Sky Robbery

Chapter 40 Distress

After flying hundreds of miles into the forest, Zhang Yuan fell from the air and chose to walk. Under such a great gravity, it was too difficult to fly in the air and easy to be found, so he decided to walk.

The ancient trees around are different from the outside. The ancient trees here are all very primitive giant trees. The leaves of any of these trees are several meters wide and one or two meters long. Such a large leaf is enough to cover a person. There are many giant trees here that have never been seen before.

A tall giant tree goes straight to the end of the sky. Looking up, you can't see how tall the tree is. But everywhere you see, you can only see the dense branches and leaves becoming more and more blurred.

Looking at such a tall tree, Zhang Yuan was secretly shocked: "With my eyesight, I can't see the crown." The thickness of the giant tree is comparable to that of a mountain. If ordinary people want to walk around the giant tree, I'm afraid it will take a day.

Standing under the giant tree for a long time, Zhang Yuan found that the yin qi no longer appeared. If you stop for dozens of breaths before, the tide-like yin gas will attack.

Seeing that the yin qi no longer appears, Zhang Yuan was also secretly relieved. If he keeps moving his position, it is really difficult for him to support it.

At this time, he was relieved. Zhang Yuan planned to take a break next to the giant tree and ran for half a day. His whole body was really weak.

Put the golden light sword beside him, Zhang Yuan sat on the ground, leaned his back against the giant tree and began to close his eyes to refresh himself. There is also a breeze in the forest, but this is slightly different from the outside world. The breeze here is comparable to the strong wind outside world.

Blowing this breeze, Zhang Yuan was refreshed, and his previous fatigue disappeared in a blink of an eye. He secretly blamed himself for why he didn't come here early and had to go around the place surrounded by black stones, which almost saved his life.


Just as he closed his eyes to refresh himself, there was a loud noise and vibration beside him. He opened his eyes in a hurry and saw a super big fruit fall in front of him. It's only one foot away. If it shifts another foot, then this super fruit will definitely hit him. If he is hit by such a big fruit, even if he doesn't die, he will be dizzy.

Zhang Yuan had nowhere to breathe. He felt that his luck was getting worse and worse. It's not easy to take a break, either attacked by yin or hit by super fruit. He doesn't believe that fruit will fall from the sky after a long break.

After taking a look at the fruit, Zhang Yuan planned to take a break and start looking for external outlets. It's just that he doesn't know where the outside export is, and what's the difference between the outside export? At present, we can only take a chance. However, after the second incident, he no longer fantasized about his luck. If it hadn't been for the lucky one, I'm afraid he would think that today's bad luck is God's will.

The super big fruit that fell was smashed into several cracks. The white liquid slowly flowed out of several cracks. A strong fruity fragrance instantly entered Zhang Yuan's nose. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and hadn't eaten for a long time. The fruit fragrance was so irresistible.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yuan jumped up and drew out the golden sword. This super big fruit is silently divided into two parts.

As soon as the fruit broke, the fragrance became stronger, arousing Zhang Yuan's appetite. He walked to the fruit, regardless of whether it was poisonous or toxic. He grabbed the pulp one after another and kept stuffing it into his mouth.

Standing next to the big fruit, Zhang Yuan's figure was less than half the height of the fruit. As soon as the pulp enters the abdomen, the whole body is extremely comfortable. He felt that the fruit contained aura, and it was still very pure.

After eating this fruit, he felt that his physical strength was sufficient, and he also felt that the breakthrough was imminent in the late stage of the imperial god.

"Can this fruit, like advanced elixir, improve the level of monsm!" Zhang Yuan thought to himself:

Advanced elixir can upgrade the realm, but monks generally do not use it, because the gains outweigh the losses. This elixir is used by some people who are about to reach the end of their lives, because once they break through, life can last for countless years. However, the high-level officials are very opposed to the use of the Jiujian Palace.

Zhang Yuan grabbed the pulp and ate it like a cloud. If someone who knows this result sees this scene, I'm afraid he will scold him for wasting things. This fruit, called Star Fruit, is the rarest fruit in the star world. Star fruit only matures once in hundreds of years. On a huge star tree, it can bear up to nine at a time.

The purpose of Xingchen Fruit is to help people advance, but it is useless for the strong above Yunxiao, and the failure rate is very high. But the advantage is that this advancement has no harm. Even if it is a failure, it is beneficial and harmless to use.

