Sky Cultivation

Chapter 137 Fengzhou Team

Chapter 137 Fengzhou Squad

"Ha ha, don't be envious. Sooner or later, you will break through." Zhao Tian looked at the big man and smiled and comforted him.

Zhao Tian found a cave and let everyone else wait outside and help Xiongba in. Xiongba, don't worry, relax your whole body and let the aura rush, but you can't let them rush out. Zhao Tian asked Xiong Ba to sit cross-legged and said in a low voice.

Xiongba also knew that it would not be wrong to listen to Zhao Tian's words. His face was red, but he did not dare to speak for fear that the aura would find an outlet. I will concentrate all the aura within ten feet around you. If necessary, I will absorb it at will. Remember that the aura must be pressed to death in Dantian. You can't give up until the end. I won't help you. Everything depends on your own creation. Zhao Tian's faint voice came to Xiongba's ears.

How could Xiongba not know what Zhao Tian was thinking? He couldn't help but be moved again for a while, but he was sweated by the aura in his body. Zhao Tian looked at Xiong Ba with an indifferent face and didn't mean to take action at all.

The people standing outside are also very anxious. One hour, two hours, three hours until the bright moon is like a hook, and there is still no movement inside.

At this time, a powerful aura rushed out of the cave: "Brothers, try to disperse as far away as possible." Zhao Tian said in a hurry and ran to the distance. Everyone was shocked, but the speed under their feet was not slow, closely following Zhao Tian.

Sure enough, when everyone just stopped, they only heard a loud noise behind them. The whole mountain collapsed because of the vibration of aura. If Zhao Tian and others hadn't left in time, I'm afraid that these stones would not have fallen to the ground, but overwhelmed their bodies, and suddenly a layer of cold appeared on their heads. Sweat.

"Oh, my brother is still in there!" At this time, a man shouted anxiously.

Suddenly, all the big men looked at the collapsed mountain with an anxious face and wanted to rush up but did not dare. Zhao Tian smiled and motioned to calm down: "Don't worry! Xiongba is fine. My aura barrier is protecting him. I guess it's almost time now.

Sure enough, as Zhao Tian's voice fell, there was a loud sound again. A big man with all over his body broke through the collapsed stone and flew to the sky like an eagle. When the big man opened his eyes, he happened to see Zhao Tian and others, who were like wind and shadow, just a few breaths. In front of Zhao Tian, he looked at Zhao Tian with a happy face and said respectfully, "Brother Tian, thank you. I have lived up to your expectations and have successfully broken through."

Zhao Tian nodded with satisfaction, and a floating force in his hand slowly helped Xiongba's worshiped body. Xiongba only felt a strong aura, and he could not resist at all, that is, like an adult treating a child, Xiongba could not even lift the power of resistance.

Xiong Ba shook his head helplessly. Unexpectedly, he had broken through to the martial artist and was still like a child in front of Zhao Tian, with no ability to resist at all. Good, our goal today has also been completed. Let's take back our harvest!"

The group of big men behind them were happy to see that Xiong Ba had nothing to do. Hearing Zhao Tian's words, they hurried to help push the stolen carriage.

As soon as I returned to the village, a villager at the entrance saw Zhao Tian and others. He quickly returned home and carried his cooking pot behind him. He took a rolling pin and shouted loudly as he ran, "Zhao Tian's little hero is back. Come out quickly. Zhao Tian's little hero is out, everyone comes out..."

Suddenly, all the villagers were happy when they heard that Zhao Tian was back, because every time Zhao Tian came back, they would bring them a lot of food, which could be stored and used for the winter. When Zhao Tian came back, they quickly put down their work and went out.

Zhao Tian heard the shouting of the villager far away and suddenly smiled helplessly. Brother Tian, what's wrong with you? The big man around him saw Zhao Tian with a smile and asked puzzledly.

"Ha ha, you will know later." Zhao Tian said mysteriously.

The big man didn't ask much. Sure enough, when he walked to the gate of Haining Village, he suddenly saw a group of villagers standing at the entrance of the village. As soon as he saw Zhao Tian coming back, he took the things used to establish the village head, beating gongs and drums, which looked very lively.

"Big brother, you're back. Why did you go all day this time? We thought something happened to you." Xuan Ning smiled like a flower and looked at Zhao Tian. His childish little face was full of cheerful smiles, which made people look like they wanted to touch.

