Sky Cultivation

Chapter 15 Mysterious Old man

Chapter 15 Mysterious Old man

In a few days, Zhao Tian has penetrated 20 or 30 miles. In the past few days, he has only met a few warcrafts equivalent to about human six-level warriors, and the strongest is only the warcraft in the middle of seven-level warriors.

"How big is this forest? There is no sign of the end after walking for so many days." With that, he kicked the stone on the ground dozens of meters and hit a big tree.

When Zhao Tian was preparing to leave. Suddenly, the mountain next to him trembled, and a rumbling sound came from behind Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian was shocked and turned to look at the trembling mountain. The stones on the mountain rolled down, and Zhao Tian raised his fist and punched him to smash the stone.

At this moment, a shocking roar came from the mountains. Zhao Tian heard this sound and immediately turned around and ran to the distance. Zhao Tian knew that this monster could never resist, and it was estimated that only the Tiandevouring tiger he saw last time could compare with it.

At the moment Zhao Tian fled, a red-eyed head with a horn, a body and a head like a cow, and a blue and black warcraft broke out of the mountain. If there is a strong man of King Wu here, he will be shocked: This is not the legendary Tian Kui Niu. How can he appear here?

Zhao Tian turned his head and took a look, and suddenly felt that the blood all over his body would freeze. This was not the pressure deliberately released by the warcraft, but the emitted made Zhao Tian feel powerless, let alone the war. I can't help but accelerate a little faster.

After the cow came out, it looked around and glanced at the place where Zhao Tian was running. The unicorn on its head sent a series of lightning towards Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian was running and found that there was danger behind him. He did not look back and dodged directly to the side. Zhao Tian thought that his speed was very fast, but the lightning was several times faster than Zhao Tian's, and hit Zhao Tian's left arm in an instant.

Zhao Tian was blown away by this force and stopped for 60 or 70 meters. Suddenly, Zhao Tian spit out several mouthfuls of blood on the ground, regardless of the wounds on his body, and gritted his teeth and ran to the distance.

After running for nearly two hours, Zhao Tian's face had turned pale because of excessive blood loss. Zhao Tian felt that the warcraft had not caught up with him, so he found a more secret place and sat down cross-legged to check his body.

"How could it be like this?" Zhao Tian checked the situation in his body and was shocked. Now the meridians in Zhao's celestial body have been disrupted by the lightning, and the internal organs have also suffered great trauma. The worst thing is that the whole left arm has been paralyzed and the aura cannot pass through, which means that Zhao Tian's left arm has lost its combat effectiveness. This is simply a nightmare for a person who is not strong in a dangerous forest area.

Zhao Tian smiled bitterly and comforted himself, "Forget it, anyway, it's just that I won't lose it forever. Besides, it's lucky to meet that kind of warcraft without dying.

Zhao Tian took out a spiritual grass from the space ring and swallowed it directly into his stomach. The spiritual power of the low-level spiritual grass is no longer harmful to Zhao Tian now, but has the function of healing.

Zhao Tian swallowed a spiritual grass and found that it could not heal at all. I took out a few more and put them in my mouth, and then took out a few more and put them in my mouth again. Finally, when Zhao Tian swallowed the 20th tree, he stopped swallowing spiritual grass.

After most of the day, Zhao Tiantian slowly opened his eyes: "Alas, the injury has healed a lot. Although the left arm can't recover now, as long as you don't encounter any powerful monsters, there won't be much danger.

Zhao Tian set foot on the journey to Gallo City again.

"Roared" another warcraft died under Zhao Tian. Zhao Tian killed an unknown number of monsters along the way. And his strength is also firmly in the realm of the fifth-level warrior and is moving towards the sixth-level warrior.

On this day, Zhao Tian went deeper for more than ten miles and found that he did not meet a warcraft on this road. He was surprised and suddenly trembled on the ground, followed by a huge stamp of his feet.

Zhao Tian smiled bitterly: "I won't be so unlucky! I just escaped from a powerful Warcraft, and now I meet another one. I also know why no Warcraft dares to come in this paragraph. Are you kidding? A warcraft with such a loud stamp of feet can be known just thinking about the strength of that warcraft.

So Zhao Tian did not hesitate and turned his head and ran away like last time. But I'm not so lucky this time. As soon as Zhao Tian ran out of a little more than a li, he heard the footsteps behind him and scolded, "Daes, I'm just a weak practicer. Why are you so strong that you still bite to death?"

After only two breaths, the warcraft caught up. Zhao Tian saw the appearance of this warcraft at this time. A whole body was cyan and looked like a wild boar, but its four hoofs had no claws, and its small eyes seemed to be gone. Just as Zhao Tian was running, the warcraft suddenly raised its right paw and patted Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian suddenly felt a dangerous breath and hurriedly hid aside. Zhao Tian dodged to the left and then to the right. He felt that no matter how he dodged, he seemed to be unable to escape the palm of the Warcraft.