Its use method is to draw a mouth outside the fruit, then inject its spiritual power and true qi into the human fruit, merge with the aura in the fruit, and then inhale all the aura in the fruit into Dantian.

Because this fruit grows on the star tree, it contains some of the purest source qi. It's just that Zhang Yuan doesn't know this. If he acts in this way, I'm afraid he is already the peak of Yunxiao at this time.

Such a delicious fruit makes Zhang Yuan very energetic. Half an hour later, he patted his stomach and said with satisfaction, "It's delicious. It's really delicious. It can not only satisfy my hunger, but also improve my situation a little."

A strange scene suddenly happened. After the influence of space, the unfinished pulp slowly began to turn into a strong aura, and then floated into heaven and earth. It turns out that these pulp are made of Reiki. Zhang Yuan was really distressed to see such a good thing slowly dissipating in front of him.

Full of energy, he began to walk towards the forest with a spiritual sword. In the forest, many places can't walk at all. The leaves several meters wide are stacked and the branches cross each other, so it is difficult to enter even if they are small animals, let alone pedestrians.

Whenever he encountered this situation, Zhang Yuan flew over the dense ancient plants and trees. After several continuous ups and downs, he came to a hilly valley. It is located in a hilly depression, with primitive forests in the front and back, and hilly mountains on the left and right. However, where he was, the trees were scarce, and only a few 100-meter-high bamboo shoots emerged from the ground. As soon as he came here, Zhang Yuan felt a sense of danger in his heart. A faint smell of a fierce beast always floated beside him. The more unpredictable it is, the more people will die.


After a few breaks through the air, several fierce beasts flew out of the forest in front of them in panic. These fierce birds, several feet long and can survive here, are all powerful. But judging from their flight, they seem to have been frightened.

The woods in front of me were undulating without wind, and the meters wide leaves floated down one after another. These leaves float down from the huge tree thousands of meters high, and it will take a long time to fall to the ground. Because the forest is too lush, Zhang Yuan can't see the situation in the forest.

The swaying giant trees became more and more violent, and several of them were even interrupted. Suddenly, a strong wind blew and blew Zhang Yuan back a few steps. After the strong wind, the forest is surprisingly calm. After a short period of time, the forest returned to its previous tranquility. Tranquility does not mean safety. Looking at the forest in front of him, Zhang Yuan has a feeling that the farther away from here, the better.

He pulled out the golden light sword, and then carefully retreated a few meters. Every time he withdrew, Zhang Yuan would concentrate on his guard.

After exiting a certain distance, Zhang Yuan immediately turned around and flew away. He broke out at the fastest speed and flew out of the valley in an instant and flew over the primeval forest behind him.


After a beast roared, a tall fierce beast jumped out of the forest. This fierce beast is extremely fast, much faster than Zhang Yuan's flight.

The fierce beast jumped a thousand meters high and fell Zhang Yuan from the air under the pressure of Mount Tai. The figure was out of control, and he felt that there were tens of thousands of pounds of things pressing down. Zhang Yuan quickly fell from the air.

After falling hundreds of meters, he just fell on the dense leaves. After his body moved and skillfully removed the gravity on his body, he stepped on a leaf several meters wide. Previously, because the fierce beast came too fast and didn't see what the fierce beast looked like, he fixed his eyes at this time. The fierce beast is like a unicorn, its head is like a tiger, its tail is like poverty, and its horns are like a goat. Its slender body is at least a few feet long and more than ten feet high. Where the fierce beast stood, countless branches and leaves fluctuated. Judging from the appearance, it can be concluded at a glance that this fierce beast is super powerful.

One blow did not kill Zhang Yuan, and the fierce beast seemed to know that the other party was not a good person. It kept digging the ground, and hot gas came out of its nostrils.

Condescending, Zhang Yuan does not want to fly down to fight against fierce beasts, because he is now in the star world, and there are countless dangers around him. If he can avoid the battle, try to avoid it as much as possible. If it is inevitable, it is not too late to start another war. Jumping under his feet, Zhang Yuan went away in the sky.


Seeing Zhang Yuan fleeing without fighting, the fierce beast roared for forgiveness. It jumped four hooves, jumped a kilometer in an instant, and then stepped on the void, like running on the flat ground.

Feeling that there was a strong energy fluctuation behind him, Zhang Yuan looked back and saw the fierce beast chasing himself in the void.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yuan was stunned. For the first time in more than three years, he has seen that fierce beasts can also control the sky. He believes that no matter how powerful the beast is, it is impossible to fly in the air. Today's opinion breaks all common sense.