Zhao Tian suddenly held Xuanning in his arms, pinched the baby-like skin, and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Yan'er made your father angry again."

Xuan Ning pouted his mouth and said dissatisfiedly, "Big brother, I don't know how good my father and I get along. How can we make my father angry? Besides, my father said that I am eight years old and have grown up. I can't always be around my parents.

"Okay, Yan'er is so good. Come down." With that, he didn't care whether Xuan would rather or not. He put Xuanning on the ground, took Xuanning's hand and walked towards the villagers.

"Little hero, nothing happened to you!" The old man looked at Zhao Tian with concern and asked worriedly.

Zhao Tian smiled and said, "Village head, we have nothing to do. This time we met a kind business traveler and gave us a few cars of food and clothes. You can share them with the villagers."

The old man shook his head quickly. If it were some ordinary prey, but a few cars of food and clothes were too valuable: "Little hero, you should keep these things. There are already a lot of things you eat every day, just hunting and giving us. If we want you again, we will be very happy. I won't go."

A big man ran up quickly: "Village head, just accept it!" Our brother Tian is a good person. It happens that you also need these things. If we don't have it, someone will come to our door, but you are different.

Xiongba also came up at this time and said respectfully, "Village head, our brothers have been bothering you here for so long, and these will be regarded as your return. If you don't accept them, we will always be sorry."

Zhao Tian nodded and said with a cautious expression on his face, "Village head, this is our brother's heart, and it is also to repay you. If you don't accept it, our brother will not enter Haining Village in the future and live outside the village every day." His face was full of firmness.

The village head did not dare to ignore it and quickly waved his hand to Zhao Tian: 'Young man, don't! You are all our benefactors. Well, then we will accept it. Think of the food you handed in. We will help you do it well.

At this time, Zhao Tian and the group of big men behind him smiled. Zhao Tian waved his hand and shouted, "Brothers, give everything to the villagers so that they can also wear good clothes and new clothes."

"Good! Villagers, come here to take the grain and cloth casually, and every family has it. A big man climbed into the carriage and shouted at the group of villagers.

Those villagers did not crowd to rob, but lined up in an orderly manner and took them one by one, which fully reflected the simplicity, loyalty and truth of the people of Haining Village. This made Zhao Tian very moved. When it was just noon when the delivery was over, Zhao Tian took Xuanning with one hand and took the two pieces of grain and cloth specially left in the other hand, and walked to Aunt Hu and Xuan Shen's house.

Aunt Hu's legs and feet are not good, but Xuan Shen is because she is busy grinding medicine and drying medicine, so she has no time to pass. Zhao Tian first handed Xuan Ning and a piece of grain cloth to Xuan Shen, and then sent it to Aunt Hu's home alone. Among them, Aunt Hu's enthusiasm insisted on Zhao Tian to stay. Zhao Tian had no choice but to use an excuse to say that he had something to do before returning to Xuan Shen's home.

Zhao Tian did not go to dinner and said that he was not hungry and ran to the room to practice. Yesterday, when he was using the aura, he suddenly found that the aura in his body was a little loose, so he could not take care of anything. He practiced first, so that the aura that had been recovered after a lot of painstaking efforts could not be damaged.

The night is neither long nor short. Zhao Tian cycled more than a dozen auras in his body in one night. The speed is so fast that if Xiongba and others know, they will probably be envious to death.

When it was just dawn in the morning, Zhao Tian had finished practicing. When he opened his eyes, all his fatigue suddenly disappeared and spit out a deep breath of turbid air. Listening to the chickens outside, the responsibility hidden in his heart slowly emerged with the rise of the sun. One's own thing is always his own. The responsibility that a man should complete and what a son should do is like a loophole that appears in the depths of Zhao Tian's heart.

Sitting there quietly, watching the sun rise outside the window. The red sun and people's faces are red. Zhao Tian thought about it for a long time and decided to go to the imperial capital now. Although he is very reluctant to live a quiet life here, but.

Obviously, this quiet life is not what he can live. He doesn't belong here at all. Only the outside world is the place for the eagle to spread its wings. If he puts this eagle in a room, he can only be a bird that is not as good as a sparrow in the future. The outside world is very wonderful, which confirms that sentence: the sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap!