundreds of birds are hovering and more birds are hovering. Because too many birds are crowded together, most of the birds are destined to attack Zhang Yuan at the same time.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yuan was bold and couldn't help but change his color. He hurriedly used the idea domain. As soon as the idea field came out, the space began to distort again, and the stones and grass branches below automatically flew out to attack the birds in the sky.

This unique skill is Zhang Yuan's most commonly used magic power. He has been using it since he returned to life. The mourning sounded everywhere, the feathers fluttered one after another, and countless fierce birds quickly fell down, but some fierce birds were strong. Although they were attacked, they would not die.

Zhang Yuan looked around and wanted to see if there was any place to hide. Although the thought attack does not require true qi, the power of a person's soul is also limited. With the long attack, Zhang Yuan also began to feel that the power of his soul was weakening. Hundreds of meters away, there is a mountain peak, and there is a cave several meters wide at the stone wall of the mountain.

Seeing this cave, Zhang Yuan planned to escape to the cave to avoid the endless attacks of fierce birds. Running to the target in a hurry, Zhang Yuan used the fastest 100-meter race in his life.

A dozen fierce birds fell from the air and just fell in front of him. A fierce bird almost hit him. Zhang Yuan ran wildly while scanning the movements of the fierce birds around him. If you only know how to run away, it is the most dangerous.

When a falling bird fell next to him, it suddenly struggled to flap its wings, and then grabbed Zhang Yuan with its claws. In a panic, Zhang Yuan waved his spiritual sword and cut down the fierce bird's body. The long sword almost divided the fierce bird into two. But the counterattack before the fierce bird died made Zhang Yuan fall to the ground and roll into a cluster of thorny branches.

The body was stabbed out of several small holes. Zhang Yuan stood up and couldn't take out the thorns in his body, so he ran to the cave. As he ran, the field of ideas gradually disappeared, and the tide-like birds rushed to him.

Zhang Yuan is so tired that he can't breathe. Without the blessing of true energy, he really can't afford to consume his physical strength. He didn't care about the weakness of his soul and continued to use his ideas. At this time, Zhang Yuan also ran hundreds of meters away, and the stone cave was only more than ten meters away from him, but the problem is that the mouth of the cave is ten meters high. If he wants to enter the cave, he has to climb ten meters high. In the current situation, he naturally can't easily enter.

Ding while thinking, a bird flew down and hit his back. With a loud noise, Zhang Yuan was knocked out more than ten meters away, hit the stone wall, and then rolled down. Being hit by a bird avoids the distance of more than ten meters, but in this end, Zhang Yuan would rather not. Grabbing the cliff, Zhang Yuan's body began to climb up flexibly.

If it was normal, why did it need to be so laborious to climb at a height of ten meters, but at this time, he had to use the most primitive way of climbing. After a few breaths, Zhang Yuan climbed to half of the height and looked back to see countless corpses of fierce birds on the ground below.

Under the attack of several powerful birds, they finally crossed the domain space and went straight to Zhang Yuan. Zhang Yuan grasped the cliff with his left hand, held a spiritual sword in his right hand, and cut down the head of a fierce bird.

This fierce bird was also seriously injured. After another attack, it instantly avoided sliding down the mountain stone.

Several other fierce birds were killed in less than a few breaths. Zhang Yuan's feet surged up, grabbed Shi Qiao's left hand and pulled it again, and his whole body jumped more than three meters high.