Sky Cultivation

Chapter 41 Yao Ding?

Chapter 41 Medicine Tripod?

The old man took Zhao Tian around the city for almost half an hour, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated ordinary house. Prince, here it is! Please give it to me for a moment." The old man opened the door and made a gesture of invitation to Zhao Tian and said with an apologetic face.

Zhao Tian hurriedly hugged the old man and said in horror, "Grandpa, you are too polite. I'm just an ordinary person like you, and I don't have a noble identity."

The old man smiled and thought that Zhao Tian deliberately said so! The evaluation of Zhao Tian has improved a little again.

When Zhao Tian entered, he found that there was a large yard full of various plants. In the middle of the yard were several ordinary houses, which looked a little dilapidated. Obviously, no one had cleaned it for a long time. Zhao Tian took a deep breath and felt that his whole body was immediately relieved. Although it was not as good as the aura in the valley, it was indeed a good enjoyment to have such a place in this noisy street.

"Wow" is so comfortable! Zhao Tian's aura in his body was slowly released unconsciously. Well, these plants..." Zhao Tian turned his head and looked doubtfully at the lush green in the yard.

The old man felt that Zhao Tian behind him suddenly stopped and looked at Zhao Tian staring at the plants in the yard, and his eyes showed doubt. Is this little son also a pharmacist? Then the old man gave up the idea and comforted himself, "How can he be so strong? If he is a pharmacist, is he still a human being? Maybe it's just curiosity."

"Your son, what's wrong with you? Do you also have research on plants?" The old man deliberately inquired.

Hearing the old man's words, Zhao Tian quickly reflected and replied casually, "Ha ha, grandpa, you're kidding. How can I understand so much? I just feel that the flowers and plants you planted are a little special."

"Oh, it's rare for a young man to be interested. He also did some research on flowers and plants in his old age. It's better to discuss it together." The old man said with great interest.

Zhao Tianyi quickly replied modestly, "It's okay to discuss it. I hope you can give me more advice."

After saying that, he continued to follow the old man to walk towards the house, but Zhao Tian seemed to feel something wrong at this time. He couldn't even tell him what it was. The old man opened the door and suddenly a faint fragrance of herbs floated out.

At this time, Zhao Tian believed the feeling in his heart and said, "I have only asked about these medicinal fragrances in my grandfather's room. Obviously, only the elixir refined by the pharmacist can emit this smell. Is this grandfather also a pharmacist, but the last time the man named Yang Meng didn't say that the elixir practiced by the pharmacist was almost very valuable. How could this grandfather wear so depressed?

Zhao Tian suppressed the doubts in his heart and stepped into the room. The decoration in the house is very simple, with a table, a few chairs, and a few pots of plants, and then there is nothing left.

The old man saw that Zhao Tian's face did not show any discomfort. Ma* closed the door and looked out to see if anyone was following him. As soon as the door was closed, the smile on the old man's face immediately turned bitter and bowed deeply to Zhao Tian: "Son, I know you are a good person. Can you do me a favor? At that time, even if you are a cow and a horse, you will be willing to do it.

Zhao Tian was originally measuring the decorations in this room, but was suddenly confused by the old man's bow and quickly helped the old man up: "Grandpa, what are you doing?" If you have anything to say, as long as I can help you, I will do my best.

Under Zhao Tian's strong dissuasion, the old man slowly sat on the chair and took a sip of the waterway: "Sir, I'm not satisfied with what you said. The old man's original name is Huang Tianyun, and he is a first-class alchemist."

"Ah! Grandpa, you are also an alchemist! I said, why do the flowers and plants in your yard have a faint aura!" After listening to Huang Tianyun's words, Zhao Tian was also surprised for a while. As soon as he entered the city, he met a noble alchemist, but he was surprised and then asked, "Grandpa Huang, since you are an alchemist, shouldn't you be respected? How could it be like this!"

"Alas!" Huang Tianyun sighed, and there was also a trace of hatred on his old face. He said fiercely, "It's not a good thing that the Li family has done. I used to live in Luotian City, 150 miles east of Gallo City. I live with my only grandson Huang Hao, and have been refining ordinary Dan to treat injuries for the mercenaries in Luotian City. Medicine, but I didn't expect that the Li family also had drugs for treatment in Luotian City. But I have been selling it in Luotian City for nearly 20 years and has always had a good reputation. The elixir sold by the Li family is not only expensive but also not effective. Just because the Li family felt that I had robbed their business, they invited me to work for the Li family, but I refused. I didn't expect them to arrest my grandson to threaten me from appearing in Luotian City again. With that, Huang Tianyun slapped the table fiercely.

