Sky Robbery

Chapter 38 Puzzle

Zhang Yuan's spirit was about to collapse. He really couldn't figure out why this yin qi always pestered him, as if he had a deep blood feud with Yin qi. After complaining, a more tragic thing appeared, that is, Zhang Yuan was in the cave at this time, and the entrance of the cave was the only exit, but the exit was submerged by the tide-like yin qi. If you want to escape, you must pass through the tidal yin qi, otherwise you have to wait to die.

This situation made Zhang Yuan suffer. Previously, he was secretly pleased with his "wise choice, but now he found that his previous choice was simply stupid and stupid enough to hurt himself."

Although he complained, he still had no choice but to escape. Before the yin qi reached its peak, Zhang Yuan's spiritual power surged and burst out his whole body. His whole body flew out of the hole in an instant like a feather arrow away from the string.


The surging yin gas makes a sound like water. Endless negative gas surrounds the hole. There is also a large amount of gas, which quickly enters the hole.

As soon as Zhang Yuan flew to the edge of the cave, his soul was attacked very weakly in an instant, and his body was frighteningly dark. He endured all the pain and planned to fly to the yin range.

Flying in the yin qi, his speed has also had a great impact, less than half of his usual.


Unable to bear it, Zhang Yuan roared and vented all his pain. How far away this short kilometer distance was for him. In the dark, he seemed to see the end of his life. A strong sense of survival that is unwilling to fall is stimulated to the extreme at this time.

The body is in the yin qi, as if thousands of worms are crawling on their bodies, and it seems that thousands of ants are eating their bodies.

"Fly out, I can't die, I must live." Deep in his heart, Zhang Yuan struggled to say: The breath of life is getting weaker and weaker, and the body begins to overdraw. This yin qi not only has the characteristics of eroding the body and attacking the soul, but also has the special feature of devouring the true qi in the body.

After a burst of weakness, his body quickly fell to the ground. Endless yin qi also fell down. Listening to the roar, Zhang Yuan's heart became calm.

The calmness of death made him see everything in the world cheerfully. He should have come to this world. For 19 years, he has been living under the conspiracy of others. Since he doubted his background, Zhang Yuan felt that someone behind him had been controlling his life, and even how he would go in the future had already been calculated by others.

He misses his childhood very much. Without all these missions, he would rather return to Tianyuan Shenzhou and live a new life as a woodcutter.

"Who has been secretly controlling the direction of my life?" Before his death, Zhang Yuan secretly guessed that he was Aunt Qing, the owner of the palace, or a third person. Among the three, Zhang Yuan's most suspicious person is the palace owner. At this time, it seems that the accidental encounter with the palace owner three years ago was probably a careful arrangement. It's just that he couldn't imagine what qualifications he had to make Gong take the initiative as a mountain village teenager at that time.

He suddenly thought of another problem, that is, not long after he went to Tianyi Peak, Aunt Qing went to test herself. He really didn't know why Aunt Qing knew that she was on the peak of heaven? Why does Aunt Qing know that I am the person she is looking for?

These two things can explain a problem, that is, he has been secretly monitored since he was very young.

Thinking of the above, Zhang Yuan couldn't help shouting, "Why? Why do you and I hide it from me? Who am I? Who the hell am I?"

"Who the hell am I? Who is me again?" He lay on the ground and muttered to himself:


The yin air over the sky finally fell to the ground, and the place where Zhang Yuan lay was immediately submerged. He was also submerged in the yin atmosphere of the tide.

He has already exhausted his strength. At this time, he can only wait for death. During life and death, he remembered what Elder Ling Tian once said.

At a critical moment, the galactic-shaped airflow in Zhang Yuandantian suddenly changed. Endless golden spiritual power gushed out of Dantian and finally formed a golden river. The golden river and the yin qi fought against each other, and the two fought hard to part. However, the golden river is too small. Compared with the ocean-like yin atmosphere, this river is negligible.

