Sky Cultivation

Chapter 21 The Forest Experience Begins

Chapter 21 Forest Experience Begins

Zhao Tian knew the difficulty of practicing the book "King Kong Body Protection", but Zhao Tian did not lose confidence and said firmly, "Although this cultivation is very painful, the reward is also considerable. As long as I can practice to avenge my parents in the future, I will be more likely."

Zhao Tian sat on the grass and looked at the sky quietly. He suddenly remembered his parents and his kind smiles; he remembered Uncle Wang's happy and excited expression for his success; he remembered the helplessness on his face when he left; he also remembered the order on Xiong Ba and his face. Funny actions. Slowly leaned against the mountain wall to sleep, with a faint smile on his beautiful face.

When Qiu Shui came out, he saw Zhao Tian leaning on the mountain wall and fell asleep. The smile on his face could not hide his tired look. He sighed softly and sighed that his snow-white beard trembled in the air with Qiu Shui's shaking his head and did not disturb Zhao Tian. He muttered alone: "Alas! It's really a trick. Why should a small child bear everything that even an adult can't afford? My grandfather can only help him when he is in danger, but the trauma depends on himself.

Zhao Tian slept very peacefully and followed his parents into his dreamland. He saw his parents cooking for himself. Uncle Wang was about to ask him to strike iron, and even his master pointed out his shortcomings when he practiced. Just as Zhao Tian was about to take a firewood knife from his father's hand to help his father chop wood, his father suddenly disappeared from his eyes. Zhao Tian hurried to see his mother who was cutting vegetables. When he came forward, his mother also disappeared. Uncle Wang and Master were the same.

Zhao Tian was shocked. He woke up in his dream and suddenly stood up and shouted crazily at the sky: "Dad and mother, where are you? Why don't you come out to see me? I know you are looking at me. Don't worry! I will not let you down, let alone let you die in vain. I will work hard to avenge you at that time.

Qiushui was practicing in the room. Hearing Zhao Tian's shouting, he pulled his white beard and frowned together. At this time, he had a fairy charm and sighed, "Xiaotian, I still can't maintain my inner impulse, but this is also extenable. If it happens again in the future, it will be him who will suffer losses. I also hope he can recognize this flaw and correct it!

Zhao Tian's hopeful eyes looked at the sky, as if he were looking for something, and his beautiful face was full of eagerness.

After a while, Zhao Tian's face returned to the previous gloomy, and immediately sat down cross-legged and began to practice the first layer of "King Kong Body Protection". He thought about the cultivation method of the first layer in his heart and slowly entered the state.

"Ah!" The last feeling of pain spread to Zhao Tian's brain again. Zhao Tian, who had already prepared, still made a patient voice by this pain.

Zhao Tian found that the speed of this fusion was similar to that of the last time, and he didn't know how many times he would experience this pain. How about...

Zhao Tian's heart moved at this time and muttered, "I don't know that I don't control the speed of the aura in my body to transmit to the skin, absorb a large amount of the aura from the outside world, and let the aura inside and outside the body squeeze each other, forming a competition to put the skin in the middle, so that it can not speed up the melting of the aura. Is it the speed of the combination?"

After saying that, Zhao Tian closed his eyes again and gave up the control of the transmission of aura in his body. His mind moved, and Yu Pei suddenly began to absorb the aura of the outside world crazily.

At this time, the aura in his body also began to explode. Zhao Tian's body was squeezed by two powerful auras, and the body began to slowly merge with the aura. Although it was not fast, it was several times faster than before. Now Zhao Tian, under the squeeze of two spirits, is simply painful. A handsome little face has begun to twist, his body is constantly trembling, his gums are about to bite out blood, and the bright red outside is many times brighter than last time. If outsiders see this scene, they will be surprised by this strange scene.

The time of incense has passed; the time of a cup of tea has passed; an hour has passed; Zhao Tian still has no intention of getting up. Finally, it took about two hours to expand outside Zhao's celestial body to begin to decline. At this time, Zhao Tian was like a big balloon full of gas, slowly venting out, but the speed of deflecting was too slow.

Now Zhao Tian no longer knows what the pain is. He has been gritting his teeth to resist the pain, and gradually begins to numb. Due to the gradual absorption and the reduction of aura, Zhao Tian's face also began to slowly return to its original appearance and become rosy.

After another half an hour, Zhao Tian has completely recovered to his original body shape, but he did not wake up. Now Zhao Tian is guiding aura, swimming in the meridians of his whole body, slowly familiarizing himself with the newly fused body.