Zhao Tian's face broke out in a cold sweat, and the pressure brought by this warcraft was no worse than that of the cow. Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, he gritted his teeth, raised his arms and clenched his fists, and shouted "Chaotic Boxing". His fists fiercely bombarded Zhao Tian's full spiritual power towards the outstretched claws of the warcraft.

This is the first time that Zhao Tian has reached the five-level strongman to use "chaotic boxing" with all his strength. At this time, Zhao Tian's fists are not only the spiritual power of Zhao Tian's whole body, but also the aura absorbed by the whirlpool formed in operation in the air.

With a loud "touch", Zhao Tian's body was instantly hit more than 100 meters away. And the palm "banged" on the ground, forming a hole more than 30 meters in diameter.

Zhao Tian doesn't have much aura now. Zhao Tian thought that the full punch just now would not succeed, but when he saw the result, he was inevitably a little disappointed. Seeing that the warcraft could still cause such damage after resisting his attack, Zhao Tian's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, the beast saw that it did not kill Zhao Tian, and quickly shot at the place where Zhao Tian was. Zhao Tian suddenly felt that the air around him seemed to stop at this moment. Zhao Tian thought of his parents thinking of his enemies and showed a bitter smile at the corners of his mouth. I didn't expect that I hadn't seen my enemy die like this. Even if I died under the enemy, it proved that I had gone to revenge, but now I have been killed by a warcraft. Slowly closed his eyes.

Just when Zhao Tian thought he was dead, the palm of the Warcraft had just touched Zhao Tian's body. Suddenly, the green light was strong, and a powerful aura rushed out of Zhao Tian's arms and hit the claw. Without any crosstalk, the Warcraft was knocked back dozens of meters away by this powerful aura.

The warcraft roared unwillingly. I don't know why he was knocked back so far by a small practicer. This was simply an insult. After shouting, he immediately rushed to Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian doesn't know what's going on at this time! I saw the warcraft shooting at me, and the warcraft was knocked back dozens of meters away. Zhao Tian suddenly thought that there was a jade pendant in his arms that he had never been able to understand. "Is it a jade pendant again?" Zhao Tian muttered. With that, he took out the jade pendant from his arms and saw that the jade pendant, which was originally emerald green, had become dull at this time.

"Is it because of the consumption of that aura? It seems that this jade pendant can only be used once to deal with this kind of warcraft. Zhao Tian said with a wry smile.

Looking at the monster running towards him again, Zhao Tian turned his head and ran forward desperately. But is this useful? The speed of the Warcraft was N times faster than Zhao Tian, and in an instant, Zhao Tian appeared under the palm of the Warcraft again.

Just as the palm was about to devour Zhao Tian, a strong force held up Zhao Tian, who was running, escaped the attack of the warcraft, and put Zhao Tian in another place.

The warcraft saw Zhao Tian escape from his palm again, and immediately shouted and ran to Zhao Tian again. At this moment, your majestic voice came to the sky: "Sirty beast, you dare!"

Zhao Tian, who was in a daze, how he escaped. Hearing this sound, Zhao Tian came out of the daze and felt that the spiritual power of his whole body was slow. Zhao Tian was shocked: "What level of strong is this? Just hearing the sound can make my whole body's aura difficult to operate."

At this moment, an old man in a white robe slowly fell from the sky, walked to Zhao Tian and smiled at Zhao Tian, and then turned to look at the beast.

"Heavenly Beast? How did you meet such a warcraft? You must be so lucky!" The old man sighed. Zhao Tian asked doubtfully, "Grandpa, what are you talking about? Am I lucky that I almost died?"

"Haha! Young man, you don't know yet! This beast never appears easily, but once it appears, it is to look for monsters and people who are much weaker than it, and you just meet this standard. The old man smiled.

"Ah! That's really my luck. I met the warcraft that didn't appear so hard to appear. Zhao Tian said with a wry smile.

The old man looked at Zhao Tian: "Ha ha, young man, wait for me here first. I'll take something from the beast that day."

After saying that, before Zhao Tian saw how the old man left, he heard a scream of the beast that day, and then the old man instantly returned to Zhao Tian's side and looked at Zhao Tian with a smile: "Okay, young man, come with me! I have something to ask you."

Zhao Tian thought for a moment and agreed, thinking, "Anyway, I'm here and I don't have the ability to protect myself at all. Why don't you look at this old man and save me!"

The old man looked at Zhao Tian and nodded, took Zhao Tian up into the air and flew far away...

Friends, this is my first time to write a book. I hope everyone can support it! Top! Top!