After the emergence of the golden river, Zhang Yuan's exhausted aura immediately returned to its peak.

After the golden river fought with the yin qi, it was gradually forced back by the yin qi. Seeing this, Zhang Yuan didn't have to think much about how the golden river appeared. While the two were fighting, he grabbed the spiritual sword on the ground and flew away.

This golden river seems to be spiritual. It follows Zhang Yuan wherever he flies. It was not until Zhang Yuan flew out of the range of yin qi that the golden river disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Yuan began to think about why the yin qi always appeared. As for the golden river, of course he knew that it was the airflow in his Dantian. This airflow is related to his practice of the sky formula.

The second appearance of yin qi only appears under the same situation, that is, he stands in place and does not move for a long time. In order to prove whether his conjecture was correct, Zhang Yuan looked for an unimped place on all sides, and then he stood quietly on the open space to see if the yin qi would attack him again.

With the lesson of the past, he will naturally not look for caves or other places. A wrong choice is enough to kill him thousands of times.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yuan expected, he would not stand for a long time, and the yin gathered towards him. This time, with rich experience, he started early and didn't get any damage. Zhang Yuan flew out of the range of yin qi. After learning all these secrets, Zhang Yuan finally knew how to avoid unnecessary trouble.

In the wasteland, the young patriarch frowned, because the door owner once told him that the reason why Yuli had such a big change was caused by Zhang Yuan's influence.

The doorkeeper was very unhappy about Yuli's temperament change. At the same time, he ordered the young suzerain to be Zhang Yuan so that Yuli would die.

There are several sword palaces behind Zhang Yuan, and the young patriarch naturally dares not kill him. A disciple of a super sect is not killed if he wants to. If they are some ordinary and vulgar disciples, even if they are killed, they will not cause any big waves. But if you kill a super genius, the end is self-evident.

At the beginning, the young patriarch saw this clearly before he dared to kill Gu Jin and several people. Because of the death of Gu Jin and several people, the fairy will not be shocked and forgiven.

Now he learned that Zhang Yuan was given the Golden Light Sword, which is enough to prove that Jinghong and the Nine Sword Palace have great hopes for Zhang Yuan. If he doesn't know the situation and kills Zhang Yuan directly, I'm afraid his life will not be saved in the future.

For this, the door owner naturally knows that Zhang Yuan can't kill easily. The reason why he ordered the young suzerain to kill Zhang Yuan is actually to see how the young suzerain can do this well.

Although Shaozong is unscheming, he is not stupid. Of course, he knows his father's plan for such a reasonable thing. After thinking about it for several days, unfortunately he couldn't think of a perfect solution. Far from the young patriarch, a guardian came slowly. Through a huge lotus pool, this guardian can feel the troubles of the young patriarch.

Walking by the lotus pool, the protector came behind the young suzerain. He walked slowly, as if he were the same as the young suzerain. At this time, he was also full of his mind. Knowing that this man was coming, the young patriarch did not look back, and he was still meditating as usual.

"See the young master!" The guardian said respectfully: Although Shaozong is not scheming, he can deal with things and have opinions, so most people in the wilderness are respectful to him.

After hearing the respectful words of the comer, the young patriarch sighed first, and then he said, "My father wanted me to kill Zhang Yuan, but Zhang Yuanjian Palace gave Zhang Yuan the golden light sword. Do you know what it means?"

Liehufa said, "It means that Zhang Yuan is not evening, but also means that Jinghong Fairy attaches great importance to him. If anyone kills him, he will definitely be retaliated by the Nine Sword Palace."

Shaozongmen said, "Everyone knows that the three spiritual swords of Tianshifeng are never easily given to their disciples, but once they are given, they represent the status of those who are given. Yi Yun got the backlight sword, which was vigorously cultivated by Jinghong. Xu Min got the five-eed sword only because she was a descendant of the head, which is negligible. Now Zhang Yuan has got the golden light sword, which shows that Jinghong's expectations for him are as big as Yi Yun.