"Wow, it's finally over. I didn't expect it to take so long this time. This large-scale fusion really can't come a few more times. That painful feeling makes me feel like I'm about to die. Fortunately, I survived, otherwise it's really dangerous! The benefits of not living are obviously easy to see. This time, the whole upper body is integrated, and the lower body will come slowly!" Zhao Tian opened his eyes and exhaled deeply and frowned.

said with a wry smile.

Zhao Tian originally wanted to report to Qiushui first and ask when he could go to the forest to practice, but when he walked to the pool, he saw the waterfall more than ten meters high and had an idea in his mind: "I don't have to try to go under the waterfall with my current "King Kong Bodyguard" to see if I can resist it.

With that, he jumped into the pool. When he swam under the waterfall, Zhao Tian shouted "King Kong body protection" in the water. The aura of his whole body instantly condensed on Zhao Tian's upper body, and his skin emitted a little faint golden light, surrounding his skin. Zhao Tian slowly walked towards the waterfall. As soon as he entered, there was no obstacle. It was easy to enter the interior of the waterfall.

Zhao Tian was surprised to find that his body seemed to have no feeling. Now he can't even feel the pressure under here. It's awesome. It's worthy of being an advanced spiritual skill. I really don't know what the power of that level of spiritual skill should be!"

When Qiu Shui came out of the room, he saw that Zhao Tian, who was practicing, had disappeared. Hearing the sound in the waterfall, he flew over. He happened to see the scene of Zhao Tianzao using the spiritual skill under the waterfall. The white bearded mouth also showed a faint smile and did not speak. I have been looking at Zhao Tian.

It was not until Zhao Tian came out of the water that he saw Qiushui looking at what he had just looked like on the shore. He quickly said respectfully to Qiushui, "Grandpa Qiushui, how can you be here? Is there anything wrong?"

Qiu Shui shook his head, and there was no expression on his rosy face. He looked at Zhao Tian with his happy eyes and said with admiration, "Xiao Tian, I didn't expect you to understand much. Your understanding ability is really strong! In less than ten days, you have practiced most of the first level. I believe you won't waste too much time practicing to the third level in the future.

Zhao Tian nodded vigorously, and a trace of coldness flashed on his face: "Grandpa Qiushui, thank you! But I will continue to work hard to get out early and realize my wish.

Qiu Shui smiled with satisfaction, "Okay! Xiaotian, you are worthy of being the grandson of Qiushui. From today on, you will go to the forest with me to exercise your actual combat ability. Now that your upper body has been integrated, I believe that the monsters below the martial arts master are not easy to hurt you, so take you to the Warcraft closest to the martial arts master! It's good to put some pressure on you. I'll go with you, but I won't take action when there is no danger.

Zhao Tian's originally cold face also showed an excited look and said excitedly, "Ha ha, Grandpa Qiushui, we can really go. I haven't reached the realm of martial arts yet!"

Qiushui brushed the long white beard on his chest and slowly said to Zhao Tian, "Xiaotian, do you still think there is a way to exercise in this valley that can give you pressure? Going to the forest in advance is also a decision to make after I see your potential."

Zhao Tian thought for a moment and smiled at Qiu Shui: "Yes! Grandpa seems to have nothing here, and it's really time to look at the monsters here.

Qiushui nodded and flew to the cabin. The voice came back from afar: "Xiaotian, have a good rest today and we will leave tomorrow morning."

After the sound disappeared, he also lost the figure of Qiushui. Zhao Tian looked at Qiu Shui's distant back and muttered, "I don't know what level Grandpa is that he can settle down in such a dangerous place. If I can reach the level of my grandfather, revenge is a very simple thing. After saying that, I found a place to close my eyes and start to meditated and rest.

The next morning, Qiushui took Zhao Tian to fly to the low-level warcraft group. Zhao Tian looked at all kinds of monsters on the earth in the sky. Some monsters did not dare to say that even Zhao Tian could escape successfully under his hands. However, under the pressure of autumn water, he lay on the ground and dared not move.

"Well, it should be here. Find some monsters similar to you nearby and start practicing your fighting skills. I will always feel you with my consciousness. If there is any danger, I will know." Qiushui stopped in an open space, and the pressure in his body was withdrawn from his body and said to Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian nodded and began to skim in one direction. At this time, Zhao Tian didn't have to be careful at all. Anyway, his grandfather was there paying attention to him and was not afraid of any danger! What's more, I just need to attract the attention of Warcraft, otherwise I can't experience it.