Sky Robbery

Chapter 44 Holy Land

Since he came to the star world, Zhang Yuan can't know exactly how many days he has been, because there is no alternation of four seasons, and there is a clear difference between day and night. The scenery here will never change, and the ancient trees will never change leaves. Some places here will always be night, and some places will always be day. In this world, you can't calculate the passage of time.

Although it is impossible to know exactly how long he has been here, Zhang Yuan can still feel that he should have been in the star world for two or three months. In the past three months, he has first encountered a cold attack, then a four-headed Tianling attack, and then he was attacked by a eclipse. Next is the nameless beast, the corpse monster, and the sky wing. Since he met the Tianyi murderer, he has been attacked by more than a dozen fierce beasts, eight of which are Yunxiao-level fierce beasts. Zhang Yuan is not afraid of Yunxiao-level fierce beasts.

Four times, it is a fierce beast bird with a strong spirit. Zhang Yuan can fight with a fierce beast bird with a strong spirit. Even if he can't kill it, he can retreat unharmed. Once it was a fierce beast in the nihilistic world. For this level of fierce beasts, Zhang Yuan could only escape. Fortunately, this fierce beast did not chase him.

As for the fierce beasts in the Guiyuan period, Zhang Yuan rarely saw it. The gravity in this forest is ten times that of the outside world. Naturally, the fierce beasts in the Guiyuan period cannot survive here. Even if there are one or two occasionally, they belong to the kind of fierce beast with special constitution.

Flying in the forest, Zhang Yuan looked around cautiously. Just a moment ago, he felt a powerful energy suddenly spread around. This diffused energy was comparable to the power of nothingness. Zhang Yuan did not dare to be careless about this level of power.

The surrounding leaves flew over, and the energy spread again. In the energy, it seems to contain the original breath of the sea of stars. The energy from this transmission is not generated by fierce beasts or manpower, but a formation or natural generation of heaven and earth.

The transmission of this energy does not come against a certain or some kind of fierce beast, but diffuses around wantonly. After the energy subsided, Zhang Yuan clearly felt that the energy came from thousands of miles away. What on earth can spread such a powerful energy? Zhang Yuan thought to himself:

Under curiosity, he intends to go to watch it. Curiosity is everyone's nature. As long as people have normal thinking, they will be interested in curious unknown things. Because of this, I don't know how many of them are buried under curiosity. Zhang Yuan is no exception. He is also very curious about the unknown.

rising from the sky, Zhang Yuan carefully flew in the direction of energy propagation. The transmitted energy is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and when it is strong like a storm, which can blow all the giant trees in the forest. When it is weak, it is like a spring breeze and drizzle. Just turn over a few leaves and disappear and disperse.

After flying hundreds of miles, several green peaks appeared in Zhang Yuan's sight. The towering green peaks, like a few sharp swords, went straight through the sky. On the top of the green peaks, the red light loomed. At that time, the looming red light was the source of energy diffusion. With the change of red light, the amount of energy transmitted varies. The scene of the green peak here is different from that of the outside world, but the peaks above thousands of meters are either surrounded by thick fog or floating clouds. In addition, on the top of the mountain, there is no fog or surrounding clouds.

Looking at the blood light in the distance, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "This should be the blood light made by the ferocious demon, but I don't know what the use of this blood light is?" Although this red blood light is red, there is no blood color or blood smell. Zhang Yuan is also puzzled about this.

Bloodmang not only does not have the breath of blood, but also has a very pure original spirit. After standing in the distance and looking at it, Zhang Yuan thought, "If Aunt Qing is from the ferocious demon clan, then she may be here." Thinking that Aunt Qing may be here, Zhang Yuan wants to go and have a look. If he finds Aunt Qing, all the puzzles can be solved. At that time, he can also know who his mother is and where she is now. Afraid of being found, Zhang Yuan did not dare to fly high in high altitude. He flexibly crossed the dense forest.