Looking at Zhao Tian, he paused and said again, "I just hate that I don't have the strength to save my grandson. I only know that my grandson was caught in Gallo City, so I followed. In fact, my strength is only a three-level martial artist, and it is impossible to learn alchemy at all, but a secret book uploaded by our Huang family ancestors can practice as long as they practice qi and body. And after this cultivation is successful, an ordinary elixir can be refined. When the patriarch of the Li family knew about this, he threatened me again with my grandson and asked me to hand over the secret book. But that's the ancestral secret of the Huang family, and I can't let it give away in my generation. I couldn't think of any way, so I came here to see if I could find a way for my grandson. I didn't expect it to be so eye-catching! Let me meet you, prince."

Zhao Tian listened to it for a long time and probably understood what was going on. He thought for a moment and said, "You want me to save your grandson?"

When Huang Tianyun heard Zhao Tian's words, it was like grabbing a life-saving grass. He suddenly took Zhao Tian's arm and hurriedly said, "Sir, please, save my grandson. I will do whatever you ask me to do, even if I die."

"Grandpa Huang, don't do this. I just came to Gallo City. I don't know anything here, but don't worry. Your grandson should be fine. They are still thinking about your secret book! It won't hurt your grandson. As long as I have a chance, I will definitely find a way to save your grandson. Zhao Tian said to Huang Tianyun as promised.

When Huang Tianyun heard Zhao Tian's words, he suddenly seemed to see hope, and his eyes showed a happy look: "Thank you, thank you..."

When Zhao Tian saw Huang Tianyun at such an old age, he kept thanking him and was preparing to dissuade him. Suddenly, Huang Tianyun ran inside as if he had thought of something. Zhao Tian was also shocked, but then followed him and saw Huang Tianyun holding the flower pot on the ground around a few times.

"Kakaka..." The voice came from the ground, and after a while, a deep secret road appeared in front of Zhao Tian. At this time, Zhao Tian's eyes were full of surprise and solemnness, while Huang Tianyun did, on the contrary, excitedly watching the entrance of the underground passage getting bigger and bigger. When it was fully opened, Huang Tianyun turned his head and said to Zhao Tian, "Mr., wait here first. I'll go down and get something."

Zhao Tian nodded and didn't say anything. He kept watching Huang Tianyun walk down. Although Zhao Tian is not interested in Huang Tianyun's secret book, Zhao Tian can still lift his energy for unknown things, just like this mysterious tunnel. Although Zhao Tian is curious, he never relax his vigilance. The aura of the whole body has always been prepared, and as long as there is any movement, it can immediately ensure that it will not cause any damage.

After a while, the old man Huang Tianyun ran out breathlessly, holding a black thing like a tripod in his arms.

Huang Tianyun put the things in his arms on the ground and made a loud noise. Alas! This old bone is really not good.

Zhao Tian felt the weight of that thing, and there was also a lot of shock in his heart. How can such a small thing be so heavy! Grandpa Huang, what is this thing you are taking?

"Ha ha, prince, when I came in just now, I found that you had been looking at the spiritual grass planted in my yard, and I knew that you also knew something about alchemy. You just helped me so much that I have nothing to repay you. This is actually an alchemy furnace. It was uploaded by my ancestors. With my ability, it can't be used at all. It's better to give it to you than to bury it. Huang Tianyun said to Zhao Tian breathlessly, and his face had been excited because of what had just happened.

Zhao Tian grew up and asked in surprise, looking at the tripod on the ground, "Is this an alchemy furnace?"

"Yes! I can guarantee that this is the alchemy furnace used by our predecessors of the Huang family.

Zhao Tian showed his curious eyes, looked at it for a while and touched it for a while, and then said to Huang Tianyun, "Grandpa Huang, I can't have this thing."

"What! Why?" When Huang Tianyun heard Zhao Tian's words, the smile on his face immediately froze and asked doubtfully.

"Nothing, this Dan furnace belongs to your predecessor and plays a very important role in you. How can the younger generation have it?" Zhao Tian shook his head and said to Huang Tianyun with a serious face.

Huang Tianyun immediately became anxious after hearing this: "Son, you can't stop it. It's impossible for me to let our Huang family return to its original glory. I don't need this in the future. If you don't want to fall into the hands of other bad people in the future, our Huang family will eventually lose a bad reputation. How can I be worthy of the ancestors of the Huang family at that time? Only a kind person with good conduct can exert its ability. I believe that even the seniors will agree with me to do so.

"Grandpa Huang, I really can't take it. Don't you still have a grandson? Can't we just let him use it then?"