Hundreds of miles is very far away for ordinary people, but for the nihilism and Daewoo Qiang, it is close at hand. Among the dense leaves, Zhang Yuan is like a snake. Under the branches and leaves, each leaf is several meters wide, so Zhang Yuan is covered very secretly. The closer he approached Qingfeng in front of him, the more nervous he became. Thinking about how to calm him down when he might see Aunt Qing.


On the top of several peaks, suddenly there was an explosion, and a few blood rays were scattered in an instant. At the moment when the explosion sounded, the energy spreading everywhere also increased to the extreme. After a few wooden folds, several giant trees fell down. The fallen trees were several feet thick and kilometers high. Zhang Yuan just flew here and was unfortunately affected by the fallen giant trees. The countless thick leaves crushed him to the ground.

Zhang Yuan did not dare to use his spiritual power to resist these fallen giant trees, so he could only admit his bad luck. In fact, he was also very weak, as if all the bad things were encountered by him.

In the fall, he turned over, rolled on the branches and leaves, and then carefully flew forward. In just a few hundred miles, he flew for several hours. Finally, I came to the bottom of a mountain and saw that the bottom of the mountain to the mountainside were all bare cliffs. On the cliff wall, there was no tree or grass. From the upper waist to the top of the mountain, they were all tall giant trees. Some giant trees stood upside down and grew on the hanging wall. When the energy spread, these suspended giant trees were about to fall.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Yuan was a little worried that these giant trees would fall and hit him. In terms of his bad luck, everything is possible. There was another dramatic sound on the top of the mountain. After the sound, the whole green peak shook violently. Deep under the green peak, there was also a rumble echo.

With this echo, Zhang Yuan can feel that the bottom of the green peak is empty. Flying in the air, he flew into countless cliffs, and then crossed the cracks of the cliffs. This is the back of the mountain. If you want to see everything clearly, you have to go around to the front of the mountain. The area of Qingfeng is very large. Zhang Yuan flew around for a long time before he went around to the other side of the mountain.

I can only see the terrain here, surrounded by standing green peaks, and a circular open space in the middle. On the open space, dozens of people sat cross-legged. Among these dozens of people, there were strong people from Guiyuan to Tianlingqiang. Two of them, Zhang Yuan had seen, and these two were big bushes and small dragons. Da Cong and Xiaolonglong were geniuses selected from various valleys by the ferocious demon clan. In just two or three months, the little dragons broke through from Guiyuanqiang to the early stage of Yunxiao. At such a young age, Yunxiaoqiang is even ashamed of his talent.

Looking at the people practicing below, Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "I think this is the holy place of the ferocious demon clan, but I don't know what are the benefits of practicing here?" The reason for this question is that Zhang Yuan really can't see what's special here. Of course, it doesn't count except for the blood on the top of the mountain. Boom!"

After a shock, countless blood rays surged down like a tide on the top of the mountain. These blood rays are like running water, gradually submerging the flat land. Dozens of people who are practicing, as if they don't know the arrival of blood, are still practicing motionless.

The blood is getting deeper and deeper, and it has submerged to the mountainside. With the submergence of blood, there seemed to be something awakened in the depths of Zhang Yuan's soul. His consciousness was not controlled by himself, and he had to jump into the tide of blood and bathe. Zhang Yuan was shocked. He hurriedly suppressed this consciousness, "If there is nothing in the heart, there is nothing. If there is something in the heart, everything will be born." Zhang Yuan regarded the blood as nothing, and finally suppressed this strong feeling.

The blood tide suddenly changes color, "red, blue, green, black, white, blue." Countless colors have changed countless times in an instant. Every time a color appears, it gives people a different feeling. When red appears, it gives people a sense of mystery. When it appears cyan, it gives people a sense of infinite vitality. When green appears, it gives people a sense of pride in the world. When blue appears, it gives people a sense of vicissitudes. When white appears, it gives people a sense of enlightenment and cheerfulness. With many colors, thousands of moods, and a short time, Zhang Yuan seems to have experienced countless journeys of life.